Shovel Knight Showdown/Specter Knight

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SKS Specter character art.png


" I will teach you respect, and the true meaning of fear!"

Specter Knight is one of the cruellest and edgiest knights of the order, though he wasn't always such. Before death, he was a treasure hunter of Donovan, who made one mistake, and it cost him his life. He was resurrected by the Enchantress, and in exchange, he was bound to serve her for all eternity.



File:SKS Specter marker.png Specter Knight is a X who does Y
Pros Cons

Dash Slash: Dash Slash is an approach tool like no other. It's so fast you can't react to it and it can hit at any angle as long as Specter Knight is near you. If he hits you, he gets bounced in the air, letting him continue his onslaught. If you guess when he Dash Slashes and you parry, he might under- or overshoot it, putting him next to you and letting him punish with Scythe Slash. And if you do parry it, he gets knocked back in the air, where he can still Wall Climb or use a Hover Plume, fly towards you and continue like nothing happened. Spamming this can win low level tournaments with not much effort.

Unpredictable approach: With Hover Plume, Wall Climb and Wall Jump he can easily stall in the air at perfect Dash Slash-distance and wait for you to parry, then punish accordingly.

Easy Parry Traps: By throwing a Throwing Sickle backwards and Dash Slashing towards an enemy, you've created a trap. If they parry, they git hit by the Throwing Sickle coming back. If not, they get hit by Dash Slash.

Tries too hard to be serious: this guy is like one step away from un-ironically saying "Nothing personal, kid"

Uuhhh...: Yeah I got nothing

Move list

Startup Total Frames Attributes
- - -
Startup Total Frames Attributes
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Universal parry. Specter Knight strikes a pose and flashes white. If hit, he spins his scythe, knocking enemies back.

Startup Total Frames Attributes
3 - -

Specter Knight jumps into the air.

  • Tied with King Knight for the second lowest jump height.
Hover Plume
JUMP while in air
Startup Total Frames Attributes
3 - -

Specter Knight hovers upwards.

  • Hold JUMP to hover in the air longer.
Wall Climb
Touch wall while falling
Startup Total Frames Attributes
- - -

Specter Knight starts running up the wall he touched.

  • After around two seconds, Specter Knight hops off the wall
  • If Specter Knight reaches a ledge while climbing, he hops up
Wall Jump
JUMP while climbing wall
Startup Total Frames Attributes
- - -

Specter Knight jumps off the wall he was climbing up

Scythe Slash
Startup Total Frames Attributes
7 - -

Specter Knight spins his huge scythe around him.

Dash Slash
ATTACK while in air near target
Startup Total Frames Attributes
9 - -

Specter Knight dashes towards his target.

  • An indicator appears while near your target, letting you know when and where you dash.
  • if you are below your target, you will dash diagonally down towards it. If above. diagonally up towards it.
  • The range to Dash Slash a target is very generous: if spaced correctly, you can dash towards your target without actually hitting them
  • If he hits the target, he bounces up into the air.
Throwing Sicle
Startup Total Frames Attributes
13 - -

Specter Knight throws a small sickle forward, which shortly after boomerangs back.

  • Specter Knight can have only one Throwing Sickle out at once
  • If Specter Knight touches his own sickle, he catches it


Describe some general strategies that can be applied to almost any match here.


Character Matchup info
SKS Shovel portrait.png
Shovel Knight
write matchup info in these boxes for every character (except for itself, of course)
SKS Plague portrait.png
Plague Knight
SKS Specter portrait.png
Specter Knight
SKS King portrait.png
King Knight
SKS Shield portrait.png
Shield Knight
SKS Black portrait.png
Black Knight
SKS Propeller portrait.png
Propeller Knight
SKS Mole portrait.png
Mole Knight
SKS Treasure portrait.png
Treasure Knight
SKS Polar portrait.png
Polar Knight
SKS Tinker portrait.png
Tinker Knight
SKS Enchantress portrait.png
The Enchantress
SKS Baz portrait.png
SKS Reize portrait.png
SKS Hat portrait.png
Mr. Hat
SKS Phantom portrait.png
Phantom Striker
SKS Mona portrait.png
SKS DReize portrait.png
Dark Reize
SKS Goldarmor portrait.png
SKS Liquid portrait.png
Liquid Samurai



put taunts here


put colors here

Win Quotes

put win quotes here

Shovel Knight
Plague Knight
Specter Knight
King Knight
Shield Knight
Black Knight
Propeller Knight
Mole Knight
Treasure Knight
Polar Knight
Tinker Knight
The Enchantress
Mr. Hat
Phantom Striker
Dark Reize
Liquid Samurai
Celestial Plane
Morningstar Arena
Triad Hill
Grassy Clearing
Town Center
House of Joustus
Proving Grounds
Castle Tour
Hall of Springs
Royal Pond
Axolongl Cave
Armor Outpost
Potion Drains
Magma Basin
Goo Gorge
Treasure Vault
Waterlog Brig
Grinding Glaciers
Gear Factory
Piston Furnace
Shifting Balcony
Sky Deck
Fleet Tour
Stronghold Tour
Mirror Chamber
Percy's Targets