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Mario is a solid, general-purpose character. Armed with a couple, large unblockable hammer attacks and decent bread-and-butter combos. He also comes with a Fire Flower that allows him to transform into Fire Mario, gaining a new skillset that priorities ranged attacks and powerful burst damage.

Move List

Grounded Normals

Jab Combo
Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
1 1,1,2 - - - - -

Quick jab attacks for combos and pressure. Can be extended with Pursue.

Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
1 1 - - - - -

Quick upper punch. Can be linked from the first or second 5A. Doesn't offer follow-up combos, but it does setup the opponent for a mix-up.

Hook Punch
Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
1 3 - - - - -

Moderately slower punch that compensates with increased range (relative to jabs) and hitstun, easily allowing a few follow-ups, such as Jabs or Super Jump Punch.

Aerial Normals

Smack Down
Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
1 1.5 - - - - -

A quick, double fisted strike that sends the enemy downward. Can be used in combos if used as an air-to-air.

Upper Punch (Aerial)
Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
1 2 - - - - -

A slower upper punch. A niche attack for attacking foes who are above you.

Eagle Kick
Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
1 1 - - - - -

Mario quickly kicks downward. On block, hit or clash, Mario will backflip off the target. You can change the direction of the backflip by holding forward or backward. Useful for mix-ups. Works great with 2Z.

Grounded Z-Attacks

Hammer Hop
Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
1 3 - - - - -

A relatively long reaching melee attack, with an overarching hitbox and decent hitstun. Triggers Full Stun Strikes.

Super Jump Punch
Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
1 5 - - - - -

Mario's signature uppercut. Deals damage over 6 hits. Perfect as a combo ended.

Hammer Smash
Critical Strike
Version Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
Normal 3 6 - - - - -

A slow but powerful, unblockable hammer swing with a backward and overarching hitbox. Can potentially combo if the backward hitbox is landed.

Version Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
Critical 4 4 - - - - -

A fast, powerful, unblockable hammer swing with a backward, sweeping hitbox. Triggers Cinematic Rush.

Aerial Z-Attacks

Hammer Meteor Smash
Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
3 4 - - - - -

A slow but powerful, unblockable hammer swing with a large, 3/4 circle hitbox. Beware the landing recovery time. You can link a Pursue from this attack, with the correct timing.

Super Jump Punch
Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
1 5 - - - - -

Mario's signature uppercut. Deals damage over 6 hits. Same as grounded version

Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
2,1 2,3 (total:5) - - - - -

Mario briefly balls up and spins, halting vertical velocity while maintaining horizontal momentum. Then, Mario stomps downward with medium (2) priority, knocking foes downard. Upon meeting the ground, a second hitbox occurs, dealing additional damage with low (1) priority. This attack is great cross-up and combo tool.


Fire Mario Transformation
Priority Damage Startup Active Recovery Adv on Hit Adv on Block
2 3 - - - - -

Activation is ground-only and can be triggered while idle or during any attack. Immediately releases a hitbox around Mario, damaging and knocking back foes. It has high blockstun, making it relatively safe, even on block. Due to its long active and recovery frames, however, it is very easily punished if whiffed, so it is recommended to transform during a successful attack, or as a combo ender. Once transformed, you will play as Fire Mario until you are damaged while having 0 energy. See Fire Mario's Section (link TBD) for more details...

Mecha Sonic
Axem Rangers X
Koopa Bros