Mobile Suit Gundam: Ex Revue/Z'gok

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Z'gok Portrait.png
Jumps One
Air Throw No

Character Info

Z'gok is a mass produced amphibious mobile suit used by the Principality of Zeon, used for bypassing the Earth Federation's defenses via an underwater passageway during the attack at Jaburo. Sadly, Z'gok and it's pilot "Soldier 2" don't quite live up to how they performed in the anime. With low combo potential thanks to jabs that don't combo into themselves and rather awkward tools, Z'gok struggles to get in and open up opponents who understand it's rather linear gameplan.


Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- mid - - - - - - - Yes

A short jab, nothing special here

Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- mid - - - - - - - Yes

A fairly decent anti-air, but a tad too stubby to be strong.

Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- low - - - - - - - No

A solid standing sweep. One of Z'gok's better buttons for sure.

Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- low - - - - - - - Yes

A short, fairly slow, low hitting jab. Just like 5A there's nothing special going on here.

Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- mid - - - - - - - Yes

At first glance this may seem like a great poke that can low profile stuff, but in reality it doesn't. It's an ok poke all things considered.

Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- mid - - - - - - - Yes

A good anti-air, but really slow.

Proximity Normals

Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- mid - - - - - - - Yes

Like 5b, but much slower.

Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- mid - - - - - - - Yes

At a glance this looks like an amazing anti-air hurt by it's status as a proximity normal, but it's secretly an awful anti-air hurt by it's status as a proximity normal.

Jumping Normals

Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- high - - - - - - - No

Great all-purpose jump-in. Good air-to-air, good air-to-ground, but other buttons are better for both purposes, so if you don't know what your opponent is doing you can't go wrong with j.A.

Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- high - - - - - - - No

Amazing air-to-air, awful for air-to-ground approaches. If you see your opponent holding up on their input display, feel free to swat them out of the air with this.

Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- high - - - - - - - No

Great jump-in button, really bad air-to-air. This move can crossup too!

Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- high - - - - - - - No

A downwards jab. Good for hitting people directly under you or for crossing up. If this move connects close enough to the ground it even becomes unblockable.


Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- mid - - - - - - - No

Doing it's best E. Honda impression, Z'gok lunges head first towards the opponent, knocking down if it connects. The lower the strength of the button, the less distance Z'gok covers.

Deception is commonplace in warfare.
Deception is commonplace in warfare.
Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- mid - - - - - - - No

One of Z'gok's best attacks. Ironically, this move hits mid. This is Z'gok's reversal, however only the A version is fully invincible. Just like [4]6x, Z'gok moves forward more depending on the strength of the button used.

Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- mid - - - - - - - No

Z'gok leaps backwards before lunging forward with a miniature version of [4]6x and fires some missiles out of it's head. The missiles will go fullscreen at different speeds depending on the strength of the button used for the attack, while Z'gok travels different distances based on the strength of the button. If Z'gok's main body connects, the opponent will be knocked down. This attack is pretty bad during fireball wars and is too slow to be combo'd into.

Mash X
Damage Guard Duration Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv UG Adv Special Cancel
- mid - - - - - - - No

Once again pretending to be E. Honda, Z'gok performs the hundred hand slap, but with drill hands. Unlike it's red counterpart, the button you press does nothing to change the angle of the drills.


  • j.C > 5C
Jump in sweep, doesn't get much simpler than that.
  • j.C > 2A > [4]6x
A very basic combo off of a jump in attack. Gives oki.


Z'gok colors