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This non-guide is a list of F-Kohaku notes I've compiled. It has some combo specific notes about proration and meter gain, okizeme setups, and other tricks. This is not formatted at all and not a real guide, but it might have useful information if you want to improve on your basic gameplay with this character.

Command Throw

Whiffing followup:

236C 5C jBC jBC throw = 2602 damage vs Vsion

OTG Arc drive = 2546


236C relaunches OTG state allowing for a combo in the corner. Arc drive works anywhere and breaks. I would say corner throw, whiff followup, 236C air combo is a round ender gambit if you don’t want to gamble with clean hit and have meter to spare.

j9A 2A in the corner:

Meaty crossup low

Can walk forward and j9c for same side safejump

sj9A 2A in the corner

Whiffing command throw followup in the corner creates space in the corner for you to jump into. By whiffing jA you can do a 50/50 with this. Whiffing jA while rising will put kohaku in the corner. Whiffing jA while falling will put kohaku outside the corner against 8 characters.

As a note this setup is fake because characters can throw it on wakeup.

Who is going to mashing throw on wakeup against this shit tho? Hello sir I’d like to buy one KNOWLEDGE CHECK

Falling jA un-cross works on:








Neco arc


This looks like a mess of an input but basically you do j9 to jump into the corner, stealing it, then double jump towards the corner to correct facing and then airdash BACKWARDS(so still towards the corner since you just turned around, so technically a 44 input) and do jC for a true crossup overhead. You can see this entire thing in slow motion here:

This is more of a knowledge/reaction check than a true 50/50 because there are no low options with similar timing but it’s visually tricky if you haven’t seen it before. You could also do j[C] as a feint into a low or a throw(normal throw back into the corner) if you want.

Midscreen followup whiff

Just do drift if you don’t have arc drive? Can’t even follow up from clean hit.


Poison plant good


Except 22a in neutral. Throw out 22a in neutral, what’s the worst that could happen?

2222C in neutral is also good.

Counter Notes


214C 236C 236C = 3.6k or whatever

Doesn’t work corner to corner. Second 236c whiffs. Use 300 meter to end a round because you’re an fkoha player

214C 236A AD = 4932

214C 236A IH 236A AD = 5576

Works just inside of midscreen. Good for preventing heat or removing heat if you counter activation(fuck cmoon players)


Counter works via a purple hitbox. 214A deploys a purple box over kohaku’s upper body. 214B is lower. Moves must overlap their red box with the purple box to trigger the counter. 214C covers her entire body.

Nanaya 5A is a mid but will counterhit 214B because it hits kohaku’s head.

Nanaya’s 2A is a mid but will counterhit 214A because it hits kohaku’s thigh.

C/H Kohaku 236[A] is an overhead that hits at ground level. It beats 214A since it’s too low, but it also beats 214B because it hits overhead.

Most of these things don’t matter, though.

More important things are projectiles such as Fciel 214A, which travels low to the ground. If you use 214A you will get counterhit, potentially into a full combo. If you use 214B, you will counterhit her(if you aren’t too far away). Opposite of this is Faoko 236A, which hits kohaku in the head. I’ll let you guess which counter to use for that one.

When 214C is activated, there is a fullscreen 0 damage hitbox that is active immediately. This causes the freeze effect. There is a second hitbox after kohaku’s counterattack animation that does the damage. Only the first hitbox is unblockable. If the opponent avoids the first hitbox(through knockdown state or backdash) the actual damaging attack is blockable.

If you knock down a cmoon character and they are low on hp and have 100 meter you should probably do 214c on their wakeup just saying.


2a 63214c yay you did a pressure

The numbers that matter:

2A is +2

5A is +3

5B is -1

4B is -1

2B is -several

5C is 0

5{C} is -1

2C is -several

2[C] is -less than 2c

4B in pressure:

Because 2B is a (not very good) anti-air, Fkoha has 4B to be her low stagger tool. HOWEVER there is a problem with 4B. Because 4B’s hitbox is so low it has a hard time catching jumps, and because the move is 2 hits combined, it’s very bad on whiff. 46 total frames. Which means characters can IAD forward and hit you with a crossup normal out of your pressure. Which sucks really hard.

Overall pressure:

I like to envision fmoon pressure as a tree structure. You have multiple branches with your various options. Every option starts from 2a(+2) or 5a(+3).

From the start point, you can redash into a reset or a throw, or you can stagger into 5b.

2A is active on frame 4. Throw is active on frame 3. Command throw is active on frame 4.

From 5B you are -1 but the threat of canceling into an instant or delayed 2B lets you redash again if you want anyway, which again leads into the same options of 2A/throw

From the 2B you are very minus which is where you can do either 4B or 5C to get frame advantage back. While staggered 4B is very risky it has far less pushback than 5C does. 5C being 0 is nice but the pushback makes the redash much less threatening despite you gaining an extra frame.

4B itself can be canceled into 5C if you want to attempt another stagger but you’re going to be very far at that point and have given up most of your pressure. You can do a delayed 236A as a final attempt to catch movement and return to neutral, return to neutral immediately, or attemt something risky like an IAD.

IAD jC as an alternative to ground dashing but is much more risky.

IABD jB is a decently fast overhead you can do after a blocked 2A. It can be difficult to convert on hit.

As noted at the top doing 2A into command grab will work as a tick throw and is the basis of threat for all stagger pressure.



Ok so Fkoha has no grounded overheads and her jA can’t hit crouching and no way to launch herself into the air for a quick overhead so what the fuck are you even gonna do to mix people up aside from iabd jb? Well you do meaty jC.

Here’s a breakdown of the options. This will get fucky later on so try to keep track of it all.

jC 2A = simple high/low

jC jIAD jC = double high, very slow because koha airdash sucks

jC j236A IH jC = double high, MUCH FASTER

jC j236A IH jB = same shit but works at different heights due to frames

jC j236A IH 2A = fakes into the low

jC j236A IH jC jIAD jC = hello friends I am hvakiha i can airdash multiple times

So there’s a few things to note here.

The height at which you can do jC j236A IH jC is the height at which jC won’t hit crouching. But it’s unlikely people will in reaction to early jC because it’s chargable and you could be doing j[C].

There’s also multiple timings of how early you IH j236A which will change the timings of both the jB/jC and the 2A options.

It should, in theory, be possible to have a high and a low on the same timing from the same blocked jC height, the number of variables involved make it difficult for me to do consistently, but those same variables would make it hard to effectively fuzzy block the options, but a fuzzy mash or shield may be possible.

2B Anti-Air

2B sucks because the hurtbox extends way far upwards before the hitbox does and also lingers afterwards

It has a clash frame on it

Sadly it’s a shitty clash that removes the hitbox and since you’re full moon you can’t just 5a them

The best options on clash are 5c or jump

5c if they land and block is 0 but generally not that good in pressure

If you get CH 2B, 5C will whiff and you can still get a combo. Or you can jump forward, falling jC land rejump jBC jBC.

If you get highest possible 2B hit, on non-ch the 5c will whiff and you will lose the combo, but if you jump you can convert.

If you hard call out the counterhit, you can delay cancel into 5[C] dash 5BC for high damage.

You can meme counter after if if you want lol


A note on airthrow ender:

Doing airthrow lower to the ground gives better advantage.

IAD combo that requires superjump isn’t always the best because of this.

Do air combo as instant jB delay jC double jump jB delay jC throw to get better frame advantage by letting kohaku fall in the air.

Some characters can be hit super late with jC allowing lower airthrows.

Using 4B in combos:

People talk shit about 4B proration. Here’s some numbers

A standard bnb, without using 2B because I hate using 2B

2a5b4b2c3c iad jb land jac jbc throw = 4117 damage

2a5b2c3c iad jb land jac jbc throw = 4205 damage

You gain a very, very small amount of damage by omitting 4B.

However, look at the meter gain.

The 4B combo gains 64.8% meter, while the combo without 4B gains 55.8% meter.

Personally, I feel that the 9% meter gain is worth more than the 90 damage.

(as a note, if you add 2B into these combos to be “optimal” the damage becomes 4380 vs 4385, while still getting 9 meter, making the omission of 4B even more meaningless)

However, when using a j236C before the throw, the 4B proration comes into much greater effect. Let’s look at the damage with j236C:

Combo with 4B: 4586

Combo without 4B: 4796

Rather than gaining 90 damage, you gain 200 damage. Rather important when maximizing the damage you get out of meter usage.

(adding in 2B to these combos changes the damage to 4814 vs 4934, making the difference much less noticeable.)

However, the important part of not using 4B comes up in corner combos.

The optimal corner combo requires landing 5C 236C on a standing opponent - for example 5b5c 236C.

Autopiloting into 4B 2C 236C actually makes any 236C corner combo do less damage than the meterless variant.

The metered corner combo is:

5b 5c 236c 5c jbc jbc throw = 5052 damage

As a note 5c 236c combos do less damage than iad j236c combos if started with 2a because proration. 5c 236c route is optimal from either 5B or jC starter. Also they do less damage if you use 2B.


jC 5B 2C 3C j7IAD jB land jAC jBC j236C = 5482

jC 5B 5C 236C 5C jBC jBC throw = 5745

5B 2B 2C 3C j7IAD jB land jAC jBC j236C throw = 5009

5B 5C 236C 5C jBC jBC throw = 5052

5B 2B 5C 236C 5C jBC jBC throw = 4670

Additionally 5C 236C lets you use an extra 100 meter to add j236C before the airthrow. Using 200 meter from a 2C combo is much harder as it requires double j236C which has strict height requirements.

5B 5C 236C 5C jBC jBC j236C throw = 5745

jC 5B 5C 236C 5C jBC jBC j236C throw = 6303

jC 5C 236C 5C jBC jBC j236C throw = 6400

As a note all combos were tested on vsion.

236B notes:

Technically 5{C} is the best pickup but requires specific height/spacing

5B5C also works but needs enough height

5c is the general best pickup on counterhit

2c3c scales way harder even with iad link

2C 236A works at long range/low height if you can’t get in range to 5c

generally 2c3c also fails at range, very small range where 2c3c works but 5c doesn’t

At point blank you can use 5{C}, partial charge adds good damage

you can also 236B IH 5[C] dash 5C jBC j236C djBC j236C throw for huge damage

Okizeme Notes:


This will beat heat if the character has a taller heat hitbox. The 2B will clash the heat and you can continue the string into 4B 2C 3C or 5C 3C to combo.

dumb okizeme setup

2c 236a 236a 236c 236a

If you hit max range 2c on someone in the corner, this will create corner space. Sj9 will place you in the corner for crossup 2a. WEAK MIXUP.

Delaying sj9 will let you meaty jc which hits backwards with crossup protection, pulling the opponent into the corner! If you jump cancel here some odd things can happen In the RIGHT HAND CORNER, inputting sj9 jC j966 will swap inputs and make you jump out of the corner, even airdashing towards center stage, if the opponent takes the hit or holds 4 to block. If they hold 6 to block the airdash won’t happen at all. Instead, input:

sj9 jC 9 44 (input as if you were backdashing out of the corner)

You will jump cancel and air backdash correctly into the corner. Which side you land on depends on if the opponent is holding 4 or 6, but you can still jC 2A or just empty 2A from the instant air backdash.

This video shows what happens if you try to airdash into the corner “properly” instead of reversing the input.

Game is dumb lol

Airthrow out of corner meme(Nero, Len, Aoko, Kouma, Ries* specific)

Kohaku airthrow causes face-up knockdown. Nero, Len, and Aoko have a 53 frame wakeup from face down. Kouma has a 56 frame wakeup. Ries has a 57 frame wakeup.

During a corner combo, ending in backwards airthrow negates kohaku’s usual backwards movement from airthrow, putting her close to her opponent. On these slower wakeup characters, she can do j9 falling jC as a meaty.

Against ries she will cross up and put ries back in the corner, for whatever reason.

Other characters wake up too fast to be hit meaty

Forbidden fkoha loop:

Did you know against wara and nero you can do 236a loops by doing 2C delay 3C delay 236A 2a 2c delay 3c delay 236a 2a 2c delay 3c delay 236a? I can’t fucking do that shit? Actual optimal corner combo lol. Each delay is a 1f link or some shit. Impress your friends! And me I guess, I’d be impressed if you did that shit. Here’s the link dipshit:

This video has some other stuff, most of it is on the wiki page.