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Create a field display to mimic spells, patterns, or movements. Uses branch templates Template:DoEPlayfield/Entity and Template:DoEPlayfield/Highlight.

-->{{DoEPlayfield/Entity   |y=2|x=2|image=Hero_Saffron.png}}<!--

Template Parameters

{{DoEPlayfield|float=none|caption=Bottom text|
  • unnamed parameter 1 Entities and Tile Highlights using Template:DoEPlayfield/Entity and Template:DoEPlayfield/Highlight. Order matters as elements placed higher display below other elements.
  • caption (Optional) Caption to display underneath the field display.
    • blanklines (Optional) Extra blank lines underneath the playfield. Literally extra "
      " characters. Value must be 1, 2, or 3 if used.
  • float (Optional) CSS float property. Useful to set as left so that you can have field displays side-by-side. (Default: none)
  • gray (Optional) Changes to a fully gray field instead of the default blue/red field if set to "yes". (Default: no)

Entity Parameters

  • x The column to place the entity. (Default: 2)
  • y The row to place the entity. (Default: 2)
  • image Entity image aligned to the bottom center of the image. (Default: Hero_Saffron.png) See Category:Sprites for all the sprites uploaded.
  • opacity The entity opacity. Useful for conveying movement. (Default: 100%)
  • flatalign The Sprites are placed slightly above the bottom edge of the tile. Set this to "yes" to align it flat against the bottom of the tile. (Default: no)
  • offsetx or offsety The entity's x or y location in pixels, alinged to the bottom cemter of the image. Overwrites x or y parameter. Avoid using this unless the image doesn't line up on the tile. (Dimensions of box are 338px by 168px)
  • flip Flip the image along the x-axis if set to "yes". (Default: no)
  • rotate (Optional) Rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise if set to "cw", and 90 counter-clockwise if set to "ccw".
  • autoscale Sprites are scaled up x3 on the wiki as .pngs upslace poorly on Mediawiki. This simply scales images down to 1/3 to fit properly on the playfields. Keeps image size if set to "no". (Default: yes)

Highlight Parameters

  • x The column to place the entity. (Default: 2)
  • y The row to place the entity. (Default: 2)
  • opacity Highlight opacity. Useful for showing moving attacks. (Default: 1.0)
  • type Sets the tile color and effect to a preset.
Argument HTML/Hex Color Sprite
enemyattack #5d5e09 none
salmon File:Tile Fire.png
File:Tile Fire.png
blast none File:Tile_Blast.png
- File:Tile Blast.png
break #25344b File:Tile_Broken.png
File:Tile Broken.png
crack none File:Tile_Cracked.png
- File:Tile Cracked.png
warning none File:Tile_Warning_Attack.png
- File:Tile Warning Attack.png
warning3 none File:Tile_Warning_Attack3.png
- File:Tile Warning Attack3.png
warning break none File:Tile_Warning_Break.png
- File:Tile Warning Break.png
warning heal none File:Tile_Warning_Heal.png
- File:Tile Warning Heal.png
warning note none File:Tile_Warning_Note.png
- File:Tile Warning Note.png
warning shield none File:Tile_Warning_Shield.png
- File:Tile Warning Shield.png
default value gray none
- -
none none none
- -


Instead of filling out code manually for basic spells, you can use a preset.

Template:DoEPlayfield/Preset 4 Tile
Template:DoEPlayfield/Preset Straight
Template:DoEPlayfield/Preset Straight Pierce
Template:DoEPlayfield/Preset Straight Laser

Preset Parameters

  • caption The caption can be changed, but each has their own default.
  • float As without the preset, float CSS. (Default: none)
  • user The user of the spell on the left. (Default: Hero_Saffron.png)
  • target The target of the spell on the right. (Default: Structure_Debris.png OR empty)

Template Shortcuts


Basic Example

Found on any 4 tile target spell page, like Template:Spells. Use Template:DoEPlayfield/Preset 4 Tile if possible.


{{DoEPlayfield/Entity   |x=2|y=2|image=Hero_Saffron.png}}

Full Example

From Gate#Strategy page using a lot of parameters.

Source: (Note: This page uses comments to organize on the original page and prevent line breaks due to list formatting. Without them the code breaks.)

-->{{DoEPlayfield/Entity|offsetx=330px|offsety=270px|image=Boss Gate.png}}<!--
-->{{DoEPlayfield/Entity   |y=2|x=2|opacity=0.30}}<!--
-->{{DoEPlayfield/Entity   |y=3|x=2|opacity=0.35}}<!--
-->{{DoEPlayfield/Entity   |y=3|x=3|opacity=0.40}}<!--
-->{{DoEPlayfield/Entity   |y=3|x=4|opacity=0.45}}<!--
-->{{DoEPlayfield/Entity   |y=2|x=4|opacity=0.50}}<!--
-->{{DoEPlayfield/Entity   |y=1|x=4|opacity=0.55}}<!--
-->{{DoEPlayfield/Entity   |y=1|x=3|opacity=1.00}}<!--