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Your Only Move Is Hustle's Heads Up Display (HUD), may look intimidating at first, specially the lower part... Let's break it down.

YH's Default HUD.

Upper HUD

The upper portion of YH's HUD.

This portion of the HUD shows several important resource gauges and resource counts.

Character Icon - Shows who's playing who, and their user ID above it.

Health - Shows remaining HP. Does not show an exact number, but will turn orange, showing predicted damage during a turn.

BURST!! - Burst gauge. Your main way out of combos, as well as your resource to use for some cancels. Again, does not show an exact number.

Air Options - Shows remaining air movement options. Useful for knowing when you're about to be forced to drop a really high combo. These recharge upon touching the ground.

Free Cancels - Also known as FCs, these are charges used to freely cancel a move on your opponents turn into another attack. These recharge as well.

Round Timer - Used to see how many frames are left in the round. Keep a good eye on it, or you might run out of time!

Lower HUD

YH's lower half of the HUD.

This portion of the HUD can is more complex, but is still overall not too bad. This is the main interactive part of the GUI.

Level Gauge - YH's meter system. You can expend levels to do supers.

DI - The directional influence interface. You can drag and drop the point on the plain to simulate holding in or out of combos like you would on a stick.

Option Select Menu - There's a lot to unpack here. Defense, Special, Attack, and Movement options all differ for each character, but selecting one will let the system predict what will happen. You will do the selected move if you lock it in, or the timer runs out.

Lock In - Locks in an action. You can't change it once you've done so.

Hold - Holds the current in progress action.

Free Toggle - If a move is selected, this is toggled on, and you lock it in, you will be able to free cancel your move.

Flip Toggle - Flips a move around if selected.

Undo - Only available in single player. Undoes a turn.

