Idol Showdown/News & Updates: Difference between revisions

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=== {{Date|October|27|2023}} - Ollie Update v3.0.0===
=== {{Date|June|13|2024}} - Patch Version 4.0.10===
'''Patch v4.0.10'''
::* Added more stability for public/private lobbies
::* Fixed issue where Elo will be lost in private lobbies
::* Fixed issue of persisting ports (during repeated lobby rejoins) causing hard crashes
::* All Throws no longer grant counterhit SC
:::* 214 L/M - Bugfix: resolved issue where the beam could sometimes come out from the Icon even while Aki was being hit.
:::* Resolved issue where Suisei would be knocked out at an inconsistent angle after a grab move that released her in midair.
:::* EX: Suisei's 236H
:::* Call-in: Bugfix, When performed out of a corner, Kiara will now correctly spawn behind the player
::* Fixed CSS not giving P2 UI controls if P2 opened rebinding screen.
::* Fixed P1/P2 CSS cursors overlapping rebinding screen
::* Fixed Rebinding screen not giving P2 UI controls if P1 switches to it's tab.
::* Minor Rebinding screen UI tweaks
=== {{Date|May|29|2024}} - Patch Version 4.0.9===
'''Patch v4.0.9'''
::* Added delay frames display
::* Fixed broken rematch in quick play lobbies
::* Resolved issue where the Invulnerability indicator with "Show hitboxes" would not always match the actual invul frames
::* Kiara: resolved issue where Kiara would still create an explosion hitbox upon the user being hit
::* Kiara: Callin - Ghost hitbox removed
::* Kiara: Callin Resolved issue where the move could not be burstable. This affects all "lock-in" attacks but is most notable with Kiara's Callin
::* Kiara: Resolved issue where certain moves that could "lock you in place" such as Kiara's Call in, could result in a Burst not coming out properly
::* Actions can no longer be performed after the opponent is defeated.
::* Resolved issue where collabs could warp you off screen when destroyed
::* Resolved issue where health could change after an opponent was already defeated.
::* Resolved issue where you could no longer run after being KO'd in a previous turn by a groundbouncing attack.
::* Suisei palette fix
=== {{Date|May|20|2024}} - Patch Version 4.0.8===
'''Patch v4.0.8'''
::* Added a new "Frame Lock" option, to allow for more consistent frame rate and smoother online matches (will be on by default) while being more resource heavy. Will only be enabled online if both players have the option set to default
::* Removed option to change GGPO delay, will set delay at the start of matches based on ping.
::* Adjusted searching logic to prevent infinite searches
::* Fixed declining of players to prevent rematch
::* General quickplay stability changes
::* Added new rank borders for bronze (1700), silver (2000), gold (2300), and diamond (2700)
::* Fixed overlapping spectator text on match UI
::* Removed match settings from public lobbies
::* Fixed All category not autoselecting when entering Archive
::* Made vods remember individual player win count
::* Made vods remember selected stage variant
::* Fixed archive replay not using player nicknames in HUD
::* Fixed HUD switch not hiding archive panel
::* Fixed Archive entry's name cutting nicknames if they are too long
::* Added ability to open selected vod in File Explorer
::* Added History window to Archives to show last 150 played matches (pvp or online).
::* Resolved issue where you could Cancel a Meterspending move into a non meter costing move using the Shortcut keys
::* Resolved issue a jump could be buffered for a very long time after a blockstring or hitstun string.
::* Resolved issue where varying input delay would cause advantage on round start
::* Fubuki: Resolved issue where SSR projectils would have worse frame advantage then non SSR projectiles
::* Aki: Resolved issue where the QCB fireball series was not following projectile limit rules
=== {{Date|May|13|2024}} - Hotfix Version 4.0.7===
'''Hotfix v4.0.7'''
::* Added AI vs AI gamemode with gameplay takeover
::* Adjusted option names for offline mode
::* Added region lock for quickplay in settings menu
::* Fixed various SFX
::* Fixed lobby music stop playing when returning from CSS
::* Adjusted size of ready to have profile picture to be more visible
::* Desync resolution for Coco fire damaage
::* Desync Resolution for objects spawned off screen
::* Fixed missing moves
::* Made training values panel slightly bigger
::* Fixed dialog box not fully hiding in achievments
::* Various achievements fixes
::* Fixed shop overlaying multiple menus
::* GangCity stage optimizations
::* Fixed game black screening when attempting to load a Vod in the archive.
:'''Virtual Frontier'''
::* Adjusted AI patterns for Kronii and Flayon to use more of their moveset
::* Added option to rebind select button
::* Various performance optimizations
::* Fixed issue where selecting Subaru collab as P2 would some times move in the wrong direction
=== {{Date|May|9|2024}} - Hotfix Version 4.0.4, 4.0.5, 4.0.6===
'''Hotfix 4.0.6'''
::* Fixed general projectile collisions
'''Hotfix 4.0.5: Performance and networking'''
::* Significant optimizations for lower end PCs and reduced latency
::* Adjustments to quickplay filter, will now properly find everyone that is queuing
'''Hotfix 4.0.4'''
::* Fixed Vods incorrectly displaying outdated version
::* Updated Archive UI
::* Reordered Filtered Categories
::* Hide filter when no Vods are detected
::* Updated Archive Navigation
::* Updated Archive SFX
::* Added Archive Menu localization
::* Moved archive Vod folder to: \Assets\StreamingAssets\Files\Vods
:::* Super, Resolved issue where super would not break super armor attacks.
:::* Resolved issue where blocking crouching hurtbox was matching the standing hurtbox instead of the crouching hurtbox
:::* 22H: Resolved issue where Mortar could be kicked outside the bounds of the stage
:::* 6H, Resolved issue with excessive additional knockback on counter hit
:::* Call-In, added camera lock for additional consistency with wallbounces
:::* Call-in, added camera lock for additional consistency with wallbounces.
:::* off-collab, resolved issue where Fauna could not be bursted.
:'''Virtual Frontier'''
::* AI: Resolved issue where some passive item effects (Ex: Daifuku) would cause AI to act very passively.
::* Cheat characters will no longer receive new cosplay notifications (they never actually unlocked any new cosplays)
::* Rio will now be able to appear in world 3.
::* Random fights can now take place on AquaMarine or Holo Office stages
::* Daifuku: Resolved: Cooldown for Daifuku now be displayed ingame. Resolved issues with item cooldown.
::* Holocards: Resolved issue where the item would not refresh in boss fights
::* Ikemen Instruction Guide: Meter drain no longer applies on block. Base effet reduced (2% -> 1.5%, stack effect reduced 2% -> 1%)
::* Added confirmation before joining a lobby, to circumvent joining joining empty lobbies,
::* Fixed lobby filter preventing certain lobbies from being found,
::* Filtered lobbies that have been previously declined or timed out,
::* Fixed command list not disappearing
::* Various localization fixes
::* Updated various SFX on UI
::* Resolved issue where health bars did not match real HP values
::* Resolved issue where you could burst super moves if performed out of another action
=== {{Date|May|8|2024}} - Hotfix Version 4.0.3===
::* Super - Tentacle now disappears if Ina is hit during the startup
::* 22S: Bugfix - Resolved isuse where fireballs not belonging to Ina could still activate the Tako effect.
::* Backdash - Resolved issue where Pekora's backdash was counted as "Counterhit" state
::* 28H - Resolved issue where the collabs could still be summoned while performing the teleport. (Collabs cannot be summoned while performing reversals)
::* 22H: Bugfix, Resolved issue where Aki would not stop at the opponent if an opponent was in blockstun.
::* Bugfix: Resolved issue where Defense bonus was not being applied
:* Resolved issue where boss characters could still be selected online.
:* Various UI optimizations
:* Health/Burst fixes
:* Missing localization added
:* Tournament MODE: Performing the Tournament mode cheat will now temporarily unlock all songs
=== {{Date|May|7|2024}} - Hotfix Version 4.0.2===
# Ina: All Fireballs: Bugfix, Resolved issue where fireballs created by the shortcut commands would not obey projectile counter rules
# Sora: Super: Bugfix: Resolved visual bug on hit confirm
'''Virtual Frontier:'''
# Bugfix: Resolved issue where Pioneer water would apply its effect even when the Snack was not active
# Complete VF fight in under 5 seconds fix
# Increased timeout time when joining a lobby
# General UI performance fixes
# Navigation lock fix
# Fixed various localization issues
=== {{Date|May|6|2024}} - Hotfix Version 4.0.1===
'''Quickplay fixes'''
# Quickplay joining stability, more consistency for match connections
# Fixed bug where players would not receive an accept message from opponent
'''Known Issues'''
# Currently, when returning to main menu navigation will be soft locked on controllers, pressing A (or the equivalent) will fix navigation
=== {{Date|May|5|2024}} - Next Fes Update Version 4.0.0===
:'''New Features'''
::Several new features have been added to Idol Showdown Next Fes. They include the following:
:::''Quick Play''
::::A new online option that allows players to swiftly join an Elo-based matchmade lobby. Players can now utilize the training mode while awaiting a match.
:::''Extras — Shop and Achievements''
::::A shop has been added to the main menu. New cosplays, music, stickers, online lobby titles and more have been made accessible for purchase using Nenecoin - an in-game currency that can be earned by playing the game in a variety of ways.
::::Achievements have also been added to the main menu. Players can test their skill & resolve, and earn extra Nenecoin by redeeming completed achievements.
:::''New Stages''
::::Three new stages can be purchased through the newly added shop.
:::::* Hololive Office
:::::* Beyond Time
::::In addition, Eternity Bright can now be unlocked through the shop and various stage variants can be selected on Stage Select.
:::''4 New Cosplays Per Idol and Default Palette Adjustments''
::::Several stickers have been added for use in online lobbies. They can be purchased through the newly added shop.
:::''Various Performance Updates And Improvements''
:::''Tutorials Update''
::::We have updated the tutorials to reflect the new & altered gameplay mechanics discussed below. We recommend that both new and returning players visit to see what has changed.
:'''Universal Gameplay Changes'''
::Thank you for continuing to support Idol Showdown.
::We have been working hard on delivering a new Idol Showdown experience based on player feedback. This update is a major revision to almost all aspects of the game. Our goals with this update include:
:::* Encouraging more interactive play through:
:::** Providing more defensive options.
:::** Reducing the number of “checkmate” situations.
:::** Creating a less volatile and more stable game.
:::* Improving balance between characters.
:::* Improving balance within a character’s kit by nerfing dominant and oppressive tools while also buffing underutilized options.
::Lots of changes have been made within Idol Showdown: Next Fes — too many to easily fit into patch notes. Much of the frame data within the game has changed, so we’d like to ask our players to explore themselves to find out exactly what is different. Throughout these patch notes we will highlight the biggest changes within the Next Fes update.
::''New Mechanic: Super Chat Reversal''
:::While blocking, if you hold forward and press M and H at the same time, you can do an invincible attack mid-block that does no damage but pushes the opponent back. This costs two superchat bars. This gives an additional option to get out of an opponent’s pressure.
::''New Mechanic: Jab chains''
:::You can chain light attacks into themselves - even on whiff. Certain characters will have different limits on how many times they can chain jab into itself.
::''New Mechanic: Invulnerable Backdashes''
:::Backdashes now have full invulnerability on startup up to a certain point. This can help escape some oppressive situations.
::''New Mechanic: Additional Simple inputs''
:::You can now perform different strength variants of special moves by pressing the special button in addition to the strength of the special move you desire. For example, if you are playing Korone and hold back and press special and heavy at the same time, you will get EX chainsaw.
:'''Various other universal changes'''
::''General Balance Changes''
:::* You are no longer able to combo off of one meter frame 1 invincible moves.
:::* You cannot superchat cancel or call a collab during a frame 1 invincible or armored move.
:::* Moves with frame 1 armor now lose their grab protection on wakeup.
:::* Generally, EX moves that provide frame advantage on-block have had their advantage dramatically reduced.
:::* OTG moves now have an IPS limit of one. After a move hits OTG, the opponent will be sent instantly into the IPS state.
:::* Moves with disjointed hitboxes have been given proper hurtboxes with a few exceptions.
:::* There are no longer any frame 1 head invul moves. The fastest head invul moves in the game now come out on frame 3.
:::* Now, when performing an instant block, the rewarded superchat will vary depending on the damage of the move blocked.
:::* Burst has a slower startup but a slightly bigger hitbox.
:::* Grabs have a shorter range.
:::* Grab tech has a longer time before both players can act again, increased pushback, and increased superchat gain.
:::* Frame data of all universal overheads has been standardized.
:::* When moves are blocked in the corner, they now have more pushback.
::''Other Changes''
:::* You can no longer steal the corner by jumping into the corner.
:::* There is now a buffer for being able to perform dashes. This should help with micro dashes in certain combo routes, notably Ollie’s.
:::* An additional visual effect has been added: a lightning effect to signify moves with unusually long hitstun.
:'''New Character: Ninomae Ina’nis'''
::Witty Artistic High-priestess
::Ina is a midrange charge character who controls space with her tentacle attacks. She unleashes latent power from the Ancient Ones when the opportunity arises, leaving her opponents without an inkling as to what hit them.
::Something unique to Ina is that she has visual indicators for when she has charged her charge attacks. If you have down charge, the halo will glow. If you have back charge, the book will glow.
:'''Existing Character Changes'''
:::We wanted Fubuki to be a versatile well-rounded character with a particular strength in patient, reactive play. While Korone was shaped to be more pressure-focused, we wanted to emphasize Fubuki’s power in neutral.
:::In addition, several changes were made to help Fubuki make better use of her Idol Skill. These changes help Fubuki feel more distinct as a character and also help compensate for some tools Fubuki lost due to universal system changes.
::::* ''New Mechanic'': When performing a special move using simple inputs, the move will never be an SSR. This allows players to hold onto stocked Burger Fox or Pity SSRs while still having access to Fubuki’s non-SSR specials.
::::* Fubuki’s Burger will now grant 2 guaranteed SSR charges instead of 1. However, Fubuki is now capped to holding only 2 guaranteed SSR charges at once.
::::* SSR QCB: The SSR variants of the move will now cause a wallsplat instead of wallbounce when performed near the corner, and no longer cause a midscreen side-swap. This will prevent the juggled opponent from being put into impossible follow-up positions when the SSR occurs at specific parts of the screen.
::::* SSR DD L/M: Frame 1 full invulnerability removed. Changed to reflect non-SSR DD L/M head invulnerability frames.
:::Changes with Korone are focused on making her less “all-around” powerful and more focused.
:::Korone is currently a strong character due to her high damage and oppressive pressure. However, Korone also has very strong neutral and defensive options, making her overshadow many other characters.
:::In this update, we wanted to provide Korone more of an identity as well as give other characters a chance to shine. We are doing this by accentuating Korone as a powerful offensive pressure character, while nerfing her neutral and defensive game.
::::* ''New Super Input'': Korone can now access her supers separately with QCF S and QCB S.
::::** QCF S performs her X-potato super directly without performing the uppercut super on whiff.
::::** QCB S triggers the uppercut super which is fast and retains invul frames.
::::* Korone’s DD S will no longer cost any meter. This gives Korone a very powerful tool in both pressure and in combos.
::::* Korone’s 5M now has an extended hurtbox and less forward movement, pushback, blockstun, and frame advantage in order to make the move less abusable.
::::- Korone’s Chainsaw special moves have been significantly reworked and also have new sprites. The most significant changes include:
::::* All chainsaws have increased recovery time
::::** Light Chainsaw no longer has any projectile invulnerability
::::** Heavy chainsaw has increased startup.
::::** They also deal more chip damage than before.
:::We imagine Suisei as a powerful pressure character with an oppressive vortex and among the strongest offense in the game. However, as a tradeoff, Suisei intentionally struggles with limited defensive options.
:::We feel like Suisei meets her intended playstyle well and wanted to preserve this identity in this patch. However, we thought that her game plan was too one dimensional and relied on a few particularly powerful tools. To this end, we made adjustments that buffed and nerfed certain parts of her kit to make her use a wider variety of options in her offense.
::::* In order to preserve her identity as a character with limited defensive tools, Suisei is the only character in the game whose backdash does not have any invul frames. As a tradeoff, she retains her backdash speed, which is now by far the fastest backdash in the game.
::::* ''New Super Input'':
::::** Suisei no longer needs to install her supers. She can now go directly into both.
::::** The forward super is accessed by QCF S and the anti air super is accessed by QCB S.
::::** However in exchange she lost all invulnerability on them.
::::* QCF H has added armor on top of it, but the armor does not activate immediately. This is to give it more of a use in neutral as well as add an additional call out option for Suisei.
::::* QCF L is now more negative on block.
::::* Crouching M’s startup has been slowed down and been given a hurtbox during its active frames. In exchange, Standing H now connects from Crouching M even at its furthest ranges.
::::* Suisei’s DF M slide has increased frame advantage and a longer duration, giving her another offensive option.
::::* Suisei is cute in this update too. すいちゃんはこのアップデートでもかわいい!
:::Sora is a hybrid setplay/zoner character who also retains decent pressure tools.
:::Although Sora is currently a very powerful character, we wanted to preserve Sora’s identity, as she is also a very unique character.. Therefore, Sora remains relatively unchanged aside from targeted nerfs to her most oppressive and non-interactive offensive options.
::::* Forward M’s hurtbox has been extended and given a much slower startup.
::::* QCF L is now a single-hit projectile with a hefty attack level.
::::* QCB L/M mines now go away when Sora is hit.
:::Ayame was previously a character that relied heavily on a few powerful tools such as her DD H invincible reversal, which could be combo’d out of.
:::Due to universal changes to invulnerable special attacks, Ayame lost what was previously a core part of her identity. In order to compensate for this change, we decided to buff other parts of her kit to more evenly distribute her power across her kit.
:::Our goal was to make her feel mostly similar, but use a wider portion of her moveset.
::::* ''New Rekka Followups''
::::** Ayame’s Light Rekka Series now has additional followups:
::::*** M follow-up is a low.
::::*** H followup is an overhead.
::::* The additional follow-ups have been removed from her QCFH rekka series. However, this Rekka now pops up opponents for additional combo opportunities.
::::* Jumping Special saw little use. To remedy this, her Jumping Special will now groundbounce when hitting Aerial opponents. In addition we have given it an increased downwards hitbox.
::::* Sweep is also a move that saw little use. It has been given additional range as well as been made easier to use in combos.
:::Due to universal changes to OTG, we had to rework some of Coco’s combo structure. As a result some of her moves have fairly different properties.This new combo structure allows Coco to land more fire attacks than before within a single combo.. Due to this, we have added scaling to fire damage when used within a combo.
::::* Sweep now vacuums opponents in, allowing it to be used in combos.
::::* QCB M now counts as a projectile, giving it the ability to clash with other projectiles.
::::* To replace OTG no longer being able to combo, 22H now applies fire damage. 22G also places the opponent slightly closer to you to help keep Coco’s pressure going.
:::We felt that Aki didn’t have a clear vision and relied too much on gimmicks. In this update Aki has been significantly reworked to fit the role of a proper zoner. Her fireballs were tweaked to cover more approach angles as well as do more chip damage against blocking opponents.
:::In exchange for additional zoning options, we have toned down her ability to mix up the opponent.
::::* ''New Specials''
::::** Aki’s projectiles have been reworked. QCF L and M go diagonally downwards at slightly different angles.
::::** QCF H is a straight multi hit projectile.
::::** The QCB series are now projectiles as well, the L and M version serve as her anti air projectiles.
::::** QCB H is a delayed multi hit projectile.
::::** Muki moves have been moved to the down down inputs.
::::* Aki’s teleports have a new charge motion input (down -> up). In addition they were reworked to move her backwards instead of forwards. EX teleport is now invincible on startup.
::::* Aki’s normal attacks have increased in attack level, improving her blockstrings.
::::* DD S now has a different buff. Instead of making her projectiles home in, it instead adds an additional hit to her projectiles, giving her an edge in projectile wars as well has giving her better frame advantage on both block and hit.
::::* j.2M is now more plus on hit and less punishable on block. Hitting at the right angle allows for followups.
:::Botan has some awkward parts to her kit, but overall is a solid character.
:::Most of Botan’s changes have been made in order to compensate for Botan’s losses due to universal mechanics adjustments.
::::* ''New Super'': Botan has a new super accessed by QCB S. This move has an invincible startup, followed by a barrage of bullets.
::::** As a result of the universal changes to frame 1 armor moves on wakeup, Botan's shopping cart is now weak to meaty grabs and cannot be made safe or combo'd off of using Superchat Cancels.
::::** The addition of this move provides Botan with a new reversal option as well as an additional option to convert from longer ranged pokes.
::::* DD M has received an additional low followup by hitting light. The jump arc of DD M also goes further.
::::* Crouching M’s hitbox has been extended. It also has more hurtbox and slightly increased startup to compensate.
::::* Grenades now go away on-hit.
:::Pekora had some really good pressure but suffered from an unbalanced moveset, with certain extremely powerful tools overshadowing other moves. Also due to universal OTG changes, she lost some of her power so changes were made to help keep her OTG useful.
:::These changes were made to reduce her oppressiveness in both her pressure sequences and her zoning. We targeted the most powerful moves in her kit, while also rounding out moves that were previously overshadowed. She is still strong in both areas, but should be easier to deal with.
::::* QCB L: Pekora moves backwards less after launching a rocket.
::::* DD H TNT now goes away on hit and has reduced frame advantage.
::::* QCB M now puts the opponent into a hard knockdown state when hitting OTG, giving time for a mixup afterwards.
::::* QCB H now shoots faster, does more damage, and can now be kicked. The move is also air untechable and as a result should be easier to combo off of.
::::* DD L: Can no longer place another TNT while the previous TNT is being kicked or launched.
::::* DD S is now air untechable, making it easier to combo off of.
::::* Super is now air untechable, which should resolve issues where opponents could hit Pekora even after she lands her super.
:::Ollie remains mostly the same, with some changes targeting her midrange capabilities. We wanted to make sure that Ollie’s offense remained powerful, but make it more difficult for her to start it.
:::Universal changes also do a lot to make her less oppressive. We’ve also done a few things to aid her quality of life.
::::* Increased recovery on 3H and 5H, but both have increased hitstun and blockstun to compensate. 5H now connects to her specials that lead to knockdowns at further ranges.
::::* DD S now deals recoverable health damage during the initial laser. The big attack at the end still deals normal damage.
::::* QCF L hitting grounded opponents now puts them in an air untechable state.
::'''General Collab Changes'''
:::The following changes apply to all gameplay involving collabs:
::::* You can no longer hit L and H at the same time to perform an off-collab; you must use the collab button instead. We removed this macro because we noticed it would often cause players to mis-input Light or Heavy moves when attempting to summon their collab.
::::* We have added new moves to some characters which now utilize the QCB S input. As such, call-ins are now performed by holding forward and the collab button at the same time.
::::* In order to reduce resource competition between off-collabs and superchat cancel/reversal, the player will now always have 3 maximum bars of superchat. The cost of an off-collab will still vary depending on the collab chosen, and the UI will indicate when they can be summoned.
::::* If a player is hit within a short window off time after summoning a collab, it will disappear. We’ve made this change to attempt to provide increased risk and counterplay to utilizing collabs.
::'''New Collabs''
::::* Off Collab: Fauna releases a pulse that pushes the enemy away and turns half the partner's damage taken into recoverable health.
::::* Call In: Fauna summons 3 saplings from the ground that pull the opponent closer upon stepping on them.
::::* Off Collab: An idol is on the loose... the Oozora Police starts chasing them around, hitting everything in the way.
::::* Call In: Subaru slams a big sausage onto the ground, hitting everything on the ground.
::'''Existing Collab Adjustments'''
:::While we still want collabs to play a large role in gameplay, we noticed two consistent issues with them:
::::# Collabs were being used as general win conditions in a way that we felt often overshadowed the kits of characters. We’ve attempted to tune collabs such that they now either serve a consistent small benefit, or provide win conditions that can be accessed more situationally.
::::# We identified a few collabs (Ame, Miko and Roboco) that were being consistently chosen over the others by almost every character, with the remainder either being niche picks for certain characters or outright ignored. In this patch, we’ve attempted to level the power of all collabs.
::::* Call in: Scaling reduced to 1.1x.
::::* Off collab: Now costs 2 superchat bars.
::::* Off collab: No longer puts the opponent in hitstun. No longer gives the opponent increased chip damage. Now reduces the opponent’s movement much more even including certain mobility special moves.
::::* Off Collab: now costs 3 superchat bars.
::::* Call In: Reduced range.
::::* Off Collab: Now costs 3 superchat bars.
::::* Off Collab: Greatly increased hitstun and blockstun on nuts.
::::* Call In: Now has normal scaling (0.85x).
::::* Off Collab: Slightly increased startup time.
::::* Call In: Opponent falls out of this move less.
::::* Call In: Spawns closer to the player.
::::* Call-In: Now ground bounces when hitting aerial opponents and puts standing opponents in increased hitstun.
::::* Call-In: Reduced startup.
::::* Call In: Now has normal scaling (0.85x).
::::* Off Collab: Hitbox extended further down.
::::* Call In: Now produces a purple flash on the screen when summoned to help with visibility.
::::* Call In: Now has normal scaling (0.85x).
::::* Off Collab: Now costs 2 superchat bars.
::::* Off Collab: Has increased range, increased duration, and can debuff opponents on the ground.
::::* Call In: Now has normal scaling (0.85x).
::::* Off Collab: Now gives 20% attack and 30% defense as well as lasting longer.
::::* Off Collab: The buffs now last for a longer duration.
::::* Off Collab: Interval between missiles is lower now, effectively shortening the duration.
::::* Call In: Greatly increased startup. Slightly increased hitstun.
::::* Off Collab: Now has a limited range. Has a longer startup before falling.
::::* Call In: Increased startup.
:::''We wanted to highlight some of the bigger changes that each character received, but even these only account for a small percentage of how each character has been changed to fit within the new system of the game.''
:'''Online Changes'''
::* Titles, stickers, and banners display within game lobbies
::* All Elo reset to 1500
::* Custom border for Elo 3000 and above
::* Decreased the time for match timeout, preventing hard freezes when an opponent disconnects
::* Pregame and postgame stickers have been added for interaction between matches
::* Added an Elo penalty when quitting during an online match
::* Optimized the artificial delay during frame drops to more accurately calculate the delay
::* Various fixes to ensure lobby connections work as expected
:::* New option quickplay to automatically match players based on Elo and ranges
:::* Includes an indicator when people accept, estimated ping, and search status
:::* Option added to switch to training mode as well, and start search from training
:'''Virtual Frontier Changes'''
::'''General Change'''
:::Our goal for Virtual Frontier was to make it more resource management focused and provide players with more meaningful decisions to make, as well as provide the information necessary to make those decisions.
:::In addition, we recognize that Virtual Frontier may be played by players of many skill levels and therefore wanted to add a wide variety of difficulty options and modifiers so players of various skill levels can tune the mode to their liking.
::'''New Content'''
:::''New Bosses''
::::A Boss character can now be fought at the end of Virtual Frontier run. These bosses offer a unique experience that contrasts with normal fights and can provide a new test at the end of every run.
:::::* R-Trus
:::::* Fubuzilla & Kurokami
:::::* Kronii
::::The boss: “Error Sora” will no longer appear at the end of a Virtual Frontier run, but will still appear as the final boss of Arcade Mode.
:::''New Shops''
::::In addition, we have added new Shops to the virtual frontier. These shops are intended to allow players to have more control over their Virtual Frontier runs.
:::::* Shion Shop
:::::** This shop provides several options to transmute their current items into new items. Players are limited to 5 actions per visit.
:::::*** Enchant: Upgrade an item to another item of a higher rarity, in exchange for a large fee
:::::*** Disenchant: Downgrade an item into one of a lower rarity, but receive Pekos in return.
:::::*** Mutate: Change an item into a random item of the same rarity in exchange for a small fee
:::::* Rio Shop
:::::** Rio’s shop allows you to store items in one run and pick them up in a subsequent run. This can be used for highly customized builds or to target difficult achievements.
:::''Gameplay Updates''
::::We have now added “stat” items that can be received as rewards from fights; these provide the player with small but consistent upgrades to basic attributes. In the last version of Virtual Fronter, we noticed that it was often possible to “snowball” very quickly due to how frequently opportunities were given to pick up new items. We thought that this was good, but should happen further into runs; we hope that ‘stats’ will accomplish this by diluting the frequency of item pickups.
::::We’ve also added a variety of new snacks and accessories to the game, and made balance adjustments to pre-existing items, fights and game economy.
::::Finally, we’ve added several new fights, and made difficulty adjustments to pre-existing ones - including tuning the AI to be susceptible to fewer “degenerate” counterplay strategies.
:::''New Difficulty Options''
::::* Players are now always able to toggle the following options on:
::::** Auto-block: This is the old effect of the “Light Armor” item and will automatically block incoming attacks if the player is not performing any action
::::** Auto-combo: This is the old effect of the “Glove Cloak” item and will automatically create a combo when mashing the same button.
::::* In addition, there are new starting items that allow players to customize their difficulty
::::** Light Armor: Reduce incoming damage by 25%
::::** Glove Cloak: Increase damage by 30%
::::** Plastic Ball: No effect
::::** Gladiator Chains: Increase incoming damage by 30%, but increase damage by 20%
::::* “Milestones” have been added.
::::** Milestones are additional difficulty levels that can be unlocked by completing Virtual Frontier
::::** Each new Milestone adds an additional unique difficulty modifier which stacks upon the previous modifier.
:::''More Mid-Run information''
::::Several changes have been made to help player make more strategic decisions when planning out their Virtual Frontier Runs
:::::* There are now icons that indicate the “effect” of a reward from a fight. The icon will indicate that at least one reward from that fight will be of a certain type:
:::::** Sword Icon: Offense items that either directly increase damage or create perform attacks
:::::** Shield icon: Defense items that can either block damage or heal the player
:::::** Wrench Icon: Utility items that have a variety of effects such as generating pekos, providing meter and more.
:::::* Players can now return back to the map screen after selecting a fight. This allows them to choose the preferred fight when given multiple options.
:::::* After every fight, players will now receive a “Stats” display that shows the performance of their items in the fight.
:::::** Offense items will display the amount of additional damage contributed by the item
:::::** Defense items will display either the amount of damage blocked by the item, or the amount of damage healed by the item.
:::::** Items that hurt the player or reduce damage will be shown with negative values.
::::Players can now see the “seed” of their run. In addition, players can specify a map generation seed when starting a new Virtual Frontier run.
:::''Other new Content''
::::* There are now “stat” items which can be received as a reward from a fight. These stat items provide the player with small, but consistent upgrades to basic attributes
::::* New Fights have been added.
::::* New Snacks and Accessories have also been added.
::::* Balance adjustments have been made to items, fights and game economy.
::'''UI Changes'''
:::* New Splash Screen assets
:::* New Main Menu assets
:::* Settings Menu has been overhauled
:::* New Input Selection assets
:::* New Tutorial assets
:::* New Training Mode assets
:::* New CSS assets
:::* New gameplay HUD assets
:::* New Online lobby assets
:::* New Victory Screen comments
::'''Audio Changes'''
:::New Tracks:
::::* Violet Blossom (Meconopsis/Kanalumi)
::::* Time of Death (Daydream)
::::* Flayon X Showdown (Dead World)
::::* Kon Kon Beatdown (Kon Kon Beats)
::::* Terminal Velocity (Gravity)
::::* Kusa Garlic (Halloween Night)
::::* Canvas of Journey (Palette)
::::* id:ol Battle (id: entity voices)
::::* Planting Joy (Let Me Stay Here)
::::* World Takeover (Dark Breath)
::::* New School Euphoria (ユーフォリア)
::::* Next Fes (New Main Theme)
::::* Wait, Did This Change? (A New Start)
::::* Tick Tock Reggaeson (Chikutaku)
::::* Sunny Side Up (Pineapple)
:::Removed Tracks:
::::* Paintbrush
::::* Ding Ding Ding
::::* Peko Miko War
::::* Amelia Reggaeson
::::* I Forgor
:::''Various miscellaneous voice lines, UI SFX and Gameplay SFX tweaks.''
=== {{Date|February|10|2024}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.15===
'''Lobby and Networking fixes'''
# Made adjustments to GGPO to circumvent hard crashes
# Fixed bug where people can join lobby mid game
# Fixed bug where spectators had no option selected
# Fixed bug where leaving mid count down caused a button lock
=== {{Date|January|13|2024}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.14===
'''Lobby and Networking fixes'''
# Made adjustments to GGPO to circumvent hard crashes
# Fixed bug where people can join lobby mid game
# Fixed bug where spectators had no option selected
# Fixed bug where leaving mid count down caused a button lock
=== {{Date|January|10|2024}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.13===
'''Audio bug fix'''
# Fixed bug where blocked attacks had no sound
=== {{Date|January|9|2024}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.11, 3.0.12===
'''Desync trigger fix 3.0.12'''
# Fixed spectator desync detector not being triggered
'''Spectator Desync bugfix 3.0.11'''
# Added detection for spectator desyncs, rolling back if a desync occurs
# Fixed issue where spectator would get spammed with desync messages
# Resolved issue where Vod limit was not being calculated correctly.
=== {{Date|December|29|2023}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.10===
'''Archive bugfix'''
# Resolved issue where multiple VODs could not be saved within a single play session.
# Resolved issue where multiple banners would generate on VOD saves.
# Resolved bug related to attempting to save a VOD again online after clicking "Rematch"
=== {{Date|December|28|2023}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.9===
'''Feature Cleanup and Quality of Life Updates'''
* Archive Updates & New Features:
** Saved names in archive now shows character names for offline matches.
** Added return to archive button to archive pause menu.
** VODS no longer save in arcade or VF mode.
** VOD files moved to a new directory of /Vods to not get confused with /Demos.
** Updated archive HUD Toggle options to be more consistent.
** Vods are now manually saved at the post match screen.
** Removed favoriting vods since they are now managed manually.
** Added Auto save VOD option to the settings menu.
** Added a new Archive Menu in the Archive to support mass deletion of VODs.
** Delete All Corrupted, Delete All Filtered, Delete All VODS.
** Drastically improved the speed of loading the Archive when a lot of VODs are stored.
** Fixed issues where VODs would only store up to 3min~ of data.
** Misc performance improvements.
* Audio Bug Fixes
** Mio's howl on Moonlit Gates removed from training mode to help with round reloading auditory disturbances.
** Fixed bug with music randomly stopping or duplicating when leaving and losing single player modes.
** Made ambience more consistent and performant.
** Other misc audio tweaks.
* Spectator
** Added log for spectator/player input information under dev mode
** Increased reliability of inputs sent to spectators
** Added checks for corrupted packets
=== {{Date|December|22|2023}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.8===
'''More Lobby Bugfixes'''
# Fixed lobby rotations breaking lobby
# Added timeout for spectator
# Fixed issue where spectator leaving caused a black screen for p2
# Increased reliability of post match loading
# "Developer Mode" added to settings. (no leaks, just a debug tool for dev. More info in Discord)
=== {{Date|December|21|2023}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.7===
'''Lobby Bugfixes'''
# Resolved issue where Lobby could sometimes stop functioning upon P2 joining
# Resolved issue where public lobbies would show spectators
# Resolved localization issues in training mode
# Resolved issue where network desyncs could result in a softlock when spectators were present.
=== {{Date|December|20|2023}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.6===
'''Lobby Spectator Stability patch'''
# Multiple UI fixes and adjustments on Lobby Screen
# Added loading icon for lobby menus
# Spectators are now connected via a delay based connection. The network connection of Spectators will no longer affect the players
# Lobby "Search" range logic has been adjusted to be based on ping.
# Multiple internal networking adjustments.
# Mio howl will no longer play in training mode in Moonlight Gates stage.
=== {{Date|November|5|2023}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.4, 3.0.5===
'''Lobby Stability Hotfix 3.0.4'''
*Lobby and Online Features
**Added player count in lobby search
**Adjusted filters such that larger region search includes the closer regions as well.
**Added "return to lobby" option for spectator
*Lobby and Online Bugfixes
**Fixed localization in lobby search
**Resolved issues with banning feature in lobbies
**Resolved stability issue when the host is spectator and P1 and P2 leaves
**Post match stability improvements for lobbies with spectators
**General stability adjustments for spectators in lobbies.
'''Sprite Hotfix 3.0.5'''
*Correct sprite corruption with Korone
=== {{Date|October|31|2023}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.3 ===
:1. Kaela - Off-Collab: BUGFIX - resolved issue where buffs would not get applied if you are currently being hit by a super or grab
:2. BUGFIX - Resolved issue where you could enter a dash animation before the round starts
:3. BUGFIX - resolved issue with ELO not updating
=== {{Date|October|29|2023}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.2 ===
:General Gameplay Fixes:
::- Resolved input issues where Collabs could be summoned before a round starts
::- Resolved issue with moves with 0 knockback interfering with knockback. Most notable with Ame's Off-collab
:UI Issues:
::- Resolved issue when selecting invisible button in Training Mode leading to lock
::- Resolved issue on stage select with Lock Icons
::- Resolved stability that could occur upon spectators joining and leaving during countdown.
::- Resolved issue where players would be stuck on the Post Match Screen
::- 5L - BUGFIX - Resolved issue which was cause the attack to not be able to be counter-hit
::- Grab - Increased recovery by 1f to match other character's grab recoveries.
::- Super - BUGFIX - Resolved issue where invulnerability would not persist when clashing with opponent
::- New Voice lines added for Super Animation
::- 236H - BUGFIX - Resolved issue with 4th slash not coming not>
::- Call-IN: Can no longer be reflected
::- Off-Collab: New Sound Effects
=== {{Date|October|28|2023}} - Hotfix Version 3.0.1===
:'''Ollie Update 3.0.1'''
:General Bugfixes:
::- Removed Counter Voiceline due to issues with the conditions it would be played
::- Resolved issue where Song would sometimes persist across stages.
::- Resolved issue with Wallbounces where users were bouncing off of wall 2 frames earlier then intended. Most notable with Botan sniper combos
::- Removed issue where non playable characters are selectable via Random. ERROR Sora should no longer be playable (or is she?)
::- Resolved issue where the Command list would be uninteracable when scrolling too quickly.
::- BUGFIX - Resolved issue where Ollie was not performing chip damage. All specials and supers should do standard chip damage
::- 22H - BUGFIX Resolved issue where 22H (held) would move Ollie to midair
::- Super - BUGFIX - Resolved issue where the final hit of super would hit multiple times when used in conjunction with a collab summon.
::- Command List portrait updated
::- 5L - Adjusted voiceline position
::- Kyou mo Kawaii!!!
::- Off-Collab - BUGFIX - Resolved issue with Kaela's "shield" buff. It will now only negate chip damage, and no longer heal the user for blocking attacks.
::- Call In: Now Disappears when the user is hit
::- Added voiceline on collab selection.
::- Off-Collab: "Defense Down" card has been added to the Card Pool. This increases damage taken by 20% while debuff is active.
:'''NOTE: This hotfix will break all existing VODs'''
=== {{Date|October|27|2023}} - Ollie Update Version 3.0.0===
:'''Patch 3.0.0 Overview'''
:'''Patch 3.0.0 Overview'''

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=== {{Date|May|5|2023}} - Release! ===
=== {{Date|May|5|2023}} - Release! ===
:Idol Showdown is now available on Steam!
:Idol Showdown is now available on Steam!
[[Category:Idol Showdown]]
[[Category:Idol Showdown]]

Latest revision as of 21:55, 12 June 2024

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=== {{subst:Today'sDate}} - Template Newsline ===
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July 3, 2024 - Template Newsline
Template Description

News and update items for Idol Showdown.

June 13, 2024 - Patch Version 4.0.10

Patch v4.0.10

  • Added more stability for public/private lobbies
  • Fixed issue where Elo will be lost in private lobbies
  • Fixed issue of persisting ports (during repeated lobby rejoins) causing hard crashes
  • All Throws no longer grant counterhit SC
  • 214 L/M - Bugfix: resolved issue where the beam could sometimes come out from the Icon even while Aki was being hit.
  • Resolved issue where Suisei would be knocked out at an inconsistent angle after a grab move that released her in midair.
  • EX: Suisei's 236H
  • Call-in: Bugfix, When performed out of a corner, Kiara will now correctly spawn behind the player
  • Fixed CSS not giving P2 UI controls if P2 opened rebinding screen.
  • Fixed P1/P2 CSS cursors overlapping rebinding screen
  • Fixed Rebinding screen not giving P2 UI controls if P1 switches to it's tab.
  • Minor Rebinding screen UI tweaks

May 29, 2024 - Patch Version 4.0.9

Patch v4.0.9

  • Added delay frames display
  • Fixed broken rematch in quick play lobbies
  • Resolved issue where the Invulnerability indicator with "Show hitboxes" would not always match the actual invul frames
  • Kiara: resolved issue where Kiara would still create an explosion hitbox upon the user being hit
  • Kiara: Callin - Ghost hitbox removed
  • Kiara: Callin Resolved issue where the move could not be burstable. This affects all "lock-in" attacks but is most notable with Kiara's Callin
  • Kiara: Resolved issue where certain moves that could "lock you in place" such as Kiara's Call in, could result in a Burst not coming out properly
  • Actions can no longer be performed after the opponent is defeated.
  • Resolved issue where collabs could warp you off screen when destroyed
  • Resolved issue where health could change after an opponent was already defeated.
  • Resolved issue where you could no longer run after being KO'd in a previous turn by a groundbouncing attack.
  • Suisei palette fix

May 20, 2024 - Patch Version 4.0.8

Patch v4.0.8

  • Added a new "Frame Lock" option, to allow for more consistent frame rate and smoother online matches (will be on by default) while being more resource heavy. Will only be enabled online if both players have the option set to default
  • Removed option to change GGPO delay, will set delay at the start of matches based on ping.
  • Adjusted searching logic to prevent infinite searches
  • Fixed declining of players to prevent rematch
  • General quickplay stability changes
  • Added new rank borders for bronze (1700), silver (2000), gold (2300), and diamond (2700)
  • Fixed overlapping spectator text on match UI
  • Removed match settings from public lobbies
  • Fixed All category not autoselecting when entering Archive
  • Made vods remember individual player win count
  • Made vods remember selected stage variant
  • Fixed archive replay not using player nicknames in HUD
  • Fixed HUD switch not hiding archive panel
  • Fixed Archive entry's name cutting nicknames if they are too long
  • Added ability to open selected vod in File Explorer
  • Added History window to Archives to show last 150 played matches (pvp or online).
  • Resolved issue where you could Cancel a Meterspending move into a non meter costing move using the Shortcut keys
  • Resolved issue a jump could be buffered for a very long time after a blockstring or hitstun string.
  • Resolved issue where varying input delay would cause advantage on round start
  • Fubuki: Resolved issue where SSR projectils would have worse frame advantage then non SSR projectiles
  • Aki: Resolved issue where the QCB fireball series was not following projectile limit rules

May 13, 2024 - Hotfix Version 4.0.7

Hotfix v4.0.7

  • Added AI vs AI gamemode with gameplay takeover
  • Adjusted option names for offline mode
  • Added region lock for quickplay in settings menu
  • Fixed various SFX
  • Fixed lobby music stop playing when returning from CSS
  • Adjusted size of ready to have profile picture to be more visible
  • Desync resolution for Coco fire damaage
  • Desync Resolution for objects spawned off screen
  • Fixed missing moves
  • Made training values panel slightly bigger
  • Fixed dialog box not fully hiding in achievments
  • Various achievements fixes
  • Fixed shop overlaying multiple menus
  • GangCity stage optimizations
  • Fixed game black screening when attempting to load a Vod in the archive.
Virtual Frontier
  • Adjusted AI patterns for Kronii and Flayon to use more of their moveset
  • Added option to rebind select button
  • Various performance optimizations
  • Fixed issue where selecting Subaru collab as P2 would some times move in the wrong direction

May 9, 2024 - Hotfix Version 4.0.4, 4.0.5, 4.0.6

Hotfix 4.0.6

  • Fixed general projectile collisions

Hotfix 4.0.5: Performance and networking

  • Significant optimizations for lower end PCs and reduced latency
  • Adjustments to quickplay filter, will now properly find everyone that is queuing

Hotfix 4.0.4

  • Fixed Vods incorrectly displaying outdated version
  • Updated Archive UI
  • Reordered Filtered Categories
  • Hide filter when no Vods are detected
  • Updated Archive Navigation
  • Updated Archive SFX
  • Added Archive Menu localization
  • Moved archive Vod folder to: \Assets\StreamingAssets\Files\Vods
  • Super, Resolved issue where super would not break super armor attacks.
  • Resolved issue where blocking crouching hurtbox was matching the standing hurtbox instead of the crouching hurtbox
  • 22H: Resolved issue where Mortar could be kicked outside the bounds of the stage
  • 6H, Resolved issue with excessive additional knockback on counter hit
  • Call-In, added camera lock for additional consistency with wallbounces
  • Call-in, added camera lock for additional consistency with wallbounces.
  • off-collab, resolved issue where Fauna could not be bursted.
Virtual Frontier
  • AI: Resolved issue where some passive item effects (Ex: Daifuku) would cause AI to act very passively.
  • Cheat characters will no longer receive new cosplay notifications (they never actually unlocked any new cosplays)
  • Rio will now be able to appear in world 3.
  • Random fights can now take place on AquaMarine or Holo Office stages
  • Daifuku: Resolved: Cooldown for Daifuku now be displayed ingame. Resolved issues with item cooldown.
  • Holocards: Resolved issue where the item would not refresh in boss fights
  • Ikemen Instruction Guide: Meter drain no longer applies on block. Base effet reduced (2% -> 1.5%, stack effect reduced 2% -> 1%)
  • Added confirmation before joining a lobby, to circumvent joining joining empty lobbies,
  • Fixed lobby filter preventing certain lobbies from being found,
  • Filtered lobbies that have been previously declined or timed out,
  • Fixed command list not disappearing
  • Various localization fixes
  • Updated various SFX on UI
  • Resolved issue where health bars did not match real HP values
  • Resolved issue where you could burst super moves if performed out of another action

May 8, 2024 - Hotfix Version 4.0.3


  • Super - Tentacle now disappears if Ina is hit during the startup
  • 22S: Bugfix - Resolved isuse where fireballs not belonging to Ina could still activate the Tako effect.
  • Backdash - Resolved issue where Pekora's backdash was counted as "Counterhit" state
  • 28H - Resolved issue where the collabs could still be summoned while performing the teleport. (Collabs cannot be summoned while performing reversals)
  • 22H: Bugfix, Resolved issue where Aki would not stop at the opponent if an opponent was in blockstun.
  • Bugfix: Resolved issue where Defense bonus was not being applied


  • Resolved issue where boss characters could still be selected online.


  • Various UI optimizations
  • Health/Burst fixes
  • Missing localization added


  • Tournament MODE: Performing the Tournament mode cheat will now temporarily unlock all songs

May 7, 2024 - Hotfix Version 4.0.2


  1. Ina: All Fireballs: Bugfix, Resolved issue where fireballs created by the shortcut commands would not obey projectile counter rules
  2. Sora: Super: Bugfix: Resolved visual bug on hit confirm

Virtual Frontier:

  1. Bugfix: Resolved issue where Pioneer water would apply its effect even when the Snack was not active
  2. Complete VF fight in under 5 seconds fix


  1. Increased timeout time when joining a lobby


  1. General UI performance fixes
  2. Navigation lock fix


  1. Fixed various localization issues

May 6, 2024 - Hotfix Version 4.0.1

Quickplay fixes

  1. Quickplay joining stability, more consistency for match connections
  2. Fixed bug where players would not receive an accept message from opponent

Known Issues

  1. Currently, when returning to main menu navigation will be soft locked on controllers, pressing A (or the equivalent) will fix navigation

May 5, 2024 - Next Fes Update Version 4.0.0

New Features
Several new features have been added to Idol Showdown Next Fes. They include the following:
Quick Play
A new online option that allows players to swiftly join an Elo-based matchmade lobby. Players can now utilize the training mode while awaiting a match.
Extras — Shop and Achievements
A shop has been added to the main menu. New cosplays, music, stickers, online lobby titles and more have been made accessible for purchase using Nenecoin - an in-game currency that can be earned by playing the game in a variety of ways.
Achievements have also been added to the main menu. Players can test their skill & resolve, and earn extra Nenecoin by redeeming completed achievements.
New Stages
Three new stages can be purchased through the newly added shop.
  • Hololive Office
  • Beyond Time

In addition, Eternity Bright can now be unlocked through the shop and various stage variants can be selected on Stage Select.
4 New Cosplays Per Idol and Default Palette Adjustments
Several stickers have been added for use in online lobbies. They can be purchased through the newly added shop.
Various Performance Updates And Improvements
Tutorials Update
We have updated the tutorials to reflect the new & altered gameplay mechanics discussed below. We recommend that both new and returning players visit to see what has changed.

Universal Gameplay Changes
Thank you for continuing to support Idol Showdown.
We have been working hard on delivering a new Idol Showdown experience based on player feedback. This update is a major revision to almost all aspects of the game. Our goals with this update include:
  • Encouraging more interactive play through:
    • Providing more defensive options.
    • Reducing the number of “checkmate” situations.
    • Creating a less volatile and more stable game.
  • Improving balance between characters.
  • Improving balance within a character’s kit by nerfing dominant and oppressive tools while also buffing underutilized options.

Lots of changes have been made within Idol Showdown: Next Fes — too many to easily fit into patch notes. Much of the frame data within the game has changed, so we’d like to ask our players to explore themselves to find out exactly what is different. Throughout these patch notes we will highlight the biggest changes within the Next Fes update.
New Mechanic: Super Chat Reversal
While blocking, if you hold forward and press M and H at the same time, you can do an invincible attack mid-block that does no damage but pushes the opponent back. This costs two superchat bars. This gives an additional option to get out of an opponent’s pressure.
New Mechanic: Jab chains
You can chain light attacks into themselves - even on whiff. Certain characters will have different limits on how many times they can chain jab into itself.
New Mechanic: Invulnerable Backdashes
Backdashes now have full invulnerability on startup up to a certain point. This can help escape some oppressive situations.
New Mechanic: Additional Simple inputs
You can now perform different strength variants of special moves by pressing the special button in addition to the strength of the special move you desire. For example, if you are playing Korone and hold back and press special and heavy at the same time, you will get EX chainsaw.

Various other universal changes
General Balance Changes
  • You are no longer able to combo off of one meter frame 1 invincible moves.
  • You cannot superchat cancel or call a collab during a frame 1 invincible or armored move.
  • Moves with frame 1 armor now lose their grab protection on wakeup.
  • Generally, EX moves that provide frame advantage on-block have had their advantage dramatically reduced.
  • OTG moves now have an IPS limit of one. After a move hits OTG, the opponent will be sent instantly into the IPS state.
  • Moves with disjointed hitboxes have been given proper hurtboxes with a few exceptions.
  • There are no longer any frame 1 head invul moves. The fastest head invul moves in the game now come out on frame 3.
  • Now, when performing an instant block, the rewarded superchat will vary depending on the damage of the move blocked.
  • Burst has a slower startup but a slightly bigger hitbox.
  • Grabs have a shorter range.
  • Grab tech has a longer time before both players can act again, increased pushback, and increased superchat gain.
  • Frame data of all universal overheads has been standardized.
  • When moves are blocked in the corner, they now have more pushback.

Other Changes
  • You can no longer steal the corner by jumping into the corner.
  • There is now a buffer for being able to perform dashes. This should help with micro dashes in certain combo routes, notably Ollie’s.
  • An additional visual effect has been added: a lightning effect to signify moves with unusually long hitstun.

New Character: Ninomae Ina’nis
Witty Artistic High-priestess
Ina is a midrange charge character who controls space with her tentacle attacks. She unleashes latent power from the Ancient Ones when the opportunity arises, leaving her opponents without an inkling as to what hit them.
Something unique to Ina is that she has visual indicators for when she has charged her charge attacks. If you have down charge, the halo will glow. If you have back charge, the book will glow.

Existing Character Changes

We wanted Fubuki to be a versatile well-rounded character with a particular strength in patient, reactive play. While Korone was shaped to be more pressure-focused, we wanted to emphasize Fubuki’s power in neutral.
In addition, several changes were made to help Fubuki make better use of her Idol Skill. These changes help Fubuki feel more distinct as a character and also help compensate for some tools Fubuki lost due to universal system changes.
  • New Mechanic: When performing a special move using simple inputs, the move will never be an SSR. This allows players to hold onto stocked Burger Fox or Pity SSRs while still having access to Fubuki’s non-SSR specials.
  • Fubuki’s Burger will now grant 2 guaranteed SSR charges instead of 1. However, Fubuki is now capped to holding only 2 guaranteed SSR charges at once.
  • SSR QCB: The SSR variants of the move will now cause a wallsplat instead of wallbounce when performed near the corner, and no longer cause a midscreen side-swap. This will prevent the juggled opponent from being put into impossible follow-up positions when the SSR occurs at specific parts of the screen.
  • SSR DD L/M: Frame 1 full invulnerability removed. Changed to reflect non-SSR DD L/M head invulnerability frames.

Changes with Korone are focused on making her less “all-around” powerful and more focused.
Korone is currently a strong character due to her high damage and oppressive pressure. However, Korone also has very strong neutral and defensive options, making her overshadow many other characters.
In this update, we wanted to provide Korone more of an identity as well as give other characters a chance to shine. We are doing this by accentuating Korone as a powerful offensive pressure character, while nerfing her neutral and defensive game.
  • New Super Input: Korone can now access her supers separately with QCF S and QCB S.
    • QCF S performs her X-potato super directly without performing the uppercut super on whiff.
    • QCB S triggers the uppercut super which is fast and retains invul frames.
  • Korone’s DD S will no longer cost any meter. This gives Korone a very powerful tool in both pressure and in combos.
  • Korone’s 5M now has an extended hurtbox and less forward movement, pushback, blockstun, and frame advantage in order to make the move less abusable.
- Korone’s Chainsaw special moves have been significantly reworked and also have new sprites. The most significant changes include:
  • All chainsaws have increased recovery time
    • Light Chainsaw no longer has any projectile invulnerability
    • Heavy chainsaw has increased startup.
    • They also deal more chip damage than before.

We imagine Suisei as a powerful pressure character with an oppressive vortex and among the strongest offense in the game. However, as a tradeoff, Suisei intentionally struggles with limited defensive options.
We feel like Suisei meets her intended playstyle well and wanted to preserve this identity in this patch. However, we thought that her game plan was too one dimensional and relied on a few particularly powerful tools. To this end, we made adjustments that buffed and nerfed certain parts of her kit to make her use a wider variety of options in her offense.
  • In order to preserve her identity as a character with limited defensive tools, Suisei is the only character in the game whose backdash does not have any invul frames. As a tradeoff, she retains her backdash speed, which is now by far the fastest backdash in the game.
  • New Super Input:
    • Suisei no longer needs to install her supers. She can now go directly into both.
    • The forward super is accessed by QCF S and the anti air super is accessed by QCB S.
    • However in exchange she lost all invulnerability on them.
  • QCF H has added armor on top of it, but the armor does not activate immediately. This is to give it more of a use in neutral as well as add an additional call out option for Suisei.
  • QCF L is now more negative on block.
  • Crouching M’s startup has been slowed down and been given a hurtbox during its active frames. In exchange, Standing H now connects from Crouching M even at its furthest ranges.
  • Suisei’s DF M slide has increased frame advantage and a longer duration, giving her another offensive option.
  • Suisei is cute in this update too. すいちゃんはこのアップデートでもかわいい!

Sora is a hybrid setplay/zoner character who also retains decent pressure tools.
Although Sora is currently a very powerful character, we wanted to preserve Sora’s identity, as she is also a very unique character.. Therefore, Sora remains relatively unchanged aside from targeted nerfs to her most oppressive and non-interactive offensive options.
  • Forward M’s hurtbox has been extended and given a much slower startup.
  • QCF L is now a single-hit projectile with a hefty attack level.
  • QCB L/M mines now go away when Sora is hit.

Ayame was previously a character that relied heavily on a few powerful tools such as her DD H invincible reversal, which could be combo’d out of.
Due to universal changes to invulnerable special attacks, Ayame lost what was previously a core part of her identity. In order to compensate for this change, we decided to buff other parts of her kit to more evenly distribute her power across her kit.
Our goal was to make her feel mostly similar, but use a wider portion of her moveset.
  • New Rekka Followups
    • Ayame’s Light Rekka Series now has additional followups:
      • M follow-up is a low.
      • H followup is an overhead.
  • The additional follow-ups have been removed from her QCFH rekka series. However, this Rekka now pops up opponents for additional combo opportunities.
  • Jumping Special saw little use. To remedy this, her Jumping Special will now groundbounce when hitting Aerial opponents. In addition we have given it an increased downwards hitbox.
  • Sweep is also a move that saw little use. It has been given additional range as well as been made easier to use in combos.

Due to universal changes to OTG, we had to rework some of Coco’s combo structure. As a result some of her moves have fairly different properties.This new combo structure allows Coco to land more fire attacks than before within a single combo.. Due to this, we have added scaling to fire damage when used within a combo.
  • Sweep now vacuums opponents in, allowing it to be used in combos.
  • QCB M now counts as a projectile, giving it the ability to clash with other projectiles.
  • To replace OTG no longer being able to combo, 22H now applies fire damage. 22G also places the opponent slightly closer to you to help keep Coco’s pressure going.

We felt that Aki didn’t have a clear vision and relied too much on gimmicks. In this update Aki has been significantly reworked to fit the role of a proper zoner. Her fireballs were tweaked to cover more approach angles as well as do more chip damage against blocking opponents.
In exchange for additional zoning options, we have toned down her ability to mix up the opponent.
  • New Specials
    • Aki’s projectiles have been reworked. QCF L and M go diagonally downwards at slightly different angles.
    • QCF H is a straight multi hit projectile.
    • The QCB series are now projectiles as well, the L and M version serve as her anti air projectiles.
    • QCB H is a delayed multi hit projectile.
    • Muki moves have been moved to the down down inputs.
  • Aki’s teleports have a new charge motion input (down -> up). In addition they were reworked to move her backwards instead of forwards. EX teleport is now invincible on startup.
  • Aki’s normal attacks have increased in attack level, improving her blockstrings.
  • DD S now has a different buff. Instead of making her projectiles home in, it instead adds an additional hit to her projectiles, giving her an edge in projectile wars as well has giving her better frame advantage on both block and hit.
  • j.2M is now more plus on hit and less punishable on block. Hitting at the right angle allows for followups.

Botan has some awkward parts to her kit, but overall is a solid character.
Most of Botan’s changes have been made in order to compensate for Botan’s losses due to universal mechanics adjustments.
  • New Super: Botan has a new super accessed by QCB S. This move has an invincible startup, followed by a barrage of bullets.
    • As a result of the universal changes to frame 1 armor moves on wakeup, Botan's shopping cart is now weak to meaty grabs and cannot be made safe or combo'd off of using Superchat Cancels.
    • The addition of this move provides Botan with a new reversal option as well as an additional option to convert from longer ranged pokes.
  • DD M has received an additional low followup by hitting light. The jump arc of DD M also goes further.
  • Crouching M’s hitbox has been extended. It also has more hurtbox and slightly increased startup to compensate.
  • Grenades now go away on-hit.

Pekora had some really good pressure but suffered from an unbalanced moveset, with certain extremely powerful tools overshadowing other moves. Also due to universal OTG changes, she lost some of her power so changes were made to help keep her OTG useful.
These changes were made to reduce her oppressiveness in both her pressure sequences and her zoning. We targeted the most powerful moves in her kit, while also rounding out moves that were previously overshadowed. She is still strong in both areas, but should be easier to deal with.
  • QCB L: Pekora moves backwards less after launching a rocket.
  • DD H TNT now goes away on hit and has reduced frame advantage.
  • QCB M now puts the opponent into a hard knockdown state when hitting OTG, giving time for a mixup afterwards.
  • QCB H now shoots faster, does more damage, and can now be kicked. The move is also air untechable and as a result should be easier to combo off of.
  • DD L: Can no longer place another TNT while the previous TNT is being kicked or launched.
  • DD S is now air untechable, making it easier to combo off of.
  • Super is now air untechable, which should resolve issues where opponents could hit Pekora even after she lands her super.

Ollie remains mostly the same, with some changes targeting her midrange capabilities. We wanted to make sure that Ollie’s offense remained powerful, but make it more difficult for her to start it.
Universal changes also do a lot to make her less oppressive. We’ve also done a few things to aid her quality of life.
  • Increased recovery on 3H and 5H, but both have increased hitstun and blockstun to compensate. 5H now connects to her specials that lead to knockdowns at further ranges.
  • DD S now deals recoverable health damage during the initial laser. The big attack at the end still deals normal damage.
  • QCF L hitting grounded opponents now puts them in an air untechable state.

General Collab Changes
The following changes apply to all gameplay involving collabs:
  • You can no longer hit L and H at the same time to perform an off-collab; you must use the collab button instead. We removed this macro because we noticed it would often cause players to mis-input Light or Heavy moves when attempting to summon their collab.
  • We have added new moves to some characters which now utilize the QCB S input. As such, call-ins are now performed by holding forward and the collab button at the same time.
  • In order to reduce resource competition between off-collabs and superchat cancel/reversal, the player will now always have 3 maximum bars of superchat. The cost of an off-collab will still vary depending on the collab chosen, and the UI will indicate when they can be summoned.
  • If a player is hit within a short window off time after summoning a collab, it will disappear. We’ve made this change to attempt to provide increased risk and counterplay to utilizing collabs.

'New Collabs
  • Off Collab: Fauna releases a pulse that pushes the enemy away and turns half the partner's damage taken into recoverable health.
  • Call In: Fauna summons 3 saplings from the ground that pull the opponent closer upon stepping on them.
  • Off Collab: An idol is on the loose... the Oozora Police starts chasing them around, hitting everything in the way.
  • Call In: Subaru slams a big sausage onto the ground, hitting everything on the ground.

Existing Collab Adjustments
While we still want collabs to play a large role in gameplay, we noticed two consistent issues with them:
  1. Collabs were being used as general win conditions in a way that we felt often overshadowed the kits of characters. We’ve attempted to tune collabs such that they now either serve a consistent small benefit, or provide win conditions that can be accessed more situationally.
  2. We identified a few collabs (Ame, Miko and Roboco) that were being consistently chosen over the others by almost every character, with the remainder either being niche picks for certain characters or outright ignored. In this patch, we’ve attempted to level the power of all collabs.

  • Call in: Scaling reduced to 1.1x.
  • Off collab: Now costs 2 superchat bars.
  • Off collab: No longer puts the opponent in hitstun. No longer gives the opponent increased chip damage. Now reduces the opponent’s movement much more even including certain mobility special moves.
  • Off Collab: now costs 3 superchat bars.
  • Call In: Reduced range.
  • Off Collab: Now costs 3 superchat bars.
  • Off Collab: Greatly increased hitstun and blockstun on nuts.
  • Call In: Now has normal scaling (0.85x).
  • Off Collab: Slightly increased startup time.
  • Call In: Opponent falls out of this move less.
  • Call In: Spawns closer to the player.
  • Call-In: Now ground bounces when hitting aerial opponents and puts standing opponents in increased hitstun.
  • Call-In: Reduced startup.
  • Call In: Now has normal scaling (0.85x).
  • Off Collab: Hitbox extended further down.
  • Call In: Now produces a purple flash on the screen when summoned to help with visibility.
  • Call In: Now has normal scaling (0.85x).
  • Off Collab: Now costs 2 superchat bars.
  • Off Collab: Has increased range, increased duration, and can debuff opponents on the ground.
  • Call In: Now has normal scaling (0.85x).
  • Off Collab: Now gives 20% attack and 30% defense as well as lasting longer.
  • Off Collab: The buffs now last for a longer duration.
  • Off Collab: Interval between missiles is lower now, effectively shortening the duration.
  • Call In: Greatly increased startup. Slightly increased hitstun.
  • Off Collab: Now has a limited range. Has a longer startup before falling.
  • Call In: Increased startup.

We wanted to highlight some of the bigger changes that each character received, but even these only account for a small percentage of how each character has been changed to fit within the new system of the game.

Online Changes
  • Titles, stickers, and banners display within game lobbies
  • All Elo reset to 1500
  • Custom border for Elo 3000 and above
  • Decreased the time for match timeout, preventing hard freezes when an opponent disconnects
  • Pregame and postgame stickers have been added for interaction between matches
  • Added an Elo penalty when quitting during an online match
  • Optimized the artificial delay during frame drops to more accurately calculate the delay
  • Various fixes to ensure lobby connections work as expected

  • New option quickplay to automatically match players based on Elo and ranges
  • Includes an indicator when people accept, estimated ping, and search status
  • Option added to switch to training mode as well, and start search from training

Virtual Frontier Changes
General Change
Our goal for Virtual Frontier was to make it more resource management focused and provide players with more meaningful decisions to make, as well as provide the information necessary to make those decisions.
In addition, we recognize that Virtual Frontier may be played by players of many skill levels and therefore wanted to add a wide variety of difficulty options and modifiers so players of various skill levels can tune the mode to their liking.
New Content
New Bosses
A Boss character can now be fought at the end of Virtual Frontier run. These bosses offer a unique experience that contrasts with normal fights and can provide a new test at the end of every run.
  • R-Trus
  • Fubuzilla & Kurokami
  • Kronii
The boss: “Error Sora” will no longer appear at the end of a Virtual Frontier run, but will still appear as the final boss of Arcade Mode.

New Shops
In addition, we have added new Shops to the virtual frontier. These shops are intended to allow players to have more control over their Virtual Frontier runs.
  • Shion Shop
    • This shop provides several options to transmute their current items into new items. Players are limited to 5 actions per visit.
      • Enchant: Upgrade an item to another item of a higher rarity, in exchange for a large fee
      • Disenchant: Downgrade an item into one of a lower rarity, but receive Pekos in return.
      • Mutate: Change an item into a random item of the same rarity in exchange for a small fee
  • Rio Shop
    • Rio’s shop allows you to store items in one run and pick them up in a subsequent run. This can be used for highly customized builds or to target difficult achievements.

Gameplay Updates
We have now added “stat” items that can be received as rewards from fights; these provide the player with small but consistent upgrades to basic attributes. In the last version of Virtual Fronter, we noticed that it was often possible to “snowball” very quickly due to how frequently opportunities were given to pick up new items. We thought that this was good, but should happen further into runs; we hope that ‘stats’ will accomplish this by diluting the frequency of item pickups.
We’ve also added a variety of new snacks and accessories to the game, and made balance adjustments to pre-existing items, fights and game economy.
Finally, we’ve added several new fights, and made difficulty adjustments to pre-existing ones - including tuning the AI to be susceptible to fewer “degenerate” counterplay strategies.

New Difficulty Options
  • Players are now always able to toggle the following options on:
    • Auto-block: This is the old effect of the “Light Armor” item and will automatically block incoming attacks if the player is not performing any action
    • Auto-combo: This is the old effect of the “Glove Cloak” item and will automatically create a combo when mashing the same button.

  • In addition, there are new starting items that allow players to customize their difficulty
    • Light Armor: Reduce incoming damage by 25%
    • Glove Cloak: Increase damage by 30%
    • Plastic Ball: No effect
    • Gladiator Chains: Increase incoming damage by 30%, but increase damage by 20%

  • “Milestones” have been added.
    • Milestones are additional difficulty levels that can be unlocked by completing Virtual Frontier
    • Each new Milestone adds an additional unique difficulty modifier which stacks upon the previous modifier.

More Mid-Run information
Several changes have been made to help player make more strategic decisions when planning out their Virtual Frontier Runs
  • There are now icons that indicate the “effect” of a reward from a fight. The icon will indicate that at least one reward from that fight will be of a certain type:
    • Sword Icon: Offense items that either directly increase damage or create perform attacks
    • Shield icon: Defense items that can either block damage or heal the player
    • Wrench Icon: Utility items that have a variety of effects such as generating pekos, providing meter and more.
  • Players can now return back to the map screen after selecting a fight. This allows them to choose the preferred fight when given multiple options.
  • After every fight, players will now receive a “Stats” display that shows the performance of their items in the fight.
    • Offense items will display the amount of additional damage contributed by the item
    • Defense items will display either the amount of damage blocked by the item, or the amount of damage healed by the item.
    • Items that hurt the player or reduce damage will be shown with negative values.
Players can now see the “seed” of their run. In addition, players can specify a map generation seed when starting a new Virtual Frontier run.

Other new Content
  • There are now “stat” items which can be received as a reward from a fight. These stat items provide the player with small, but consistent upgrades to basic attributes
  • New Fights have been added.
  • New Snacks and Accessories have also been added.
  • Balance adjustments have been made to items, fights and game economy.

UI Changes
  • New Splash Screen assets
  • New Main Menu assets
  • Settings Menu has been overhauled
  • New Input Selection assets
  • New Tutorial assets
  • New Training Mode assets
  • New CSS assets
  • New gameplay HUD assets
  • New Online lobby assets
  • New Victory Screen comments

Audio Changes
New Tracks:
  • Violet Blossom (Meconopsis/Kanalumi)
  • Time of Death (Daydream)
  • Flayon X Showdown (Dead World)
  • Kon Kon Beatdown (Kon Kon Beats)
  • Terminal Velocity (Gravity)
  • Kusa Garlic (Halloween Night)
  • Canvas of Journey (Palette)
  • id:ol Battle (id: entity voices)
  • Planting Joy (Let Me Stay Here)
  • World Takeover (Dark Breath)
  • New School Euphoria (ユーフォリア)
  • Next Fes (New Main Theme)
  • Wait, Did This Change? (A New Start)
  • Tick Tock Reggaeson (Chikutaku)
  • Sunny Side Up (Pineapple)

Removed Tracks:
  • Paintbrush
  • Ding Ding Ding
  • Peko Miko War
  • Amelia Reggaeson
  • I Forgor

Various miscellaneous voice lines, UI SFX and Gameplay SFX tweaks.

February 10, 2024 - Hotfix Version 3.0.15

Lobby and Networking fixes

  1. Made adjustments to GGPO to circumvent hard crashes
  2. Fixed bug where people can join lobby mid game
  3. Fixed bug where spectators had no option selected
  4. Fixed bug where leaving mid count down caused a button lock

January 13, 2024 - Hotfix Version 3.0.14

Lobby and Networking fixes

  1. Made adjustments to GGPO to circumvent hard crashes
  2. Fixed bug where people can join lobby mid game
  3. Fixed bug where spectators had no option selected
  4. Fixed bug where leaving mid count down caused a button lock

January 10, 2024 - Hotfix Version 3.0.13

Audio bug fix

  1. Fixed bug where blocked attacks had no sound

January 9, 2024 - Hotfix Version 3.0.11, 3.0.12

Desync trigger fix 3.0.12

  1. Fixed spectator desync detector not being triggered

Spectator Desync bugfix 3.0.11

  1. Added detection for spectator desyncs, rolling back if a desync occurs
  2. Fixed issue where spectator would get spammed with desync messages
  3. Resolved issue where Vod limit was not being calculated correctly.

December 29, 2023 - Hotfix Version 3.0.10

Archive bugfix

  1. Resolved issue where multiple VODs could not be saved within a single play session.
  2. Resolved issue where multiple banners would generate on VOD saves.
  3. Resolved bug related to attempting to save a VOD again online after clicking "Rematch"

December 28, 2023 - Hotfix Version 3.0.9

Feature Cleanup and Quality of Life Updates

  • Archive Updates & New Features:
    • Saved names in archive now shows character names for offline matches.
    • Added return to archive button to archive pause menu.
    • VODS no longer save in arcade or VF mode.
    • VOD files moved to a new directory of /Vods to not get confused with /Demos.
    • Updated archive HUD Toggle options to be more consistent.
    • Vods are now manually saved at the post match screen.
    • Removed favoriting vods since they are now managed manually.
    • Added Auto save VOD option to the settings menu.
    • Added a new Archive Menu in the Archive to support mass deletion of VODs.
    • Delete All Corrupted, Delete All Filtered, Delete All VODS.
    • Drastically improved the speed of loading the Archive when a lot of VODs are stored.
    • Fixed issues where VODs would only store up to 3min~ of data.
    • Misc performance improvements.
  • Audio Bug Fixes
    • Mio's howl on Moonlit Gates removed from training mode to help with round reloading auditory disturbances.
    • Fixed bug with music randomly stopping or duplicating when leaving and losing single player modes.
    • Made ambience more consistent and performant.
    • Other misc audio tweaks.
  • Spectator
    • Added log for spectator/player input information under dev mode
    • Increased reliability of inputs sent to spectators
    • Added checks for corrupted packets

December 22, 2023 - Hotfix Version 3.0.8

More Lobby Bugfixes

  1. Fixed lobby rotations breaking lobby
  2. Added timeout for spectator
  3. Fixed issue where spectator leaving caused a black screen for p2
  4. Increased reliability of post match loading
  5. "Developer Mode" added to settings. (no leaks, just a debug tool for dev. More info in Discord)

December 21, 2023 - Hotfix Version 3.0.7

Lobby Bugfixes

  1. Resolved issue where Lobby could sometimes stop functioning upon P2 joining
  2. Resolved issue where public lobbies would show spectators
  3. Resolved localization issues in training mode
  4. Resolved issue where network desyncs could result in a softlock when spectators were present.

December 20, 2023 - Hotfix Version 3.0.6

Lobby Spectator Stability patch

  1. Multiple UI fixes and adjustments on Lobby Screen
  2. Added loading icon for lobby menus
  3. Spectators are now connected via a delay based connection. The network connection of Spectators will no longer affect the players
  4. Lobby "Search" range logic has been adjusted to be based on ping.
  5. Multiple internal networking adjustments.
  6. Mio howl will no longer play in training mode in Moonlight Gates stage.

November 5, 2023 - Hotfix Version 3.0.4, 3.0.5

Lobby Stability Hotfix 3.0.4

  • Lobby and Online Features
    • Added player count in lobby search
    • Adjusted filters such that larger region search includes the closer regions as well.
    • Added "return to lobby" option for spectator
  • Lobby and Online Bugfixes
    • Fixed localization in lobby search
    • Resolved issues with banning feature in lobbies
    • Resolved stability issue when the host is spectator and P1 and P2 leaves
    • Post match stability improvements for lobbies with spectators
    • General stability adjustments for spectators in lobbies.

Sprite Hotfix 3.0.5

  • Correct sprite corruption with Korone

October 31, 2023 - Hotfix Version 3.0.3

1. Kaela - Off-Collab: BUGFIX - resolved issue where buffs would not get applied if you are currently being hit by a super or grab
2. BUGFIX - Resolved issue where you could enter a dash animation before the round starts
3. BUGFIX - resolved issue with ELO not updating

October 29, 2023 - Hotfix Version 3.0.2

General Gameplay Fixes:
- Resolved input issues where Collabs could be summoned before a round starts
- Resolved issue with moves with 0 knockback interfering with knockback. Most notable with Ame's Off-collab
UI Issues:
- Resolved issue when selecting invisible button in Training Mode leading to lock
- Resolved issue on stage select with Lock Icons
- Resolved stability that could occur upon spectators joining and leaving during countdown.
- Resolved issue where players would be stuck on the Post Match Screen
- 5L - BUGFIX - Resolved issue which was cause the attack to not be able to be counter-hit
- Grab - Increased recovery by 1f to match other character's grab recoveries.
- Super - BUGFIX - Resolved issue where invulnerability would not persist when clashing with opponent
- New Voice lines added for Super Animation
- 236H - BUGFIX - Resolved issue with 4th slash not coming not>
- Call-IN: Can no longer be reflected
- Off-Collab: New Sound Effects

October 28, 2023 - Hotfix Version 3.0.1

Ollie Update 3.0.1
General Bugfixes:
- Removed Counter Voiceline due to issues with the conditions it would be played
- Resolved issue where Song would sometimes persist across stages.
- Resolved issue with Wallbounces where users were bouncing off of wall 2 frames earlier then intended. Most notable with Botan sniper combos
- Removed issue where non playable characters are selectable via Random. ERROR Sora should no longer be playable (or is she?)
- Resolved issue where the Command list would be uninteracable when scrolling too quickly.
- BUGFIX - Resolved issue where Ollie was not performing chip damage. All specials and supers should do standard chip damage
- 22H - BUGFIX Resolved issue where 22H (held) would move Ollie to midair
- Super - BUGFIX - Resolved issue where the final hit of super would hit multiple times when used in conjunction with a collab summon.
- Command List portrait updated
- 5L - Adjusted voiceline position
- Kyou mo Kawaii!!!
- Off-Collab - BUGFIX - Resolved issue with Kaela's "shield" buff. It will now only negate chip damage, and no longer heal the user for blocking attacks.
- Call In: Now Disappears when the user is hit
- Added voiceline on collab selection.
- Off-Collab: "Defense Down" card has been added to the Card Pool. This increases damage taken by 20% while debuff is active.
NOTE: This hotfix will break all existing VODs

October 27, 2023 - Ollie Update Version 3.0.0

Patch 3.0.0 Overview
This patch is a character update patch focusing on the new Character Ollie. In addition, various new features and bug fixes were also included.
It is important to note that this patch is not intended to be a balance patch, and existing characters are generally unchanged. There are plans for a more comprehensive balance update in the future.
General Changes
New Features
New Character and Collabs Added
New Playable Character: Kureiji Ollie from Hololive Indonesia Gen 2 has been added to the roster!
Ollie is a very high speed, low health character with many opportunities to mix up the opponent.
In addition, Kaela Kovalskia from Hololive Indonesia Gen 3 has been added as a Collab Character.

Kaela’s has versatile support abilities that can help the users in both offensive and defensive situations.
  • Off-Collab - Lvl.69 Smithing Grindset - Kaela grants 3 passive buffs to her collab partner over time. She will grant the following buffs in order:
- Shield: Take no Chip Damage
- Sword: +10% attack
- Armor: +10% defense
  • STAR Call-In - Get Some Help! - Kaela winds up a devastating hammer strike that sends the opponent flying. Near the corner, this move will wallsplat.

The “Archives”
This new feature will save any match the player has played both locally as well as online into a replay file. Players can then view VODS(replays) from the “Archive” option in the training tab.
Features included with Archives are:
  • Favorite, Review, or Delete VOD’s from local PvP or Online matches.
  • Filtering and sorting capabilities.
  • Step back & front, play & pause, forward & rewind.
  • Toggle hitboxes and enable/disable HUD elements display.
  • Take control of either character during a VOD to replay scenarios.
NOTE: New updates may have a chance of desyncing old VOD’s if character adjustments were made. A warning will be shown when attempting to load an older VOD.

Lobby Improvements
Since lobbies are our primary online feature. We are adding the following improvements to our lobby system with the Ollie Update.
  • Reduced the performance impact of multiple spectators on players.
  • Lobby members (including host) can freely move between player and spectator positions if they are empty.
  • Hosts can now set up a rotation where the winner stays and the loser leaves.
These features can allow a group of people to all play in the same lobby for an extended session and minimize the amount of time needed to leave and create new lobbies. The goal is to reduce unnecessary overhead time to allow players to play as smoothly as possible.
KNOWN ISSUE: Spectators can cause synchronization issues, more spectators will increase the chances of it happening. Currently, spectators utilize rollback to spectate, this is a known issue and we are working on a fix for it.

Stage Update
In preparation for future stages, the stage select screen has been updated to allow for more than six stage options.
Adjustments and additions have been made to the following stages: “Moonlit Gates”, “Main Stage”, and “Gang City”.

Updated AI
The AI has been overhauled to provide a more engaging experience for arcade mode and virtual frontier.
  • In general, easier AI difficulties are now easier than they were before. Harder AI difficulties are now harder than they were before.
  • Ollie can now appear as an opponent in Virtual Frontier and Arcade.
  • AIs will now be less likely to block mixup options such as Overheads, Lows, and Grabs if you have not performed them yet in a match and be more likely to block them the more often you use them.
  • In Arcade, when selecting “easy”, “medium”, “hard”, or “intense” difficulty options, the AI difficulty will now scale as you progress
  • “Classic” Arcade mode reduced in difficulty.
  • Improved AI performance.

Training Mode Additional Updates
The Training mode has been further expanded.
  • Frame Data meter has a new color Key added.
  • Frame Data Meter has been updated to display additional information regarding startup active and recovery frames.
  • Added option for AI to only block Low, Mid or High attacks.

Other Changes
  • When you enter the Infinite Prevention state in midair, a restand state will no longer be forced.
  • “Tiger Knee” inputs are now supported.
  • Added “P1” and “P2” icons over collabs.
  • Loosened the window between when an opponent jumps over you and when you turn to face them. This effectively means players will turn around to face an opponent earlier than they did previously.
  • A voiceline has been added when a Counter is performed.
  • Various General Networking stability adjustments.

Character Bugfixes and Adjustments
We have a broader balance patch planned for the future. Therefore, changes for existing characters are minimal and encompass mostly visual, bugfix, or quality of life changes.
Character Changes
  • BUGFIX - Aki’s floating twintails no longer appear before Aki appears in the intro.
  • BUGFIX - Fixed issue where crouching blocking hurtbox was larger than crouching hurtbox.
  • Super - BUGFIX - Fixed issue where super animation would not disappear upon winning a round.
  • Backdash - Animation updated to better reflect movement.
  • Forward M - Added eekum bokum to Korone 6MM, moved 6MM voice lines to 5L and 5H.
  • All Yubi - BUGFIX - Resolved issue where attacks would whiff against Fubuki when she is performing this attack.
  • 5H - BUGFIX - Resolved issue where attacks would whiff against Fubuki when she is performing this attack.
  • BUGFIX - Resolved issue where Hurtbox while being juggled was inconsistent and would sometimes be smaller. Hurtbox has been standardized to match other characters.
  • QCF Grab - VISUAL BUGFIX - Opponents will no longer flash before they are covered by tetris coffin.

Collab changes
  • Off-Collab - Fixed issue where Miko would not stop talking after leaving the stage.

September 23, 2023 - Hotfix Version 2.2.2

Resolved issue where players were able to summon Collabs during the countdown time in between rounds

September 18, 2023 - Bugfix Version 2.2.1

  • Resolved issue where Coco could apply Fire through a reflected projectile using Kiara Collab
  • Resolved issue where Azki could spawn multiple Pins if the player summoning Azki was hit at the same time the Pin lands on the opponent
  • Resolved issue where holding a direction during the match countdown would not result in the player moving in that direction on round start. (NOTE: You need to hold during the countdown. Inputs held during menus will not carry over into the match)
  • Resolved issue where selecting after selecting a Collab for P1 in Training Mode and VS. AI you would automatically select the P2 character

September 10, 2023 - Update Version 2.2.0

New Features
  • You are now able to rebind controls on the Character Select Screen.
  • Rebinding screen has also been updated and is now more streamlined.
  • Fixed issue where after performing a low Air S as Aki, your grabs used to be comboable due to the opponent being left standing after the grab.
  • Fixed issue where the IPS state for a character would remain active if a character immediately performed an attack out of the IPS state.
  • Fixed issue where Coco's 22H will sometimes restand. It will now consistently knock down.
  • Fixed issue where BURST would launch the opponent towards you. (We think we actually fixed it this time! Please notify us via feedback channels if not - ideally with video attached.)
  • Fixed issues where Call-In collabs would sometimes not disappear if you are directly knocked down or grabbed. This will not affect call-ins that do not disappear on hitstun (ex: Kanata)
  • Fixed issue where Kanata, Moona, Mio and Ame's Off-Collabs could cause random/inconsistent damage reductions when used in a combo.
  • Fixed issue where knockdown were displaying 5-digit values in the frame advantage UI in training mode. It will now display "KD" instead.
  • General Network stability improvements.

August 26, 2023 - Hotfix Version 2.1.1

Bugfix - Resolved issue with Bursts pulling opponents inwards. Bursts will now push the direction the user is facing.

August 25, 2023 - Hotfix Version 2.1.0

Gameplay Adjustments:
  • Burst - After performing a Burst you are no longer able to use your Collab's Call-IN attack
  • Collabs - Call-Ins that directly lead into a knockdown will now have significantly higher combo scaling applied. This affects Azki, Moona, Kanata and Risu.
  • This adjustment was added to level the playing field so that characters with OTGs don't get disproportionate reward off of call-ins/ collabs compared to everyone else.
Gameplay Bugs:
  • BUGFIX - Fixed an issue where fall speed would change after getting hit. (Please test physics before/after performing certain actions)
  • BUGFIX - Fixed an issue where performing an IPS combo, then triggering a counter hit would result in the counter hit triggering the IPS Early
  • General Net stability improvements
Character/Collab Specific Bugfixes:
  • Fubuki - QCB Light - BUGFIX - Fixed an issue where SSR Variant was not projectile invulnerable for the same active frames as the non SSR Variant.
  • Pekora - All TNTs - BUGFIX - Resolved issue where TNTs were not applying Damage scaling. They should now follow standard special move damage scaling.
  • Pekora - Down Down Light - BUGFIX - fixed the sound effect duration to match the actual duration.
  • Moona - Call-In: Now spawns closer to the player who summoned it. This avoids situations where players summon Moona off screen.
- Call-In also now dissappears when the player is hit.
  • Kiara - Call-in: - BUGFIX - Resolved issue with Kiara spawning above ground.
  • Adjusted several UI sound effects.
  • BUGFIX - Fixed CSS random collab button spoiling the selection with a voice line.
  • BUGFIX - Fixed CSS P2 collab navigation animation
  • BUGFIX - Fixed an issue with the Aquamarine stage where the stage would appear completely dark.
  • Fixed crouch blocking "metal pipe" sound.
Virtual Frontier:
  • Final Boss - Removed the "Flashbang" attack from the ERROR Sora boss.

August 22, 2023 - Hotfix Version 2.0.9

- Resolved issue introduced in v2.0.7 where Burst would sometimes pull opponent inwards.

Moona - Call-in - Moona now spawns closer to the player. As a result, Moona should now be more visible when used in the corner.

August 21, 2023 - Hotfix/Patch Version 2.0.7, 2.0.8

Patch 2.0.8 Hotfix
- Fixed issue where Sora's run speed was set lower than what is supposed to.
Hotfix 2.0.7
- General Network stability improvements
- Blocking a groundbounce move (Pekora 236M) no longer affects your next dash
- Pekora Jumping Special TNT no longer triggers an explosion when Pekora is hit.
- Pekora OTG timing now matches other characters
- Pekora Universal Overhead knockback is higher to match other characters.
- Sora 22L now always to the same height.

August 18, 2023 - Hotfix Version 2.0.6

  • Bugfixes: Resolved Network desync issues caused when the Infinite Prevention System is triggered.
  • Bugfixes: Resolved some fights in Virtual Frontier not loading in properly.

August 17, 2023 - Patch/Hotfix Version 2.0.4, 2.0.5

Patch 2.0.5 Hotfix
Fixed issue where reflectors would crash the game or behave incorrectly.
Patch 2.0.4
General Changes:
- All Elo values will be reset after this update is merged in. This was due to previous issues with Elo being affected by private lobbies and bugs in Elo calculations.
General Bugfixes:
- Bugfix: Updated GGPO Library. Should no longer crash as often when there is a spectator present
- Bugfix: General Desync Resolutions
Gameplay Bugfixes:
- Fixed issues where having a collab with a lingering effect (such as Moona's gravitational pull) would disable Hard knockdowns
- Resolved issue where armoring through a move that knocks you down would result in the following combo ignoring cancel rules. Most commonly reproduced when armoring through Pekora's TNT.
- Fixed Hardlock caused when you hit an opponent with a lingering projectile after being trapped in a grab animation by a collab. Most commonly found with Moona's Call-In
- Down Down Medium - Bugfix - Pekora red TNT now properly hits opponents if placed directly on them.
- Down Down Light - Bugfix - Resolved issue where Red TNT launched by Crouching Heavy would not deal any damage when hitting an opponent on the way down.
- Down Down Heavy - Bugfix - Red TNT no longer goes away when Pekora is hit. This is to be consistent with the behavior of her Blue TNT
- Down Down Medium - Bugfix - Resolved issue where some projectiles would not be reflected and would be destroyed instead upon hitting A-chan.
- Mines - When a Mine is reflected by another Sora, it can no longer be manually detonated.
Azki - call in = 2nd hit is no longer unblockable.
- Kiara - Off-collab: Resolved issue where summoning Kiara on top of an opponent could result in the next hit whiffing. Summoning Kiara could also turn a hard knockdown into a soft knockdown.

August 13, 2023 - Hotfix Version 2.0.4

General Bugfixes:
- Reverted graphics rendering API issues that were causing some users to be unable to launch the game.
- Resolved issue where the "set limit" option in the lobby was allowing players to play for more sets then intended.
Character bugfixes
- Ayame's - Down Down Special - Resolved issue where ghost projectiles could cause a Desync issue when reflected online
- Ayame's - Down Down Special - Resolved issue where ghost projectile would apply much more combo scaling then intended when the ghost would attack the opponent
- Pekora: Down Down Light - Resolved issue when launching the Red TNT upwards with Down Heavy. The TNT was hitting multiple times, causing more damage then intended.
- Moona- Call-in: Fixed bug where you could trigger IPS while an opponent was being trapped in Moona's call-in animation.

August 12, 2023 - Patch/Hotfix Version 2.0.1, 2.02, 2.03

Hotfix 2.03
This patch reverts Network connection issues found in 2.0.2
All changes from 2.0.2 should be in this build.
Hotfix 2.02
  • Fubuki - Standing Light - Reverted hitstun value from a debug value.
  • Pekora- Super - Now breaks armor.
Patch 2.0.1 Overview
Thank you for playing Idol Showdown! We’re happy to see the interest and support our update has received. This patch attempts to correct some of the issues we’ve noticed during the last day or so as people have explored Patch 2.0.
- Switched the graphics rendering API. This will hopefully improve GPU usage and help resolve performance issues.
- New cosplay unlock conditions. Cosplays previously locked behind single player modes (Arcade/Virtual Frontier) can now be unlocked by playing a certain # of multiplayer matches (both online and local count).

- Resolved issue where one player choosing “leave match” while the other chose “rematch” would softlock the game for the player who selected “rematch”.
- Added set limit to lobby settings.
- Elo rating will no longer be updated in private lobbies.
- Resolved issues related to Mio’s off-collab that would cause the game to hard-crash.

- We’ve reintroduced sound for the following moves/scenarios.
- Aki QCB + H hit audio
- Aki 6M voice line / sfx
- Ayame CSS Announcer
- Korone DD + M voice line / sfx
- Sora 2L voice line / sfx
- Sora 22S voice line / sfx
- Sora 6H voice line / sfx

Combat (Global)
All of the following are bug fixes.
- The second hit of a combo now applies normal in-combo scaling instead of initial hit scaling.
- Dash momentum can no longer be preserved for another dash.
- Dashes will no longer begin moving before the dash animation starts.
- Resolved an issue with the Infinite Prevention System that was causing desyncs.

Characters / Collabs
All changes made were to either fix bugs or remedy unexpected/unaccounted for behaviors.
  • Aki
- 5L reverted to hit on frame 6 (it had been accidentally set to frame 7).

  • Ayame
- Reduced 22 + S hitstun to more closely align with previous values.

  • Azki
- Off-collab (ERROR) no longer deals hitstun or damage.

  • Coco
- Burn damage will now increase the burst meter for the person being hit.
- Cartwheel now requires a hold input. You can no longer let it go mid-animation and then tap it again to grab.

  • Marine
- No longer blocks/interacts with projectiles.

  • Pekora
- Aerials now explicitly have the “head” property.
- All TNT except for EX TNT will now disappear when Pekora is hit.
- Mortar and mortar projectiles will now disappear when Pekora is hit.
- Mortar will now only shoot forward (will not shoot enemies who are behind the mortar).
- 236 + S now deals chip damage.
- “Glove Cloak” auto-combos are now enabled for Pekora in Virtual Frontier.

August 11, 2023 - Pekora Update Version 2.0.0


Thank you for your continued support of Idol Showdown.
We are happy to introduce Patch 2.0; the Pekora update! This update focuses mostly on improving our multiplayer experience; both by extending our online features, and through the addition of training tools to help you improve offline as well.
The patch also includes major changes to Coco. Changes to other characters are mainly intended to resolve bugs and ensure more consistency between characters. This patch also includes balance changes to collabs.
We intend on adding additional features to the single-player experience in future updates.

New Features

New Character: Usada Pekora
Usada Construction’s Maniacal CEO
Pekora is an opportunistic prankster who traps the opponent in her deadly ordnance of explosives, peko. Win hard or lose hard; the tide of battle swings with perfect comedic timing for this carrot-loving girl, peko.

New Collab: AZKi
AZKi can restrict the opponent's ability to use resources or prevent them from moving freely, opening up offensive opportunities.
  • Off Collab - ERROR
A corrupted version of AZKi glitches through her various forms. If the opponent makes contact, they will temporarily be unable to perform STAR specials or Super STAR Specials.
  • STAR Call-in - ZeroGuessr
AZKi pulls off a zero-meter guess on the opponent's location and drops a map pin on them. Pinned opponents are briefly rendered stunned but cannot be hit.

New Collab: Moona Hoshinova
Both of Moona’s abilities can help the user with repositioning and gaining control over the stage.
  • Off Collab - Gravity
Moona invokes her divine lunar presence, producing a powerful gravitational force that pulls opponents in.
  • STAR Call-in - High Tide
Moona performs a far reaching axe slash on the ground. On hit, she traps them in a lengthy onslaught of aerial slashes.

Training Mode: Expanded and Updated
1. We’ve expanded the features of the training mode; this will hopefully help out the many players hard at work labbing their characters.
2. New pause menu with multiple panels for each option
3. New frame meter feature added to help with testing frame advantage.
4. New hitbox/hurtbox display feature in training mode.
5. Training AI can now be set to play individual moves in addition to a pre-recorded demo. This can be used to better test reversal options.

New Stages: The Aquamarine, Eternity Bright (updated)
- A brand new stage, “The AquaMarine” has been added! The stage takes place aboard Houshou Marine’s (totally real, not virtual) pirate ship, and features multiple variations depending on the selected audio track.
- The unlockable stage “Eternity Bright” now has more varied art between its different versions. In addition, the stage borders for each variant now have a visual marker to address readability concerns in high level play.

Online Expansion
We’ve expanded our system to include various quality-of-life features that we hope will make playing online more enjoyable.
Added support for spectator mode. This should provide players with the ability to view their peers’ matches, and make streaming tournaments and similar events less cumbersome. Currently, hosts cannot be spectators in their own lobbies. That is an option slated for a future update.
- Online now includes support for multiplayer lobbies. The lobby owner can rotate who is spectating and playing in each match.
- Implemented the Elo rating system as a means for players to track their relative experience level against lobby opponents.
- Added icons to indicate network type.

Updated Arcade Mode
The arcade mode has been expanded to allow for more replayability. While there haven’t been as many changes to single player modes in recent patches, we are planning on releasing updates in a future patch.
- In addition to its ‘classic’ mode, we’ve added difficulty selection options to Arcade Mode which allow you to fix the AI opponents’ difficulty levels.
- Pekora has been added to the pool of opponents.
- There are now some diverging paths where you can select your next opponent.
- Character icons have been added to the Arcade Mode “overworld” screen.
- Scoring logic has been adjusted.

Match Settings
Added editable match settings for Local PvP and VS AI. Players can now set the following:
  • Round Count
  • Match Timer
  • Health
  • Star Meter
  • Super Chat

Controller Support
Added support for additional controllers. However, this will require steam controller input to be disabled. Please check your steam controller settings.

Added 3 new audio tracks to the new stage The AquaMarine.
  • Fugue in R♭ (Iris)
  • Ahoy! (Ahoy)
  • WAHoy! (Ahoy, Violet)

Changes to Existing Content

Universal System Changes and Tweaks
  • Improved performance of both offline and online matches.
  • Frames of grab invulnerability after blockstun increased 4f -> 6f.
  • Grab Tech window has been increased to cover 6f before getting grabbed.
  • Grab invulnerability after knockdown has been increased 5f -> 6f.
  • If a grab is a punish or a counterhit, the grab will not be able to be teched.
  • Jumping after running will preserve a small portion of your momentum.
  • All collabs can now be destroyed by a burst.
  • Scaling logic for multi-hit moves has been adjusted. The final damage of all multi-hit attacks should be the same, but the distribution of damage between the hits should be more even. Certain moves may have minor adjustments in damage as a result of the change (between 1-5 dmg change)
  • Punishing an opponent with a grab will now properly be counted as a punish and reward the player with 15 superchats.
  • All standard grabs now have identical frame data.
  • Controller support has been extended to additional controllers.
  • Implemented various general networking improvements.
  • Most Collab call-ins should now apply 85% combo scaling.

Visual Changes
  • Added a visual indicator for when a character is hit while in super armor.
  • Added a visual indicator for Fubuki’s Kon’ter.
  • Updated Fubuki’s RateUP VFX.
  • Updated the color scheme for the in-match notifications (Reversal, Invulnerable, Counter, Punish) to align better with the games overall palette.
  • Updated in-match player names to be displayed properly for online matches.
  • Updated the CSS sprite animation to happen after the character is selected as opposed to after the collab being selected.

Audio Changes
  • Updated various UI and Menu SFX.
  • Updated misc voice lines and SFX for various characters and collabs.

  • Fixed issue where moves would have 1 less frame of hitstun and blockstun than intended due to the opponent being able to interrupt the final frame of blockstun/hitstun with an attack. As a result of this change, the frame advantage for all grounded moves should now reflect the value indicated for “Frame Advantage” in training mode.
  • Resolved issue where the combo counter would count things as combos that were not actually true combos / were blockable.
  • Resolved issue where collabs (and other projectiles) would hit multiple times during a superfreeze animation.
  • Fixed Issue where after a knockdown you could option select a block and an attack at the same time upon wakeup.
  • Fixed issue where you would be pushed back from hitting an opponent in a corner even when they were not actually in the corner.
  • Fixed issue where summoning a collab near a corner would cause the user to be pushed backwards.
  • Fixed issue when two characters grabbed each other at the same time. Some characters would recover faster.
  • Fixed issue where you could cancel your knockdown with an attack if you landed an attack with a projectile while knocked down.
  • Fixed issue where landing a killing blow with a ground-bounce could result in the opponent being stuck in midair at the start of the next round.
  • Fixed issue where players would remain colored a bit darker after a grab break.
  • Fixed issue where pressing the “Use Item” button after a dash while performing an attack could result in you circumventing the move limit during combos. In addition, it could result in you being unable to cancel from that attack for the rest of the round.
  • Fixed issue where the Main Menu and Stage Select stage videos loading would cause some players to crash.
  • Fixed issues with command list previews where sometimes objects and animations would remain on the screen after selecting a different animation.

Character Changes
- Coco
We felt that Coco’s kit did not mesh together. To help resolve this, we added a new mechanic to help Coco use more of her kit. These changes were made to emphasize Coco’s role as a grappler and to incentivize her to use her command grabs.
  • New Mechanic - Burn Effect - Coco can use her fire attacks to build up "burn damage", which is converted to true damage when she lands her “dragon drop” command grab.
  • NEW Jumping H - This new jump-in normal was added to help with Coco’s approach.
  • NEW Jumping Down H - Hip Drop - Has the same animation and frame data as her previous Jumping Heavy.
  • Grab - Recovery increased (19f -> 21f).
  • QCF L - Acrobatic Array - Now provides the option for the user to perform a cartwheel without the grab follow-up. Coco will now only execute the grab if the Light button is held down.
  • QCF H - Essence of Advancing Assault - This move now transitions into Coco’s “meme” grab instead of her “dragon drop” grab.
  • QCB L/M - Verbal Roasting (Orange/Blue) - Although the animation may be similar to its previous version, this is effectively a new move, with its frame data and hitboxes drastically changed.
  • NEW QCB H - Essence of Verbal Roasting - The previous version of this EX move was generally underused. It’s now a quick, multi-hitting fireball that can be used by Coco as a counter-zoning tool.
  • DD H - Essence of Insertion: Tail Slam - Increased damage 155 -> 180
  • Jumping Special - Dragon Glide - BUGFIX - You can now only perform one jumping special per jump.
  • Super - Essence of True Form: Just Like a Dragon - BUGFIX - Armor frames will no longer be active during the recovery animation.

All other character changes are bugfixes or changes added to ensure more character consistency.

- Aki
  • Crouching H - Aki will now be head invulnerable during the startup of the attack.
  • Grab - Recovery increased (14f -> 21f).
  • QCB H - Muki Knock-Up! - As a result of the universal changes to hitstun, both hits of Muki will now properly connect. Muki will now move further forward when performing the attack.

- Botan
  • Standing Medium - BUGFIX - Fixed issue where interrupting the cancellable recovery animation would result in the next move not being cancellable.
  • Standing Medium - BUGFIX - Fixed issue where later hits of 5M could not be canceled into crouching Medium.
  • Air Grab - BUGFIX - Fixed issue where landing the Heavy followup to 22M would result in the air grab being unable to be canceled into a normal attack.
  • Jumping Special - Bulelt Rain - Will now deal chip damage.
  • QCF H - S.S.R.B. - is now head invulnerable and air unblockable. Explosion is now untechable.

- Ayame
  • Crouching H - BUGFIX - Fixed issue where only hitting the 2nd hit will result in the 2nd hitbox hitting twice.
  • Grab - Recovery increased (19f -> 21f).
  • Down-Down S - Fixed physics issues with projectiles.

- Suisei
  • Down-Forward M - Kakero - Hitstun increased (13f -> 14f). In the initial release of the game, this move was able to link into QCF L. However, a subsequent patch unintentionally removed this link. This will add it back in.
  • Grab - Recovery increased (14f -> 21f).
  • Down-Down H - Psycho Hoshispin - No longer has superfreeze frames on activation.
  • Super - SPACE for Virtual GHOST - Changed animation when attempting to perform the attack with insufficient STAR meter. Suisei will now perform her command grab (Tetromino Transhumanism).
  • Super - SPACE for Virtual GHOST - command grab followup no longer has superfreeze frames on activation. Extended invul on command grab by 2f. This should prevent Suisei’s super from trading as often.
  • Super - SPACE for Virtual GHOST - BUGFIX - Resolved issue where Suisei was able to act early out of the command grab followup.
  • Super - SPACE for Virtual GHOST - BUGFIX - Suisei can now cancel into the activation animation from a special move without needing to spend superchats.
  • Suisei is cute in this update too. すいちゃんはこのアップデートでもかわいい!

- Fubuki
  • Jumping Heavy - The late hit is now considered an overhead.
  • QCB Light - The SSR version will now be a unique move and no longer be identical to the Medium SSR variant.
  • Idol Skill - Resolved issue where the guaranteed SSR after a Burger would sometimes not come out, but the Burger buff would still be consumed.

- Korone
  • Grab - Active frames reduced (4f -> 2f). Recovery increased to compensate for active frame reduction (19f -> 21f).
  • Jumping H - Removed Minimum height requirement. Startup increased (10f -> 15f).
  • Air Special - DOOG From Above - Inconsistencies with the move interacting with attacks that have head invulnerability have been fixed.

- Sora
  • Grab - Recovery increased (19f -> 21f).
  • Down Down Special - Rakka-Chan - Shockwave hitbox is now a low.

Collab Changes
- Roboco
  • Call-In - High-Spec Beam - The beam’s active visual will now extend to match the active hitbox. Its total duration is not changed.
  • Off-collab - High-Spec Missiles - Can no longer summon Roboco’s call-in while this remains active. Cooldown frames have been extended such that Roboco takes longer to disappear, making it infeasible to summon her call-in while her missiles are still active.

- Amelia
  • Call-In - Ground Pound - Added 0.75x combo scaling. This is 0.1x higher than the now standard combo scaling of 0.85x for other call-ins.
  • Off-collab - Time Slow - Effect duration reduced from ~8 seconds to ~6 seconds.

- Marine
  • Call-in - The AquaMarine - Cannon shots will now connect more consistently.

- Mio
  • Call-in - Full Power Flaming Punch- BUGFIX- The move used to apply 1.2x combo scaling, but the scaling was inconsistent. This change makes the combo scaling application more consistent.

- Iroha
  • Call-In - Eggplant Slash - Iroha spawns further back and covers an area closer to the player. Will now wallbounce when hitting an aerial opponent.
  • Off-Collab - NinNinjanai - Has been significantly reworked. The patterns of the ninjas are now at fixed positions. On hit, the ninjas will now send the opponent downward, resulting in a ground bounce.

- Risu
  • Call-In - Isekai Truck - Increased damage (150 -> 260).
  • Off-collab - Nonstop Nuts - Reduced cost (3 bars of SC meter -> 2 bars).
  • Off-collab - Nonstop Nuts - BUGFIX - Resolved issue where the nuts would sometimes fire while the player was being attacked.

June 27, 2023 - Hotfix Version 1.3.11

Hotfix 1.3.11
- BUGFIX - Resolved issue where upon rematching with an online opponent you would sometimes be softlocked.

June 15, 2023 - Hotfix Version 1.3.9, 1.3.10

Hotfix 1.3.10
  • Bugfix: Resolved issue where hitgrab animations will trigger on opponents with Super armor, but not grab the opponent.
- As a result of this change, all supers are now capable of breaking armor. Non Super hitgrabs will treat hitting armor as if the attack was blocked.
  • Korone- Forward M - Canceling a light attack into Forward M will no longer allow the move to circumvent cancel rules.
  • Botan - Super - When the Super Startup is interrupted by a Collab, the subsequent helicopter animation will no longer be unblockable
Hotfix 1.3.9
  • BUGFIX - Fixed issue where hitting an opponent in an armored state would allow you to cancel your knockdown animation.

June 14, 2023 - Balance Patch/Hotfix Version 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 1.3.6, 1.3.7, 1.3.8

Patch 1.3.0 Overview + 1.3.1-1.3.8 Hotfix
Thank you for playing Idol Showdown! The changes on the Beta branch are now being merged onto the standard release branch. The following is the final patch list.
Patch Overview
The goal of this patch is to address the most disruptive character issues and establish system changes that can even the playing field across characters. This will help us establish a new baseline from which we can then build upon in subsequent patches.
Due to the nature of this patch, it will contain primarily nerfs to problematic moves and strategies. Although there are not many direct buffs to weaker characters, the system-wide changes in this patch are intended to benefit weaker characters.
Due to the amount of changes, we wanted to first evaluate the new meta before preemptively changing currently underutilized characters or moves. From that point onwards, we will have a firmer foundation which we can build upon.
v1.3.8 Hotfix that might overlap with 1.3.0-1.3.7 changes
- Botan - DDS - Superarmor now starts at frame 1
- Botan - JH - Landing lag reverted 7f -> 4f
- Botan - jH - Now an overhead
- Korone - Forward M - Can now cancel into Standing H
- Aki - jM - now an overhead
General Changes
New Features and Mechanics
We discovered that the system mechanics we had were very skewed against certain characters and playstyles, with certain characters receiving more resources to work with then others. As a result many of these changes are intended to better balance resource-gain and provide all characters similar opportunities.
Although we expect there to still be variation across characters, it should be a lot closer than before.
New STAR Meter Changes
One core issue with character balance and gameplay revolved around STAR meter imbalance. There were two main issues with STAR meter gain that we are aiming to resolve.
In the previous version, we felt that STAR meter gain was overwhelmingly skewed towards the winning player, giving the losing player very little to play with.
In addition, STAR meter gain was too imbalanced between characters. Many characters with long combos such as Aki and Botan would gain many times more meter then other characters such as Coco. Since the characters with long combos also were some of the strongest characters in the game, this change has a slight balancing effect as well.
The new STAR meter will work as follows.
  • Meter gain will now scale down as the combo goes on. Meter gain will be scaled by 0.9x per move in a combo, with a 0.2x minimum meter gain.
  • Meter gain on taking damage and blocking will be significantly higher from before.
  • After performing a STAR special move, meter gain will be reduced to 0.3x for 60 frames
  • After performing a Super STAR special move, meter gain will be reduced to 0.3x for 120 frames
  • After performing a Call-In, meter gain will be reduced to 0.3x for 300 frames
  • After performing a Super chat cancel, meter gain will be reduced to 0.3x for 120 frames
  • Dashing will no longer gain meter
New Superchat (SC) Meter Changes
The Superchat meter has a similar issue to STAR meter gain where the amount gained was too imbalanced between characters. In particular, the “Motion Input” superchat condition needed to be re-evaluated. These changes are also intended to better balance Superchat gain across characters.
In addition, we have rebalanced our Superchat conditions and added new conditions in order to encourage neutral play.
Finally, we added the ability to gain superchats from Burst in order to provide an alternate use for burst and provide opportunities for interesting decisions
The new Superchat values are as follows:
  • Superchats gained from performing Motion Inputs can now vary between Special Moves.
  • Overall, the average amount of SCs gained from motion inputs has been reduced. The average amount gained has been reduced (5 -> 3)
  • Anti Air SCs increased 10 -> 15
  • Counter Hit SCs increased 5 -> 10
  • Punish SCs increased 5 -> 15
  • Grab Break SCs increased 10 -> 15
  • NEW SC condition for a successful Normal Throw 0 -> 5
  • NEW landing a Burst on an opponent in neutral will give 2 full bars of SC meter (0 -> 60)
  • NEW landing a Burst on an opponent who you are comboing will give 1 full bar of SC meter (0 -> 30)

In addition the following changes were made to the Superchat system.
  • The Superchat banner will now have the money value reflect the actual amount of superchats gained.
  • Idol Skills in general give more superchats than before.
  • Counter Hits, Anti Air and Punish Superchat conditions no longer applies to Projectiles

Character HP Values
In order to provide our characters a more unique identity, we allowed characters to have different HP values.

The new Character HP values are as follows:
  • Aki - 950
  • Ayame - 950
  • Botan - 1000
  • Coco - 1100
  • Fubuki - 1000
  • Korone - 1050
  • Sora - 1000
  • Suisei - 1000

Other Gameplay Changes
  • Instant Block will now reduce blockstun by 2 frames.
  • When performing a Burst in midair, you will be unable to attack or block until you land on the ground.
  • All bursts now have significantly more recovery 15f to 30f
  • Getting hit during backdash and dash will no longer result in a counter hit.
  • New “Reversal” Indicator when performing an action on the first possible frame after being knocked down.
  • As a general change, invincible reversals that can be comboed off of will now have prorated damage.
  • All HARD knockdown times increased 45f -> 65f.
  • Input Buffer added on Defense (3 frames). This should significantly change how easy it is to punish certain moves. The buffer applies on blockstun and hitstun

Other New Features
  • Adjusted Aki’s Voicelines.
  • Adjusted Fubuki’s Voicelines.
  • Adjusted Sora’s Voicelines.
  • Stage preview videos re-enabled.
  • A new Unlock pop up window will appear upon unlocking Cosplay 5 (winning 10 matches with the character in Local VS mode or Online)

General Gameplay Bugfixes
  • Fixed Issue where performing a move on Reversal will not auto-orient towards the enemy position.
  • You are now no longer able to summon Collabs during your opponent's grab animations. (Though you can still summon them during your own grab animations).
  • You are now no longer able to summon Collabs during Superfreeze animations. The Collab will instead come out the moment the superfreeze stops.
  • Fixed issue where characters were slightly above ground on round start.
  • Fixed issue where you could perform air attacks on the ground if the attack was performed very low to the ground.
  • Fixed issue where you could grab break with a negative edge input.
  • Fixed issue where bursting a multi-hit attack could result in you being stuck in a hitstun state.
  • Anti Air grabs no longer count as strikes for grab-strike priority. Meaning they no longer have grab invulnerability during active frames.
  • Fixed issue where projectiles would allow you to bypass move cancel priority.
  • Fixed Rollback issue that would occur on KO where the camera would remain zoomed in after a KO.
  • Fixed issue where hits that “locked in your position (such as Crouching H’s) could interrupt moves with super armor.
  • Adjusted Down Down Motion Input detection.
  • You can no longer Instant Block attacks with no blockstun.

Other Bug Fixes
  • The Mouse cursor will now disappear after 5 seconds of inactivity.
  • Fixed settings option issue with Audio when clicking out of the window.
  • Fixed issue where credits BGM sometimes wouldn’t play.
  • Fixed issue with rebinding 1p and 2p controllers where delete binding and other keys would interfere with players binding.
  • Fixed issue with controllers picking up the wrong binding if a controller gets disconnected.
  • Fixed issue with UI sometimes showing improper controller for gamepad.
  • Fixed issue with Loading Videos causing crash issues on certain computers.
  • Fixed training mode reload bug where dummy record could cause player to reload in wrong position.
  • Fixed issue where unlocking cosplay 5 through online matches would unlock cosplay 5 for every character instead of just for the played character.

Character Bug Fixes and Adjustments

Character Changes
  • Aki
- Crouching M - No longer jump cancellable.
- Crouching Forward M - Aki-Chopper- No longer jump cancellable, but is now special cancellable
- Jumping M - Reduced horizontal range. More landing recovery 3f -> 6f. Now counts as an overhead attack.
- Jumping Down M - Aki-Drill - Blockstun increased by 2 frames.
- All QCF Specials - Increased recovery from 20f -> 27f.
- All QCF Specials - Projectiles will now disappear upon contact with the opponent.
- QCF L - Good Boy - Adjust angle of projectile to be lower, making it worse at covering aerial approaches.
- QCF M - Bad Boy - Adjust angle of projectile to be higher and extended upwards hitbox, making the projectile better at covering aerial approaches. The projectile has also been slowed down.
- QCB M - Muki Pound! - Startup increased by 1 frame. Recovery increased by 6 frames, and chip damage reduced 20 -> 10.
- QCB M - Muki Pound! - New Effect, Muki will now knock the opponent towards Aki . This will mean Muki will sacrifice space upon hit/block. This is intended to make Aki need to more carefully consider when to summon Muki.
- All Teleport Specials - Startup increased 9f -> 14f.
- All Muki Specials - All Muki related moves will now have Muki disappear if Aki is hit.
- All Teleport Special Moves - Startup increased 9f -> 14f.
- DDL/M/H - Elven Flash (all variations) - Invincibility frames reduced 9f -> 2f.
- DD LHold - Elven Flash (all variations) - Recovery is now slower then the Tap variant by 5f.
- All Hold Variants of Teleport - All kicks will now have ‘head’ property. This would result in the kicks whiffing on characters who are performing their Down H attacks.
- All Hold Variants of Teleport - Hitstop increased 20f -> 24f.
- Jumping S - Going Down - Invincibility Removed.
- Idol Skill - Hypnotic Hips - Now grants 5 superchats on use. Startup reduced 85f -> 45f.
- Idol Skill - Hypnotic Hips - New effect. Instead of granting the homing ability for the next Good Boy/Bad Boy projectile, it will now make all projectiles for the next 360f have the homing ability.

  • Ayame
- Hurtbox - Ayame’s hurtbox while being juggled will now the same as other characters
- Crouching H - Now Air unblockable and is ‘head invulnerable’, meaning it cannot be hit by most air attacks.
- All QCF Specials - Will now provide superchats for each motion input of the rekka. The amount given will decrease for each subsequent attack of the rekka. The exact amount given is different depending on the variant used.
- All QCF Specials - BUGFIX: resolved issue where you would continue the rekka when attempting to Superchat cancel into a different special move.
- QCFL - Asura’s Fury (close) - 2nd Hit will move Ayame forwards more, allowing her to more consistently connect the 2nd hit after the first hit. The third hit of the rekka will also move forwards less.
- QCFH - Rakshasa’s Wrath - The final hit of the mid ender will now have less recovery 38 -> 27.
- All QCB Specials - Oni Flip (far) - Flip arcs have been adjusted. Can now superchat cancel after landing on the ground.
- QCBL - Oni Flip (close) - Will now be more safe on block (-1f or -2f depending on spacing).
- Jumping Special - Heavenly Oni Flip- Increased Hitstun and increased size of downwards hitbox.
- DDH - Shin Demon Cutter - Now applies 50% damage proration on hit. Now Air Unblockable
- Idol Skill - Karma and Shiranui - Now generates 10 Superchats on use.

  • Botan
- Standing M Followup - Recovery frames increased 18f -> 26f. Hitstun and blockstun also increased. (Hitstun: 22f -> 26f) (Blockstun 14f -> 24f)
- Jumping H - Now counts as an overhead attack
- Jumping H - New Properties, will now only be a single hit instead of a multihit.
- Jumping Down H - Lead Curtain- Increased Landing Recovery 4f -> 10f, visual hitstop reduced.
- Universal Overhead -Hitstop adjusted to be -1 on block. (from +1)
- QCFL - Poi (high) - Now Limited to one LGrenade on screen at a time.
- QCFM - Poi (low) - Now Limited to one M Grenade on screen at a time.
- QCBL - Quickscope (low) - Low profile is now consistent with the Roll followup Low sniper (low profile begins on frame 4). Projectile now spawns further forwards.
- QCBM - Quickscope (high) - Will now whiff on crouching players outside of point blank range.
- Idol Skill - Trials Ascending - Startup Increased 2f -> 5f. Now gives 5 Superchats on execution. Armor now begins on frame 1
- Idol Skill - Trials Ascending - The properties of the attack here changed. It will now be a hard knockdown on the final hit. This means you can no longer get a free follow up. However, her Idol Skill is now counted as “Special cancel priority. This means you can still spend Superchats to follow up from the attack.
- Burst - BUGFIX Fixed issue where burst could not destroy projectiles.

  • Coco
- Standing M - Will now force stand on hit. Increased Hitstun (23f -> 26f) and Blockstun (16f -> 20f)
- QCFH - Essence of Advancing Assault: Dragon Drop - Removed Superfreeze frames
- Jumping Special - Dragon Glide- Can now be canceled starting at frame 20. Minimum Height added.

  • Fubuki
- All SSR Moves - BUGFIX - Resolved issue where you could sometimes not superchat cancel the SSR version of the move
- Standing M - Increased pushback on block
- Jumping H - Will now have a sourspot with weaker properties to the original hit. The Sourspot has the following properties: Reduced Damage (90 -> 60), no longer knocks opponents into the ground, no longer ground bounces, smaller hitbox that cannot cross up.
- Sweep - Now moves Fubuki forwards slightly
- SSR QCF L/M - Oruyanke - Now no longer knocks opponents in the air and instead does additional damage (100)
- QCF L - Oruyanke (Slow)- Projectile now spawns further forwards. Projectile disappears if player is hit.
- QCF L - Oruyanke (Fast)- Projectile now spawns further forwards. Projectile disappears if player is hit.
- QCF H - Kon-Cob - Now knocks opponent down on the second hit. Projectile now spawns further forwards.
- All Jumping Special Variations - Aerial Blizzard- Decreased size of second hitbox, Reduced pushback on block
- Jumping Special - Aerial Blizzard - First hit of non lucky variation hitstun reduced from 60f -> 15f. Using only the first hit off of instant overhead now leaves Fubuki punishable on hit. Fubuki retains the ability to combo off of the instant overhead off of the lucky verison of this move
- SSR Jumping Special - Aerial Blizzard BUGFIX: Resolved issue with “blue hitstun” causing the opponent to be stuck if the move was interrupted.
- DDH - Shin Yukkuri Flip - Now applies 50% damage proration.
- Idol Skill - Burger Fox - Now grants 10 Superchats on use.

  • Korone
- Standing M - Extended Hurtbox stays out for Slightly longer, Increased pushback on block.. Recovery increased by 2f. Blockstun increased by 1f (net advantage change is -1 from before)
- Crouching M - Increased range with adjusted animation, increased pushback on block.
- Sweep - Low profile now starts on frame 4 (instead of frame 1)
- Forward M - The first hit can now be canceled into heavy attacks
- QCF L - Yubi! (Slow)- Projectile now spawns further forwards. Projectile disappears if player is hit.
- QCF M - Yubi! (Fast)- Projectile now spawns further forwards . Projectile disappears if player is hit.
- QCF H - Yubi! Yubi!- Projectile now spawns further forwards.
- Jumping Special - DOOG from Above - Reduced the effects of Damage scaling (75% -> 85%)
- Jumping Special - DOOG from Above - Landing Recovery reduced 10f -> 7f. It is still minus but not as punishable
- DDH - Super Koro Punch 64- Now applies 75% damage proration
- Idol Skill - Doggy Dash - Now grants 10 Superchats on use.

  • Sora
- Standing H - Significantly increased range. Reduced knockback
- Crouching M - Increased horizontal range on both hits
- Sweep - Now combos into Re:Play mine detonation. Low profile is now delayed further in the animation.
- DDM - A-egis Reflector! - A-Chan will now appear later and go away upon Sora being hit
- QCF L - On-Stage (low) - Projectile disappears if player is hit.
- QCF M - On-Stage (high) - Projectile disappears if player is hit.
- New Aerial Special - Sky:Play - Sora will now be able to manually detonate her Mines while in mid air. Attempting to detonate mines in mid air with no mines out will result in a failure animation.
- Idol Skill - Rakka chan - Juggle trajectory adjusted for consistency. Recovery reduced to 20f. Range decreased. Initial hitbox removed

  • Suisei
- Jumping Special - Stellar Slice- Now counts as a head attack and will whiff against 2H attacks. Added landing lag 0f -> 6f
- QCB L - Stellar Medley (Close) - blockstun of uncharged projectile decreased by 5f. Projectile spawn location moved slightly forwards and down. Uncharged projectile disappears if player is hit.
- QCB M - Stellar Medley (Far) - blockstun of uncharged projectile decreased by 5f. Projectile spawn location moved forwards. Will now whiff on crouching opponents at close range. :::- Uncharged projectile dissappears if player is hit.
- kyou mo kawaii

Collab changes
  • Risu
- Off-Collab - Non-stop Nuts- Only Crouching H will send the nuts upwards
- STAR Call-In - Isekai Truck - Will now hit OTG

  • Marine
- Off-Collab - Hugging Pirate- Now starts from further behind.

  • Kiara
- STAR Call-In - Hinotori- Will now launch opponents much higher and can no longer be air-teched. Now stays in corner without going off screen

  • Kanata
- STAR Call-In -50kg Grip - Removed superfreeze frames

  • Amelia
- Off-Collab - Time Slow - fixed issue where Ame's time slow could hit OTG

May 22, 2023 - Collab Update/Hotfix Version 1.2.2, 1.2.3

Hotfix v1.2.3 - Thank you for playing our public beta. Based off of reports from the beta we have added the following bugfixes:
Gameplay Bugfixes
1. Fixed issue where you could bypass move cancel rules on wakeup if the first hit is performed on the first possible frame
2. Fixed issue where landing a projectile while performing a different move would allow you to cancel the other move.
3. Fixed issue where you could create multiple STAR Special VFX if performed during the opponent's Superfreeze.
4. Fixed issue where you could bypass move cancel rules if a move is performed during opponent's superfreeze.
5. Fixed issue where summoning an off collab or call in while throwing a projectile will result in the projectile losing its "on hit" properties. This includes applying damage Scaling or triggering followup animations (such as with Fubuki's Super STAR Attack)

Collab Update 1.2.2 - This patch is intended to focus more on Collabs, with a later patch focusing on Systems issues and Character adjustments.
General Features:
- Input Rebinding - Added functionality for a second controller to have input rebindings
- Input Rebinding - Added ability to remove/delete a binding
- Settings Option- You can now specify whether you want the game to mute or not when the game is out of focus
- Voicelines - New Aki voicelines
- Voicelines - New Fubuki Voicelines
- Soundtrack - New Song for Gangtown stage
- Soundtrack - New Song for Main Stage stage
General Bugfixes
- Performance Improvements
- CPU Usage Improvements (steam should take up less CPU)
- General Online stability updates
- General Localization and text fixes.
General Gameplay Bugfixes
- Reversals can be performed on Frame 1 after knockdown
- Resolved issue where performing a call-in can make your next move cancellable into moves it was not intended to.
- IPS can no longer be triggered by Dash or Backdash
- You can no longer OTG an opponent after Burst.
- Improved input buffering system: now restricts infinitely holding diagonal inputs, allowing smooth execution of motion inputs by only accepting continuous inputs of back, down, or forward inputs.
- Resolved issue where defeating an opponent after Time out would result in time slow carrying over to the next round.
- Errorlog saving is reenabled, but will delete all but the last 3 logs on launch/close
- Fixed stage specific knockdown inconsistencies.
- Stage - Eternity Bright - Lowered brightness during Super Flash animations
Gameplay Bugfixes and Adjustments
  • Fubuki
- Oruyanke (medium): no longer breaks Projectile invulnerability
- Back + Heavy can no longer counter burst.
- Standing Heavy: fixed issue where the move would inconsistently have attacks whiff on it.
- Universal Overhead: no longer incorrectly displays Invincible flag
  • Suisei
- Super : Anti Air version of super now has 0.4x minimum scaling
- Kyou mo kawaii
  • Ayame
- QCB Heavy: Juggle frames and blockstun frames increased (it was incorrectly set to almost nothing)

Collab Adjustments
  • Risu
- Off Collab: increased active frames on Nuts (starts 4 frames earlier, ends 2 frames later)
- Call In: Removed Freeze frames before Truck comes out
  • Roboco
Off Collab: Missiles will no longer hit on the way up
Call In:
- Bugfix: beam will not reverse direction if the opponent crosses up on the player
- Bugfix: beam will not deal additional hits if hit later in the animation
  • Marine
Off Collab:
- Now costs 3 bars
- Applies 50% proration on hit
  • Kiara
- Call In: Now explodes after a few hits, allowing users to follow up with a combo
  • Iroha
Off Collab
- Ninjas now spawn at a 66% higher rate
- Each Ninja now deals 30 damage (down from 40)
Call In
- Slash is now air unblockable.
- Startup reduced from 33f to 21f
  • Mio
- Call In: Mid-Animation Superfreeze removed. As a result, the move has longer effective startup.
  • Miko
- Off Collab: reduced overall duration from 500 to 300 frames
Single Player Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with softlock during the “Comets Straddle the Night” fight.
- Resolved issue where you could skip the final boss with multiple copies of Pedas Manja
- Fixed issue where Pedas Manja effect could carry over between runs.
Single Player Adjustments
  • AI Adjustments
For easier difficulties:
- Lowered the rate at which the AI grabs.
- Lowered the rate at which the AI grab breaks.
- The AI will follow up on its attacks somewhat less often.
For all difficulties
- Slightly lowered the rate at which the AI will jump in response to command grabs.
  • Item Adjustments
- Light Armor: now grants a 25% defense buff
- Tokino Soda: You can no longer take damage from Aura effects while snack is active.

May 13, 2023 - Update Version 1.1.1

General Features:
- Lobbies - Added ability to assign a tag to a Lobby
- Possible tags are: none, newcomer, casual, veteran, god
- Lobbies - Added ability to filter lobbies based on tags.
- Online - added GGPO Frame Delay option
- Training Room - Frame Advantage - this feature is currently a work in progress and is known to be inaccurate for ground/wallbounces (such as Aki’s Standing Heavy).
Gameplay Features:
- Air Tech and Ground techs are now performed by holding any attack button when a tech is possible.
- You are still able to influence the direction of an air tech by holding the respective direction while teching
- After an Air Tech, you are now invulnerable until hitting the ground OR performing any aerial action
Infinite Prevention System (IPS)
- When IPS invulnerability is triggered in midair, you are now invulnerable until either teching or hitting the ground.
- This contrasts with the old IPS System, where invulnerability would run out as soon as the tech window began.
General Bugfixes
- System Mechanics - STAR Meter - Fixed issue where having exactly 250 meter would not allow you to perform an EX move.
- System Mechanics - Burst - Fixed issue where Burst would not cancel out knockback momentum
- Stage - Fixed bug where certain combos could not be performed on the Idol Showdown Stage. Now all stages should be identical.
- Tutorial - Bugfix where Superchat cancel and Combo into specials tutorials would sometimes not pass the player when the condition was performed.
- Fixed issue where frame data could be inconsistent at the start of a match
- General Online stability updates
- General Localization and text fixes.
Gameplay Bugfixes
For this patch, our focus was on resolving attacks or character gameplay mechanics that were not working as intended and fixing bugs. Balancing adjustments will come in a future patch.
  • Fubuki:
- Lucky 22H - SSR Yukkuri Flip- Now is Air Unblockable, just like the other versions of Pachi
- Lucky 214X - Grounded SSR Blizzard Swirl - Now has projectile invulnerability frames that match the other versions of Blizzard Swirl
- Lucky 214X - Grounded SSR Blizzard Swirl - Fixed bug where attempting to Burst the lucky tail swirl would leave the opponent unable to move.
- 236L/M Oruyanke (all variants) - Fixed issue where Hitstun and Blockstun were incorrectly set far below the intended values
  • Suisei:
- 5M - Resolved bug where Hitstun and Blockstun could be very inconsistent.
  • Sora
- 236M - On Stage! (High) - Fixed issue where the Blockstun was higher than hitstun.
- 22M - A-egis Reflector! - Fixed issue when reflecting Ayame’s Ghost where even after reflect you would still be cursed
  • Botan
- j.H - Fixed issue where normal could deal chip damage.
- j.2H - Lead Curtain - Correct sprite offset to better reflect Hitbox and Hurtbox.
- j.2H - Lead Curtain - reduced visual hitstop
  • Aki
- j.S/ - Going Down - Removed STAR meter gain on execution. This will now match the STAR meter gain of Aki’s other teleport special moves
- 236M - Bad Boy - Fixed bug where the move was not obeying projectile limits. It will now behave similarly to Good Boy
  • Korone
- 6M - Orayo! - Will now connect both hits more consistently
- 5M - Fixed issue where normal could deal chip damage
  • Coco:
- 22H - Essence of Insertion: Tail-Slam - Fixed issue that was causing the opponent to be sent much further than expected.
Virtual Frontier Bugfixes
- Collections Screen - Fixed issue where the Collections screen would sometimes display only the KFP bucket

May 9, 2023 - Hotfix Version 1.0.7, 1.0.8

Hotfix Version 1.0.8
1. Fixed softlock when going from any mode to Tutorial or Training Mode
2. Fixed Credits scroll
Hotfix Version 1.0.7
Gameplay Adjustments:
1. Botan: Standing Medium followup attack: Reduced blockstun frames
Gameplay Bugfixes:
1. Fixed Issue where after a victory you would be unable to control your character if a victory did not occur on the other player's end
2. General Online Net Stability improvements
Other Bugfixes:
1. Fixed "black screen" issue on startup caused by settings load failure.
2. Removed Houshou Marine's AI exploit with Botan
3. General Localization improvements

May 7, 2023 - Hotfix Version 1.0.4, 1.0.5, 1.0.6

Hotfix Version 1.0.6
Sora new voice lines added
Gameplay Bugfixes
1. Fixed issue where the winning player would sometimes lose control after a KO, allowing the other player to win
2. Command grabs should now beat normal grabs when both players grab simultaneously
3. Resolved issue that allowed players to gain multiple superchats during superfreeze
4. Resolved issue where Effect from being in an Infinite combo loop would not reflect the actual invincibility period.
5. Resolved issue with performance caused by Star Specials and Super Star specials
6. Resolved issue where certain sequences could cause Grabs could do double or Triple damage
7. Sora: Re:Play - Resolved bug that was causing mines to do less damage then intended
8. Botan: Forward + Medium: Resolved issue causing Botan to cross up with the opponent in the Corner
Other Bugfixes
1. Resolved issue with Error Logs taking up a lot of disk space.
2. General Online stability improvements
3. Tutorial Logic update
Developer Note
1. We are currently investigating the Infinite Prevention System and will be likely putting out an update in a future update.
Hotfix Version 1.0.5
Started Replacing Botan Voice lines with Botan's Requested voicelines. (Thank You So much!)
- Resolved issue where Botan's POIs were not detected as projectiles by AI
- Resolved issue in Training Mode where Instant Block setting would not reduce pushback
- Resolved issue causing launch problems on some systems.
- General Online bugfixes
Hotfix Version 1.0.4
- Added New Song to Collections Screen
- General Online stability bugfixes
- General Localization updates
- Resolved issue where the AI would not be disabled upon going to Tutorial after playing Arcade Mode
- Botan: Resolved issue where you could be grabbed while in knockdown

May 6, 2023 - Hotfix Version 1.0.3

Hotfix Version 1.0.3
UI Bugfixes:
- Fixed issue where Character Select and Stage Select could sometimes be loaded during match
- Fixed Leave panel displaying behind lobby button
- Arcade Mode now displays correct stage number.
- Various Localization adjustments
- Fixed issue where Match start banner would still display when entering Training Mode
- Fixed issue where stage select will crash for certain systems. Stage previews will be temporarily disabled while we resolve this issue
General Gameplay Bugfixes:
- Burst: Resolved issue with burst destroying your own Projectiles
- Burst: Resolved issue that allowed you to combo out of burst
- Fixed bug that allowed you to preserve jump momentum after certain performing jump S attacks
- Fixed issue where air attacks could sometimes be performed on the ground.
Character Bugfixes:
- Suisei: Fixed Error in Suisei's Command list description for Forward + Heavy
- Botan: Fixed issue where Botan's Super could be cancelled mid animation.
- Korone: Super: Fixed issue where you could be interrupted after the Super Animation confirm animation began.
- Sora: Updated Command list descriptions for 214H
- Sora: 236L: Resolved issue where you could not detonate the mine
- Sora: 22M Fixed issue with Hitstop
- Collab: Kanata: Call-In: Resolved issue when the person summoning Kanata was hit after Kanata grabs the opponent.
- Collab: Ame: Off-Collab: Resolved issue where opponents under the effect of timestop always be counted as being in a combo
- Collab: Kanata: Off-Collab: Resolved issue with waves and scaling
Known Issues in Progress:
- Issue with binding keys to Arrow Keys
- Issue with Collabs displaying in Command List
- Issue with Performance when using repeated Star Specials and Super Star Specials

May 5, 2023 - Release!

Idol Showdown is now available on Steam!