YomiHustle/Ninja: Difference between revisions

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(Adding basic frame data to all moves.)
Line 88: Line 88:
Line 94: Line 94:
* Tied for fastest strike in the game.
* Tied for fastest strike in the game.
* Placeholder
* Can be used as a DI mixup in air combos on DI down.
Line 129: Line 127:
  |hitstun= 17
* Placeholder
* Decent combo extender due to its range and on-hit advantage.
Line 142: Line 140:
  |hitstun= 17
  |hitstun= -
* Sends the opponent downwards.
* Sends the opponent downwards with hard knockdown.
* Your main DI mixup in air combos, use it on opponents who are looking to DI up.
* Will ground bounce on launcher hit, giving it massive hitstun, especially if your opponent DIs up.
Line 161: Line 160:
  |onhit= HKD
  |hitstun= 30
  |hitstun= -
* Knocks down on hit.
* A niche punish and combo tool. Has great damage and proration, but can hard to follow up on due to its Hard Knockdown property.
* Easier to follow up on with DI neutral or up, but can almost always combo into stomp.
* Usable in NunChuk stance.
Line 191: Line 192:
  |hitstun= 23
  |hitstun= 23
  |version=NunChuk (High)
  |version=NunChuk (High)
  |hitstun= 23
  |hitstun= 23
* Placeholder
* Enters into NunChuk stance (on hit or whiff)
* Stance can only be exited by doing a non-chuk move.
* Up-Chuk can only hit airborne opponents.
  |version=Chuk Heavy
  |version=Chuk Heavy
  |hitstun= 23
  |hitstun= 23
* Only available after NunChuk.
* Only available after NunChuk.
* Does more damage than NunChuk after all 3 hits, but also increases scaling by 3 hits.
Line 227: Line 229:
  |hitstun= 23
  |hitstun= 23
* Only available after NunChuk.
* Only available after NunChuk.
* Has extremely limited followups: Chuk Spin, Grab, Store/Release Momentum, Instant/Burst Cancel.
* Chuk Spin is usually the best followup. Even if it whiffs, it makes you actionable sooner than landing normally.
Line 245: Line 248:
* Air only.
* Air only.
* Your standard air combo move, has good damage and is easy to combo off of.
* Usually needs a resource to combo off of on DI up.
* Your best tool to combo into sticky bomb in air combos.
Line 267: Line 272:
* Placeholder
* This is your best starter in most situations, due to its high damage and proration.
* Can be somewhat difficult to combo off of on DI out if not hit up close.
* Goes airborne frame 1, allowing you to beat grabs, even in normally inescapable setups.
* Beats high block on the same frame, due to its long startup.
* Can loop into itself in the corner.
Line 289: Line 298:
  |startup=12 (6)
  |active= Until Landing
  |firstactionable=Until Landing+4
* Has 3 possible angles.
* Has 3 possible angles.
* Startup is halved with Initiative.
* Useful for restanding opponents close to the ground, in combination with shuriken.
Line 313: Line 323:
* Placeholder
* Universal throw. The fastest option in the game.
Universal throw.
* Weak to DI down, but can often still be a combo starter due to Stomp OTG.
Line 333: Line 345:
|active= -
|onhit= -
  |active= -
  |onhit= -
* Air OK.
* Air version has more hitstun but less damage.
Line 354: Line 377:
* Invincible during startup with Initiative.
* Invincible during startup with Initiative.
* Only the first hit is cancellable.
* Usable in Backsway Stance.
Line 376: Line 400:
* Placeholder
* Hits OTG as long as you start the move before your opponent's getup options become available.
Line 398: Line 421:
  |firstactionable=Until Landing+15 (43 Grounded)
* Air OK.
* Air OK.
* First 24 frames have projectile invulnerability.
Line 420: Line 443:
  |startup=10(16 on whiff)
  |guard=Command Grab
  |firstactionable=Until Landing+4 (28 Grounded), 16 After Grab
|damage=800 (1000)
* Air OK.
* Air OK.
Line 444: Line 479:
* Air OK.
* Air OK.
Line 459: Line 494:
* Air OK.
* Air OK.
* All versions add a slight upwards boost in the air.
Line 482: Line 517:
  |version=Store Momentum
  |version=Store Momentum
* Air OK.
* Air OK.
* Useful for stopping quickly.
  |version=Release Momentum
  |version=Release Momentum
* Air OK.
* Air OK.
* Costs 1 bar.
* The shortest duration move in the game. Can be used to make many options reactable.
Line 516: Line 552:
* Only available after NunChuk.
* Only available after NunChuk.
* Cancellable into itself.
* Cancellable into itself.
* Has an initial melee hit before the projectile comes out.
* Projectile has hard knockdown.
Line 541: Line 578:
* Costs 1 bar.
* Costs 1 bar.
* Air OK.
* Air OK.
* Invulnerable frames 5-6 with Initiative.
* Interrupted sooner by landing.
Line 564: Line 602:
  |guard=High(Airborne) Low(Ground, Unparryable)
* Costs 3 bars.
* Costs 3 bars.
* Air OK.
* Air OK.
* Incredible combo tool due to high hitstun.
* Can be used to set up unblockable situations with meaty grab.

Revision as of 21:55, 9 December 2022


Ninja is a mix-up heavy rushdown character, capable of using her superior movement abilities and high number of options to force highly advantageous situations, while almost always having an escape option. As the only character with a projectile invincible attack, an invincible "reversal" in the form of YH Icon Uppercut.png Uppercut, and a frame 4 interruptible movement option, Ninja is capable of using her superior tools to alternate between forcing her opponent's hand, and explosive offense and punishes.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Fast: Possessing the fastest dash in the game, an omnidirectional airdash, and two separate movement specials in Substitution and YH Icon StoreMomentum.pngYH Icon ReleaseMomentum.png Store/Release Momentum, Ninja can rapidly create pressure and score hits where other characters may struggle, while constantly building meter.
  • A tool for everything: Ninja has a tool to beat nearly every option an opponent has while in neutral and advantage. This is amplified at close-range, with YH Icon Punch.png Punch beating all offensive options and movement except for grab, and YH Icon DropKick.png Drop Kick beating or evading all basic defensive options.
  • Setplay: YH Icon StickyBomb.png Sticky Bomb, YH Icon Summon.png Summon, and YH Icon Shuriken.png Shuriken are incredible tools to control space and force opponents into unfavorable guessing situations, frequently denying some options from being used.
  • Resets: Ninja is able to use her various tools to keep pressure and extend combos, with Free Cancel enbling potent frame traps and callouts.
  • High corner carry: From mid-stage, Ninja can consistently bring opponents into view of the corner from a single clean combo starter, especially on DI out. This enables her to loop pressure and constantly retain advantage.
  • High reward for high risk: Ninja is the only character with moves possessing Initiative Bonus invincibility, beating offensive options outright if used before your opponent is acting. This opens the door for terrifying situations, as Ninja can simply power through a majority of aggressive options and convert into high damage combos, complementing her speed and pressure.
  • Small range (without meter): Without long range options, Ninja's threat range is the smallest in the game without dash momentum or projectile setplay. YH Icon QuickSlash.png Quick Slash remedies this by being extremely long-range, but has low conversion ability against good DI, and costs 1 bar of meter per use.
  • Setup reliant: Most character are able to move or control space in a way that denies Ninja her preferred point-blank range. Against defensive play and optimal spacing, Ninja may need to rely on setplay to get into range to begin pressure and mixups.
  • High risk for high reward: The more oppressive an option Ninja has, the more punishable it is on read or on whiff, losing to simple defensive options and movement without pressure and conditioning to back up the play. This can lead to taking long combos or spending resources to make up for whiffs.

Move List

Unique movement


YH Icon Dash.png
YH Ninja Dash.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - - - - 0 -
  • Placeholder



YH Icon Dash.png
YH Ninja Dash.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - - - - 0 -
  • Placeholder




YH Icon Punch.png
YH Ninja Punch.png
Ground version
Ground version
YH Ninja jPunch.png
Air version
Air version
Ground Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
300 4 2 16 - High 2 -
  • Tied for fastest strike in the game.
Air Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
400 5 2 22 - High 0 -
  • Can be used as a DI mixup in air combos on DI down.


YH Icon Kick.png
YH Ninja Kick.png
Ground version
Ground version
YH Ninja jKick.png
Air version
Air version
Ground Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
700 5 3 19 - Low 1 -
  • Decent combo extender due to its range and on-hit advantage.
Air Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
700 5 7 40 - High 0 -
  • Sends the opponent downwards with hard knockdown.
  • Your main DI mixup in air combos, use it on opponents who are looking to DI up.
  • Will ground bounce on launcher hit, giving it massive hitstun, especially if your opponent DIs up.


YH Icon Sweep.png
YH Ninja Sweep.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1200 7 2 29 - Low -1 -
  • A niche punish and combo tool. Has great damage and proration, but can hard to follow up on due to its Hard Knockdown property.
  • Easier to follow up on with DI neutral or up, but can almost always combo into stomp.
  • Usable in NunChuk stance.


YH Icon NunChuk.pngYH Icon ChukHeavy.pngYH Icon ChukJump.png
YH Ninja NunChuk.png
YH Ninja NunChukHigh.png
NunChuk (High)
NunChuk (High)
YH Ninja ChukHeavy.png
Chuk Heavy
Chuk Heavy
YH Ninja ChukJump.png
Chuk Jump
Chuk Jump
NunChuk Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
800 7 3 19 - High 0 -
NunChuk (High) Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1000 6 3 19 - High 0 -
  • Enters into NunChuk stance (on hit or whiff)
  • Stance can only be exited by doing a non-chuk move.
  • Up-Chuk can only hit airborne opponents.
Chuk Heavy Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
600x3 9 2,2,2 22 - High 0 -
  • Only available after NunChuk.
  • Does more damage than NunChuk after all 3 hits, but also increases scaling by 3 hits.
Chuk Jump Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1200 16 4 32 - High 0 -
  • Only available after NunChuk.
  • Has extremely limited followups: Chuk Spin, Grab, Store/Release Momentum, Instant/Burst Cancel.
  • Chuk Spin is usually the best followup. Even if it whiffs, it makes you actionable sooner than landing normally.

Chuk Spin

Chuk Spin
YH Icon ChukSpin.png
YH Ninja ChukSpin.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
700*3 6 4,4,3 40 - High 0 -
  • Air only.
  • Your standard air combo move, has good damage and is easy to combo off of.
  • Usually needs a resource to combo off of on DI up.
  • Your best tool to combo into sticky bomb in air combos.

Drop Kick

Drop Kick
YH Icon DropKick.png
YH Ninja DropKick.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1150 11 5 22 - High -2 -
  • This is your best starter in most situations, due to its high damage and proration.
  • Can be somewhat difficult to combo off of on DI out if not hit up close.
  • Goes airborne frame 1, allowing you to beat grabs, even in normally inescapable setups.
  • Beats high block on the same frame, due to its long startup.
  • Can loop into itself in the corner.

Dive Kick

Dive Kick
YH Icon DiveKick.png
YH Ninja DiveKick.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
600 12 (6) Until Landing Until Landing+4 - High 0 -
  • Has 3 possible angles.
  • Startup is halved with Initiative.
  • Useful for restanding opponents close to the ground, in combination with shuriken.

Universal Mechanics


YH Icon Grab.png
YH Throw.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
900 3 3 23 - Throw 0 -
  • Universal throw. The fastest option in the game.
  • Weak to DI down, but can often still be a combo starter due to Stomp OTG.



YH Icon Shuriken.png
YH Ninja Shuriken.png
Ground Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
400 6 - 11 - High 0 -
Air Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
300 6 - 11 - High 0 -
  • Air version has more hitstun but less damage.


YH Icon Uppercut.png
YH Ninja Uppercut.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1200+600 4 2,4 41 - High 0 -
  • Invincible during startup with Initiative.
  • Only the first hit is cancellable.
  • Usable in Backsway Stance.


YH Icon Stomp.png
YH Ninja Stomp.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
700 11 4 23 - Low 0 -
  • Hits OTG as long as you start the move before your opponent's getup options become available.

Jump Kick

Jump Kick
YH Icon JumpKick.png
YH Ninja JumpKick.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1000 11 8 Until Landing+15 (43 Grounded) - High 0 -
  • Air OK.
  • First 24 frames have projectile invulnerability.

Sticky Bomb

Sticky Bomb
YH Icon StickyBomb.png
YH Ninja StickyBomb.png
Grab Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
200 10(16 on whiff) 4 Until Landing+4 (28 Grounded), 16 After Grab - Command Grab 0 -
Detonation Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
800 (1000) 2 2 - - High 0 -
  • Air OK.
  • Sticky Bomb explodes by itself after 120 frames.

Can be detonated manually at any time when Ninja can choose an action.


YH Icon Summon.png
YH Ninja Summon.png
Kunai Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
700x3 5+24 - 11 - High 0 -
  • Air OK.
  • Can be done at 3 different angles.


Slide Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
0 4 30 11 - Low 0 -
  • Air OK.
  • All versions add a slight upwards boost in the air.

Store/Release Momentum

Store/Release Momentum
YH Icon StoreMomentum.pngYH Icon ReleaseMomentum.png
YH Ninja StoreMomentum.png
Store Momentum Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
N/A 1 - 11 - - 0 -
  • Air OK.
  • Useful for stopping quickly.
Release Momentum Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
N/A 1 - 4 - - 0 -
  • Air OK.
  • Costs 1 bar.
  • The shortest duration move in the game. Can be used to make many options reactable.

Whip Wave

Whip Wave
YH Icon WhipWave.png
YH Ninja WhipWave.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
800,400 11,13 2 19 - Low 0 -
  • Only available after NunChuk.
  • Cancellable into itself.
  • Has an initial melee hit before the projectile comes out.
  • Projectile has hard knockdown.


Quick Slash

Quick Slash
YH Icon QuickSlash.png
YH Ninja QuickSlash.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
400 7 1 21 - High 0 -
  • Costs 1 bar.
  • Air OK.
  • Invulnerable frames 5-6 with Initiative.
  • Interrupted sooner by landing.


YH Icon Caltrops.png
YH Ninja Caltrops.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
500 6 - 21 - High(Airborne) Low(Ground, Unparryable) 0 -
  • Costs 3 bars.
  • Air OK.
  • Incredible combo tool due to high hitstun.
  • Can be used to set up unblockable situations with meaty grab.

