Eternal Fighter Zero/Netplay/Port Forward

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Testing if you can host without forwarding ports

Most players should be able to play online without port forwarding. Try hosting by following the Using EFZ Revival guide before reading this page! It is highly recommended to test your host in the EFZ Discord Server first, this is the fastest way to test whether or not you need to port forward.

Port Forward Introduction

Only the host needs to port forward.
This page will guide you through the port forward process. While this guide may not fit every router setup, it should fit most. If you are having any problems at all, do not hesitate to ask in the EFZ Discord! We're more than happy to help.
DISCLAIMER: Read ALL of this guide. Don't skim it. Don't skip sections unless told to.
This guide will link to a website called They try and push their "portforward tools" onto you at the tops of guides - ignore these. You do not need to download anything to portforward.
Things you will need:

0. Determine whether you have access to IPv6

Click here and see if you have access to IPv6.
If under IPv6 connectivity it says "Not supported" or something similar, go to step 1. Otherwise, carry on with step 0.
If under IPv6 connectivity it says "Supported", there's a very good chance you don't need to portforward. The only issue is that your opponent must also be able to use IPv6, meaning you'll be limited in who can join your host. Simply copy the address in the IPv6 box on the IPv6-test website and paste it into Discord. You will want to format your IP address so it looks like [2001:5ab:6f5:1d8:48a:c9cc:8a9a:6aff]:10800. To break it down, the string you copied goes between the square brackets and the "port" goes on the end after a colon. The default port for EFZ is 10800, so just use that.
Before you can host you will need to go into EfzRevival.ini and find the option called "Protocol". You can find this easily with Ctrl+F and searching for Protocol. By default this is set to IPv4. To host using IPv6, simply change this setting to IPv6, then save and close the file. If you had EfzRevival.exe open, close and reopen it to load the new config settings.
Next, send your properly formatted IP address to the #efz channel and ask if anyone can test your host. If all is working properly, you should be able to host without portforwarding! If you're still having trouble, you can follow the rest of this guy to try and set up IPv4 hosting. You will need to change the "Protocol" setting back to IPv4 in EfzRevival.ini if you plan to do this.

1. Setting up a static IP address

The IP address we will be making static is your PC's internal IP address - in other words, the string of numbers that identifies your PC to your router. This will look something like - it may look different for you.
There are some very good guides on this subject that can be found here.
After setting up your static IP address, move onto the next step.

2. Identifying your router and finding the correct guide

On your router should be a sticker listing model name and model number. As an example, mine is a BT Smart Hub - Type A. Make a note of this and go back to your PC.
You will want to find your router on this page. First, find your ISP. Mine is BT, so I follow the BT link.
NOTE: An annoying popup will come up telling you to download a program. Click the small text at the bottom of the window that says [X] Close.
From here, you will want to find the router closest in model name and number to the one you own. It's very possible they don't have an exact guide for your router, however any of the guides should work due to ISPs rarely changing the router's user interface too frequently or drastically.
My router model was not listed, so I just clicked on the guide for BT Home Hub 5. Luckily, the images in the guide show the user interface is very similar to my own router's.
Follow the guide step by step until you get to the step that configures your ports. Instead of following the guide's ports (it will try and set up an Xbox One or something similar), you will want to configure the following port:
Protocol: UDP
Port range: 10800-10800
Translate to: 10800-10800
IP Address: This will be the IP you set up in Step 1.
You should be able to leave any other settings/options blank or unchecked. If you run into any issues or get confused, feel free to ask in the EFZ Discord. Continue following the rest of the guide to save your settings.

3. Finding your external IP address

Assuming you've set everything up correctly, you should now be able to host. We will now need to find your external IP address, your router's public identification address, so that people can join your host. Simply Google "ip" and it should return your address as the first result. Copy and paste this into Discord, add :10800 onto the end of it (it should look something like and send it to the #efz channel asking if anyone can test your host. If they connect, congratulations! You've set everything up. If not, go over this guide once again and double check you've set everything up correctly. If problems still persist, see the following step.

4. Possible issues and fixes

There are a few standout reasons why your host may not be working.
  • EfzRevival.exe is blocked via Firewall. Fix: Allow the program through the Windows Firewall, a guide can be found here.
  • An Antivirus program is blocking incoming and/or outgoing connections. To test this, turn off your Antivirus briefly and get someone to check your host again. If they can connect, you will want to navigate your Antivirus' setting and add EfzRevival.exe as an exception.
If even after all of this you still cannot host, try contacting your ISP and getting help directly from them.

Nayuki (asleep)
Nayuki (awake)