
From Mizuumi Wiki
Revision as of 22:34, 26 June 2023 by GunBlaze (talk | contribs)
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|highcrush = The amount of frames a move has the High Crush Property
|midcrush = The amount of frames a move has the Mid Crush Property
|lowcrush = The amount of frames a move has the Low Crush Property
|chipdmg = The amount of Chip Damage a move does
|unsub = Notes if a move has the Unsubbable Property
|meterdrain = The amount of meter a move steals (when applicable)


|highcrush = 
|lowcrush = 
|midcrush = 
|chipdmg = 
|unsub = 
|meterdrain = 


B Button
CONR3 Anbu Kakashi 5B.png
Damage Hit Level Startup Active Frames Recovery Guard Damage Blockstun Advantage on Hit Advantage on Block
TBD - TBD TBD TBD TBD 20 +7 (+12) -6
  • Primary Jab.
  • Can go into B Button(B Button) on whiff.
Flag Data
High Crush: some amount
Mid Crush: lol
Low Crush: some amount
Chip Damage: 2
Unsubbable: True
Meter Drain: 234