Kirby Battle Blitz/Noll

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Owned by: DestructionSeries
Playstyle: Rushdown/Setplay
HP: 1000
Meter Size: 3000
Extra Movement Options: Teleport (2C with j5c out)
Notes: This page is still a work in progress!




Noll is a setplay/rushdown oriented character that relies on his range to gain momentum in a match.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Option select after j5C. With j5C's ability to groundbounce after hitting an opponent with it midair, it allows Noll to either extend the combo with a move like 5BB or prematurely end the combo for oki with j.CC.
  • Good pressure after knockdown. j.CC allows for pressure after knockdown by being able to make the opponent block, allowing for mix with 2B/2A or being able to bait out a counter and start another combo.
  • Insane damage if j5C is used correctly. If you can properly setup j5C and combo a move into it, you can do a lot more damage than doing something akin to j5C into j.CC.
  • Good range and conversions. Options like 4B and j5C have massive coverage/range, and the fact that you can usually convert them into combos after landing them makes fighting Noll a hellish experience sometimes.
  • Has a good keep-away game. j5C being able to track halfscreen allows you to play a very hit-and-run playstyle.
  • Extremely meter hungry. With how Noll usually revolves around using tools like j5C for a majority of the match, he loses a lot of meter very quickly, forcing you to either power charge or go in with close to no meter.
  • Pressured easily without having j5C up. Being in the corner without j5C setup can sometimes be a death sentence, as you lose access to 2C (Teleport) and j.CC (Phantom Spinner), both useful for escaping pressure.