Among Us Arena/Impostor: Difference between revisions

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(gatling chart.)
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{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left: 10px;"
! align="center" colspan="2" | Impostor
| align="center" colspan="2" |[[File:Among-Us-Red-Crewmate.png|center|frameless|350px]]
|image= [[Image:Icon_warning.png]]
| '''Health''' || 3000
* This page is a work in progress.

The Impostor from Innersloth's online multiplayer deduction game Among Us is the main (and only) character in Among Us Arena.  
The Impostor from Innersloth's online multiplayer deduction game Among Us is the main (and only) character in Among Us Arena.  
While there is only one playable character, you can select 30 different colors, each with their own dedicated Special move and unique Taunt, performed using the Sus button and quickly tapping down three times in a row respectively. Color special attacks have their own page.

*'''Pressure''': It's easy for the Impostor to lock down their opponent. Make them block enough jabs, and you're free to force devastating mixups.

*'''Versatility''': Combined with oppressive close range pressure, Guns and j.5k allow the Impostor to claim dominion over any range with proper spacing and timing.

*'''Conversions''': Fast moves and a plethora of gatlings create opportunities for 50% damage combos off of most hits.
*'''Movement''': The impostor has grown quite agile over time, threatening even mid-screen ranges with dash punishes and pokes.

===Important Moves===
'''5K:''' Super-Armored, delayable, standing overhead that grants you a full combo on hit.
*'''Defense/Volatlity''': Very committal defensive options. Losing rounds off of one opening and one mixup means you'll be guessing for game very often off a single mistake.

'''j.K:''' a great but slightly risky neutral tool. Also an important move for many combos, due to the ability to link a j.L after this.
*'''Unforgiving''': Making the most of your hits will require demanding execution and pinpoint reactions, getting exponentially harder as combos get longer.

'''2H:''' long range poke that wallbounces anywhere if it hits. Excellent abuser of the unblockable tipper bug, and also great for extending combos once gravity has started to kick in.

==Move List==
==Move List==
Line 40: Line 44:
* Cancels into itself.
Devastating fast poke. Can cancel into anything on hit or block, locks your opponent in place allowing for mixups, lengthy pressure and tick throws.
When cancelled into itself, it becomes +2 on hit instead. It also gains more pushback on hit and block.
<b>Hit Cancel Options:</b> 5L, 5H, 2H, 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.
<b>Block Cancel Options:</b> 5L, 5H, 2H, 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.
Line 59: Line 76:
* Slides forward a lot.
Advancing punch, occasionally used to close the gap in extended pressure strings. Spammable, but potentially risky if used too often. Great for cancels into Sus button moves.
<b>Hit Cancel Options:</b> 2H, 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.
<b>Block Cancel Options:</b> 2H, 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.
Line 78: Line 106:
  |damage=115 (no charge)
|startup=6~16 + 5 post charge
|invuln=6-16 Armor
|startup=17~39 + 5 post charge
|invuln=6-39 Armor
  |invuln=6-42 Armor
* Has one hit of armor.
* Overhead if partially or fully charged.
* K input in the table above represents uncharged version; {K} input corresponds to partial charge and [K] to full charge
* If any version of the move hits a midair enemy, they will be grounded.
Super-armored, holdable knife stab that becomes an overhead if you charge it. (It doesn't need to be fully charged to become overhead.) Fully charged, this does hefty damage but is slow.
If your armor is hit once, you can cancel the startup of the move by dashing, allowing for the '''[ KADC technique.]'''
<b>Hit Cancel Options:</b> 2H, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.
<b>Block Cancel Options:</b> EX, Super.
Line 92: Line 166:
|caption=Gunslinger !
|caption=the G stands for gat
|input= 5G
|input= 5G
  |damage=42, 118 (160)
  |damage=30, 145 [250] {200}
  |recovery=23 [22]
|onblock=-13 [-17]
  |description=Rather slow start up but it's a nice neutral tool, an hitscan projectile that ground bounces up close and knocks down full screen. Whiffs if you're too close to the corner. It has an hitbox on the gun during start up.
  |chip=20,40 {20}
|property=Launch,Wallbounce, {Launch}
* 2nd hit is a full screen projectile. 2nd hit can't hit the opponent if they are in the air and not in hitstun.
* Wall bounces up close. Knocks down from distance.
* Can be held to delay the 2nd hit. Delayed shot is in [brackets].
* If only the 2nd hit hits the opponent, the properties {change}.
* If 1st hit is blocked, then delayed 2nd hit will not hit.
Zoning and combo tool with heavy damage. Long startup makes it very reactable, so only use it at range, or when you feel absolutely safe. Dangerous with Super 1.
<b>Hit Cancel Options:</b> 2K, 5G, 2G, Dash, Sus, EX, Super.
<b>Block Cancel Options:</b> EX, Super.
Line 115: Line 204:
* Standard fast Low.
* Moves forward.
Key mixup tool. Deceptively long, and can be cancelled back into 5L to continue pressure.
When chaining between 2L and 5L, there is a slight cooldown on 2L.
<b>Hit Cancel Options:</b> 5L, 5H, 2H, 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.
<b>Block Cancel Options:</b> 5L, 5H, 2H, 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.
Line 129: Line 231:
|caption=Second scariest move in the entire game
|input= 2H
|input= 2H
* Wall bounces on hit.
* Pops opponent up if wall bounces have already been used.
* Consists of two hitboxes, but only one may hit. The far hitbox is -10 on block.
Long range low. Used to clip an unaware opponent's toes, or force them to sit still through preemptive crouch blocking at mid range. Will be heavily punished by those wary enough to block lows at a distance.
<b>Hit Cancel Options:</b> 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Dash, Jump, Sus, EX, Super.
<b>Block Cancel Options:</b> EX, Super.
Line 148: Line 263:
|caption=Scariest move in the entire game
|input= 2K
|input= 2K
  |invuln=1-11 Upper Body
* Upper body invincible during start-up.
* Launches opponent on hit.
* Slides forward.
Primary combo tool and excellent Anti-Air.
Slides forward slightly with a massive hitbox, allowing dangerous range for punishes with jumps or extended combo routes when cancelled in and out of repeatedly.
The Dash cancel is only available from frame 36 for some reason.
<b>Hit Cancel Options:</b> 5G, 2G, Dash, Jump, Sus, Super.
<b>Block Cancel Options:</b> Dash, EX, Super.
Line 167: Line 298:
|caption= This party's getting curayzhey !
|caption=Poor Man's DP
|input= 2G
|input= 2G
  |damage=41,118 (160)
  |damage=30,145 [200]
|recovery=23 [28]
|onblock=-23 [-47]
  |description= Good anti-air, starts rather fast and covers a straight line, it also works as a launcher / combo tool.
  |guard=Mid, Mid [Air Unblockable]
* Large, fast anti air.
* Launcher/combo tool in corner.
* Can be held to delay the 2nd hit. Delayed shot is in [brackets].
Your largest anti air, but not as rewarding as other options.
It is not recommended to use this move against a grounded opponent. The 2nd hit cannot hit grounded opponents at all, causing it to have incredible disadvantage on block.
The Dash cancel is only available from frame 36 for some reason.
<b>Hit Cancel Options:</b> 5G, 5K, 2K, Dash, Jump, Sus, Super.
<b>Block Cancel Options:</b> Dash, EX, Super.
Line 185: Line 332:
|caption=the dumpy hit you
|input= j.5L
|input= j.L
|recovery=Until landing
* Large rear hitbox.
Key mixup tool and main jump in button. Allows for left/right mixups on okizeme and quick overheads on crouching opponents.
Combos incredibly easy, as well.
<b>Hit Cancel Options:</b> j.H, j.K, j.G, Sus, EX, Super.
<b>Block Cancel Options:</b> j.H, j.K, j.G, Sus, EX, Super.
Line 206: Line 365:
|input= j.5H
|input= j.H
  |description= Ground bounces on hit.
* Ground bounces on hit.
Vital combo tool for easy groundbounces. Can be a very tricky quick overhead with shorthops.
<b>Hit Cancel Options:</b> j.K, j.G, Sus, EX, Super.
<b>Block Cancel Options:</b> Sus, EX, Super.
Line 223: Line 393:
|caption= Anime swordsman slash
|input= j.5K
|input= j.K
  |description= One of the better tool to approach, at least better than just walking slowly towards them, it can cross up. You can use it more than once in a jump through hitting another attack in the air. something like j.K > j.L > J. K }}
* Strong approach tool
* Highly punishable.
* Pressing j.4K will cause a shorter dash.
Burst movement and offense with crossup potential, with the risk of eating huge combo damage if blocked. Can cross up at very precise distances and heights, and also sets up j.L oki/pressure.
Although unable to gatling, this attack can actually cancel into other attacks (not Sus, EX, or Super) from frame 26 onwards, even on whiff.
<b>Hit Cancel Options:</b> Sus, EX, Super.
<b>Block Cancel Options:</b> none.

Line 241: Line 427:
|caption=Back to the ground.
|input= j.5G
|input= j.G
  |damage=41, 150 (191)
  |damage=30, 175 [200]
|recovery=21 [26]
  |description= Rather fast, shoots down and forward, has slight pushback on whiff and a bit more on block or hit, can be used for neutral. Ground bounces and can link into j.K
  |chip=20,40 {40}
* Dominant Neutral tool.
* Recoils backward on shot.
* Groundbounces if opponent is airborne
* Can be held to delay the 2nd hit. Delayed shot is in [brackets].
* If only the 2nd hit hits the opponent, the properties {change}.
Important zoning tool. Allows you to chip and wall your opponent out while keeping you in relatively safe distance with the backwards recoil. Along with 5G, this move creates lengthy zoning wars that are tiring to come out on top of.
Power falls off drastically at furthest distance: does not knockdown, unable to cancel, and disadvantaged on hit.
<b>Hit Cancel Options:</b> j.H, j.K, Sus, EX, Super.
<b>Block Cancel Options:</b> Sus, EX, Super.
Line 261: Line 464:
|name= Throw
|name= Throw
|input= L+H
|input= 4S / 6S
|damage= 500
|onhit=Knockdown, +21
* Instant knockdown
Large hitbox allows for tick throw setups from everything except Gun and Knife normals.
Chunks a good portion of the health bar, instantly getting opponents antsy and hesitant.
|caption=Spam 5L tickthrow :)
|name= Counter
|input= 2S
* Values are for a successful counter.
* Frame 1 counter, lasts until frame 11. 55 frames recovery.
True reversal alongside super. Risky and easy to play around, but destroys meaty setups, lousy crossups, Supers and even works against far 5G/j.G, up to the tip of the muzzle flash.
|name= Burst
|input= Any attack + S (While getting hit)
|damage= 0
|recovery=48 + 21 Landing
|onblock=-41 at least
* Requires at least 50 meter
* Consumes up to 75 meter on activation.
* Can be done only while being hit
Your get out of combo button. Can be baited out at a distance, or blocked on jump cancellable moves, so be very careful with your timing.
|name= Super 1: RHM Laser
|input= Any other attack button + S
|damage=75x6, 550
|active=19 (20)
|recovery=48 (47 + 21 landing)
* Technically startup is 13 frames, but the opponent is frozen in place from frame 1.
* Air version in (parentheses).
* Requires full meter
* Invuln on startup
The default super move. Excellent whiff punish, hits full screen and does good damage as a combo ender. Very unsafe if blocked, but not from a distance.
Great reversal, but is best reserved for far 5G hitconfirms or combo damage.
Generally not as interesting or as freeform when compared to the other two supers.
|name= Super 2: Sabotage Install
|input= Any other attack button + S
  |damage= 250~
  |description=Instant knockdown, no combos.
* Technically startup is 14 frames, but the opponent is frozen in place from frame 1 until recovery begins.
* Can be cancelled out of from frame 15 onwards.
* Requires 50% meter, with more meter spent increasing the duration. (50%, 75%, 100% / 3 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec).
* Increases Damage by various amounts depending on the attack. Lower damage attacks get a bigger increase (5L gets 30% more) while more damaging attacks get less (5K does 12% more).
* Increases Juggle height of all moves.
* Decreases Juggle decay gain.
* Increases walk speed.
* Doubles chip damage.
* Opponent cannot Burst as long as the install is active.
* Usable once per round.
* Builds 2.5% meter per second while active.
An Install super, greatly buffing the Impostor's offensive capabilities. Activation can be cancelled into and out of mid combo, creating huge damage opportunities from openings with proper setup.
|name= Super 3: Report Cancel (Megaphone)
|input= Any other attack button + S
|guard=Air Unblockable Mid
* Technically startup is 6 frames, but the opponent is frozen in place from frame 1. Unlike other supers, there is a 1 frame gap after the freeze and before the active portion.
* Requires 50% Meter.
* Invuln on startup and active.
A shockwave emanates around the impostor, hitting enemies in a moderate radius. Allows cancels from moves or states that the other supers cannot cancel from. Strong anti air, consistent combo extension tool, especially on several color specific combos. The low price of just 50% meter allows you to retain a burst if desired.
==Gatling Table==
==Gatling Table==
*All Normals can be cancelled into homing, specials, supers, and other system mechanics unless otherwise noted.

{| class="wikitable"  style="text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
{| class="wikitable"  style="text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
|+ Ground Gatling Table
|+ Ground Gatling Table
! !! L !! H !! K !! G
! !! L !! H !! K !! G !! Cancel
! 5L
! 5L
| - || 5H, 2H || 5K, 2K || -
| 5L || 5H, 2H || 5K, 2K || 5G, 2G || Sus
! 2L
! 2L
| - || 5H, 2H || 5K || -
| 5L || 5H, 2H || 5K, 2K || 5G, 2G || Sus
! 5H  
! 5H  
| - || 2H || 5K, 2K || 5G, 2G
| - || 2H || 5K, 2K || 5G, 2G || Sus
! 2H
! 2H
| - || 5H || 5K, 2K || 5G, 2G
| - || - || <span style="color:red">'''5K<sup>[-]</sup>''', <span style="color:red">'''2K<sup>[-]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''5G<sup>[-]</sup>''', <span style="color:red">'''2G<sup>[-]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''Jump<sup>[-]</sup>''', <span style="color:red">'''Dash<sup>[-]</sup>''', <span style="color:red">'''Sus<sup>[-]</sup>'''
! 5K  
! 5K  
| - || - || 2K || 5G
| - || - || <span style="color:red">'''2K<sup>[-]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''5G<sup>[-]</sup>''', <span style="color:red">'''2G<sup>[-]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''Sus<sup>[-]</sup>'''
! 5[K]
| - || <span style="color:red">'''2H<sup>[-]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''2K<sup>[-]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''5G<sup>[-]</sup>''', <span style="color:red">'''2G<sup>[-]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''Sus<sup>[-]</sup>'''
! 2K  
! 2K  
| - || - || - || 5G, 2G
| - || - || - || <span style="color:red">'''5G<sup>[-]</sup>''', <span style="color:red">'''2G<sup>[-]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''Jump<sup>[-]</sup>''', <span style="color:red">'''Dash<sup>[-]</sup>''',<span style="color:red">'''Sus<sup>[-]</sup>'''
! 5G
! 5G
| - || - || - || 2G
| - || - || <span style="color:red">'''5K<sup>[1~2]</sup>''', <span style="color:red">'''2K<sup>[1~2]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''2G<sup>[2]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''Sus<sup>[1~2]</sup>'''
! 2G  
! 2G  
| - || - || - || -
| - || - || <span style="color:red">'''5K<sup>[1~2]</sup>''', <span style="color:red">'''2K<sup>[1~2]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''5G<sup>[2]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''Jump<sup>[2]</sup>''',<span style="color:red">'''Dash<sup>[2]</sup>''',<span style="color:red">'''Sus<sup>[1~2]</sup>'''

Line 309: Line 663:
|+ Air Gatling Table
|+ Air Gatling Table
! !! L !! H !! K !! G
! !! L !! H !! K !! G !! Cancel
! j.L
! j.L
| - || j.H || j.K || j.G
| - || <span style="color:red">'''j.H<sup>[-]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''j.K<sup>[-]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''j.G<sup>[-]</sup>''' || Sus
! j.H
! j.H
| - || - || j.K || j.G
| - || - || <span style="color:red">'''j.K<sup>[-]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''j.G<sup>[-]</sup>''' || Sus
! j.K
! j.K
| - || - || - || -
| - || - || - || - || <span style="color:red">'''Sus<sup>[-]</sup>'''
! j.G
! j.G
| - || - || - || j.K
| - || <span style="color:red">'''j.H<sup>[-]</sup>''' || <span style="color:red">'''j.K<sup>[-]</sup>''' || - || Sus

:'''X''' = X is available on hit or block
:'''X''' = X is available on hit or block
:<span style="color:red">'''X<sup>[-]</sup>''' = X is available only on hit</span>
:<span style="color:red">'''X<sup>[-]</sup>''' = X is available only on hit</span>
:<span style="color:green">'''X<sup>[+]</sup>''' = X is available on whiff</span>
:<span style="color:red">'''X<sup>[#~#]</sup>''' = X is available only on hit between # hit and # hit (for multi-hit moves)
:<span style="color:blue">'''X<sup>[#]</sup>''' = X can be used only # times per string</span>


[[Category:Among Us Arena]]
[[Category:Among Us Arena]]

Latest revision as of 02:46, 15 June 2024

Health 3000


The Impostor from Innersloth's online multiplayer deduction game Among Us is the main (and only) character in Among Us Arena.

While there is only one playable character, you can select 30 different colors, each with their own dedicated Special move and unique Taunt, performed using the Sus button and quickly tapping down three times in a row respectively. Color special attacks have their own page.



Strengths Weaknesses
  • Pressure: It's easy for the Impostor to lock down their opponent. Make them block enough jabs, and you're free to force devastating mixups.
  • Versatility: Combined with oppressive close range pressure, Guns and j.5k allow the Impostor to claim dominion over any range with proper spacing and timing.
  • Conversions: Fast moves and a plethora of gatlings create opportunities for 50% damage combos off of most hits.
  • Movement: The impostor has grown quite agile over time, threatening even mid-screen ranges with dash punishes and pokes.
  • Defense/Volatlity: Very committal defensive options. Losing rounds off of one opening and one mixup means you'll be guessing for game very often off a single mistake.
  • Unforgiving: Making the most of your hits will require demanding execution and pinpoint reactions, getting exponentially harder as combos get longer.

Move List

Standing Normals

Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
50 3 4 12 +3 ±0 Mid 0 N/A -
  • Cancels into itself.

Devastating fast poke. Can cancel into anything on hit or block, locks your opponent in place allowing for mixups, lengthy pressure and tick throws.

When cancelled into itself, it becomes +2 on hit instead. It also gains more pushback on hit and block.

Hit Cancel Options: 5L, 5H, 2H, 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.

Block Cancel Options: 5L, 5H, 2H, 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.

Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
115 11 5 9 +7 -4 Mid 0 N/A -
  • Slides forward a lot.

Advancing punch, occasionally used to close the gap in extended pressure strings. Spammable, but potentially risky if used too often. Great for cancels into Sus button moves.

Hit Cancel Options: 2H, 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.

Block Cancel Options: 2H, 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
5K 175 6~16 + 5 post charge 2 16 Launch -7 Mid 50 Launch 6-16 Armor
5{K} 250 17~39 + 5 post charge 2 16 Launch -7 Overhead 50 Launch 6-39 Armor
5[K] 500 40 2 23 Launch -9 Overhead 200 - 6-42 Armor
  • Has one hit of armor.
  • Overhead if partially or fully charged.
  • K input in the table above represents uncharged version; {K} input corresponds to partial charge and [K] to full charge
  • If any version of the move hits a midair enemy, they will be grounded.

Super-armored, holdable knife stab that becomes an overhead if you charge it. (It doesn't need to be fully charged to become overhead.) Fully charged, this does hefty damage but is slow.

If your armor is hit once, you can cancel the startup of the move by dashing, allowing for the KADC technique.

Hit Cancel Options: 2H, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.

Block Cancel Options: EX, Super.

the G stands for gat
the G stands for gat
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
30, 145 [250] {200} 29,38~[60] 1,1 23 [22] Launch -13 [-17] Mid 20,40 {20} Launch,Wallbounce, {Launch} -
  • 2nd hit is a full screen projectile. 2nd hit can't hit the opponent if they are in the air and not in hitstun.
  • Wall bounces up close. Knocks down from distance.
  • Can be held to delay the 2nd hit. Delayed shot is in [brackets].
  • If only the 2nd hit hits the opponent, the properties {change}.
  • If 1st hit is blocked, then delayed 2nd hit will not hit.

Zoning and combo tool with heavy damage. Long startup makes it very reactable, so only use it at range, or when you feel absolutely safe. Dangerous with Super 1.

Hit Cancel Options: 2K, 5G, 2G, Dash, Sus, EX, Super.

Block Cancel Options: EX, Super.

Crouching Normals

Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
50 5 6 8 +4 +1 Low 0 N/A -
  • Standard fast Low.
  • Moves forward.

Key mixup tool. Deceptively long, and can be cancelled back into 5L to continue pressure. When chaining between 2L and 5L, there is a slight cooldown on 2L.

Hit Cancel Options: 5L, 5H, 2H, 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.

Block Cancel Options: 5L, 5H, 2H, 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Sus, EX, Super.

Second scariest move in the entire game
Second scariest move in the entire game
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
100 7 5 18 Launch -13 Low 0 Wallbounce -
  • Wall bounces on hit.
  • Pops opponent up if wall bounces have already been used.
  • Consists of two hitboxes, but only one may hit. The far hitbox is -10 on block.

Long range low. Used to clip an unaware opponent's toes, or force them to sit still through preemptive crouch blocking at mid range. Will be heavily punished by those wary enough to block lows at a distance.

Hit Cancel Options: 5K, 2K, 5G, 2G, Dash, Jump, Sus, EX, Super.

Block Cancel Options: EX, Super.

Scariest move in the entire game
Scariest move in the entire game
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
130 11 3 26 Launch -9 Mid 40 Launch 1-11 Upper Body
  • Upper body invincible during start-up.
  • Launches opponent on hit.
  • Slides forward.

Primary combo tool and excellent Anti-Air. Slides forward slightly with a massive hitbox, allowing dangerous range for punishes with jumps or extended combo routes when cancelled in and out of repeatedly.

The Dash cancel is only available from frame 36 for some reason.

Hit Cancel Options: 5G, 2G, Dash, Jump, Sus, Super.

Block Cancel Options: Dash, EX, Super.

Poor Man's DP
Poor Man's DP
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
30,145 [200] 9,22~[36] 2,1 23 [28] Launch -23 [-47] Mid, Mid [Air Unblockable] 20 Launch,Launch -
  • Large, fast anti air.
  • Launcher/combo tool in corner.
  • Can be held to delay the 2nd hit. Delayed shot is in [brackets].

Your largest anti air, but not as rewarding as other options. It is not recommended to use this move against a grounded opponent. The 2nd hit cannot hit grounded opponents at all, causing it to have incredible disadvantage on block.

The Dash cancel is only available from frame 36 for some reason.

Hit Cancel Options: 5G, 5K, 2K, Dash, Jump, Sus, Super.

Block Cancel Options: Dash, EX, Super.

Jumping Normals

the dumpy hit you
the dumpy hit you
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
50 7 54 Until landing - - High 0 N/A -
  • Large rear hitbox.

Key mixup tool and main jump in button. Allows for left/right mixups on okizeme and quick overheads on crouching opponents. Combos incredibly easy, as well.

Hit Cancel Options: j.H, j.K, j.G, Sus, EX, Super.

Block Cancel Options: j.H, j.K, j.G, Sus, EX, Super.

Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
125 9 6 12 Launch - High 0 Groundbounce -
  • Ground bounces on hit.

Vital combo tool for easy groundbounces. Can be a very tricky quick overhead with shorthops.

Hit Cancel Options: j.K, j.G, Sus, EX, Super.

Block Cancel Options: Sus, EX, Super.

Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
150 8 4 43 Launch - Mid 50 Launch -
  • Strong approach tool
  • Highly punishable.
  • Pressing j.4K will cause a shorter dash.

Burst movement and offense with crossup potential, with the risk of eating huge combo damage if blocked. Can cross up at very precise distances and heights, and also sets up j.L oki/pressure.

Although unable to gatling, this attack can actually cancel into other attacks (not Sus, EX, or Super) from frame 26 onwards, even on whiff.

Hit Cancel Options: Sus, EX, Super.

Block Cancel Options: none.

Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
30, 175 [200] 9,21~[42] 3,2 21 [26] Launch - Mid,High 20,40 {40} Launch(Groundbounce) -
  • Dominant Neutral tool.
  • Recoils backward on shot.
  • Groundbounces if opponent is airborne
  • Can be held to delay the 2nd hit. Delayed shot is in [brackets].
  • If only the 2nd hit hits the opponent, the properties {change}.

Important zoning tool. Allows you to chip and wall your opponent out while keeping you in relatively safe distance with the backwards recoil. Along with 5G, this move creates lengthy zoning wars that are tiring to come out on top of.

Power falls off drastically at furthest distance: does not knockdown, unable to cancel, and disadvantaged on hit.

Hit Cancel Options: j.H, j.K, Sus, EX, Super.

Block Cancel Options: Sus, EX, Super.

Universal Mechanics

4S / 6S
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
500 8 5 14 Knockdown, +21 - Throw - Grab -
  • Instant knockdown

Large hitbox allows for tick throw setups from everything except Gun and Knife normals. Chunks a good portion of the health bar, instantly getting opponents antsy and hesitant.

Spam 5L tickthrow :)
Spam 5L tickthrow :)
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
750 4 8 13 - - - - Knockdown 1-12
  • Values are for a successful counter.
  • Frame 1 counter, lasts until frame 11. 55 frames recovery.

True reversal alongside super. Risky and easy to play around, but destroys meaty setups, lousy crossups, Supers and even works against far 5G/j.G, up to the tip of the muzzle flash.

Any attack + S (While getting hit)
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
0 7 5 48 + 21 Landing Launch -41 at least Mid 0 N/A 1-15
  • Requires at least 50 meter
  • Consumes up to 75 meter on activation.
  • Can be done only while being hit

Your get out of combo button. Can be baited out at a distance, or blocked on jump cancellable moves, so be very careful with your timing.


Super 1: RHM Laser
Any other attack button + S
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
75x6, 550 1* 19 (20) 48 (47 + 21 landing) Launch -39 Mid 25x6,150 N/A 1-14
  • Technically startup is 13 frames, but the opponent is frozen in place from frame 1.
  • Air version in (parentheses).
  • Requires full meter
  • Invuln on startup

The default super move. Excellent whiff punish, hits full screen and does good damage as a combo ender. Very unsafe if blocked, but not from a distance. Great reversal, but is best reserved for far 5G hitconfirms or combo damage. Generally not as interesting or as freeform when compared to the other two supers.

Super 2: Sabotage Install
Any other attack button + S
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
- 1* 0 16 - - - - N/A 1-20
  • Technically startup is 14 frames, but the opponent is frozen in place from frame 1 until recovery begins.
  • Can be cancelled out of from frame 15 onwards.
  • Requires 50% meter, with more meter spent increasing the duration. (50%, 75%, 100% / 3 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec).
  • Increases Damage by various amounts depending on the attack. Lower damage attacks get a bigger increase (5L gets 30% more) while more damaging attacks get less (5K does 12% more).
  • Increases Juggle height of all moves.
  • Decreases Juggle decay gain.
  • Increases walk speed.
  • Doubles chip damage.
  • Opponent cannot Burst as long as the install is active.
  • Usable once per round.
  • Builds 2.5% meter per second while active.

An Install super, greatly buffing the Impostor's offensive capabilities. Activation can be cancelled into and out of mid combo, creating huge damage opportunities from openings with proper setup.

Super 3: Report Cancel (Megaphone)
Any other attack button + S
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
150 2* 16 8 Launch -1 Air Unblockable Mid 50 N/A 1-9
  • Technically startup is 6 frames, but the opponent is frozen in place from frame 1. Unlike other supers, there is a 1 frame gap after the freeze and before the active portion.
  • Requires 50% Meter.
  • Invuln on startup and active.

A shockwave emanates around the impostor, hitting enemies in a moderate radius. Allows cancels from moves or states that the other supers cannot cancel from. Strong anti air, consistent combo extension tool, especially on several color specific combos. The low price of just 50% meter allows you to retain a burst if desired.

Gatling Table

Ground Gatling Table
L H K G Cancel
5L 5L 5H, 2H 5K, 2K 5G, 2G Sus
2L 5L 5H, 2H 5K, 2K 5G, 2G Sus
5H - 2H 5K, 2K 5G, 2G Sus
2H - - 5K[-], 2K[-] 5G[-], 2G[-] Jump[-], Dash[-], Sus[-]
5K - - 2K[-] 5G[-], 2G[-] Sus[-]
5[K] - 2H[-] 2K[-] 5G[-], 2G[-] Sus[-]
2K - - - 5G[-], 2G[-] Jump[-], Dash[-],Sus[-]
5G - - 5K[1~2], 2K[1~2] 2G[2] Sus[1~2]
2G - - 5K[1~2], 2K[1~2] 5G[2] Jump[2],Dash[2],Sus[1~2]
Air Gatling Table
L H K G Cancel
j.L - j.H[-] j.K[-] j.G[-] Sus
j.H - - j.K[-] j.G[-] Sus
j.K - - - - Sus[-]
j.G - j.H[-] j.K[-] - Sus
X = X is available on hit or block
X[-] = X is available only on hit
X[#~#] = X is available only on hit between # hit and # hit (for multi-hit moves)
