Rivals of Aether/Sylvanos/Data

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Standing Normals





Updated as of version Jab 1

RoA Sylvanos Jab1.png
RoA Sylvanos Jab1 hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
4 5 2 15 - 23 361 0 4 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
4 + 0 None 2 0 1 Y

Jab 2




Updated as of version Jab 2

RoA Sylvanos Jab2.png
RoA Sylvanos Jab2 hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
4 4 2 18 - 25 361 0 5 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
5 + 0 None 1 0 0 Y

Jab 3




Updated as of version Jab 3/Rapid Jab

RoA Sylvanos Jab3.png
RoA Sylvanos Jab3 hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
6 6 2(12)2(12)2... 18 (Jabs 3, 4) / 27 (Jabs 5+) - - 55 6 11 0.75x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
6 + 0.3 Normal 1 0 0 Y

Jab Special




Updated as of version Tail Swipe

RoA Sylvanos JabSpecTail.png
RoA Sylvanos JabSpecTail hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
5 5 3 13 [20] - 29 [36] 30 0 6 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
6 + 0.1 Normal 6 0 0 Y




Updated as of version Petal Wave

RoA Sylvanos JabSpecWave.png
RoA Sylvanos JabSpecWave hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
2 16 See Notes - - - 30 0 6 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
5 + 0 Extended 1 4 0 N

Dash Attack




Updated as of version -

RoA Sylvanos DashAttack.png
RoA Sylvanos DashAttack hit1.pngRoA Sylvanos DashAttack hit2.pngRoA Sylvanos DashAttack hit3.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
9 / 6 6 10 (3 Early, 7 Late) 19 [29] - 36 [46] 60 0 7 / 6 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
8 + 0.7 / 6 + 0.4 Normal 8 / 4 0 0 Y

Up Tilt




Updated as of version -

RoA Sylvanos UTilt.png
RoA Sylvanos UTilt hit1.pngRoA Sylvanos UTilt hit2.pngRoA Sylvanos UTilt hit3.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
2 / 2 / 4 8 2(2)2(2)2 13 [20] - 31 [37] 70 / 70 / 90 9 / 9 / 0 7 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
5 + 0 / 5 + 0 / 7 + 0.3 Normal 1 0 0 Y

Side Tilt




Updated as of version Tail Swipe

RoA Sylvanos FTilt1.pngRoA Sylvanos FTilt2.png
RoA Sylvanos FTilt1 hit.pngRoA Sylvanos FTilt2 hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
3 8 3 30 - 47(?) 30 0 4.75 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
6 + 0.1 Normal 6 0 0 Y

Down Tilt




Updated as of version -

RoA Sylvanos DTilt1.pngRoA Sylvanos DTilt2.png
RoA Sylvanos DTilt1 hit.pngRoA Sylvanos DTilt2 hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
[5 / 5] 3 / 3 9 2(2)3 14 [21] - 31 [38] [100] 361 0 6 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
[6 + 0, 6 + 0.4] 4 + 0, 5 + 0.3 Normal [6] 1 0 0 Y

Strong Attacks

Up Strong




Updated as of version 0

RoA Sylvanos UStrong.png
RoA Sylvanos UStrong hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
10 {14} [18] 26 3 20 [30] - 50 [60] 55 0 7 {8} [9] 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
8 + 0.9 {8 + 1} [10 + 1] Normal 1 / 2 {5 / 6} [8] 10 0 Y

Side Strong




Updated as of version 0

RoA Sylvanos FStrong1.pngRoA Sylvanos FStrong2.pngRoA Sylvanos FStrong3.png
RoA Sylvanos FStrong1 hit.pngRoA Sylvanos FStrong2 hit.pngRoA Sylvanos FStrong3 hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
2 / 2 / 10 14 2(6)2(6)4 15 [23] - 50 [58] 361 / 361 / 45 4 / 4 / 0 2 / 2 / 7 1.5x / 1.5x / 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
2 + 0 / 2 + 0 / 8 + 0.8 Normal 1 0 / 0 / 10 2 / 2 / 0 Y

Down Strong




Updated as of version 0

RoA Sylvanos DStrong.png
RoA Sylvanos DStrong hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
11 10 2 24 [36] - 37 [49] 50 4 7 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
7 + 0.7 Normal 2 10 0 Y

Aerial Normals

Up Air

landing lag: 8 [12]



8A (Aerial)

Updated as of version 0

RoA Sylvanos UAir1.pngRoA Sylvanos UAir2.png
RoA Sylvanos UAir1 hit.pngRoA Sylvanos UAir2 hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
3 / 5 6 3(3)3 15 [23] - 31 [39] 82 / 75 0 / 6 2 / 8 1.6x / 0.85x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
4 + 0 / 6 + 0.5 Normal 2 / 5 0 / 3 0 Y

Forward Air

landing lag: 8 [12]



6A (Aerial)

Updated as of version 0

RoA Sylvanos FAir.png
RoA Sylvanos FAir hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
6 {8} 12 3 12 [18] - 28 [34] 55 {40} 6 {0} 4 {6} 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
5 + 0.25 {10 + 0.5} Normal 3 {2} 0 0 Y

Neutral Air

landing lag: 4* [8] (what does the * mean)



A (Aerial)

Updated as of version 0

RoA Sylvanos NAir.png
RoA Sylvanos NAir hit1.pngRoA Sylvanos NAir hit2.pngRoA Sylvanos NAir hit3.pngRoA Sylvanos NAir hit4.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
2 / 2 / 2 / 2 8 1(2)1(2)1(2)3 10 [15] - 31 [36] 300 4 3 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
4 + 0.1 Normal 2 0 0 Y

Back Air

Landing Lag: 7 [11]



4A (Aerial)

Updated as of version 0

RoA Sylvanos BAir.png
RoA Sylvanos BAir hit1 down.pngRoA Sylvanos BAir hit2 down.pngRoA Sylvanos BAir hit3 down.pngRoA Sylvanos BAir hit1 neutral.pngRoA Sylvanos BAir hit2 neutral.pngRoA Sylvanos BAir hit3 neutral.pngRoA Sylvanos BAir hit1 up.pngRoA Sylvanos BAir hit2 up.pngRoA Sylvanos BAir hit3 up.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
5 / 5 / 5 / 6 / 7 / [16] 15 3 (See Notes) 20 [30] - 39 [49] 135 [148] 0 5 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
5 + 0.3 / 5 + 0.3 / 5 + 0.3 / 5 + 0.5 / 5 + 0.7 / [12 + 0.9] Normal 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / [8] 10 0 Y

Down Air

Landing Lag: 4* [9]



2A (Aerial)

Updated as of version 0

RoA Sylvanos DAir.png
RoA Sylvanos DAir hit1.pngRoA Sylvanos DAir hit2.pngRoA Sylvanos DAir hit3.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
[10] 7 8 16 (3 Early, 13 Late) 10 [15] - 35 [40] [280] 361 0 6 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
6 + 0.5 Normal [8] 3 [10] 0 0 Y


Neutral Special



B (Air Ok)

Updated as of version Seed Shot

File:Roa wolf nspecial.png
Roa wolf nspecial h.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
- 9 (Until Contact) 30 - 40 - - - -
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
- None - - - Y




Updated as of version Seed Projectile

File:Roa wolf nspecial hit.png
Roa wolf nspecial hit h.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
4 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 - 1(4)1(4)1(4)1(4)1 - - - 60 3 4 0.5x (initial hit) / 0.9x (multihit)
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
6 + 0.1 (initial hit) / 3 + 0 (multihit) None (Reflect) 2 0 0 Y

Side Special

Landing Lag: 15



4B/6B (Air Ok)

Updated as of version 0

File:Roa wolf fspecial.png
File:Roa wolf fspecial hit.PNG

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
8 17 4(7)4(7)4... 30 - 53 45 0 8 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
10 + 0.35 Normal 2 0 0 N

Up Special

okay so separate tables for multihits, burrow, and bite



8B (Air Ok)

Updated as of version Dive

File:Roa wolf uspecial.png
File:Roa wolf uspecial hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
2 (per hit) 8 4(3)[x 5], 4(4)[x n] 6 (Cancel) - - 45 / 20 / 0 / -20 / -45 / -60 0 6[x 5] / 7[x n] 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
4 + 0 Normal 1 0 (Hits 1-5) / 4 (Hits 6+) 0 N



8B (Air Ok)

Updated as of version Burrow

Roa ran ub.png
Roa ran ub hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
5 8 (Instant Burrow) 5 7 - 13 (21 on Instant Burrow) 90 (Floor) / 135 (Wall) 6 (Floor) / 0 (Wall) 8 1.2x (Floor) / 1x (Wall)
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
6 + 0.1 Normal 3 0 0 Y



8B (Air Ok)

Updated as of version Emerge

Roa ran ub.png
Roa ran ub hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
- (Burrow) - 28 (20 on Grass) - 45 (37 on Grass) - - - -
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
- - - - - -



8B (Air Ok)

Updated as of version Bite

Roa ran ub.png
Roa ran ub hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
[10] 8 22 (from Burrow) 3 30 - 56 [90] 60 [0] 6 [9] 7 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
[8 + 1] 6 + 0.5 Normal [3] 2 [10] 0 0 Y

Down Special



2B (Air Ok)

Updated as of version -

RoA Sylvanos DSpec.png
RoA Sylvanos DSpec hit.png

Damage Startup Active Endlag Landing Lag FAF Angle Angle Flipper KB (Base+Scaling) Hitstun
4 16 (Initial), 6 (Root Startup upon grass activation) 1 (per Root) 19 - 35 110 0 7 1x
Hitpause (Base+Scaling) Parry Stun Type Priority Hit Lockout Force Flinch Value Kills Projectiles?
4 + 0 Extended 1 3 0 N