Virtua Fighter 3tb/Strategy

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This is the strategy section of the wiki. This page will go over option selects, movement tech, oki-zeme, and much more.

Important Option Selects

Backdash Guard Cancel

The most important tech to learn in VF3tb is a simple backdash guard option select. To do this tech, simply input 4E then G shortly after. With this tech you can:

Outspace Throw Attempts
Whiff Attacks
Guard attacks that catch your backdash

For more info on Backdash Guard OS, make sure to watch Volume 1: Chapter 1 of this intermediate guide to VF3tb

Fuzzy Guard

You can fuzzy guard with 323G. With this you can duck under throws and stand back up in time to guard attacks.

Fuzzy Guard against throw
Fuzzy Guard against a fast mid

For more info on fuzzy guard, make sure to watch Volume 1: Chapter 2 of the intermediate video guide

Tech Stepping

4 1 Step

4 1 Step is a useful tool to get away from your opponent while alternating between crouching and standing, actively fuzzy guarding if cancelled with guard. It can be done by moving your lever back and forth between 4 and 1, hence the term "4 1 step".

Aoi 41 Stepping
Taka 41 Stepping
Jacky 41 step guard cancel against throws

  • 41 step can be used as an extension to back-dash to get extra range.
  • It can be used as a fuzzy guarding tool in neutral or small disadvantage.
  • It can be used as a spacing tool
  • It can also be used as a way to quickly get away from potential wakeup kicks to set up okizeme

Korean Step Options

Input a crouch dash with 323_ or 33_
Input evade in between crouch dashes to chain evads together
Cancelling backdash with forward dash
Cancelling backdash with evade

Crouch Dash is the most important movement option to learn. This cancels every type of movement option available, except crouch dash itself. Crouch dash can be inputted with 323_ or 33_. 323_ is recommended, as it is much easier.

If you repeatedly alternate your stick between 3 and 2, and subsequently press evade repeatedly in between crouch dashes, you will automatically cancel your evade into another evade. This is a useful neutral tool but is vulnerable to dash up throws, which is why you should use it wisely.

Backdash can be cancelled with forward dash or crouch dash, this is a good tool to quickly get into your opponents range to whiff punish in neutral or at disadvantage. You can also pair this up with [backdash guard cancel] for extra utility.

Finally, you can cancel your dashes with evade. Simply input your dash and input your evade slightly after. This can be used with forward dash, back dash, and crouch dash.

What Korean Step looks like
Akira Yuki
Aoi Umenokouji
Jacky Bryant
Jeffry McWild
Kage Maru
Lau Chan
Lion Rafale
Pai Chan
Sarah Bryant
Shun Di
Taka Arashi
Wolf Hawkfield