Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Carmine

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This character page is for the latest version of the game, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] (UNIST). To see Carmine's character page for the previous version, Under Night In-Birth Exe:late (UNIEL), click here.


He hungers. His body, drenched in blood thirsts for more, but nothing can satiate his desire
for violence. He must show that none are more powerful than he. The fangs and claws that
flow through his veins pierces his enemies in their entirety. Still, he cannot let his blood go
dry, and he hunts for more prey to satisfy his lust.


In exchange for his own life force, this warrior has mastered a unique and forbidden technique. Making a show of his powers, his only objective is to seek fights. He attacks other In-births because they rub him the wrong way. Another Night...but tonight, the man he defeated belonged to Amnesia. With his final breath, he utters the name. Hilda — the strongest In-birth of all. Carmine is ecstatic with the news and makes his way to where she is.

"Heh heh heh... Yeah, I love that look. It's beautiful, how it gets all twisted!"

Unique Trait/Health

Health: 10,800

Character Trait: Carmine is able to, at the cost of his health, leave puddles of blood, 'dissolve', on the stage that he can later interact with by utilizing his special moves. Carmine can use his 6B, j.6B, 236X, j.236X, 22A/B, and B+C attacks to leave dissolves on the stage but this will cost him 300 health each time he uses one of these moves. During Vorpal state, these moves will cost 150 health, half the normal cost, for each use. His B+C will not cost health to use if there are existing dissolves on the stage, and it will shift the position of existing dissolves forwards or backwards pending the direction you're holding when using the attack.

In addition Carmine has two ways to regain health - the first way is is through his normal throw and the second way is through his command grab super (63214C). The normal throw regains 400 health while the command grab super regains 1265 health, its base damage.

Carmine's special move interactions with his dissolves are imperative to understand, as they are used to extend his combos, improve his zoning, and create offensive/defensive options. It's also important to understand what your options are based on the positioning of the dissolves. Don't forget to utilize his 6 and 4B+C to manipulate the positions of the dissolves to adapt to given situations.

Vorpal Trait: While in vorpal, Carmine loses half as much health from dissolve attacks.


Carmine is a mix bag of space control with his long range normals and zoning specials, to a hyper aggressive set play character with a plethora of mix up options. He is a high risk/reward character because every aspect of his game play, including his combos, require him to spend his health. You will be treating his life as currency in order to play a neutral game to create openings for his offensive pressure. He is a character that can never be counted out at any point in the match as he becomes increasingly dangerous the lower his life is. The draw backs to Carmine is that he needs to spend a lot of his life to do anything and he lacks a solid reversal option but this balances out his sometimes over whelming options.

Carmine's ability to extend offensive pressure is unique in that it doesn't follow the typical method of anime fighters through dash attacks, as his non-dash specific attacks instantly stops his forward momentum. This means he has to rely more on the range of his normals, frame traps, and certain special moves to create a continuous offense. However, doing this creates gaps in his pressure strings that allow his opponents to counter poke or reversal out, creating a level of risk that needs to be understood when executing these tactics.

During the neutral game you'll want to space control with his long range pokes via 5B, 2C, 5C, and j.C in combination with his zoning tools of 6B, j.6B, 236X, j.236X and 623X. Placing dissolves on the stage is important to establish screen control presence to force your opponent to either play more defensively or take risks to get in on Carmine. This will allow you to capitalize on their risks, create offensive pressure, or gain optimal combo damage once you land a hit. Typically, 6B, 236X, j.236X, and 214X are the ideal methods to place dissolves on the screen. Be careful to not over utilize these attacks since the life loss can add up quickly. Essentially, the goal of Carmine's neutral game is to land any type of hit because he is able to convert stray hits into a full combo that ends in a knockdown to create a mix up/okizeme game after wards.

Carmine's okizeme game involves placing a meaty 236X on top of the opponent then go in with a high/low/throw game and then convert any hit into a combo that ends in a knockdown so the process can be repeated. The other option is to threaten the opponent with a 214[A/B] and have them second guess when they can push a button in fear of getting hit by the follow up attack when you release A or B. This again allows you go for a high/low/throw game that ends in the same way as the 236X route. In this manner, Carmine becomes a heavy set play type of character.

Move List

L = Low, H = High, UNB = Unblockable, CS = Chain Shift

Startup includes the first active frame.

Normal Moves

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
180 6 2 13 -3 Se,Sp,Ex,Cs HL -

Carmine performs a back handed claw swipe. It has a deceptively far hit box for a 5A. It is useful for punishes, pressure, and a situational anti-air against ground assaults or mis-spaced jump ins. It is mostly used in block strings to reduce the recovery of his C attacks and in combos after an assault j.X starter.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
170 7 2 13 -2 Se,Sp,Ex,Cs HL -

Carmine performs a crouching slash. It can chain into itself and is not a low attack. It is mainly used in block strings and for whiff cancels to reduce the recovery of his C attacks.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
530 9 5 16 -5 Sp,Ex,Cs HL -

Carmine performs a raising elbow attack with a trail of blood crystals. Comparably normal start up for a 5B and it contains a really good horizontal hit box. It is his best standing normal due to it's versatility. It's used in his neutral game, block strings, primary combo starter, allows him to combo from his far pokes, and is a situational anti-air. It's his most versatile normal.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
420 7 5 13 -2 Sp,Ex,Cs L -

Carmine performs an awkward crouching kick. This attack hits low but has short range. It allows Carmine to OTG off of j.[C] during his combos. The limited range doesn't make it good mid-block string due to push back. In blocks strings it should be used as a starter during his okizeme game since it can be gatling into his overhead. It can also be used as a mix up tool with empty jumps, assault j.[C] (whiff) into 2B for a fake out into the low.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
610 15 3 24 -9 Sp,Ex,Cs HL -

Carmine performs an upward swing of his arm with a large trail of blood crystals. The attack has a large hit box but the hit box is concentrated towards the bottom of the attack then at the top, which can cause it to whiff at jumping opponents at certain ranges. It's primarily used in block strings and combos.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
540 11 2 29 -15 Sp,Ex,Cs L -

Carmine performs a crouching elbow attack that shoots out a long ranged blood crystal. Fast start up for a 2C that has a long horizontal hit box, hits low, and causes a knockdown. It can be tricky to use as an anti-air as the hit box is very low to the ground, however it is air unblockable. 3C is also air unblockable and may be a better choice for anti-air. It's his best normal during the ground neutral game due to its range and the fact that it hits low. Keep in mind that the opponent can ground assault over it if you're too predictable with it. This is his best normal in combos because it's a strong combo starter, allows for the best combo extensions, and is the best combo ender because it causes a knockdown allowing you to set up okizeme options after wards. It's good in block strings because it slightly sucks the opponent in, which allows for extended block strings with 5A.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
140 8 2 X+2 Varies Sp,Ex,Cs H/AS -

Carmine performs a quick downward swipe. This is used in his combos and as an assault starter with a 236A/214[A/B] set up. It can also be used to set up a double over head by utilizing Chain Shift. For example, assault j.A, CS, j.B into a combo if it hits. The damage output post combo starter is low and it's character specific.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
410 10 3 X+2 Varies Sp,Ex,Cs H/AS -

Carmine performs a wide downward strike with a blood crystal. It's mostly used during his combos. The active frames on this jumping normal is short, which is not ideal for a jump in/assault starter. It's a good normal in air-to-air situations, like against Merkava's glide. You can also use the short active frames as a fake out into a low/throw during a grounded assault. If you do j.B during the peak of the ground assault it will whiff and you can go for a 2B (low) or throw after wards.

j.C / j.[C]
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
310x2 12 (25) 2 (3) X+4 Varies Sp,Ex,Cs H/AS -

Carmine performs a double handed downwards swipe that shoots a wide splatter of blood crystals. This is arguably one of the best aerial normals in the game with a large hit box that hits behind Carmine. This is Carmine's best aerial normal for an air-to-ground approach. It also hits twice forcing opponents to stand block longer than a normal jump in. It can be charged, which extends the hit box even further making it a very good space control tool during the neutral. If j.[C] connects with an aerial opponent it will cause a knockdown with a long untechable window. This property is used in a lot of his combo extensions. The charge property can be used for mix ups by faking with charged jump C. For example, if you do assault j.[C] you will land before the attack comes out allowing you to do 2B (low) or throw upon landing. Jump C can only be shield guarded in the air so it's a good attack to try and guard break the opponent if they air guard 236X/j.236X in the air and are not paying attention.

Command Normals

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
490 14 7 14 -5 Sp,Ex,Cs HL -

Carmine takes a step forward and does a raising elbow attack with his other arm, leaving behind a second trail of blood crystals. This contains a large amount of active frames but due to its limitations, it's mostly used for combos off of max ranged 5B or 2C starters. On hit it launches the opponent into the air and can be jump or special cancelled to continue the combo. It is also used in certain block strings due to it's forward moving properties. Can also be used from 5AA after you've used your 5B gatling option. On block or hit, you cannot gatling into any other normal leaving you at frame disadvantage. You must special cancel after wards to keep yourself safe or at frame advantage. During the neutral game, you can gatling into 5BB and then double special cancel to 236C to either set up a mix up or start the pseudo infinite block string.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
720 15 22 (max) 24 -2 - HLA -

Fires a horizontal blood crystal projectile and sets dissolve where the projectile impacts. This is Carmine's primary method to setting dissolve on screen. If there is an existing 6B dissolve when another 6B is thrown the dissolve is moved to the new impact location. It costs the standard 300 health for each use unless in Vorpal state. It's particularly fast and is considered to be both a projectile and a physical attack allowing it to beat a lot of different attacks. A very important zoning tool that is also his best way to set a dissolve during the neutral game. The common mistake for new Carmine players is to over use this move and use up a lot of their health with it. If the opponent catches on to this they will wait it out and let you slowly kill yourself. A very important tool during his combos because it sets up the necessary dissolve for combo extensions. You can convert into a full combo from mid to full screen by going 6B+C xx 22C into anything afterwards. While the damage output from this isn't high, it's a complete momentum shift in your favor. It's negative frames on block at point blank range but can be positive frames depending on your spacing; however, it effectively ends your pressure as you cannot gatling from it.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
440*2 18 +3 Sp, Ex, Cs HLA -

Carmine's new button in [st]. It is available from 6B from hit or block. On hit it brings the opponent towards Carmine, which can help converting hits into combos from far-away confirms. On block, it is amazingly positive, but it uses up all your dissolves, and doesn't the opponent closer, so it may be better to use 22X to give yourself frame advantage, and lay down a dissolve for the same cost of 6BB

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
720 21 12 (max) X+10 +11 - HLA -

Fires an aerial 45 degree version of 6B and leaves a dissolve upon impact. It stops all forward momentum from a jump and moves Carmine back wards slightly. This is perfect in baiting out anti-airs, which could leave the opponent susceptible to a punish combo after wards. Gives good frame advantage on block if done low to the ground but is awkward to set up for a block string since you can't jump cancel normals on block. Key combo move off an assault starter because there's too much hit stun scaling to go for the typical 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236X combo extension.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
440*2 16 HLA -

Aerial version of 6BB. It can also convert into a combo on hit, but depending on height, you can just let yourself drop down and pick up a better combo from the necessary 6B. On block, it makes Carmine do a little more hang-time, which gives the opponent more time to recover.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
564 8 3 23 -6 Sp,Ex,Cs HL -

Carmine does an upwards roundhouse kick at a 45 degree angle. The start up is fast and it contains upper body invincibility making it his go-to anti-air. It launches the opponent on hit, which can be converted into a full combo into a knockdown for okizeme options. You can dash into 3B if you suspect the opponent will try to jump or assault in. You can option select the combo conversion with 9C. On hit you will jump cancel 3B into j.C but on block you will get 5C since you can't jump cancel normals on block. The 3B into 5C can create a frame trap by gatling into a charged 3C or a delayed 2C so it's a pretty useful option select.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
550 13 3 23 -8 SpExCs HL -

Carmine does a back hand spinning swipe shooting forth a large trail of blood crystals. This has a large vertical hit box but is not really useful as an anti-air due to it's slow start up and lack of upper body invincibility. It can be used as a situational anti-air such as underneath Merkava when he's flying. Not really used in combos but often seen in block string filler.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
740 27 3 26 -11 Sp,Ex,Cs H -

Charged version of his 6C that extends the hit box horizontally. This is Carmine's only standing overhead and is an amazing tool in his mix up game. Leads to huge damage with either 100% meter or a dissolve below/behind the opponent. The overhead has slow start up so he's susceptible to mashing or reversals. To make this safer to use, you can use it after forcing the opponent to block 236X/j.236X. Even though the start up is slow the ball indicating it's charging only appears on the 14th frame, making it hard to react to. You cannot gatling out of charged 6C so you're committed to the attack but you can special/super cancel on block or hit. You can half charge the move to feign the overhead and create a frame trap for opponents who like to mash during block stun. It also allows you to gatling after wards so you can go into 2C for a low if the opponent blocks the 6C as an overhead.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
710 15 6 22 -9 Sp,Ex,Cs HL -

Carmine shoots a large splatter of blood crystals. Very large horizontal hit box that reaches farther than 2C but has longer start up. The large hit box makes it good for anti-airs at farther ranges, which is useful against attacks like Merkava's glide or Vatista's j.C. On hit, it causes a blow back that can only be special/super cancelled. If there are dissolves behind the opponent when they get blown back you can cancel into 623A/B and convert into a full combo after wards. In the corner, it usually leads to 22A juggles or sets up Veil Off combos. It's also used a lot in block string enders to it's large reach but you cannot gatling out of it. Since it leaves you negative on block most people will special cancel into 22A/B to maintain frame advantage but there's a gap between 3C and 22A/B that is susceptible to invincible reversals. You can bait these reversals by not cancelling into 22A/B after 3C.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
710 20 6 22 -7 Sp,Ex,Cs HL -

Wall bounces on hit. If there are no convenient dissolves it can be followed up with 22C or 214B (2nd hit). On counter hit it can be followed up with 6BB for a bit of extra damage or 6B to leave a dissolve.

Dash Normals

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
564 10 3 16 -5 Sp,Ex,Cs HL -

Carmine does the roundhouse kick that he does in his 3B. It blows the opponent back on hit instead of launching. You can't gatling out of it but you can special cancel on hit or block. This move isn't really used at all because it has no use during the neutral game or in combos.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
850 18 4 19 -5 Sp,Ex,Cs HL -

Carmine does the spinning swipe attack that he does during his 6C. On hit it causes a knockdown making it useful for combo extensions as well as combo enders to set up okizeme. It has some situational applications in certain match ups, such as against Merkava's start up on his flight.

Universal Mechanics

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
320 16 3 24 -5 EX,CS HL -

Carmine does a mocking gesture and shoots out a dissolve in front of him. It creates a dissolve, consuming health, in front of Carmine if there are no existing dissolves on screen. The dissolve it generates has a hit box. If there are existing dissolves on screen it will instead manipulate their positions. 6B+C will move them forwards while 4B+C moves them backwards. Manipulating the positions of the dissolve(s) will not consume any health and each dissolve will have a hit box during the position change. It's useful to manipulate the dissolve(s) for better screen positioning, interrupts from full screen, versus back techs with 214[X], and as combo filler.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
1416 5 1 22 +35 (hit) - UNB -

Carmine grabs the opponent by the throat and then slams them to the ground. Deals damage to the opponent and Carmine gains 400 health. Carmine's throw game is quite strong due to his okizeme options and is one of the few ways he can regain health so don't neglect to use it. The knockdown lasts a long time and allows you to set a 214[X] and maneuver around slightly. The opponent can back tech from the throw so if you had set a 214[X] use 6B+C, ]X[ to force pressure on the opponent.

Guard Cancel
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
0 16 5 27 Blocked: -14
Hit: +40
- HL -


Veil Off
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
0 21 (min)
69 (max)
2 37 Blocked: -13
Hit: +36
- HLA -

Universal reversal. Invincible from start-up until the first active frame. You can delay the start-up until the 69th frame, but there's no real incentive to do so outside of thwarting meaty attacks.

Special Moves


Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
A 380xN 35 37 1 +57 CS HLA/AS -

Carmine throws a large spinning blade, costing 300 health, that travels backwards before leaving a dissolve behind. You can only have one 236X special on screen at one time. When used with dissolve(s) on screen, all dissolves becomes spinning blades that travel across the ground and towards the opponent. After wards, all other dissolves disappear. The dissolve follow-up comes out in 30f and tracks the opponent on the ground. The dissolve follow-up OTG's making it his primary tool in combo extensions. The A version sets the spinning blade low to the ground. This is an extremely important move in Carmine's repertoire of attacks. It's the basis of his okizeme game because of the extended block stun. The A version is the most used version to start his okizeme game, pressure, and combo extensions. It's also a very good space control tool during the neutral game, especially with dissolves on screen, and forces offensive characters to play patiently. It's really good at stopping assault and air assault approaches. You can convert to a full combo if it hits, which leads into his okizeme game. Also, if the opponent chicken guards any 236X you can attempt an air unblockable attack to break their guard. If you get hit during the attack the blade will disappear, so you can't use this move randomly or liberally within block strings. You'll need to understand the ranges of your opponents attacks before using this move in block strings because the slow start up makes Carmine susceptible to mashing and reaction interrupts. Alternatively, you can chain shift the start up to keep yourself safe from or apply additional pressure.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
B 380xN 35 37 1 +57 CS HLA/AS -

The B version sets the spinning blade higher on the screen before leaving a dissolve on the screen. The dissolve follow-up comes out in 30f and reacts the same way as the A version. The B version whiffs on most crouching characters and is not commonly used to set up his okizeme, or pressure game. It has it uses in setting up tick throws and command grabs because it whiffs on most crouching characters. It's interchangeable with the A version for combo extensions but is particularly useful in the neutral game. The higher positioning of the blade controls a lot more air space than the A version effectively shutting down aerial assault approaches.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
EX 180xN 1+19 52 16 +62 - HLA/AS -

The C (EXS) version creates a larger, faster, and longer lasting blade before leaving a dissolve on screen. The dissolve follow-up comes out in 29f after the super flash and behaves the same way as the A and B versions. It's primarily used for high damage combos off of an overhead, or Infinite Words combos from a Veil Off. You can't super cancel 236A/B into 236C since you can only have one 236X on screen but you can super cancel any of his other specials into 236C. Can also be used to setup his corner 'infinite' block string into an eventual mix up.


Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
A 380xN 38 37 X+10 +53 - HLA/AS -

While in the air, Carmine throws a spinning blade that behaves like the grounded version before leaving a dissolve. The dissolve follow-up comes out in 33f and behaves the same as way as the grounded versions. After wards, all other dissolves disappear. The position of the spinning blade is dependent on Carmine's position in the air, the lower you are to the ground the lower the position of the blade will be. When Carmine does j.236X it stops his jumping momentum and moves him back. This makes it good for baiting anti-airs after doing an assault or aerial assault. You can TK the attack (2369X) but it most be done instantly off the ground; if you try to delay the TK he will perform a full jump attack instead leaving you vulnerable. It's used in some corner combos, his neutral game, anti-air baits, and TK'd for okizeme.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
B 380xN 38 37 X+10 +53 - HLA/AS -

The B version sets the spinning blade lower on the screen that behaves similar to the grounded version before leaving a dissolve. The dissolve follow-up comes out in 33f and behaves the same way as the grounded versions as well. The position of the B version is, again, dependent on Carmine's position in the air but it also throws the blade lower to the ground than the A version. Again, it's mostly used in some corner combos, neutral game, anti-air baits, and TK'd for okizeme.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
EX 180xN 23 52 X+10 +58 - HLA/AS -

The C (EXS) version creates a larger, faster, and longer lasting blade before leaving a dissolve. The dissolve follow-up comes out in 33f after the super flash and behaves the same way as the grounded versions. This version of j.236X is not really used that often. There's some use against Merkava in the neutral game to catch him out of his flight but that is extremely situational. Other wise this move is not really used in okizeme, pressure, or combos.


Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
A 550x3 18 6 12 -4 Ex,Cs L -

Carmine swings his arms in a cross pattern forming two arcing trails of blood crystals that intersect. Surprisingly, this attack hits low and is good in his pressure game to catch people mashing, trying to chicken block, or blocking high in anticipation of his charged 6C overhead. When activated with a dissolve on screen the dissolve will create an arcing blood trail that arcs towards Carmine. After wards, all of the dissolves on screen will disappear. The dissolve follow-up comes out in 24f and does not hit low. On hit, the attack launches the opponent slightly allowing for combo follow-ups. If the opponent is hit by the dissolve follow-up they are launched much higher with a long untechable time allowing for better combo routes and combo conversions from full screen. The dissolve follow-up on block has a vacuum effect but leaves Carmine at negative frame advantage so be weary when trying to apply pressure after wards. With multiple dissolves spread out on the screen, Carmine can effectively control a lot of ground with this move. You're looking to position the opponent on top or behind one of the dissolves to make this option a threat. Using 6 or 4B+C can help re-position the dissolves to gain an advantageous position. While the hit boxes control a lot of ground space the opponent can jump or air assault over them to punish you.

In 3.20/Console, all versions received upper-body invincibility.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
B 567x3 11 6 18 -10 Ex,Cs L -

The B version has quite a bit of differences from the A version. The start up is faster, dissolve follow-up is faster (18f), hit box is larger, and the recovery is longer. It's not something you want to use in block strings because you're completely punishable if done too close. It's used during the neutral game and in specific combos.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
EX 300xN 1+13 12 19 -12 (CS) HL -

The C (EXS) version of 623X has a faster start up and larger hit box than the A and B versions. The dissolve follow-up is also the fastest among the three coming out in 15f after the super flash. It's only used in combos such as during 236C, or 22C veil off combos.


Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
A 650,1150
Charged: 788
Charged: 31
Charged: 5
Charged: 17
Charged: -1
Ex,Cs HL -

Carmine throws down a dissolve with one arm that explodes into a blood crystal, then swings his other arm upwards shooting a blood crystal from the ground. This special shouldn't be used to end block strings because the opponent can punish you if they shield block the last hit. You can super cancel on the first or second attack on block or hit. On hit, it launches the opponent slightly but you cannot combo after wards unless you super cancel. If you're using it in block strings, you'll want to cancel the first hit into 236C to gain massive frame advantage into a mix up or additional pressure to push the opponent into the corner. By itself it's mostly used as combo filler. When Charged, Carmine does not perform the second attack and the first attack leaves a dissolve trap for 300 health. If you keep the button held down the dissolve follow-up does not come out; when you release the button the dissolve shoots up a ball that explodes into a blood crystal. There is no animation that Carmine has to go through before and after the dissolve follow-up making it amazing for baits and offensive pressure. The dissolve follow-up comes out in 19F after activation and does not interact with other dissolves on screen nor does the 214[X] dissolve interact with other special moves. If Carmine is hit before releasing the button the dissolve disappears. If Carmine is hit after releasing the button the dissolve follow-up will not disappear making it a good mind game against the opponent. The dissolve follow-up on hit launches allowing for combo follow-ups. The A version allows you to use it with 6/4B+C, which makes it useful mid screen to deal with back techs or moving the trap around in relation to the opponent. The charged version becomes Carmine's best meaty and allows him to go for dissolve pressure during his okizeme game. Useful in the neutral game to set up defensive options that can be later turned into offensive options with 6/4B+C. You need to pick your spots when using this in neutral because the start up and recovery is slow leaving you susceptible to attacks and giving up ground to the opponent.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
B 650,1150
Charged: 788
Charged: 32
Charged: 5
Charged: 17
Charged: -1
Ex,Cs HL -

The B version has a bit more range than the A version but is more disadvantageous on block. Both versions are air unblockable so this can be useful against opponents trying to avoid your dissolves on the ground. The dissolve follow-up comes out in 20F. You lose the ability to use 6B+C to chase down back dashes, back techs, and the ability to reposition the dissolve but you gain access to your throw. This makes the B version only useful after a knockdown to set up tick throws and throw baits. However, this creates a mind game for the opponent, as they have to guess between A or B version and guess what follow-ups are available. There's a trick with the charged B version where you can move the charge & release to the C button instead. The technique to do this is perform 214[B] then press and hold the C button. If done correctly when you release the B button the dissolve follow-up won't come out but will come out when you release the C button. This technique is mostly used after 22C to do 214[A], 214[B]~[C], then TK j.236B for a triple okizeme setup.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
EX 222xN 1+16 8 35
Landing: 18
+6 (CS) HLA -

The C (EXS) version causes Carmine to jump up and rain blood spikes in the area in front of him. This version moves him in the air rather quickly, which can be used to avoid some grounded attacks; however, there's no invincibility frames on this move so it loses to meaty's. If done close to the opponent it will automatically put you on the opposite side of the opponent, which is useful to get out of the corner if the opportunity arises. Other than that it's mostly used in combos lead into his infinite words.


Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
A 982 19 3 24 +1 Ex,Cs L -

Carmine summons a blood crystal from the ground. Combo filler and used in pressure for frame traps. Hits low. Puddle follow-up comes out in 18f.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
B 982 18 3 24 +1 Ex,Cs L -

Same as 22A but summoned mid range. Puddle follow-up comes out in 18f.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
EX 1320 1+16 3 23 +2 - L -

Summons a crystal that homes in on the opponent and got a completely ridiculous hitstun. Either followed up by specials to get more damage, 214[A/B] for okizeme or Concentration to get GRD blocks. Usually a mix of them though. Can be useful against zoners and is air unblockable so t's a relatively strong tool fullscreen.

Give Me That!

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
(1265) 1+8 2 36 +9 (hit) (Cs) UNB -

Command grab with some invul. Carmine's only reversal aside from universal mechanics. Drains a lot of health and has a bigger range than a normal throw. Okizeme is worse than a throw though and the move will ALWAYS switch sides. Can be used in combos but the proration makes it a waste of meter.

Infinite Words

Hahahaha! Be Devoured!

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
(3159) 1+12 24 42 -19 to -38 - HLA -

Air blockable. Mostly a combo filler with a rather high minimum damage output.

Infinite Words EXS

You Shit! This is the END!

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
(3756) 16 3 49 -26 - HLA -

Just used as a reversal.


Combo Notation Guide:
[ ] = Input is held
][ = Input is released
/ = Option to choose between multiple actions
+ = Multiple buttons are pressed simultaneously
(#) = Next action is taken after a certain number of hits
xx = Attack is cancelled into a special/super
OTG = Off the Ground
CH = Counter Hit
HC = High Counter
CS = Chain Shift, or 5D 5D
(Dissolve) = Section headings with this requires dissolve on screen prior to starting the combo

Combo Demonstration Video

Any combo that ends in 66C or 2C you can special cancel to 214[A/B] or 22B to place a dissolve near your opponent for oki options. You can also do a delayed 236A/B for a meaty but it’ll depend on how the opponent techs.

Mid Screen 0% Meter

  • Assault Starters
   Assault j.C, 5A, 2C, j.6B OTG (dissolve), j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C xx 623A, 66C
   Assault j.C, 5A, 5B, 2C, j.6B OTG (dissolve), walk back 2C, 5BB (1st B whiffs) xx 623A, 66C 
   Assault j.6B, 5B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], delayed j.6B (dissolve) OTG, dash 2C xx 623A, 66C

Assault starters do not grant enough hit stun to go into 236A OTG extensions unless you land a counter hit or GRD break. If you hit the assault j.C deep enough you can do 5B instead of 5A for additional damage.

  • 5A or 5B Starters
   5A, 5B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], 66C
   5B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C 

This is the standard combo route for Carmine after a confirm from a 5A or 5B poke.

  • 5B Starters (max range)
   5B, 2C, 6B, 2C, 5BB xx 623B, dash 2B, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C
   5B, 2C, 6B, 2C, 5BB, 3B, j.B, j.C, 2C 

This is the combo route to use when 5B hits at max range. The typical 236A extension will only hit the opponent once, which won't allow enough time for the j.[C] to connect. The combo utilizes 5BB to get back into range to complete the combo. Please note that during the 5BB portion the first B whiffs.

  • 3B Starters
   3B, j.C, j.A, j.B, 5B, 2C, 6B, 2C, 5BB xx 623A, 66C
   3B, j.C, j.A, j.B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, 2C
   3B, j.C, slight delay j.B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, 2C 

This is a good confirm combo if you catch the opponent during their pre-jump frames. The third combo is an anti-air confirm combo. All of these combos are easy to confirm into if you utilize the 9C option select mentioned under 3B. Some character require you to put a slight delay between the 2B OTG, and 2C.

  • 2A Starters
   2A x2, 5B, 2C, j.6B OTG, j.C, j.B, j.A, 3B, 2C xx 623A, 66C
  • 2B Starters
   2B, 2C, 6B, 3B xx 623B, walk back j.6B OTG, 66C xx 236A, delay j.[C]

Standard low confirm combo from pressure or oki. Meter can be spent on 236C to convert further off of j.[C]

  • 2C Starters
   2C, 5BB, j.C, j.B, 2C, 3C xx 22B
   2C, 5BB, j.C, j.A, j.B, 2C
   2C, 5B(whiff)B, 3B, j.C, j.A, j.B, 2C

Standard low confirm from a 2C poke. The 5B gives enough time to confirm into 5BB or go into a block string after 2C.

  • 6[C] Overhead Starters
   6[C] xx 623A, 5B, j.C, slight delay j.B, 2C

Overhead combo without dissolve or meter for extensions and still provides oki options after 2C.

  • 236A/B Starters
   236A/B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], delay j.6B OTG, dash 2C xx 623A, dash 2B, j.B, j.A, j.C, 3B, 2C      

Confirm combo off of neutral or meaty 236A/B. Delay the j.6B as long as possible so you have enough time for the dash 2C to connect.

  • 623A Starters
   623A, 5B(delay)B, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C

Mid Screen 0% Meter Side Switch

  • 5A or 5B Starters
   5A, 5B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash side switch, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B xx 623A, j.[C]
   5A, 5B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash side switch, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C xx 623A, 214[A], 3B, ]A[, j.[C], 66C

Side switch combos off of common confirms. During the 236A, you dash under the opponent to switch sides. After the last j.[C] in combo one you can late cancel into j.236A/B for a meaty pinwheel setup.

Mid Screen 0% Meter (Dissolve)

  • Assault Starters
   Assault j.C, 5A, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, slight delay 2C
  • 5B Starters
   5B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], delay j.6B OTG, dash 2C xx 623A, dash 2B, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C 
  • 3C Starters
   3C xx 623A, dash 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C
  • 6[C] Overhead Starters
   6[C] xx 623A, delayed 6B, 2C xx 236A, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C

Standard meterless overhead combo with a dissolve on screen but doesn't leave you at frame advantage if the 6[C] is blocked. The 6B after 623A needs to hit low to the ground so that 2C hits.

  • 236A/B Starters
   236A/B, dash j.C, delay j.B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, slight delay 2C
   236A/B, j.[C], dash 2B OTG, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C

The dissolve will knock the opponent down but the 236X picks them up before they completely fall. This is the standard confirm combos if 236X hits either meaty or during the neutral game. During the first combo, aim to land the j.C at the peak of 236X. If you hit 2C too high and you chain into 6B the opponent will be too high for the second 2C to hit. You can compensate by delaying the 6B slightly. The first combo is if you're close enough to get the dash in. The second combo is if you're too far or are already in the air when 236X hits since j.[C] extends the hit box.

  • 623A/B Starters
   623A/B, dash 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C
   623A/B, dash 2C, 5BB, 3B, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C

These are mid-to-full screen confirm combos if the dissolve is set below or behind the opponent. The first combo is if you're close to the opponent while the second combo is if you're full screen away.

  • 214[X] Starters
   6B+C, ]X[, dash 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C
   5A (]X[) xx 236A, j.[C], dash 2B OTG, 2C, nj.6B OTG, j.C, j.B, j.A, 3B, 2C xx 623A, 66C
   6[C], 6B+C, ]X[, j.[C], dash 2B OTG, j.B, j.A, j.C, 3B, 2C

These are all combos with a 214[A/B] in place.

Mid Screen 0% Meter Side Switch (Dissolve)

  • 5A or 5B Starters
   5A/B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash side switch, j.[C], dash 2B OTG, 2C xx 623A, 66C
  • 3C Starters
   3C xx 623A, dash 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash side switch, j.A, j.B, j.C, 2C

Mid Screen 100% Meter

  • 5B Starters
   5B, 5C, 2C, 3C xx 22C~
  • 6B Starters
   6B, 6B+C xx 22C~ 
  • 2C Starters
   2C, 5BB, j.C, slight delay j.B, 2C xx 214A/B xx 236C, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, 2C
   2C, 5BB, j.B, j.C, 2C, 3C xx 22B xx 22C~
  • 6[C] Overhead Starters
   6[C] xx 214A xx 236C, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, 2C, nj.6B OTG, j.C, j.B, j.A, 3B, 2C xx 623A, 66C

Really good damage off of the overhead and a good corner carry combo. Definitely a combo that all Carmine players need to learn. Keep in mind if you're too close to the corner the 66C will whiff.

  • 214C Starters
   214C, 5B, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C

Confirm combo off of what most likely will be a reversal 214C.

22C can be followed up with anything but the most common options are:

   66C xx 214A/B, 214[A] - ends in 214[A] oki options
   66C xx 214A/B, 623A/B - gives enough time for 236X or tk j.236X oki options
   66C xx 214[A], 214[B] - gives double 214[X] oki options. Use 214[B]~[C] trick to get 236X oki as well. 

Mid Screen 100% Meter Side Switch

  • 63214C Starters
   63214C, CS, 236A OTG, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C
   63214C, CS, 236A OTG, dash side switch, j.[C], dash 2B OTG, slight delay 2C xx 623A, walk back 66C
   63214C, CS, j.6B OTG, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.C, j.B, 5B, j.A, j.B, j.C, 2C

First two combos requires a dissolve on screen and the usually set up for that is 5A xx 236A/B xx 63214C. By the time the 63214C finishes, 236A/B will have left a dissolve for the rest of the combo to work. The second combo is a double side switch and is useful if the 63214C threw them out of the corner and you want to combo them back into the corner. The third combo is if no dissolve is on screen so this is the combo route off of 63214C reversal or off of a tick throw setup.

  • 2C Starters
   2C, 5BB, j.C, slight delay j.B, 2C xx 214A/B xx 236C, dash side switch, j.[C], dash 2B OTG, 2C xx 623A, 66C

Remember, if you're too close to the corner the 66C ender will whiff.

Mid Screen 200% Combos

  • Assault Starters
   Assault j.C, 5A, 2C, nj.6B OTG, j.C, j.B, j.A, 3B, 2C, 623A, 2C xx 236C, CS, Veil Off, 41236D

The neutral jump 6B is important because it sets up the spacing so that the Veil Off does not hit the opponent during 236C. If you do a jump forward 6B the opponent gets hit by the Veil Off during 236C and you lose the ability to combo into his Infinite Words.

  • 5B Starters
   5B, 2C, nj.6B OTG, 2C xx 236A OTG, CS, Veil Off, 214C, 623A, dash 5B, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 6C xx 41236D
   5B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, 66C xx 236C OTG, CS, Veil Off, 214C, 623A/B xx 41236D 
   5B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], 236C OTG, CS, Veil Off, 214C, 623A/B xx 41236D 

In the second combo you need to delay the 66C just as 236A finishes so you're able to cancel into 236C. The third combo requires a dissolve on screen before hand.

Corner 0% Meter

  • Assault Starters
   Assault j.C, 5A, 2C, 3C xx 22A, 3B xx 623A, j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C], 66C
   Assault j.6B, 5B, 2C xx 236A OTG, walk back 66C xx 236A OTG, walk back delay nj.[C], j.B, 2C xx 623A, 66C 

Practical corner combos off of assault starters but have tricky juggle timings throughout. The j.6B in the first combo needs to be delayed so that it hits low to the ground otherwise the opponent will tech before 66C can hit. Time the j.[C] during the descent of Carmine's jump so that he lands first allowing the 66C to hit. The jump back j.[C] sets up the appropriate spacing for 66C to hit. During the second combo, you need to walk back after 236A OTG so that you give enough time for 236A to complete, as well as spacing yourself appropriately for 66C to hit. During the second 236A, you want to time your neutral jump [C] just when 236A ends so the j.[C] hits at the peak of the opponents height. You'll also want to start charging the C during Carmine's jump animation so that it hits at the peak of his jump. Hitting at the peak is important otherwise the j.B or 2C whiffs.

  • 5B Starters
   5B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C] xx j.236A, 66C
   5B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, delay 66C xx 236A OTG, walk back nj.[C], j.B, 2C xx 623A, 66C
   5B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, delay 66C xx 214[X], 5B, ]X[, nj.[C], j.B, 2C
   5B, 2C, 3C xx 22A, 5BB xx 623A, walk back j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C] xx j.236A OTG, 66C

The first combo is the easier base for Carmine's corner combos but doesn't give optimal damage output. You can walk forward then jump back j.[C] as a timing trick so that 236A ends in time for j.236A cancel to work. It also perfectly spaces you for the 66C to hit because if you're too close to the corner 66C will whiff. In the second combo, you can charge D as a timing trick for the 236A to finish when 66C hits. You'll also steal some GRD from the opponent. During the second 236A you need to walk back so that the 66C hits at the end. Again, you can do a slight D charge for timing and GRD. Aim the nj.[C] at the peak of the opponents and Carmine's height. In the third combo, you want to jump cancel immediately after 5B hits and charge the C during the jump animation so that it hits at the peak of Carmine's jump.

  • 2C Starters
   2C, 5BB, j.B, j.A, j.C, 2C xx 22A/B, 3B xx 623A, walk back j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C], 66C
   2C, 5B, 3C xx 22A/B, 5B(delay)B xx 623A, walk back j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C] xx j.236A, 66C
  • 3C Starters
   3C xx 22A/B, 5BB xx 623A, walk back j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C] xx j.236A OTG, 66C 
   3C xx 22A/B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, walk back 66C xx 214[X], 5B, ]X[, nj.[C], j.B, 2C
  • 3B Starters
   3B, j.C, j.A, j.B, 5B, 2C xx 22A, 5B xx 623A, walk back j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, jump back j.[C], 66C OTG
  • 6[C] Overhead Starters
   6[C], 22A/B, 5BB xx 623A, walk back j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C] xx j.236A OTG, 66C

Corner overhead combo utilizing the timing tricks in the previous listed corner combos. The 22A/B after the overhead also leaves you positive frames if the opponent manages to block the overhead.

  • 236X Starters
   236X, 3C xx 623A, delay 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, walk back 66 xx 214[A], 5B, ]A[, nj.[C], j.B, 3B, 2C

Your timing the 3C to hit just as 236X ends so that 236X leaves a dissolve for 623A to launch the opponent.

Corner 0% Meter (Dissolve)

  • 5A/B Starters
   5A, 5B, 2C xx 236A OTG, delay 66C xx 236A OTG, walk back delay nj.[C], j.B, 2C xx 623A, 66C
  • 2C Starters
   2C xx 22A, 5BB xx 623A, delay j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C] xx j.236A OTG, 66C 
   2C xx 623A, dash 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, walk back 66C xx 214[A], 5B, ]A[, nj.[C], j.B, 2C 
  • 6[C] Overhead Starters
   6[C] xx 623A, delay 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, walk back 66C xx 214[A], ]A[, 3B, nj.[C], j.B, 3B, 2C
  • 236X Starters
   236X, dash j.C, j.B, 2C xx 22A, 5B, 5C xx 623A, walk back j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C] xx j.236A OTG, 66C
  • 214[X] Starters
   5A xx 236A, ]X[, j.[C], dash 2B OTG xx 22A/B, 3B xx 623A, walk back j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, walk back nj.[C]
   5A xx 236A, ]X[, j.[C], j.6B OTG, 22A, 3B xx 623A, walk back j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, j.[C]
   2B, 5C, 2C, 3C xx 22A/B, ]X[, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C], 623A OTG, 66C    
   6[C], 6B+C, ]X[, j.[C], 2B OTG xx 22A, 3B xx 623A, walk back j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, j.[C]
   6[C] xx 236A OTG, ]X[, delay nj.[C], 66C OTG xx 236A, walk back delay nj.[C], j.B, 2C xx 623A, 66C
   ]X[, 3C xx 22A, 2C xx 623A, delay 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, walk back 66C xx 236A OTG, walk back nj.[C], j.B, 3B, 2C
   ]X[, 5A, 6C, j.C, j.B, 2C xx 22A, 5B, 5C xx 623A, walk back j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C] xx j.236A OTG, 66C 
   ]X[, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, walk back 66C xx 236A OTG, walk back nj.[C], j.B, 2C xx 623A, 66C

The above combos require a 214[X] dissolve to be placed on screen first.

Corner 100% Meter

  • Assault Starters
   Assault j.C, 5A, 2C, 3C xx 22A/B xx 214C, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C], 623A OTG, 66C

  • 6[C] Overhead Starters
   6[C] xx 214A (1) xx 236C, nj.[C], 214[A] OTG, 5B, ]A[, nj.[C], j.B, 2C xx 623A, 66C

Time the the first nj.[C] during the descent of Carmine's jump. This allows you to land first and get the OTG from 214[A]. The second nj.[C] should have the C charged during Carmine's ascent so that it hits at the peak of his jump.

  • 236X Starters
   236X (N), 214[A], 5B, 6B, 2C, 3C xx 22B, ]A[, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C], 623B OTG, 2C xx 22A/B, CS, 623C

236X needs to hit them grounded. If it picks them up off the ground this combo won't work.

Corner 200% Meter

  • Assault Starters
   Assault j.C, 5A, 2C, 3C xx 22A, 3B xx 623A, j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, delay jump back j.[C], 236C OTG, CS, Veil Off, 41236D

During the jump back j.[C] part, charge the C towards the peak of Carmine's jump so that the j.[C] comes out during the descent. Carmine will land first before the opponent so that 236C will OTG.

  • 5B Starters
   5B, 2C, 3C xx 22A, 5B, 2C xx 236A OTG, Veil Off, 214C, 623A, 2C xx 236C, 214[A] xx 41236D, ]A[
   5B, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, dash j.[C], dash 2B OTG, j.A, j.B, j.C, 3B, 2C xx 22C, Veil Off, 236C xx 623C
   5B, 2C, 3C xx 22A, 5B, 5C xx 623A, j.6B, 66C xx 236A OTG, j.[C], 236C OTG, CS, Veil Off, 2C xx 236C, 214A xx 41236D  

In the third combo you need to walk back and delay the j.6B. The last j.[C] requires you to jump back and so the Veil Off whiffs.

  • 623A Starters
   623A, 2C, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, walk back nj.[C], 236A OTG, Veil Off, 214C, 3B, 6C xx 41236D 

Requires a dissolve on screen for the 623A to launch. The walk back nj.[C] is required to cause the Veil Off to whiff. Time the C charge during nj.[C] during the descent of Carmine's jump.

Corner 100-200% Meter Side Switch

  • 214C Starters
   214C, 5B, 6B, 2C xx 236A OTG, walk back 66C xx 236A OTG, walk back nj.[C], j.B, 2C xx 623A, 66C
  • 63214C Starters
   63214C, CS, 22A OTG, 3B, 5C, j.B, j.C, 2C xx 236A OTG, Veil Off, 214C, 623A, 2C, 3C, 6C xx 41236D

Mix Ups

Carmine mix ups involve getting the opponent to block 236X or be weary of a 214[X] trap. There are a few ways to set up both of these. The first method is within the neutral game since both 236X and 214[X] are good neutral game tools for Carmine. If you manage to get the opponent to run into these during the neutral game you can start his mix up game. The second method is within a block string. The block string method is risky against some characters as both specials are slow on start up and susceptible to mashing, reversals, or reaction interrupts. You can use chain shift or super cancels to make it safe though. The third option is off of a normal throw or a command grab super. The last method is ending his combos with attacks that end in a knockdown and allow Carmine to set up a 214[X], 236A/B, or TK j.236A/B after wards. Once the opponent is blocking 236X or respects your options with 214[X] this lets Carmine do a multi-layered mix up of baits and high/low/throw games.

  • Block String Setups

This will be character dependent because you need to be aware of their attack ranges and reversal options. In general, you want to avoid using the block string method against characters who have long range normals or reversals that can interrupt you out of the start up of 236X. If you've varied your block strings enough against the opponent they may respect you enough to block 236X if you do it in a block string. Otherwise, you can do a block string into 236X and chain shift immediately but this method is better if you have a dissolve on screen. You can do a block string into 22A/B, Chain Shift, 236X and then go in for pressure/mix ups. If you have at least 100% meter you can do any block string into 214A/B and super cancel 236C on the first or second hit of the attack. While they're blocking 236C you can go for a mix up or do extended pressure. If you get an opponent to block 236X you can dash in and do 214[A/B]. From there you can repeat 236X, 214[A/B] indefinitely unless the opponent Veil Offs or Guard Thrusts but both of these options can be baited and punished. This block string loops is not the best idea because it costs you 300 health for each special you use so you do more damage to yourself than the chip damage being done to the opponent. It's something worth repeating a few times in order to get the opponent to flinch or start a mix up.

  • Okizeme Setups

All of Carmine's combos should end in 66C, 2C, j.[C], 22C, or 63214C because they cause a knockdown that lets you set up a 214[X], 236X, or TK j.236X.

  • 214[X] Mix Up Options

1. Bait
2. Meaty
3. 6[C] overhead
4. Throw
5. Assault
6. 6B+C


Red Heat Blood Black Punishment Aqua Regia Ride on Light Dead and Violet
Bloody Lost Wild Fang Bad Peace Forest Fade Noise Purplish Gouache
Strange Strawberry Plena Noche Emerald Island Ortensia Light of Daybreak
Flash Magic Claro de Luna Brave Satan Peligro Diosa Demon Angel
