Akatsuki Blitzkampf/System Specifics

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  • Health Points
Every character has a set amount of 14400 HP.
  • Armor Ratio
A character-specific value indicating "toughness" of each fighter. In game real damage the hit does = its default damage x Armor Ratio. AR values were "calculated" by taking a single hit that did 1000pts on majority of the cast and hitting every other character with it. Results:
0.500: Wei (only during his A+B+C power up)
0.750: Wei (only during his 22A / 22+B+C power up)
0.875: Anonym (lasts 6 seconds after her level 3)
0.925: Blitztank
0.950: Wei
0.975: Kanae
1.000: Akatsuki, Sai, Fritz, Elektrosoldat, Murakumo
1.025: Marilyn Sue, Adler
1.050: Mycale, Anonym
  • Combo damage modifiers
x0.75 - 2nd hit
x0.50 - 3rd hit
x0.25 - 4th hit and onward
  • Situational damage modifiers
x0.25 - OTG hits
x1.25 - Counter hits
x1.50 - Back Attacks
  • Custom damage modifiers
x1.30 - Wei's 22C / 22+B+C
x1.50 - Wei's A+B+C
x1.125 - Anonym, 6 seconds after her level 3
  • Health difference
Damage dealt and received is impacted by health difference, calculated using this formula: × {1+ (Defender health-Attacker health) / 57600}
  • Guts
Lowers received damage.
Under 25% life (3600 HP) × (0.5 + defender's health / 7200)


  • Movement Speed
How fast each character walks forward and back, in dots per frame.
Forward                           Backwards
dots/F | Character                dots/F | Character
------------------------------    ---------------------
 10.75 | Murakumo                   6.0  | Wei (sped up)
  7.0  | Wei (sped up)              5.0  | Sai, Marilyn, Murakumo
  6.0  | Sai, Marilyn               4.5  | Soldat, Adler
  5.5  | Soldat, Adler              4.0  | Akatsuki, Fritz, Tank
  5.0  | Akatsuki, Fritz, Tank      3.5  | Mycale, Kanae, Anonym
  4.5  | Mycale, Kanae, Anonym      3.0  | Wei
  3.5  | Wei
  • Reflector Speed
A whiffed reflector will animate for 36 frames.


  • Jump startup
How long does it take before the character is considered airborne after jumping.
Startup | Character
   1F   | Wei (sped up)
   3F   | Akatsuki, Fritz, Marylin, Anonym, Soldat, Adler, Murakumo
   4F   | Mycale, Sai, Kanae, Wei
   5F   | Tank


Backdashes are invulnerable from frames 1 to 6 except Murakumo's, which is invulnerable on frames 11 to 22.
Duration | Character
   12F   | Kanae
   18F   | Akatsuki, Fritz, Marilyn, Soldat, Adler
   20F   | Sai, Wei
   24F   | Mycale
   27F   | Nun
   30F   | Tank
   32F   | Murakumo

Throw Data

  • Throws can be tech-hit (throw-break) by inputting throw command prior to being grabbed. There is no window for tech-hit after you've been grabbed.
  • The window to break a throw is 7F for an incoming airthrow from air reset hitstun or blockstun.
  • When falling from air reset hitstun you can still input a throw break even though your character will perform no action. The throw break will still occur if it is input within the 7F window prior to getting grabbed.
  • Teching on the ground requires you to be in your own throw startup animation, so the actual tech window varies. The window is normally 7F prior to being grabbed, but is reduced to 3F/4F when coming out of blockstun or hitstun (as in, a tick throw).
  • There are 3 frames of throw invulnerability on wakeup, when leaving blockstun, and leaving hitstun.
  • There are 0 frames of throw invulnerability on landing from either air reset-hitstun or air-blockstun. There is also a landing recovery that can be canceled by an attack, but can not be canceled by a dash or jump. This makes meaty grabs inescapable via jump or dash/backdash on landing, unless you reversal or throw break.
  • Just to clarify: You can combo throws or command throws during hitstun, but when hitstun ends there's that 3 frames of throw invulnerability before you can be grabbed again. A meaty grab on landing from air reset-hitstun or air-blockstun can only be escaped by reversaling with something invulnerable to throws, or with a throw break.
  • Whiffed Reflectors have no throw invulnerability.

Combo System

  • Introduction
Though the combo system in Akatsuki Blitzkampf may not be as complex as newer generation fighting games such as Guilty Gear, understanding how the combo system works can give you an advantage over a less experienced opponent.
  • Consecutive Hits
There is no real significance to this term. Consecutive Hits is simply the name given to any combo that registers on the combo counter. The combo counter is the white number that appears after you have successfully comboed two or more hits.
Unlike newer games, there is no way to tell if your combo was valid or not. Usually this is only an issue when a character is getting comboed while close to the ground. To determine whether such a combo was valid or not, perform it in training mode with the dummy recovery option set to ON. In most cases, if the dummy techs after all the hits have connected, then the combo was guaranteed. There is however, a bug regarding CPU recovery in training mode, that is if a player does an EX flash right before the cpu touches the ground then the cpu will fail to perform the recovery. For example, in training mode with recovery enabled, Adler lands a ground throw and immediately does 22BC, the cpu eats the hits when a human player could have recovered.
  • Chain Combination
Every character has the ability to chain normal attacks together. This maneuver is known as a Chain Combination. Each character has a unique set of Chain Combinations available to them, though the sequence usually progresses from A -> B -> C. There are a few exceptions but many Chain Combinations follow this rule. Chain Combinations are pretty easy to perform. Simply press the first button in an attack sequence quickly followed by the next. The first attack will hit and the recovery of that hit will be cancelled into the next attack. This can continue so long as you follow the character's Chain Combination path. It should also be noted that while some moves can be chained into each other, some may not always combo due to startup and hitstun of various attacks.
  • Special Cancels
2-1 ("two in one") is an ancient combo mechanic that has appeared in almost every 2D fighting game. The concept involves cancelling Normal Attacks into a Special Attack or Super Attack. To execute this cancel, attack your opponent with a Normal Attack, then quickly perform the command for a Special or Super Attack before the original attack has completed. If done properly, the Normal Attack will connect and then instantly cancelled into the Special Attack or Super Attack that you executed.
Logically, it is best to execute Special Cancels as quickly as possible. A beginner may want to start off by executing them off slower Normal Attacks such as 5C or 5B because these attacks have a longer duration of hitstun and thus cancelling into a Special or Super Attack will be easier than starting out with A attacks. As you become more familiar with this concept, you will eventually discover that many Normal Attacks are cancellable which will greatly expand your combo options.
  • Super Cancels
Super Cancels work in almost the exact same manner as Special Cancels. It involves cancelling a Special Attack into a Super attack. To execute this cancel, attack your opponent with a Special Attack, and as the attack is hitting the opponent, quickly perform the motion for the Super Attack. If done properly, the Special Attack will connect and will be instantly cancelled into the Super Attack that you chose.
Practically every Special Attack in the game can be super cancelled provided that the right conditions are met when performing the Super Attack. Implementing super cancels into your combos can greatly increase your damage output.
  • Off The Ground (OTG)
An OTG hit is an attack that hits the opponent after they have hit the ground. If you have knocked the opponent down and you are close and they did not tech roll, you can usually follow up with one or more OTG hits depending on your attack. It is useful to know which of your character's attacks can hit a downed opponent. OTG attacks only do 25% of their normal damage in addition to any other damage scaling factors such as how many hits preceded the OTG hits.
It is also worthy to note that once a character has hit the ground, your OTG hit will not relaunch them. Relaunches can only be performed if you hit the opponent before they touch the ground.
  • Links
Links are similar to Chain Combinations but they require specific timing to actually combo the attacks that are being used. To link two moves together usually means to perform one attack, let it recover completely, and then perform another attack before the opponent's hit stun has ended. The major difference between a link and a Chain Combination is the fact that links can involve almost every kind of attack, from Normal to Specials and even Super Attacks. Chain Combinations involve Normal Attacks only.
There is another type of link that can occur after both Special and Super Attacks that leave the opponent in a state in which they are completely vulnerable. Moves such as stuns, sweeps, and launchers usually have the ability to link into other attacks. These combos are classified as links because they are not programmed into the game the way Chain Combinations are. Experiment with different attacks to find good link combos.
  • Juggles
Juggles are combos that are performed after the opponent is launched into the air. This is quite possibly the most popular form of comboing in the game as it can lead to big damage or favorable positions under the right circumstances. In order for a juggle combo to work, the opponent needs to be put into a juggle state first. There are 3 methods in which an opponent can be put into a juggle state in which you can follow up with additional hits for more damage.
  • The first method of getting the opponent into a juggle state involves comboing two or more hits against an airborne opponent. Notice that hitting an airborne opponent with certain attacks will cause them to land on their feet. However, if you combo two or more hits against an airborne opponent, they will enter the juggle state and will be unable to land on their feet and will be forced to tech roll. Before they reach the ground it is possible to add extra hits to earn more damage. Certain Special and Super attacks can put the opponent into a juggle state but you will be unable to follow up with additional hits because of your positioning on the screen or the attack's recovery time.
  • The second method that forces an opponent into a juggle state is off a reflector. When a non-projectile attack is reflected, the character will automatically counter with a quick attack that forces the opponent into a juggle state. From there, you can use additional attacks to juggle them for more damage before they reach the ground.
  • The third method of causing the opponent to enter a juggle state involves using a character's move that automatically puts them into a juggle state. Almost every character has one or more moves that can achieve this effect. The list of moves that instantly cause a juggle state are as follows:
       Character      |     Attacks
       Akatsuki       |     6C, j.8C, 214B, A+B+C
       Mycale         |     close 5C
       Sai            |     4C, 5C, close 2C, 236B/C, 236+B+C
       Kanae          |     j.8C, 236A/B/C, 214A
       Fritz          |     j.B
       Marilyn        |     236+A/B/C(x3), 2C, 236A/B/C->4A/B/C, air throw
       Wei            |     5C, [4]3+A/B/C, [2]8+A/B/C, [4]6+B+C
       Anonym         |     4C
       Elektrosoldat  |     6C, [4]6+B+C
       Adler          |     214A
       Murakumo       |     22A/B/C, 22+B+C
Juggles play a critical role in performing damaging combos that oftentimes lead to advantageous positions. Learn how to set them up as well as execute them with precision.
  • Gravity
Another feature of the combo system is gravity effects. The more hits used after a launcher, the lower the character will be launched. This can either be beneficial or harmful to your combos. Some combos are only possible if the opponent gets launched high while other combos are easier to perform if the character gets launched at a lower hight. Gravity effects also make it impossible to perform infinite combos. Know how many hits can be used in a juggle before ending it in order to maximize damage.


  • Reflect-Kara
It is possible to cancel a reflector into a super as a kara-cancel. You will see the first frames of a reflector, canceled immediately into the super. This is due to the fact that the inputs for the moves overlap and there is a window for buffering commands which allows this to occur. It is theoretically possible to use this as an option select for some situations, since you will reflect an incoming hit or perform your super if they blocked. Obviously not every super is ideal for this usage.
  • Free-Action Storing
If you reflect a projectile, you will not perform an auto-counter. Once this occurs, your character will "store" an action since the game expects an auto-counter but did not receive one. Your next attack can be used in any state where your character can attack, even in states where you are normally not allowed to such as post-airblock and air-reset. Only the next attack is affected; being hit does not make you lose your stored action, but whiffing an attack will count.
  • Special Fast-Fall
When landing from a jump (empty or not), specials and super moves can be performed prior to actually landing, which will make the character land faster and perform the move sooner than they would have normally landed. For example: if a jumping attack is reflected by a grounded opponent it is possible to perform a ground-special move faster than you would be able to land and block or reflect. Such as performing a shallow j.C then land and 22C with Akatsuki, where the DP would beat the reflector-counter but he would have otherwise not been able to land and block or reflect the opponent's reflector-counter in time. Or like Kanae j.C reflected, then Kanae does 214B before landing where the j.C was too high for her to land and block or reflect in time, but the 214B causes the fast-fall and it comes out in time.
To beat this, it's possible to anticipate the fast-fall and reflect twice which beats most specials or super moves. However, there are some moves that beat a second reflector attempt, causing a mixup situation. There are also a few moves that can beat both a second reflector attempt and/or a reflector-counter, such as Sai's A+B+C super and Kanae's 236B+C super grab.
  • Specials after KO
Not exactly a glitch, but more of a fighting games feature which can be found in many of them and serves as a mechanic to save you from losing meter after already landed KO (and as a great opportunity to show-off). When you KO'd your opponent and slow-mo is in effect, you have some time to buffer input of any special or EX special attack (including A+B+C), granted you are in appropriate conditions for it (i.e. KO is done by the move that can be canceled or by the move with small recovery so there is enough slow-mo time to link into specials), but you will not lose meter. Also, neither you or your opponent will receive meter from damage after KO, so that's why you should aim to close the round with the most damaging meterless combo before ending it with meter.

Marilyn Sue
System Specifics