Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale/Controls

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7 8 9

4 5 6    W S SP

1 2 3

The 9-point numerical direction system refers to the directions in which your pad or stick can be moved, with 7 8 9 being up left, up, and up right, 4 5 6 being left, neutral, and right, and 1 2 3 being down left, down, and down right. Examples:

  • 5W - Standing Weak
  • 2S - Crouching Strong
  • 6SP - Forward Special

Universal Commands

  • Dashes
66 - Forward dash
44 - Backdash
66/44X (Any attack button) - Dash Attack
  • Throws
6/4S - Universal Throw (Back or Foward differs from character to character)
  • Airdash
j.66/44 - Lock-on Airdash (Some characters don't have an airdash)
Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale



InuyashaKagomeMirokuSangoShippoNarakuSesshomaruKaguraKogaTotosaiDemon InuyashaKikyo