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Robot is a grappler character. Robot is a large threat with their fairly large normals and high damage, especially in command grab range.

Please enable Dark Mode in the top right corner in order to see the character sprites.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Tank: Robot takes 15% less damage from all sources.
  • Strong Blows: Robot has high-power strikes that can rack up damage without long combos.
  • Grappler: Robot has advanced throw options, including a grapple that is grab-safe.
  • Super Armor: Robot can add a charge of super armor to any attack or maneuver (recharges upon successful hit or when getting hit by your own LOIC/GALVANIZE).
  • Magnetic: Robot has multiple tools for forcing engagements.
  • Powerful okizeme: Since STEP is unparryable robot can put opponents through grueling OSCs.
  • Clumsy: Robot's basic movement options lack agility and require commitment.
  • Melee-oriented: Robot has no basic projectiles and limited zoning potential.

Move List



YH Icon Step.png
YH Robot Step1.png
YH Robot StepHB.png
The most iconic OSC in the game
The most iconic OSC in the game
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
600 9 5 8(15) - Low 2 -
  • Basic movement option that doubles as an attack
  • Unparryable
  • Hitbox can be canceled on frame 8; activates on frame 9
  • After the cancel window, must wait 7 frames before becoming actionable again, returning to neutral state
  • Against knocked-down opponents, it sends airborne and doesn't hitcancel
  • Once set in melee, the stomp element is faster than "Grab" in neutral, effective as a feint or frame trap. (Stomp has a Startup of 1 once the Stomp is set)

Flip STEP:

Identical to Step, but:

  • Startup 11f (up from 9)
  • IASA 10f (from 8), then must wait 7 frames before becoming actionable (as before)
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YH Icon Step.png
YH Robot Return.png
YH Robot ReturnHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - 8 - Low 0 -
  • A simple retreat after using STEP.
  • Returns to the start point of STEP
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Super Dash

Super Dash
YH Icon SuperDash.png
YH Robot SuperDash.png
YH Robot StepHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
600 18 5 17(22) - Low 1 -
  • Just like STEP, it's another movement option.
  • Interruptible on the opponent's turn for the first 9f.
  • Unparryable.
  • Once set in melee, the stomp element is faster than "Grab" in neutral, effective as a feint or frame trap
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YH Icon Jump.png
YH Robot Jump.png
YH Robot JumpHB.png
Forward Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - 8-15 - - 0 -
  • Short jumps are 8f to act.
  • Grounded large jumps are 11f to act, but are upped to 15f if jumping straight up or backwards.
  • Unable to do jump while in the air.
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Super Jump

Super Jump
YH Icon SuperJump.png
YH Robot SuperJump.png
YH Robot SuperJumpHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - - - - 0 -
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8 flying options.png
YH Robot Jump.png
YH Robot JumpHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - - - - 0 -
  • Instead of jump, allows Robot to fly in 9 directions (all 8 Directions, as well as hover in place).
  • Can perform every air action normally available while in flight.
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DRIVE Movement
YH Icon Dash.pngYH Icon DashBack.png
YH Robot DriveForward.png
YH Robot DriveForwardHB.png
YH Robot Drive1.png
YH Robot DriveHB.png
FORWARD Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
600 4 7 10 - High 0 -
  • Fast and far-reaching movement tool with a small hitbox.
  • Robot's fastest attack, making a 3-way tie for fasted strike in the game
  • Hits OTG
BACKWARD Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - 10 - - 0 -
  • Shorter travel distance compared to FORWARD
  • Fairly fast tool for backwards movement.
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Unique Mechanics


YH Robot Armor.png
YH Robot ArmorHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - - - - 0 -
  • Gives 1 hit of super armor to every action Robot can currently perform.
  • Robot starts the game with 1 charge of armor. After using it, Robot needs to either land a hit or be within 20 horizontal units of the fire effect of LOIC or GALVANIZE to gain the charge back.
  • Armor lasts for the entirety of the move you attach it to until the next time you are actionable, but has a 3f startup (5f startup if used on a move from Whiff Cancel)
  • The opponent is unable to hitcancel if they strike your armour
  • Can take multiple hits if used against projectiles
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Damage Received Modifier
YH Robot Idle1.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - - - - 0 -

Robot takes 15% less damage from all sources.

e.g Ninja's Punch (that deals 300 damage to all other characters) deals 260 damage to Robot (not 255, due to the way the game's damage calculations work).


YH Robot Shockwave.png
YH Robot ShockwaveHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
140 - - - - Low 0 -
  • When landing after jumping from a large height, grounded opponents will be hit almost anywhere on the screen.
  • Opponents at fullscreen sometimes will not get hit, despite the hitbox being created at their feet.
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Normal Attacks


YH Robot CBlast.png
YH Robot CBlastHB.png
Tome Slap at home:
Tome Slap at home:
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
600 5 1 17 - High - -

Jab-like attack, however slower than most other jab-type moves.

  • Cannot hit-cancel into itself
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YH Robot Icon OPTICAL BEAM.png
YH Robot OBeam.png
YH Robot OBeamHB.png
YH Robot OBeamAir.png
YH Robot OBeamAirHB.png
Standing Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
900 6 3 19 - High - -

Quick anti-air attack that can combo into TRY-CATCH on hit.

Aerial Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
600 6 3 19 - High - -

Quick air to air button with good range and good range (albeit thin) hitbox

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YH Robot Icon KICK USER grounded.png
YH Robot KickUser.png
YH Robot KickUserHB.png
Standing Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1050 9/11 5 22 - High -1 -
  • Causes a HKD on hit.
  • Decreased Startup with Initiative (9f compared to 11f)
Aerial Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
980 9 9 12/13 25/26 - High - -
  • Doesn't cause a HKD, but as of v1.4.8, the prediction shows the opponent as if they are in a HKD.

Actionable into Specials (except Chainsaw) on frame 12/13 and actionable into Normals on frame 25/26

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YH Robot Icon PING.png
YH Robot Ping.png
YH Robot PingHB.png
Shake my hand!
Shake my hand!
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
950 6 3 18 - High - -
  • Not hit-cancellable
  • Causes a wallsplat on hit
  • Causes a Knockdown on air hit
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YH Robot Icon EARTHQUAKE.png
YH Robot EQ.png
YH Robot EQ1HB.png
YH Robot EQ.png
YH Robot EQ2HB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
400-600 6 7 26 - Low - -
  • Can hit opponent OTG.
  • If hit close to the opponent it automatically follows up into a backwards throw. This can only be done once per combo.
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YH Robot Icon SPIN CYCLE.png
YH Robot SpinCycle.png
YH Robot SpinCycleHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1230 (650,580) 5/11 4/4 30 - High - -

Two-hit normal that is Robot's fastest move outside of Car Form.

The second hit begins 3 frames after the first ends, however it lasts for the same amount of time.

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YH Robot Icon SAW BLADE.png
YH Robot Sawblade.png
YH Robot SawbladeHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
2190 (770,530,470,420) 8 22 12 - High - -
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YH Robot Icon KICK USER aerial.png
YH Robot Boot.png
YH Robot BootHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
640 8 7 - - High - -
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YH Robot Icon CRASH.png
YH Robot Crash.png
YH Robot CrashHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
460 4 - 8 - High - -
  • Sends the robot plummeting to the ground

Hitbox is active until Robot hits the ground.

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YH Icon Grab.png
YH Robot Grab2.png
YH Robot Grab1HB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1700 3 3 12 - Grab - -
  • Universal throw

Notably has a different throw trajectory compared to other grabs, slamming the poor sod into the ground and bouncing them up into the air rather than forcing a knockdown.

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Special Attacks


YH Robot Icon TRY-CATCH.png
YH Robot TryCatch.png
YH Robot TryCatchHB.png
KILL PROCESS for cowards
KILL PROCESS for cowards
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
2110 [700/700/630/80] 7/9 5 60 - High 0/0/0/0 -
  • Cannot hit grounded targets
  • Faster with initiative.
  • Has a toggleable back version that slams the opponent on the ground behind you, similar to COMMAND: GRAB

Excellent anti-air, the massive hitboxes will punish just about any attempt to establish air dominance. Also not as committal as KILL PROCESS, only wasting a free cancel on a whiff.

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YH Robot Icon BOUNDS CHECK.png
YH Robot BoundsCheck.png
YH Robot BoundsCheckHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1700 5 3 24 - Grab 0 -
  • If hit raw then it forces the opponent into the corner, even if used from the opposite corner. Travels a set distance if used during a combo.
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YH Robot Icon COMMAND GRAB.png
YH Robot CommandGrab1.png
YH Robot CommandGrab1HB.png
YH Robot CommandGrab2.png
YH Robot CommandGrab2HB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
2980 5 4 57 - Grab - -
  • Grab Invulnerable
  • Has a toggleable back version that side switches

Surprisingly niche given the speed and range. It's beaten out by any jab and it's very easily avoided by shorthop, possibly backdash as well depending on distance. Also can't combo unless you have magnetize running or you're up against a corner, but the damage makes up for this.

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YH Robot Icon THUNDER CLAP.png
YH Robot TClap.png
YH Robot TClapHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1200 13 3 25 - High - -
  • Airborne frame 3
  • Inflicts 25f of hitstop on the opponent once per combo

Only activates on the ground, so if you use this thing in the air you're going to be waiting a while for that hitbox.

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YH Robot Flamethrower.png
YH Robot FlamethrowerHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
Hit: 500 Fire: 2440 10 2 - - High - -
  • Sets a large section of the floor in front of Robot on fire, dealing damage over time.
  • Has an initial hitbox that can be parried, but the fire itself cannot be blocked.
  • The fire deals 18 damage per frame while inside of it.
  • Cannot hurt the Robot that used it.
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YH Robot Icon CHAINSAW.png
YH Robot Chainsaw.png
YH Robot ChainsawHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
550x5 11 1x5 35 - High - -
  • The start and end positions can be angled.

Extremely useful in combos, does an insane amount of damage and is very difficult to DI out of. It can also be used to call out block which makes it even safer to use as an armored attack. It can also easily restand the opponent if angled correctly. Mind the DI scaling.

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YH Robot Icon VACUUM.png
YH Robot Vacuum.png
YH Robot VacuumHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
650 11 3 25 - High - -
  • Flings the opponent towards robot on hit.

Incredibly annoying to deal with, calls out most setup options within its range. Also quite useful in combos since it counters DI away and the hitstun is easily followed up on with an instant cancel.

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YH Robot Icon DRIVE.png
YH Robot Drive1.png
YH Robot DriveHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- 9 - 9 - - - -
  • Transitions into Drive stance.
  • Can be interrupted when your opponent becomes actionable.
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YH Robot RBomb1.png
YH Robot RBomb1HB.png
Hot potato!
Hot potato!
YH Robot RBomb2.png
YH Robot RBomb2HB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1200 8 10 13 - - - -
  • Explosion is active for 10 Frames
  • Hitting the bomb with a melee attack lets you hitcancel that move, allowing you use them without burning a free cancel
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Drive Mode Attacks


YH Robot Icon FLIP.png
YH Robot DriveFlip.png
YH Robot DriveFlipHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
500 4 18 22 - High - -
  • Transitions out of DRIVE stance
  • Airborne frame one
  • Cannot be flipped, momentum decides which direction it goes

Used to call out jump or get out of a bad situation quickly.

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YH Robot Icon DRIFT.png
YH Robot DriveDrift.png
YH Robot DriveDriftHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1000 6 8 20 - Low - -
  • Transitions out of DRIVE stance
  • Projectile invulnerable
  • Causes a hard knockdown
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YH Robot Icon WHEELIE.png
YH Robot DriveWheelie1.png
YH Robot DriveWheelie1HB.png
YH Robot DriveWheelie2.png
YH Robot DriveWheelie2HB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
800 7 10 - - High - -
  • Moves towards opponent the same distance as FORWARD
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YH Icon Grab.png
YH Robot DriveClutch.png
YH Robot DriveClutchHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1200 4 - - - Grab - -
  • Transitions out of DRIVE stance
  • Grab invulnerable.
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YH Icon Boost.png
YH Robot DriveBoost1.png
YH Robot DriveBoost1HB.png
YH Robot DriveBoost2.png
YH Robot DriveBoost2HB.png
YH Robot DriveBoost2.png
YH Robot DriveBoost3HB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1000 5 12 - - High - -
  • Level 1 Super, only available during DRIVE.
  • Similar to Wheelie, except with invul.
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Super Attacks


YH Robot Icon KILL PROCESS.png
YH Robot KillProcess.png
YH Robot KillProcessHB.png
Heavenly...! Potemkin...! BUSTAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!
Heavenly...! Potemkin...! BUSTAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
2550(~1080) - 170000(~3950) 6 - - - Throw - -
  • Has invul, on startup and active frames, making it a good situational DP or escape option.
  • Deals significantly more damage raw than in a combo.
  • Deals increased damage with more meter. A raw KILL PROCESS with 9 levels will instantly kill the opponent at full health.
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YH Robot Icon LOIC.png
YH Robot Loic.png
YH Robot LoicHB.png
How does the laser shoot through the ceiling?
How does the laser shoot through the ceiling?
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
2120 - - 13 - - - -
  • Takes 165 Frames to charge
  • The targeting reticle tracks the opponent, but can miss if the opponent moves fast enough.
  • The delay between using LOIC and the beam firing can be adjusted.
  • Getting hit before the beam fires cancels the move.
  • You gain an armor stack if you're within 20 horizontal units of the fire effect of LOIC or GALVANIZE.
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YH Robot Icon GALVANIZE.png
YH Robot Galvanize.png
YH Robot GalvanizeHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
2120 - - 13 - - - -
  • LOIC properties apply to this move as well.
  • Tracks the user instead of the opponent.
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YH Robot Icon MAGNETIZE.png
YH Robot Magnetize.png
YH Robot MagnetizeHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- 2 100 9 - - - -
  • Costs 2 bars of meter to use.
  • Halts momentum when used.
  • Lasts for 100 frames after activation, and does not end early if Robot is hit.

Creates a circular GRAVITY FIELD around robot that pulls the opponent inside of it (if they are outside of it), whilst preventing them from leaving the GRAVITY FIELD whilst it is active. Otherwise has no effect on the opponent if they are inside the area.

The field is centered on Robot and moves with them.

  • This can be used to 'drag' opponents who are at the edge of the field (such as opponents stuck in airborne hitstun)
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YH Icon Taunt.png
YH Robot Hustle.png
YH Robot HustleHB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- 1 - 45 - - - -
  • Builds 1 meter after holding for 45f.
  • Interruptible on the opponent's turn.
  • Continues your previous pose.
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