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Cowboy is one of the three playable characters in Yomi Hustle. His good movement combined with large disjointed hit boxes, the best projectile setup route in the game, and good combo routes let you play the game at your own pace and dictate the flow of neutral as you see fit.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Teleport: Teleport is a very powerful movement option that lets Cowboy extend combos easily, escape bad situations, whiff punish, etc. Instant teleport makes this even better at the cost of meter, allowing for insane combo conversions
  • Sword: Cowboy sports a good combination of range and speed on their attacks, letting them press buttons where some other characters might not have any options.
  • Unconventional movement options: No dash makes Cowboy's movement limited (especially on the ground), which coupled with teleport's recovery makes a lot of situations quite awkard to navigate.

Move List

Unique movement


YH Icon Dash.png
YH Cowboy Walk.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - 9 - - 0 -
  • Walking back is first actionable on frame 12.



Will get you over some lows and mids.
Will get you over some lows and mids.
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - 8 - - 0 -
  • Pretty fast for a movement option, and has invuln from 0-4.
  • Sometimes useful on round start for steering around other pesky lows or such.
  • Burst safe due to the invulnerability frames


YH Icon Teleport.png
YH Cowboy Teleport.png
For holding forward with maximum efficiency.
For holding forward with maximum efficiency.
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- 5 - 10 - - 0 -
  • Has 3f more startup when moving backwards.
  • Gets additional recovery depending on how far away the teleport was (up to +2f recovery going fowards, +5f going backwards).
  • Has 3 frames of invulnerability after after startup (Invuln frame 5-8 ) while teleporting..

Solid movement option for getting around, out of sticky situations, etc.

Generally better to use i.tp in combo bridges.



YH Icon Pommel.png
YH Cowboy Pommel.png
YH Cowboy Pommel HB.png
The closest you can get to a 5P in YH
The closest you can get to a 5P in YH
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
400 4 2 9 - High 0 -
  • Tied for fastest strike in the game.
  • Will not lead to a combo if cancelled into Teleport.
  • Can be chained into itself as a starter.

Important tool for close range RPS and to beat whiff cancels, your fastest button. Also useful for stabilizing combos if you have low frame advantage.

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Horiz. Slash

Horiz. Slash
YH Icon HSlash.png
YH Cowboy HSlash.png
YH Cowboy HSlash HB.png
Ground version
Ground version
YH Cowboy jHSlash.png
YH Cowboy jHSlash HB.png
Air version
Air version
Ground Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1000 6 2 20 - High 0 -
  • Placeholder

Fast and long ranged, but has a relatively thin hitbox and low hitstun. If cancelled into Teleport, can only combo into Pommel. A powerful roundstart option, especially when combined with a Free cancel.

Air Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
700 6 4 20 - High 0 -
  • Moves Cowboy forward.
  • Can be used even without air actions.

Fast move with good range thanks to its forward movement. Sometimes useful as a last resort air movement option.

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Vert. Slash

Vert. Slash
YH Icon VSlash.png
YH Cowboy VSlash.png
YH Cowboy VSlash HB.png
Ground version
Ground version
YH Cowboy jVSlash.png
YH Cowboy jVSlash HB.png
Air version
Air version
Ground Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1150 11 2 13 - High 0 -
  • Causes ground bounce on ground hit.
  • Initiative bonus: startup reduced to 9f.

Has enough hitstun on ground hit to whiff Parry then Teleport and continue the combo, allowing you to safely counter immediate Bursts while not ending your offense.

Air Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - - - - 0 -
  • Sends the opponent downwards.

Your fastest air move and main restand tool.

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Upward Swipe

Upward Swipe
YH Icon UpwardSwipe.png
YH Cowboy UpwardSwipe.png
YH Cowboy UpwardSwipe HB.png
Looks like a DP. Is not a DP.
Looks like a DP. Is not a DP.
Ground Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
700 8 4 13 - - 0 -

Despite how disjointed this move is, it starts on frame 8 on the ground, which isn't really amazing considering the rest of the cast has options that outclass it.

  • Is useful for calling out some aerial options from approaching opponents, but not really much good except for combos and AA.
Aerial Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
700 8 4 13 - - 0 -

A much more useful version of the grounded one despite having the same framedata. Lets you extend combos upwards and do loops on the corner off of Wallbounce -> D.Swipe resets.

  • Can also be used as an AtA in order to catch people sleeping due to the massively frontloaded hitbox.
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YH Icon Stinger.png
YH Cowboy Stinger.png
YH Cowboy Stinger HB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1080 11 2 13 - High -1 -

Another insanely frontloaded disjoint. While being slow, this move can catch certain startups and also breaks armor on some moves.

  • Can be used to immediately start a combo with U.Swipe.
  • Sometimes useful as a last resort movement option due to the forwards lunge Cowboy does when using this move.
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Ankle Cutter

Ankle Cutter
YH Icon AnkleCutter.png
YH Cowboy AnkleCutter.png
YH Cowboy AnkleCutter HB.png
"Round start low disjoint?"
"Round start low disjoint?"
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
630 7 2 - - Low 0 -

You could be forgiven for thinking this move works well on round start. It does not. It is abysmally slow, gets beaten out by h.slash and backsway, and just will generally guarantee you take half of your health on round start.

However, as a whiff punish tool, this move leads into massive reward. It can also be used as a mix-up option against another move when you know for sure you can low profile it.

  • Leads into all sorts of routes on hit like lasso.7reel -> dl.u.slash...
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Universal Mechanics


YH Icon Grab.png
YH Throw.png
You're landing this after i.tp aren't you?
You're landing this after i.tp aren't you?
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
900 3 3 30 - Throw 0 -

Useful for when you happen to i.tp and you're right next to your opponent, or if you both end up dodging the same direction and need the fastest option.

  • Cannot convert into a combo under normal circumstances as Cowboy has no OTG.


Lightning Slice

Lightning Slice
YH Icon LightningSlice.png
YH Cowboy LightningSlice.png
YH Cowboy LightningSlice HB.png
Neutral Skip Detected
Neutral Skip Detected
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
810 (320) 9 (5) 1 38 - High 0 -
  • Air OK.
  • Can be cancelled into itself, but once cancelled cannot be aimed
  • Values in parentheses are for the followup version.

THE ranged combo starter tool. When aimed properly with the back hit, it allows it to combo into itself multiple times and also allows an i.tp followup for free, starting a combo.

Also can be used to steal games during scramble situations.

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YH Icon Impale.png
YH Cowboy Impale1.png
YH Cowboy Impale1 HB.png
First hit
First hit
YH Cowboy Impale2.png
YH Cowboy Impale2 HB.png
Second hit
Second hit
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
450 (1790) 9 - - - High 0 -
  • Knocks down on hit.
  • Values in parentheses are for the second hit.

Deals 2050 damage if both hits land.

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YH Icon BackSlash.png
YH Cowboy BackSlash.png
YH Cowboy BackSlash1 HB.png
YH Cowboy BackSlash2 HB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
500 (600) 5 (7) 2 (3) 35 - High 0 -
  • Has a sweetspot.
  • Values in parentheses are for the second hit.

Your dedicated anti-air button.

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3 Combo
YH Icon 3Combo.pngYH Icon 3ComboDown.png
YH Cowboy 3Combo1.png
YH Cowboy 3Combo1 HB.png
YH Cowboy 3Combo2.png
YH Cowboy 3Combo2 HB.png
YH Cowboy 3Combo3.png
YH Cowboy 3Combo3 HB.png
3 Combo
3 Combo
YH Cowboy 3ComboDown1.png
YH Cowboy 3ComboDown1 HB.png
YH Cowboy 3ComboDown2.png
YH Cowboy 3ComboDown2 HB.png
YH Cowboy 3ComboDown3.png
YH Cowboy 3ComboDown3 HB.png
3 Combo Down
3 Combo Down
3Combo Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
400, 500, 1600 8, 13, 25 2, 2, 3 38 - High 0 -
  • Air OK.
  • Uses an air action.


3Combo Down Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
400, 500, 1600 8, 13, 25 2, 2, 3 38 - High 0 -
  • Air only.


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YH Icon Quickdraw.pngYH Icon Shoot.pngYH Icon Holster.png
YH Cowboy Quickdraw.png
YH Cowboy Shoot.png
Quickdraw Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
N/A 9 N/A 9 - N/A 0 -
  • Air OK.


Shoot Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
600-1500 5 2 10 - High 0 -
  • Uses a bullet.
  • Damage falls off with distance

Generally should not be used at range because you'll just feed the opponent meter. You can't punish a missed block at that range so the opponent has no reason not to try to parry.

Holster Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - - - - 0 -
  • Placeholder



YH Icon Lasso.pngYH Icon Reel.pngYH Icon IzunaDrop.pngYH Icon Shoot.pngYH Icon Pull.png
YH Cowboy Lasso.png
YH Cowboy Lasso HB.png
Lasso Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - - - - 0 -
  • Air OK.


Lasso~Reel Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
- - - - - - 0 -
Lasso~Reel~Izuna Drop Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
1900 - - - - - 0 -
  • Placeholder.

High damage combo ender. Leaves you even and miles away from your opponent, which can be a good or bad thing.

Lasso~Pull Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
400 - - - - - 0 -
  • Angle can be adjusted.

Strong combo extender, as long as you can hit your opponent with Lasso.

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Temporal Round

Temporal Round
YH Icon TemporalRound.png
YH Cowboy TemporalRound.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
360-900 5 - 10 - High 0 -
  • Costs 1 bar.
  • Air OK.
  • Can only be done after Quickdraw, Lasso~Reel or a previous Temporal Round.
  • Bullet stays in place with no hitbox for 32 frames, then fires.
  • Does NOT cost a bullet
  • Damage falls off with distance

Powerful setup tool to cover yourself or put pressure on the opponent from a distance.


YH Icon 1000Cuts.png
YH Cowboy 1000Cuts.png
YH Cowboy 1000Cuts1 HB.png
YH Cowboy 1000Cuts2 HB.png
YH Cowboy 1000Cuts3 HB.png
Damage Startup Active First Actionable Frame Advantage * Guard Proration Block Advantage
500 - - - - - 0 -
  • Costs 3 bars.
  • Air OK.
  • Destroys some projectiles on contact.

A powerful tool, especially when used in tandem with evasive movement options like Teleport or roll since the swords can still hit while you're invincible.

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