Arcana Heart 3/Teching/old

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"Teching" refers to your character recovering after being hit. It should not be confused with throw-teching, which is a different concept entirely.

Teching can also be called "recovering".

How To Tech

In general, there are three different ways to tech:

  • Press A/B/C in the air to air-tech
  • Hold D as you hit a wall to wall-tech
  • Hold D as you hit the ground to ground-tech

The game displays a red "Recover" message when you do any of these. If you do not tech at all, then your character will fall and get up on the ground.

Note that pressing A+B+C will activate your Arcana, so you should avoid pressing all three buttons when you try to tech, e.g. mash on A and B only.

Teching In A Direction

Often you can choose which way your character moves when she techs by pointing the joystick in the direction you want to go.

When you air-tech with A/B/C, you have 3 choices:

  • Neutral tech (joystick at 2/5/8): your character does a quick flip in-place, without moving left or right.
  • Forwards tech (joystick at 3/6/9): your character flips towards your opponent.
  • Backwards tech (joystick at 1/4/7): your character flips away from your opponent.

When you wall-tech, you have 2 choices:

  • Upwards tech (joystick not at 1/2/3): your character jumps up into the air.
  • Downwards tech (joystick at 1/2/3): your character falls down to the ground.

When you ground-tech, you have 2 choices:

  • Neutral tech (joystick not at 1/4/7): your character stands up quickly in-place.
  • Backwards tech (joystick at 1/4/7): your character does a quick flip away from your opponent.

In training mode, the dummy always does neutral air-techs, upwards wall-techs, and neutral ground-techs. If you are practicing a setup or a tech-bait, remember that human opponents can tech in other directions as well.

When To Tech

If you get hit on the ground and your character remains standing, then you should not try to tech: your character will recover automatically after the move's hit-stun ends. On the other hand, if your character is knocked off her feet or into the air, then she will not recover until you press something.

Usually you want to tech as soon as possible to limit the amount of damage your opponent can do with her combo.

If your opponent's combo counter turns from blue to red, then it means you missed an opportunity to tech during her combo.

When To Avoid Teching

In general, there are 3 reasons why you might want to delay your tech or avoid teching altogether:

  • To avoid being grabbed.
  • To avoid being hit by, or to reduce the damage from, an air-unblockable move.
  • In the case of wall-techs and ground-techs, to save a homing bar.

These will be elaborated on in the Strategy section below.

Recovering from Guardbreak



Did you know that after a tech, you can often do a special move or a super before you can do any normal moves? Small details like this are listed below for each method of teching, along with many other details (useful and less-useful) of how the game engine works.

Character States Before Teching (i.e. When You Can Tech)

These states tell you when you can and cannot tech. This information isn't as useful as what you can and cannot do after you tech, but it's here anyway in case you need it.

After being hit in the air or knocked off her feet, your character goes through the following states.

Note that you can always activate your Arcana at any time during any of the following states, unless your opponent starts a super (i.e. you see the "super flash") or you are in the hit stun from a super. This applies to any hit of any super, even Arcana supers.

Note that you cannot be grabbed during any of these states.


  • Hit-Stun [hit-stun ends]-> Falling [hit the ground]-> Small-Bounce [hit the ground again]-> Lying Down -> Standing Up
  • Hit-Stun [hit the ground]-> Tiny-Bounce [hit the ground again]-> Lying Down -> Standing Up
  • Ground-Bounce [hit the ground]-> Hit-stun
  • Small-Bounce / Tiny-Bounce / Lying Down [hit OTG]-> Tiny-Bounce


  • Hit-Stun / Untechable Frames: your usual state in the air during a combo.
    • Can be hit
    • Cannot air-tech
    • Cannot ground-tech

  • Falling: your state in the air after hit-stun wears off, allowing you to tech.
    • Can be hit (the combo counter turns red)
    • Can air-tech
    • Can ground-tech (when you hit the ground)

  • Small-Bounce: your state after you hit the ground while falling, i.e. you could have teched before hitting the ground, but chose not to. Your character does a small bounce off the ground, but unlike "Ground-Bounce", she cannot be relaunched into the air: any hits count as OTG. You can still air-tech after the bounce, unless you are hit OTG.
    • Can be hit (OTG)
    • Can air-tech
    • Can ground-tech (when you hit the ground again)

  • Lying Down: your state after hitting the ground a second time. Your character lies motionless for a moment on the ground, giving you a chance to ground-tech before your character starts standing up. You can still be hit OTG, though.
    • Can be hit (OTG)
    • Cannot air-tech
    • Can ground-tech

  • Standing Up: your state if you did not tech at all. You are invincible and cannot do anything until your character is fully-standing.
    • Cannot be hit
    • Cannot air-tech
    • Cannot ground-tech

  • Tiny-Bounce: your state if you hit the ground during Hit-Stun or if you are hit OTG. You cannot ground-tech at first: your character does a tiny bounce / flinch and you can ground-tech afterwards. Most 2C attacks (sweeps) leave you in this state when you land, which is why you can't air-tech them and you can't ground-tech right away.
    • Can be hit (OTG)
    • Cannot air-tech
    • Can ground-tech (when you hit the ground again)

  • Ground-Bounce: your state after being hit by specific moves that bounce you high off the ground, such as Kira's 5B, Nazuna's j.A+D, or Kamui's powered-up 421x. After you bounce off the ground, you will end up in Hit-Stun and can be comboed normally.
    • Can be hit
    • Cannot air-tech
    • Cannot ground-tech

Character States After Teching (i.e. What You Can Do And What Can Hit You)

These states tell you what you can do and what you are vulnerable to after you tech.

When you tech, your character goes through one or more of the following states:

  • Invincible: you can't attack and you can't be attacked.
    • Cannot be grabbed
    • Cannot use specials/supers/homing
    • Cannot use normal attacks/throws/jumps
    • Cannot be hit

  • Throwable: you can be grabbed, but you can't do anything. If your opponent grabs you with a normal throw (not a command grab) then you can throw-tech it.
    • Can be grabbed (throw-techable)
    • Cannot use specials/supers/homing
    • Cannot use normal attacks/throws/jumps
    • Cannot be hit

  • Special-Cancellable: you can be grabbed and you can cancel into specials, supers, and homing. Cancelling into anything will remove your invincibility.
    • Can be grabbed (throw-techable)
    • Can use specials/supers/homing
    • Cannot use normal attacks/throws/jumps
    • Cannot be hit

  • All-Cancellable: you can be grabbed and you can cancel into anything. Cancelling into anything will remove your invincibility.
    • Can be grabbed (throw-techable)
    • Can use specials/supers/homing
    • Can use normal attacks/throws/jumps
    • Cannot be hit

  • Normal: your normal, vulnerable, do-whatever-you-want state.
    • Can be grabbed (throw-techable)
    • Can use specials/supers/homing
    • Can use normal attacks/throws/jumps
    • Can be hit (and you can block, too)

Neutral Air-Tech Details

  • You start Throwable.
  • Your character does a quick flip in-place.
  • At the apex of the flip, you return to Normal.

There may be a few Special-Cancellable frames before you return to normal: it is difficult to tell.

Forwards/Backwards Air-Tech Details

  • You start Throwable.
  • Your character flips in an arc forwards/backwards. This takes longer than the neutral air-tech.
  • At the apex of the flip, you become Special-Cancellable.
  • Just above your original height (when you pressed A/B/C), you return to Normal.

So you can use specials, supers, and homing sooner than you can use normals. This gives you a window to use 4D and invincible supers before your invincibility disappears, so that there will be no frame where you are vulnerable.

You can also use these techs to throw off your opponent's timing if she was expecting you to neutral air-tech, since your invincibility lasts longer, and vice-versa.

Upwards Wall-Tech Details

  • You start Throwable.
  • Your character sticks to the wall for a moment.
  • You become All-Cancellable when your character jumps off the wall.
  • Shortly after leaving the wall, you return to Normal.

Notice that you are invulnerable to air-unblockables while you are on the wall and shortly thereafter. This gives you an opportunity, during the All-Cancellable frames, to use 4D to extend your invincibility, or to use an invincible super. You might even be able to hit your opponent with j.A before their air-unblockable hits you.

Technically you can double-jump as soon as your character leaves the wall. However, you need to be a minimum distance off the ground in order to double-jump. So after being hit by e.g. 5E on the ground, you won't be able to double jump right away.

(Yes, I really did test that you can be thrown and can tech the throw as soon as you hit the wall. It wasn't easy. HRAP turbos helped. - Bill)

Downwards Wall-Tech Details

  • You start Throwable.
  • Your character sticks to the wall for a moment.
  • You become All-Cancellable when your character starts to fall.
  • If you land while All-Cancellable, you immediately return to Normal on the ground.
  • Shortly after leaving the wall, you return to Normal even if you are still in the air.

Again, there is a period where you are invulnerable to air-unblockables. To get an idea of how long the invulnerability lasts, if Kira does 5B 6C as fast as possible, then she cannot air-unblockable you after you wall-tech. However, if she cancels into 6C a little later, you will wall-tech higher and lose your invulnerability before you land.

Neutral Ground-Tech Details

  • You start Invincible.
  • Your characters stands up quickly in-place.
  • Once your character is on her feet, you return to Normal.

There may be a few Special-Cancellable frames before you return to normal: it is difficult to tell.

Backwards Ground-Tech Details

  • You start Invincible.
  • Your character flips backwards. This takes longer than the neutral ground-tech.
  • Once your character is on her feet, you become Special-Cancellable for a while.
  • Shortly thereafter, you return to Normal.

Sometimes a backwards ground-tech can actually move you closer to your opponent, depending on which way your character is facing when she lands. For example, after bouncing off a wall, you will fall and land facing towards the wall and away from your opponent, so pressing your joystick forwards when you ground-tech will make you flip towards her. The same applies if your opponent knocks you down from the air, then lands behind you.

Like the forwards/backwards air-tech, you can use specials, supers, and homing sooner than you can use normals. This gives you a window to use 4D and invincible supers before your invincibility disappears, so that there will be no frame where you are vulnerable.

You can also use this tech to throw off your opponent's timing if she was expecting you to neutral ground-tech, since your invincibility lasts longer, and vice-versa.

Arcana Heart 3

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Specific Mechanics

MultiplierClashExtendFramesHealthHoming CancelProrationTeching