
From Mizuumi Wiki
< Template:Clr
Revision as of 12:50, 4 October 2022 by Mida (talk | contribs) (Added TFH A, B, C and D button colors)
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/* Guilty Gear P button */
.text-color--1 {
  color: #d96aca;

/* Guilty Gear K button */
.text-color--2 {
  color: #1f8ccc;

/* Guilty Gear S button */
.text-color--3 {
  color: #009e4e;

/* Guilty Gear H button */
.text-color--4 {
  color: #de1616;

/* Guilty Gear D button */
.text-color--5 {
  color: #e8982c;

/* very easy difficulty combo*/
.text-color--6 {
  color: #3197d3;

/* medium difficulty combo*/
.text-color--7 {
  color: #e49f48;

/* very hard difficulty combo*/
.text-color--8 {
  color: #b769c4;

/* Skullgirls Stage 1 & 2 color*/
.text-color--9 {
  color: #5EC6BB;

/* Skullgirls Stage 3 & 4 color*/
.text-color--10 {
  color: #FFAA0F;

/* Skullgirls Stage 5 color*/
.text-color--11 {
  color: #FD1068;

/* Them's Fightin' Herds A button*/
.text-color--12 {
  color: #f5f301;

/* Them's Fightin' Herds B button*/
.text-color--13 {
  color: #e6882f;

/* Them's Fightin' Herds C button*/
.text-color--14 {
  color: #de0440;

/* Them's Fightin' Herds D button*/
.text-color--15 {
  color: #01b9eb;