
From Mizuumi Wiki
Revision as of 20:55, 23 June 2023 by GunBlaze (talk | contribs)
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|name = The name of the character
|image = An image related to the character, typically artwork
|size = Determines the image's size (in pixels, such as 200px; defaults to 300px if empty)
|health = The character's Health value
|guard = The character's Guard Gauge value
|installdmgmod = External Attack Damage modifier for the character's transformation (if applicable)
|backdash = Describes the backdash type used (long, mid, short)
|installbackdash = Same as above but for install


|name = 
|image = 
|size = 
|health = 
|guard = 
|backdash = 
|installdmgmod =
|installbackdash = 



SCON4 Placeholder.png
Health: 230
Guard Gauge: 1920
Backdash Length: Middle
Install (Sharingan)
Install Damage Modifier: 1.2x
Install Backdash Length: Long