Punch Planet/HUD

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Punch Planet Heads-Up Display

Pp hud.jpg

1Timer ・ This timer shows how much time is left.

2Health Bar/Win Count ・ Displays the amount of health the player currently havs, and round count. The Letter in your round count is determined how the victory was acheived. V for a normal KO, S for a KO done with a Super, C for a 'Chip' Kill, and D for a Double KO.

3E Meter ・ Displays how much E meter each player currently has, each 'chunk' is 1 stock of E meter.

4T Meter ・ Displays how much T Meter each player currently has, each 'chunk' is 1 stock of T Meter.

5Combo Information ・ Displays Combo Count, Juggle Points available, and damage done after the combo is finished.

6Character State ・ Displays the current character's state during recovery situations. States include Wake up, Hard Knockdown, Air Reset, Counter Hit, and Reversal.