
From Mizuumi Wiki
Revision as of 20:45, 5 May 2022 by SeaJay (talk | contribs)
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Abbreviation Meaning
General legend
(N) Multi-hit move hits only N times. Omitted if all hits are used.
xN Normal that chains into itself pressed N times
[X] Hold down X
]X[ Release X
X~Y X then Y done in quick succession
X/Y X or Y
!X X triggers a burst
Fastfall Cancelling an air normal into another move to change momentum and land early. The 2nd move is land cancelled during startup. Example: Double jHP(1), jHK lets Double land from the multi-hit jHP early.
Kara Quickly cancelling a move into another move before it becomes active. This is done for positioning or to access airborne specials from grounded attacks. Example: Annie 5HPx2 Kara j236K, the second 5HP's startup puts Annie airborne and she can cancel it into divekick before the second normal hits.
OTG Following move hits off the ground, after a red bounce
CH Counter hit
sj Super jump
dj Double jump
jc Jump cancel
dl Delay
ADC Airdash cancel
IAD Instant airdash
TK Tiger knee (doing an air move the moment a jump sends you airborne, typically by inputting a special move motion followed by jump+button. Example: 2147LK for TK Airball)
236 Sg 236.png
214 Sg 214.png
623 Sg 623.png
421 Sg 421.png
[4]6 4.gif (hold for 35 frames), 6.gif
[2]8 2.gif (hold for 35 frames), 8.gif
360 Sg 360.png
Character legend
Full move name Abbreviated name Input


Character weight classes
Lights Filia/Fukua, Peacock, Ms. Fortune, Painwheel, Valentine, Squigly, Annie
Mediums Cerebella, Parasoul, Eliza (for combos), Beowulf, Robo-Fortune
Heavies Double, Big Band

7.gif 8.gif 9.gif
4.gif 6.gif
1.gif 2.gif 3.gif
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
up-back up up-forward
back neutral forward
down-back down down-forward