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Mutant is an aggressive rushdown character whith fast ground mobility, extremely quick normals, and extremely unpredictable mixups.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Good ground game:
  • Fast normals:
  • Great blockstrings:
  • Powerful oki:
  • Jukes:
  • Snowballs (positive):
  • Incredibly weak air game:
  • Low damage combos:
  • Damage vulnerability:
  • Very short range (Without Jukes):
  • Difficulty approaching:
  • Difficulty descending without spending resources:
  • Snowballs (negative):

Move List

Unique Mechanics

  • Mutant's unique movement mechanic
    • Juke applies momentum in the selected direction
    • Costs two pips per use
    • 1 pip is restored upon hitting an enemy (successful hit or on block)
    • 2 pips are restored upon hustling
    • Can hold 10 pips max

Glass canon
frail little creature
frail little creature
  • Mutant takes 10% additional damage


Movement Starts At Consumes Air Option First Actionable
- No 8-15
  • Always interruptible when opponent is able to act.
  • IASA increases as the speed slider is increased.

Grounded Normals

Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
400, 480 (sweetspot) 4, 3 (with initiative) 2 14 - High 5 0
  • Very fast jab with high proration
  • Sweetspot on furthest hitbox

Swipe (up angle)
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
510 5 2 12 - High 1 0
  • Covers good distance, somewhat functional anti-air

Low Swipe
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
600 5 2 17 - Low 1 0
  • Low attack, good in combo

Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
750 6 4 - - High 1 +1

Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
190 x5 7 2 active, 2 inactive 38 - High 1 +1
  • Multi hit move good for building up juke charge, land cancel has a hitbox
Landing Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
190 on landing ? - - Low 0 +1

Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
950, 800 (in combo) 10 3 25 - Low 0 -3
  • Good in combo due to knockback and higher than average hitstun
  • Very minus on block making it useless for blockstrings

Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
850, 800 (in combo) 11 3 24 - High 0 2

Overhead Claw
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1000, 900 (in combo) 12 2 23 - High (guardbreak) -1 +1
  • Groundbounces
  • Projectile immunity frames 5-13

Dash Attack
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
600 5 2 39 - High 0 +2
  • First hit of a multi hit move
  • Projectile immunity frames 1-5
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
600 7 2 39 - High 0 +2
  • Second hit of a multi hit move
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1100 19 19(?) 39 - High 0 +2
  • Final and most powerful hit of multi hit
  • Wallsplats

Dash Attack (Backwards)
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- 8 2 35, 8 (after landing) - High 0 -1
  • Can launch Mutant forwards if flipped



Caustic Spike
tandem spike
tandem spike
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
120 15 (to spawn), 21 (explosion) 6 15 - High 0 +2
  • Spike toggle deletes active caustic spike
  • Being hit deletes active caustic spike


Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1250, 350 (minimum) 12 3 26 - High 0 -1
  • Pulls opponent (frames 1-13)
  • On hit or block, provides benefits to mutant:
    • Heal 250 health
    • Restore 2 pips
    • Restore all air options