Dual Souls: The Last Bearer/Mechanics

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Block (Parry): Similar to Street Fighter Third Strike parries, parries are highly utilized in high level gameplay within Dual Souls, parries are initially great for giving you a second high chance advantage to punishing something that's usually unpunishable such as a jumping BS normal or a long ranged attack. While parry exists, parry has it's antidote alongside it, press SL+K to parry and SL+K after your attack is parried to counter parry your opponent. Counter parrying can be done multiple times back and forth by attacking and then doing SL+K- in the meantime there is a percentage gauge that takes in the percentage of damage that will be dealt to the unsuccessful anti-offender/defender.

Chaos Drive

Customization: Customize your characters with custom colors or select pre-made default alternative colors and choose between 2 Blue Power Moves.

Fatal Blow: After an parry has been performed you can strike the opponent with a BS attack and gain something called "Fatal Blow", fatal blow is a exclusive mechanic to Dual Souls having a huge strike effect similar to a Focus Attack in Street Fighter 4. Fatal Blow opens up new combos as a heavy damage conversion.

Force Break: Similar to Mortal Kombat X and Mortal Kombat 11's "Amplify" system, you can press K after a certain special move to gain an additional attack, new beneficial attack, or even extend combos with certain characters.

Guard: Just like Street Fighter and most 2D fighting games, you have to hold back to "Block" or "Guard" certain attacks like overheads and hold downback to crouch block/guard against low attacks, against crossups you have to switch directions to guard certain attacks that crosses up.

Last Chance

Path(s): Another similarity to Mortal Kombat X & 11 is a feature that references to the so called "variations" being named as "paths" in Dual Souls. Paths are alternative versions of a character with an entire new design and moveset (with some old moves but modified) every character on the roster will eventually get their *Path 2* slot on the roster.

Power Moves

Power Recovery

Purple Recovery



Throw Escape: Traditionally and universally every throw mechanic in an fighting game had a escape mechanic. To tech/escape a throw in Dual Souls you have to press the button that is used to throw somebody (PW).
