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*everything here is a work in progress.  Rough it out first, clean it up later.
(create a standard wiki and publish it, then add tiny things here and there like discord pages, etc)

Intro Page.  Basic background of the game

== The Last Blade ==

'''The Last Blade''' is a 2D fighting game developed and published by SNK for its Neo Geo hardware. Originally released in Japan in 1997, the game has since been ported and re-released countless times on various platforms. It was followed by its more popular sequel, The Last Blade 2, in 1998.
What is The Last Blade?

Although often mentioned amongst SNK's flagship titles, The Last Blade finds itself today a lost classic, buried under other great titles such as various entries in The King of Fighters series, the Samurai Shodown series, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, and of course, The Last Blade 2. Those games each have a ton of online resources to learn from, and a plethora of tournament match footage on youtube. But outside of a few basic Gamefaqs movelists and very few casual match videos on youtube, the first Last Blade has virtually no online resources to speak of. Thus, the creation of this wiki: To serve as the ultimate gameplay resource for one of SNK's gems.
How would you characterize The Last Blade? How does it compare to other fighting games?

== FAQ ==
How does The Last Blade compare to The Last Blade 2?

'''What is The Last Blade?'''

The Last Blade is the first installment of a 2D fighting game series developed and published by SNK. It was released in 1997 for SNK's Neo Geo hardware, followed by its sequel, The Last Blade 2, in 1998, and eventually, a portable rendition, The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny, released for the Neo Geo Pocket Color in 2000. It is often compared to SNK's Samurai Shodown series because its fighters use weapons to do battle. Unlike the Samurai Shodown series however, The Last Blade is not set during Japan's feudal era, but rather the Bakumatsu period, in which Japan's strict policy of isolationism was coming to an end, the Tokugawa Shogunate would soon fall, and Western influence would begin to shape Japan. As such, the game has a drastically different aesthetic and tone than the Samurai Shodown series.

'''What is the storyline of the game?'''
TOP Yuki Kaede Moriya Musashi

This wiki has been created specifically as in-depth gameplay resource for the game, as there is no other online. For information regarding the storyline of the game and each of its characters, check out the following link: []
HIGH Zantetsu Shikyoh Washizuka

'''How would you describe the gameplay of the Last Blade in comparison to other fighting games?'''
MID Akari Lee Amano Shigen

*It has the pace/speed, importance of normals, pokes, and spacing from various Street Fighter and Samurai Shodown games
BOTTOM Okina Juzoh
*A short hop from the King of Fighters series
*A high risk/reward deflect mechanic that works somewhat like the parry system in 3rd Srike
*Short chain combos similar to those of Vampire Savior

As such, the game is not all offense and not all defense, but a balance between the two. Traditional fireball/dragon punch wars do not really take place in the game, and the deflect mechanic tones down aggressive rushdown styles of play in favor of more calculated offensive approaches. I will add that, more than most fighting games, air-to-air combat is prominent in the Last Blade. Not air combos or anything like that, but rather, air footsies. Cross-ups and ambiguous cross-ups are also a huge part of the game, more so than just about any fighting game I have played. Like all fighting games, you never want to be stuck in the corner, but in The Last Blade, being cornered is not the nightmare it is in Street Fighter. Sweeps, being a huge part of combat in Street Fighter, are not a very big part of the game.
The top four characters are firmly set in their listed order. After that, no tier listing is concrete. The bottom tier characters can fare well against the rest of the roster. They are by no means unplayable. Overall the game's balance is pretty decent (compared to other games of the genre) but far from perfect.

One thing to note would be that games like Street Fighter often have clearly defined roles for each character. Dhalsim is a zoner. Zangief is a grappler. Their gameplay designs are tailored for each to be played in specific ways. These designations/distinctions are less apparent in the Last Blade. In Street Fighter, you play Ryu, or Dhalsim, or Zangief, or Guile, or Ibuki. Each, in a sense, its own system. In the Last Blade, you play the game's system. The characters are of course different from one another, but the differences are more subtle, and the approaches are more or less the same. Think of games like Marvel vs. Capcom, in which each character is obviously different, but the end goal is to get into your launcher/combos/air combos/infinites.

'''I've only played the Last Blade 2 (Or I've never played either). What are the main differences between The Last Blade and The Last Blade 2?'''
Power Mode

There are too many to list, but here are some of the main ones:
Speed Mode

*The Last Blade, as a whole, is a simpler game than The Last Blade 2. It has fewer mechanics and fewer combo possibilities, and, in a lot of cases, less special moves.
*The Last Blade plays at a much slower and controlled pace than The Last Blade 2. There are no air and ground recoveries in the first game, resulting in more breaks in the action. You end up with a less hectic, frantic pace.
*Air combat is very different between the two games. You cannot deflect while in the air in the first game, only in the second game. And so, although air combat remains important in the first game, it is not as sophisticated as it is in the second game.
*When playing in Speed Mode, The Last Blade employs a Custom Combo system akin to that of Street Fighter Alpha 2. The Last Blade 2 replaced this with a totally different system.
*The Last Blade has fewer characters than the second. The characters that both games do share, play differently between the two games, some slightly, and some being almost completely rebuilt for the second game. For specifics, see the individual character pages.
*In the Last Blade, each character has their own stage. In the Last Blade 2, characters share stages.
*Dizzies and Guard Breaks occur fairly often in the first game, at both low and high level play. I have rarely seen dizzies occur in the Last Blade 2, even when an expert is destroying a beginner. I am not even sure if the Last Blade 2 has Guard Breaks, because I cannot remember ever seeing one. For more on this, check out the System Mechanics page.
*The Last Blade 2 is full of game defining glitches, some infinites, and horrible game balance, with a God tier similar to that of Marvel vs. Capcom 2. The Last Blade, although not perfectly balanced, is a more balanced and polished game.
*In the Last Blade, Power Mode has, in general, far fewer combo/link possibilities compared to second game, in which Power Mode is defined by links.
*The Last Blade 2 has dash moves, meaning, dashing A is different from standing A. The first game does not have dash moves. If you dash and hit A, standing A will come out.
*Short hops are much easier to execute in the first game.

For more specific information, I advise checking out the Last Blade 2 guide on the Shoryuken Wiki. It is an excellent resource and goes into great detail about the Last Blade 2's system mechanics.
Pounce Attacks

'''How can I play?''''

Since it's original release, The Last Blade has been ported several times, first to the Playstation in Japan, then for the Playstation 2 in Japan (packaged with the Last Blade 2 as a collection), and more recently through various online platforms such as Steam, the Wii's Virtual Console, etc.

But the best way to play today would be through the online client known as Fightcade. It's free, has excellent online play, and is not a port, but the original game itself, in file form, running on perfect emulation of the Neo Geo. So you get to play the real game, as it was played in arcades in 1997, with your own arcade stick, gamepad, or keyboard.

'''Is there a Training Mode?'''

Yes. To access the training mode through fightcade, launch the game, go to Game, Set Dipswitches, change from MVS to AES, then press F3 to reset the emulator. The training mode will be in the main menu.

If you want to then play online, make sure to go to Set Dipswitches again, reset to defaults, and press F3 to reset the emulator. If you don't do this, you will get desync issues with your opponent.
== Controls ==
(Put the numpad and buttons here)
The numbers above correspond to the numpad on a standard computer keyboard, each number representing a directional input on an arcade stick or video game controller, 5 being the neutral position (no directional input being made). The letters above represent the Neo Geo's four buttons, each of which has a specific gameplay function.
'''''IMPORTANT:''''' The remainder of this guide will be written from the perspective of PLAYER 1 FACING RIGHT. So if you see 6B for instance, which translates to the forward direction and the B button, this command must be done in reverse if you are the player facing LEFT, so 6C becomes 4C. Everything just flips when facing left.
(Put all universal control stuff here. what each button does, how to dash, jump, short hop, all universal command normals like 6B, 4A, sweep, throws,
== System Mechanics ==
Each character in The Last Blade can be played in one of two modes: '''Power''' or '''Speed'''.
== Power Mode ==
*Attacks do more damage than in Speed Mode and normal attacks cause chip damage
*No Chain Combos, only Links (see individual character pages)
*Each character has one Special Move that can be canceled into their Desperation Move, also known as a Super Cancel (see individual character pages)
*Access to Desperation Moves (require a full super meter to be done once, or can be done an infinite number of times when health is low/flashing)
*Access to Super Desperation Moves (require a full super meter and low/flashing health)
(Super Cancels.  What Links are, whatever else is Power Mode specific.  Maybe the full Super Cancel movelist, just as a quick reference, which can also be showed in inidividual character pages)
== Speed Mode ==
*Attacks do less damage than in Power Mode and normal attacks do not cause chip damage
*Access to both Chain Combos and Links, and the ability to combine the two (more on this in the individual character pages)
*No Super Cancels, but the ability to finish chain combos with Desperation Moves (see individual character pages)
*Access to Desperation Moves (require a full super meter to be done once, or can be done an infinite number of times when health is low/flashing)
*No access to Super Desperation Moves, instead access to a Custom Combo (requires a full super meter and low/flashing health. Must be activated. Meter drains over time and drains further when attacks are used. Light attacks will drain small portions of the meter while strong attacks will drain larger portions of the meter)
(Universal Speed Chain system should be put right here.  And Custom Combo system details and rules.  Little details like being able to cancel crouch C into any/all specials)
== Repel/Deflect ==
== Throws ==
== Ground Attacks/Pursuit Attacks ==
== Guard Breaks ==
== Dizzy/Stun ==
== Tiers ==
'''TOP''' Yuki, Kaede, Moriya
'''HIGH''' Zantetsu, Shikyoh
'''MID''' Washizuka, Lee, Akari, Amano
'''LOW''' Shigen, Juzoh, Okina
'''Tier Analysis'''
Keep it short and simple.  Details will go in the character pages. More comprehensive tier list will be worked out.
== Kaede ==
Introduction NO STORY STUFF ONLY BASIC CHARACTER INTRO, NOT STRATEGY.  Maybe pros and cons?  those are always simple and nice to have
== Normal Moves ==
== Special Moves ==
'''Ittou Hayate - 236A/B''' fireball
'''Ittou Kuga - 623A/B''' Shoryuken
'''Ittou RenjinZan - 214A/B (x3)''' rekka, super cancel
'''Ittou TabaKaze - 214C''' command roll
'''Ittou ArashiUchi - 41236C''' command grab
'''Ittou RaiTei 4/2/6B (air)''' Air Throw
== Desperation Moves ==
'''Kakusei - BCD''' awakened kaede transformation
'''Kasshin FukuRyu - 21416AB''' lighting bolt dm, hold to delay
== Super Desperation Moves ==
'''Kasshin KouRyu - 21416AB''' lighting bolt sdm, hold to delay
== Unique to this character ==
By Pressing BCD, Kaede "Awakens", transforming into a superior version of himself. All his moves are faster and stronger in every way, with the tradeoff being that his health slowly ticks away until there is a pixel left (health will not tick to 0).
== Awakened Kaede ==
== Special Moves ==
'''Shinmei Hayate - 236A/B'''
'''Shinmei Kuga - 623A/B'''
'''Shinmei RenjinZan - 214A/B (x3)'''
'''Shinmei TabaKaze - 214C''' command roll
'''Shinmei ArashiUchi - 41236C''' command grab
'''Ittou RaiTei - 4/2/6B (air)''' Air Throw
== Desperation Moves ==
'''Kasshin FukuRyu - 21416AB''' lightning bolt DM, hold to delay
'''Kasshin SeiRyu - 236236AB''' lightsaber slash DM hold to delay
== Super Desperation Moves ==
'''Kasshin KouRyu - 21416B''' lightning bolt SMD hold to delay
'''Kasshin SouRyu - 236236B''' hold to delay, other SMD, i think it's the gut stab one from LB2, must double check
== Strategy ==
'''Power Mode''' (analysis)
power mode strategy and such here
power combos here
'''Speed Mode''' (anaysis)
speed mode strategy and analysis here
speed combos here
== Differences from Last Blade 2 Kaede ==
differences here. Don't get too nitty gritty.  Main key differences that affect his basic design and gameplay. Don't make this section too big.
== Yuki ==


== Normal Moves ==
Normals (standing, crouching, jumping)
== Special Moves ==
'''HyouJin - 236A/B'''    fireball
'''SouKa - 623A/B'''    DP
'''ShunSetsuZan - 214A/B'''      dash slash
'''HyouKyou - 41236C'''      reflector
'''Suizan - 63214C'''    command grab
== Desperation Moves ==
'''YukishiMaki - 21416AB'''    DM slash, follow with 236B/C
== Super Desperation Moves ==
'''Shin YukishiMaki - 21416B'''    Blizzard Cyclone Crystal SDM
== Unique to this character ==
== Strategy ==
'''Power Mode''' (analysis)
'''Speed Mode''' (anaysis)
== Differences from Last Blade 2 Yuki ==
== Juzoh ==
Introduction (character story, gameplay basics)
== Normal Moves ==
== Special Moves ==
'''Geki Shin - 623A/B'''    ground pound
'''GouDanShou - hold A/B/C'''    hold/release slam thing
'''Fugaku - 63214B'''    command grab.  follow up with 236B for the club swing, and 236B for the fireball.  then include the pounce/pursuit attack
'''Kongou JuTsui - 236A/B'''      the running club swing combo thing
== Desperation Moves ==
'''KatsuMoku DaiGekidou - 21416AB'''    follow with 236B
== Super Desperation Moves ==
'''KatsuMoku ChoGekidou - 6321463214B'''  Command grab SDM
== Unique to this character ==
Include all his various pounce/pursuits here. he has a ton.
== Strategy ==
'''Power Mode''' (analysis)
'''Speed Mode''' (anaysis)
== Differences from Last Blade 2 Juzoh ==
== Akari ==
Introduction (character story, gameplay basics)
== Normal Moves ==
== Special Moves ==
'''ShikiGami Tenku - 236A/B'''    fireball
'''Tenmon Hoshi no Meguri - 28C'''      sparkly up and down move
'''Gaiki DorotaBou - 623A/B/C'''  portal moves.  include the various follow ups. MeiRyu Mari Otoshi - 1/2/3C      MeiRyu Mari Houri - 7/8/9C    MeiRyu Mari Koroge - hold A/B
'''Gaiki KiyoHime - 63214A'''    command grab
'''Mamori HitoGata - 63214B'''    paper thing... dont know what it does still
'''Henka HitoGata - 63214C'''        transforms into opponent
== Desperation Moves ==
== Super Desperation Moves ==
== Unique to this character ==
== Strategy ==
'''Power Mode'''
'''Speed Mode''' (anaysis)
== Differences from Last Blade 2 Akari ==
== Amano ==
Introduction (character story, gameplay basics)
== Normal Moves ==
== Special Moves ==
== Desperation Moves ==
== Super Desperation Moves ==
== Unique to this character ==
== Strategy ==
'''Power Mode''' (analysis)
'''Speed Mode''' (anaysis)
== Differences from Last Blade 2 Amano ==
== Moriya ==
Introduction (character story, gameplay basics)
== Normal Moves ==
== Special Moves ==
== Desperation Moves ==
== Super Desperation Moves ==
== Unique to this character ==
== Strategy ==
'''Power Mode''' (analysis)
'''Speed Mode''' (anaysis)
== Differences from Last Blade 2 Moriya ==
== Okina ==
Introduction (character story, gameplay basics)
== Normal Moves ==
== Special Moves ==
== Desperation Moves ==
== Super Desperation Moves ==
== Unique to this character ==
== Strategy ==
'''Power Mode''' (analysis)
'''Speed Mode''' (anaysis)
== Differences from Last Blade 2 Okina ==
== Lee ==
Introduction (character story, gameplay basics)
== Normal Moves ==
== Special Moves ==
== Desperation Moves ==
== Super Desperation Moves ==
== Unique to this character ==
== Strategy ==
'''Power Mode''' (analysis)
'''Speed Mode''' (anaysis)
== Differences from Last Blade 2 Lee ==
== Washizuka ==
Introduction (character story, gameplay basics)
== Normal Moves ==
== Special Moves ==
== Desperation Moves ==
== Super Desperation Moves ==
== Unique to this character ==
== Strategy ==
'''Power Mode''' (analysis)
'''Speed Mode''' (anaysis)
== Differences from Last Blade 2 Washizuka ==
== Shikyoh ==
Introduction (character story, gameplay basics)
== Normal Moves ==
== Special Moves ==
== Desperation Moves ==
== Super Desperation Moves ==
== Unique to this character ==
== Strategy ==
'''Power Mode''' (analysis)
'''Speed Mode''' (anaysis)
== Differences from Last Blade 2 Mukuro ==
== Zantetsu ==
Introduction (character story, gameplay basics)
== Normal Moves ==
== Special Moves ==
== Desperation Moves ==
== Super Desperation Moves ==
== Unique to this character ==
== Strategy ==
'''Power Mode''' (analysis)
'''Speed Mode''' (anaysis)
== Differences from Last Blade 2 Zantetsu ==
== Shigen ==
Introduction (character story, gameplay basics)
== Normal Moves ==
== Special Moves ==

== Desperation Moves ==
Command Normals

== Super Desperation Moves ==
Pounce Attacks

== Unique to this character ==

== Strategy ==

'''Power Mode''' (analysis)


'''Speed Mode''' (anaysis)


== Differences from Last Blade 2 Shigen ==

Latest revision as of 02:29, 31 January 2018

(create a standard wiki and publish it, then add tiny things here and there like discord pages, etc)



What is The Last Blade?

How would you characterize The Last Blade? How does it compare to other fighting games?

How does The Last Blade compare to The Last Blade 2?



TOP Yuki Kaede Moriya Musashi

HIGH Zantetsu Shikyoh Washizuka

MID Akari Lee Amano Shigen

BOTTOM Okina Juzoh

The top four characters are firmly set in their listed order. After that, no tier listing is concrete. The bottom tier characters can fare well against the rest of the roster. They are by no means unplayable. Overall the game's balance is pretty decent (compared to other games of the genre) but far from perfect.


Power Mode

Speed Mode


Pounce Attacks








Normals (standing, crouching, jumping)

Command Normals

Pounce Attacks






