Under Night In-Birth/UNICLR/Mika/Strategy

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Disclaimer: This is a community written page and may contain opinions that not all players may agree with. Use at your own discretion.

General Gameplan

Mika doesn't exactly have the best reach in a game filled with Scythes and Swords, so you'll want to get up close and personal to use your fast tools and start the pressure!

To get in - You will likely need to get accustomed to dashblocking to deal with her stubby range. However, once in range, you have access to a couple of pokes. Her dash attacks are pretty good, with 66B having an almost comically large hitbox. j.[C] is very good at stuffing mistimed anti-airs/horziontal commitments, and 623A slides a good amount across the screen while being safe on block. Getting used to piloting 236X is an important tool in her arsenal.

While her 214X series might not be a great command grab on its own, it becomes an incredibly dangerous threat to GRD break any opponent who dares to shield against you, or TRM throw anyone who tries to OS you. As such, without the defensive benefits of shielding, Mika's pressure can become scary to deal with.

Up close, Mika's pressure and mixup game is simple, yet strong. She has the movement for good stagger pressure. From assault, j.C is plus on block, and j.B with CS can be a blazing fast comboable overhead. 3B, 623A, and 236X can all move you forward, and be made extra safe with CS too! 2C moves you forward during it, which makes it a great way to stay up close and personal, and the relatively low frame data on moves like 5A and 2A allow for strong pressure resets. Anyone who dares to use shield or OS against you will eat a 214x!

Mika also has some surprisingly useful defensive options! 623X~X is a very potent anti air, and 623C is an invulnerable reversal. Her jabs are 5f, which is pretty okay in the world of UNI.


how to play neutral


tools and plans to approach

Keep Away and Stalling

Most of the time Mika wants to be right in your opponent's face to be as scary as possible, but there are situations where she wants to run down the clock and keep the opponent far away too. The most obvious example being having a health lead in a low timer situation. When something like this happens you have a couple options:

  • j236A9X jAA

You can jAA multiple times in the air to carry your horizontal momentum without losing height or access to your other air options. This gives you a lot of mobility and if you're able to cross your opponent up safely many characters have a hard time catching up to you. Combine this with options like assault and j623X to keep your opponent unsure about where and when you're landing. Generally when you use j236A9X to start air stalling you get a maximum of three jAAs but assaulting will give you a fourth one with max height and well-timed mashing.

On the topic of maximizing your jAAs, spending resources will give you more time to stall: 236C is very effective when added to this strategy. It gives you another three jAAs and allows you to change which side of your opponent you're on. If you chain shift after using your assault it will also refresh which can give you another jAA.

It's pretty hilarious to see Mika doing her best Jigglypuff impression when doing this but you do have to make sure you're careful about running into IWEXS (which are air blockable) and other large anti airs. Stalling like this is particularly strong in matchups like Chaos or Enkidu where their dash speed or anti airs are generally too slow to catch up with us while we're flying around, but be careful against faster characters like Hyde or characters that can fill the screen like Gordeau and Hilda. This keepaway method is also prone to cause scrambles so keep an eye on health/time/meter to figure out how hard you can commit to running away.

  • 623BB 236C6X6X3X

This is a little less complicated than managing air resources but the tradeoff is that it doesn't stall for as long. One rarely mentioned strength of Mika is that even when her mash-outs get blocked she is able to cancel into Missile and put herself on the other side of the screen. This means you can very easily set up situations where you force your opponent to run to you if you have the life lead. While they're trying to close this space you can hit them with 623X then 236C to the other side of the screen and make them run over to you all over again.

This is a nice stable approach to stalling as if the 623B connects they will not really be able to stop you from using EX Missile to run to the other side of the screen. It's very nice to use when you're playing against a character with stronger anti-airs and jAA stalling isn't a safe option.


how to keep the advantage


tools to frame trap, blockstring,


lead up enders and tools to help in keeping pressure on opponents waking up


tools that have situational, limited, or questionable usage


how to defend against, break, or escape pressure

Reversal Tools

tools that are invincible, strong, or fast at getting out of pressure/okizeme

Option Selects

  • 3C~AD

The best risk/reward out of all of her defensive OSes and covers the most important options. It has a large hitbox and gets head invuln very early, on top of leading to full combo on hit. Great OS for covering throws and assaults at the same time.

  • 2A, 66B and 5B>2B>2A

These two OSes are actually offensive OSes to use when you're trying to meaty the opponent. The first one gives you 5B if they block the 2A and 66B if they backdash, and the second one will give you 5BB if they backdash. Very nice against characters like Gordeau, Akatsuki, and Hyde that love to backdash on wakeup.

Counter Strategies

general ways to aid players having trouble fighting against this character

Match Ups

Uni hyde icon.png
[character page][match videos]
assault jc round start until he realizes he has to instant detonate to punish it then whiff punish detonate
Uni linne icon.png
Linne[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
Uni waldstein icon.png
Waldstein[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
Uni carmine icon.png
Carmine[No Data]
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Uni orie icon.png
[character page][match videos]
In most situations Orie shouldn't be able to get you in 22C mix on your wakeup. On most instant getups you can just react to her doing 22C and run out. If you delay getup for whatever reason you can 236C or 214C to avoid the incoming mixup as well.
Uni gordeau icon.png
Gordeau[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
Uni merkava icon.png
Merkava[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
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Vatista[No Data]
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Seth[No Data]
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Uni yuzuriha icon.png
Yuzuriha[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
Uni hilda icon.png
Hilda[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
Uni chaos icon.png
[character page][match videos]
Mika's 5B, 2B, and 66B are all extremely good tools at dealing with Azhi (especially 2B), and tornado is great at policing greedy upbacks. Learning how to play around 6C is extremely important to winning neutral in this matchup. If it whiffs Mika is fast enough to dash in and start her turn with 2A. Trying to whiff punish 6C with 236A is ill-advised since 6C is so active. 66B is another option but is worse than trying to run up 2A if your button whiffs or is blocked.

Running pressure on Chaos is easier than most characters. His A buttons are both 6f startup (on top of being smaller than yours), he has no meterless reversal (and only has VO and IW even with meter), and no anti-air OSes. If he ends up with vorpal he may try to 236A CS if you leave a gap that's 5f or larger in your pressure. Chaos FF only gets strike invuln on frame 8 and always loses to throw so unless he's picking the perfect time to roll through an IC 5C or something similarly laggy you should be able to stay on top of him even after he commits to this risky option.

Uni nanase icon.png
Nanase[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
Uni byakuya icon.png
Byakuya[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
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[character page][match videos]
Things to note: Mika can get a guaranteed punish on Phonon 3C with 214C on reaction. If you have meter don't let her get away with this!
Uni mika icon.png
Mika[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
Uni wagner icon.png
Wagner[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
Uni enkidu icon.png
Enkidu[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
Uni londrekia icon.png
Londrekia[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
Uni eltnum icon.png
Eltnum[No Data]
[character page][match videos]
Uni akatsuki icon.png
Akatsuki[No Data]
[character page][match videos]


External Links

Mika Wiki Roadmap

Click here for the UNICLR roadmap.

Page last edited on: 2023-08-27 by AuraDude.

46% complete
Page Completed To-do Score


  • Created base page with basic formatting.
  • Added frame data, new moves, and move descriptions.
  • Pending minor detailed frame data.
  • Add images of respective DLC colors.
  • Created base pages
  • Fill in Strategies
  • Created base pages
  • Start adding combos
Patch Notes
Frame Data