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Revision as of 11:37, 1 October 2021 by CmndrInChief (talk | contribs) (added MBTL combo table)
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Template DocumentationEdit This Documentation


Create a table for combos, along with damage, cost, meter gain, and notes.

Blank Template

| data = 
 | combo        = 
 | cost         = 
 | metergain    = 
 | oppmetergain = 
 | damage       = 
 | video        =
 | notes        = 
 | combo        = 
 | cost         = 
 | metergain    = 
 | oppmetergain = 
 | damage       = 
 | video        =
 | notes        = 


  • width: Width of the table. (Default: 100%)
  • showData: Show other data columns listed below. (Default: yes)
    • showDamage: Show Damage column (Default: yes)
    • showCost: Show Cost column (Default: yes)
    • showMeter: Show Meter Gain column (Default: yes)
    • showLocation: Show Loction column (Default: yes)


  • combo: Combo to display in numpad notation.
  • damage: Damage this combo does.
  • cost: Meter and resource cost to perform this combo. Resources can include things like Noel's Keys.
  • metergain: Meter gained from this combo. It may be worth noting how much is gained before and after using any EX Edge or Arc Drive moves.
    • oppmetergain: Meter gained by the opponent from this combo. Again, acceptable to use an estimate.
  • notes: Notes about the combo, such as difficulty to execute portions, needing an air hit, sideswap, etc. Make sure to use bullet point formatting.


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Basic midscreen BnB
  • Does okay damage.
| data = 
 | combo        = 2AA > 2C > 5C > 623B > 5B > 3C > j.BBB
 | cost         = 0
 | metergain    = Some number
 | oppmetergain = Some number
 | damage       = 2784
 | notes        = *Basic midscreen BnB
*One of the first combos you should learn.

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