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Note about Hitboxes & Data!
Genkai Laugh.png

The tools used to capture the hitboxes for YYMD are from a tool that isn't ready for public use, and was graciously given to the TF wiki editors specifically to present what we can for those interested in playing and learning YuYuMD. Wishing to respect the developers' intent, the tools will not be hosted here at this time. When that changes or when new tools become available, we will certainly do everything we can to make them as publicly accessible as possible! Until then, we hope the info we can provide, helps!

Standing Normals

Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
5B / 5YY B.png
yes - Mid - - - -
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
6B / 6YY B.png
no - Mid - - - -
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
5A / 5YY A.png
no - Mid 1 1 - -
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
6A / 6YY A.png
no - Mid 1 1 - -


Kuwabara has a few different verions of ReiKen, which all require an A+B (YY A.png + YY B.png) input. Closer to "Command normals," but still considered specials since they all consume some amount of Meter.

Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
j.5A+B / j.5YY A.png+YY B.png
- - Mid 1 1 - -

Can be used to win air-to-air exchanges before they even begin. Not so effective when used following a 5B air-to-air exchange, however.

Reiken Tsuki

Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
236A/236YY A.png
j.236A/j.236YY A.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
236B/236YY B.png
j.236B/j.236YY B.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -

The A YY A.png and YY B.png versions share the same frames and hitboxes, but have slightly different Startup, Recovery, and travel speeds.

Rei Shuriken
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
22A / 22YY A.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
22B / 22YY B.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -
File:Kuwabara Stills 22 All.png

Both A (YY A.png) and B (YY B.png) Shurikens will fire 3 bullets but differ slightly in firing speed and travel distance.

Jigen Tou
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
28A, B or C
28YY A.png, YY B.png or YY C.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -
File:Kuwabara Stills 28 All.png

The only differences between the different versions are the distances across the screen that Kuwabaras Jigen Tou appears.


Reiken Ranbu
(No Audio)
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
226A/226YY A.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -

Note: Input notation used is "literal", but is easier accomplished by tapping down once before inputing a quarter circle. A double quarter circle can also be input, if preffered.

  • Directional Notation: T Down.pngT Down.pngT DownRight.pngT Right.png YY A.png
  • Number Notation: 2236A

Can be combo'd into from Kuwabaras typically good starters and followups- 2B, single-hit 6A, etc. Invincibility on startup means it can be an effective wakeup option for an unassuming opponent, though its long, drawn-out animation and long recovery while staying stationary practically begs to be shot with a level 8 ReiGan if it's avoided.

Very strong, but like almost all other supers, uses up almost all of your Meter. Kuwabara, in particular, can be especially meter-hungry for his already extremely effective and damaging combos, so while this can be a useful and damaging super in specific situations, most will find that the Meter is better used elsewhere.


Forward Dash
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
66 / T Right.pngT Right.png
yes - Mid 1 1 - -

Kuwabara slightly lags at the end of his forward dash and goes into his Blocking pose, making a surprisingly massive Parry YY Clash.png window for a few frames before he can dash again. Can technically travel across the screen faster by Wavedashing with very tight timing, or by simply using the YY A.png Reiken Tsuki.

Back Dash
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
44 / T Left.pngT Left.png
YY C.png+YY B.png
yes - Mid 1 1 - -
(Blocking High)
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
5C / YY C.png
yes - Mid 1 1 - -

Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
6A / 6YY A.png
(While close)
yes - - - - - -
"Ok, fine."
*Kills you*
"Ok, fine."
*Kills you*
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
A+B+C / YY A.pngYY B.pngYY C.png
(While close)
yes - - - - - -

One of the few multi-purpose taunts in YYMD. Can be used to stun-lock larger characters like Y.Toguro and Chu in a method similar to O.Toguro's Yubibari infinite.

Reference list of Misc left to add:

- Blocking Low