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Say you have your opponent in the corner, be it pushing them there from closer to midscreen or they’re just in the corner. You can quickly perform a midscreen Double TK combo that steals the corner very early on but that's not the greatest in terms of damage. You’re going to want to steal the corner at some point, as doing 214C with your opponent’s back up against the wall entirely means you lose out on your most potent oki options, but to keep them there as best and as long as you can to reap the benefits like higher average damage combos, you’re gonna have to think a little bit differently.  
Say you have your opponent in the corner, be it pushing them there from closer to midscreen or they’re just in the corner. You can quickly perform a midscreen Double TK combo that steals the corner very early on but that's not the greatest in terms of damage. You’re going to want to steal the corner at some point, as doing 214C with your opponent’s back up against the wall entirely means you lose out on your most potent oki options, but to keep them there as best and as long as you can to reap the benefits like higher average damage combos, you’re gonna have to think a little bit differently.  

In the corner, you have access to doing just tk.236B and 236B with no followup. The wall bounce gives you enough time to recover/land and pick up with your ender. The same logic runs for using 6C. The wall allows you to use the far-flinging, wall bouncing projectile to be introduced into combos for more damage and potentially meter build. Your string of normals in the ender are almost always going to end with 2C > 5[C] due to its vacuum effect allowing you to steal the corner for proper oki setup. It’s very simple, but it’s safe, consistent and ends up being pretty freeform and more optimal than just running your midscreen combos in the corner.
In the corner, you have access to doing just tk.236B and 236B with no followup. The wall bounce gives you enough time to recover/land and pick up with your ender. The same logic runs for using 6C. The wall allows the far-flinging, wall bouncing projectiles to be introduced into combos for more damage and potentially meter build. Your string of normals in the ender are almost always going to end with 2C > 5[C] due to its vacuum effect allowing you to steal the corner for proper oki setup. It’s very simple, but it’s safe, consistent and ends up being pretty freeform and more optimal than just running your midscreen combos in the corner.


Revision as of 00:39, 21 July 2023

kirbo page hi im here on the wiki

silly. mbtl vnoel and so i write for her page. subscribe to my you-tube.

ThatKirbo#7380 im in psa too btw

FAQ (im really popular i know)

can you edit something other than the vnoel combo page silly goofy guy

I did. It was the VNoel main page hahahaha

can i add you on steam

no because if you do youll see me hopping on sfv and thats kind of embarassing it makes me blush

youre cute can i go on a date with you

haha thanks for asking but i cant say yes because i am in the computer so ummm

wake up

erm... no...

are you real


ok fr plans for contributions

vnoel page

  • rewrite the combo page entirely for convenience sake (a starter, b starter instead of what it is now)
  • finish the getting started section
  • make and link videos for at least the basic combos
  • port key combos from my combo doc to the page
  • update move information
  • write gap table

satsuki page

  • satsucope

other stuff

  • not much tbh
  • im a vnoel player idk what you expect
  • go to sleep probably

test test

this shit wide as fuck bro its kinda like a big chungus

Combo Location

EX: 2A > 2B > 2C > 5[C] > tk.236BX > tk.214B \/ 5B > 2B > RB1 > 236BX > 214C

The lifeblood of many of Dead Apostle Noel's combos. When combined with 2C>5[C], this piece will work with pretty much every possible normal starter. Due to this, it is pretty much essential to learn at some point or later.

  • It is important to correctly time the followup of tk.214B in such a way that you cross over the opponent, but don't end up too far that you wouldn't be able to hit them with the best ender. This depends on how far you are from the opponent.
  • In more advanced combos, you will find that you will need to use tk.214A instead due to hitstun scaling.

EX: 2A > 2C > 5[C] > 22[A] > tk.236BX > tk.214A \/ 5B > 2B > RB1 > 236BX > 214C

A relatively newer piece due to the 22X changes in patch 1.4.0.

  • Really good at squeezing out extra damage in places that before the patch did not allow it.
  • Certain routes will allow you to charge 22A for more damage.

EX: 2C > 5[C] > 236BX > 22A > 9jc > j.[C] > delay j.236BX > tk.214A \/ 5B > 2B > RB1 > 236BX > 214C

By far the most damaging combo piece assuming j.[C] had not been used earlier in the combo.

  • If you are too high off the ground for the delay j.236B, after tk.214X you will land too late to properly end the combo.
  • Certain routes will allow you to charge 22A for more damage.

EX: 2A > 2C > 5[C] > 6{C} > 214B > 22A > tk.236[B] \/ 66 > tk.214A \/ 5B > 2B > RB1 > 236BX > 214C

An incredibly niche piece with tough timing to boot. In the combos it's featured in, it does less damage for more meter build. It is not recommended to try this in a real match.

  • The 6C needs to be partially charged so the 214B hits with both spikes.
  • After tk.236[B] you will need to run under so you can catch the opponent with tk.214A.

EX: 2B > 2C > 5[C] > 236BX > 5B > tk.236B \/ 2C > 5[C] > 236AX > 214C

A consistent corner piece.

  • The wall bounce from tk.236B gives you enough time to land and pick up with an appropriate ender.

im like hey whats up hello

MBTL da noel 236A.png 236X

MBTL da noel j236B.pngMBTL da noel j214B.png Double TK

MBTL da noel 623A.png 623X

MBTL da noel 22A.png 22X

MBTL da noel 214A.png 214X

MBTL da noel 3C.png Launchers

MBTL da noel 6C.png Corner

MBTL da noel 214C.png Enders


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Your best friend even in the most basic of combos.


  • Simple, reliable, fed my family. This is the one.
  • Its completely straight path makes it incredibly easy to work with in combos.


  • Scales damage slightly worse than 236B. Used primarily in enders to avoid SMP.
  • Does also have use in very specific combos where (j.)236B drops.
  • Its angle can be a bit awkward to time the followup in an ender.

Double TK

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

tk.236XX > tk.214X. The lifeblood of many of Dead Apostle Noel's combos. The most bang-for-your-buck combo element that works in pretty much any combo. Due to this, it is pretty much essential to learn at some point or later.

Midscreen, your intention with Double TK is to box your opponent in with the follow-up of tk.236XX


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

623A is jump cancellable, allowing for effective use in high-damage combos.

3BC works exactly the same in combos in terms of function and damage and can be interchanged to build extra meter.


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

22X was given jump cancel properties in the 1.4.0 patch of the game, transforming it into a very useful tool to squeeze extra damage out of combos.





Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

While incredibly rare, you are able to use 214X in combos. The scaling from all the extra moves can result in combos using 214X routing being less damaging, but it is not damage that these routes seek. The main draw of using 214X in combos is meter gain. The more developed 214X routes will result in you being meter positive due to all the multi-hitting special moves present in the routes, less developed routes will still have decent meter build. At the moment, 214X routes are heavily unexplored.


  • The main one
  • The fast recovery of 214A makes linking into 2C for a non-MD route relatively lenient


  • The Bigfoot combo tool. Routes with 214B are incredibly rare and don't exist within practical means
  • Its distance from Noel and startup time make comboing into it difficult, but not impossible
    • You can partially charge 6C to make both bells multihit the flying opponent, giving you enough time to detonate with 22A
  • Not recommended to try in a real match

Shield A Counter and 3C

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Dead Apostle Noel has two cinematic launchers: those being the universal Shield A counter and 3C. While you can certainly use these launchers into air throw, you will lose out on your oki, so it's important to bring your opponent to the ground in order to end your combo with 214C. Due to hitstun scaling, you are able to apply Shield A structure to 3C combos, but not vice-versa.

Shield A:


In The Corner

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Say you have your opponent in the corner, be it pushing them there from closer to midscreen or they’re just in the corner. You can quickly perform a midscreen Double TK combo that steals the corner very early on but that's not the greatest in terms of damage. You’re going to want to steal the corner at some point, as doing 214C with your opponent’s back up against the wall entirely means you lose out on your most potent oki options, but to keep them there as best and as long as you can to reap the benefits like higher average damage combos, you’re gonna have to think a little bit differently.

In the corner, you have access to doing just tk.236B and 236B with no followup. The wall bounce gives you enough time to recover/land and pick up with your ender. The same logic runs for using 6C. The wall allows the far-flinging, wall bouncing projectiles to be introduced into combos for more damage and potentially meter build. Your string of normals in the ender are almost always going to end with 2C > 5[C] due to its vacuum effect allowing you to steal the corner for proper oki setup. It’s very simple, but it’s safe, consistent and ends up being pretty freeform and more optimal than just running your midscreen combos in the corner.


At the end of the day, Dead Apostle Noel is a character that heavily revolves around a specific setup, so her enders are all going to be a slightly different means to a similar end. The primary purpose of the ender is to keep your opponent suspended in the air, in hitstun, and close to you so you can use 236XX to cross up and set up your oki. Your optimal ender will depend on a lot but primarily the normals you used due to Same Move Proration. In many of the combos on this page, the enders are mostly interchangeable at the cost of damage, though some may be incompatible with your route due to primarily range. Having Rapid Beat on in any capacity is highly recommended for Dead Apostle Noel, as her unique Rapid Beat normal is crucial in many enders due to its advancing properties.

The following is a table of a few, not all, common enders:

Combo Cost Location
  • A very common and consistent ender. Mainly present in the BnB
  • Seen in 2B BnBs to avoid same move proration
  • Used to end combos that did not already use 2C>5[C]
  • 2C's far reach makes this ender a potential option to salvage combos if you landed too far from the opponent to pick up with the optimal ender
  • Steals the corner to allow for proper 214C oki

236XX needs the followup to be delayed so that the opponent gets caught under the closest 214C bell to Dead Apostle Noel, the timing is usually ~17 frames. If done correctly, you should be able to under to run under the opponent as they bounce from the 214C, where you would then detonate with 22B from around the center bell and run your mixups. Doing it too slow won’t cross over the opponent and will get 236C from the 214C input. Doing it too fast will have the opponent closer to the center bell and you will be unable to run under, which eliminates the threat of both long dash into grab and the signature unreactable crossup break, severely nerfing your oki’s potential.

Alternate EX Enders

If you want to do more damage to ensure a kill that 214C by itself may not allow, there are a few alternatives depending on how much meter you have available. Know that if it doesn’t kill, you will forfeit your oki and be in a lesser (but still plus) position than if you were to do the normal 214C ender.

Combo Cost
  • Does ~100-200 more damage than 214C as an ender.
  • Your 2 meter kill ender.
  • 236BX brings both you and the opponent into the middle of the bells so that your 22C can do the max amount of damage.
    • Without 236BX, barely does more than 623C
  • Arc Drive ender. Unsurprisingly, it does a lot of damage.
  • Awakening meterburn. For when you want the opponent dead dead.