Among Us Arena/Impostor/Colors

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Each one of the 20 different colored Impostors have their own unique Signature Color Attacks, accessed by pressing the Sus button. These can range from combo tools to options that could fundamentally change how one would want to approach playing, both to the player and their opponent. Learn what each one does, the playstyles that they bolster and learn/prepare against any potential strategies that may arise from them.

Signature Color Attacks

Vent (Red)
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
- - - 1 - - - - - -
  • Testing text
Strengths Weaknesses
  • test: test
  • test: test
Red Sequences/Combos
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Video Notes
5[K] > 2K > 5G, [Dash, 2K]*2 > j.L > j.K/j.4K, j.L, 5L > 2K > jc > j.L > j.H, 5L > 2K > 5G, Dash, 5L > 2H > Dash Anywhere 1200 Medium Link


Spin Slash (Blue)
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Guard Chip Property Invuln
110, 125 11 21 24 Launch -12 Mid 20,20 Launch -
  • A duo of two sluggish, but powerful spin slashes. Can be cancelled into from anything on hit, most notably j.K and j.G, but falls down quickly.
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Falling Conversions: The falling hitboxes and momentum from cancelling into S from moves like j.G and low j.K allow for cool combos not normally possible from strong aerial positions.
  • Limiting: Blue’s ability to convert off normally impossible pickups is much more specific and trickier than the other colors that share this niche, trading off some of that utility for extra damage that must be utilized to perfection to make a difference.
  • Inconsistent: The slow timing of both slashes can add many unwanted quirks to executing combos. Having opponents fall into the gap between both slashes is an occurrence that may become a common sight.
Blue Sequences/Combos
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Video Notes
test Anywhere 1200 Medium Link

