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Although this game does not use normal fighting game notation, there are a number of standardized terms still used to describe certain ideas and functions within the game. YH also has some game specific terminology.

General Fighting Game Terms Used in Yomi Hustle

Air-to-Air - A move used in order to hit an aerial opponent, while the defender is in the air. Often leads to an air combo.

Anti-Air - A move used in order to hit an aerial opponent, while the defender is on the ground (ground to air).

Bread and Butter - Also known as BnBs. A commonly used, simple, and effective combo.

Burst - An 'attack' that consumes your burst gauge in order to push the opponent away, dealing zero damage and resetting neutral.

Cancel - A game mechanic that lets the user bypass certain frames (like recovery frames) in order to start another action.

Chip Damage - Damage that occurs when you block, but not parry certain moves.

Combo - A sequence of attacks that chain into one another, provided you execute the combo correctly.

Command Grab - A move that grabs the opponent without being the game's default grab mechanic. (ex. Ninja Skull Splitter)

Counterhit - Abbreviated CH. The hit that hits an opponent out of an ongoing action. Gains more advantageous properties compared to a non-counterhit.

Crossup - Doing an attack on your opponent successfully by means of what side you're attacking from.

Dragon Punch - A move that has invincibility during startup and has rising motion. Often have very long recovery frames.

Footsies - TLDR: The act of throwing out options to control the space in front of you and eventually gain advantage to shift from neutral into a combo.

Guard - Using either low or high block to defend against attacks.

High Low Mix - A high OR low mixup, also referred to generally as a 50/50. Makes the opponent guess which way to block.

Invulnerability - A state where you cannot be hit. Also referred to as "having I-frames."

Keep-Away - See "Zoning". A type of zoning where you move away from your opponent while using ranged moves to slowly deal damage.

Knockdown - The state a character enters when they touch the ground after a move. Can either be hard or soft.

Low Profile - Going under an opponent's move, usually in order to deal damage with a move of your own.

Meaty - Hitting an opponent by covering their getup with a hitbox the moment they lose I-frames.

Meter - A generic term used to describe a resource gauge a game has.

Midscreen/Midstage Meterless - A combo that can be done anywhere on screen and does not require a game's special resource.

Mix-up - Also called a "Mix", or sometimes a "Schmix". The act of performing any action in a game that forces your opponent to choose between two options, with the incorrect choice leading to them getting hit.

Normal - An attack that does not consume meter and is typically a physical melee attack.

Okizeme - From Japanese "起き攻め." Attacking an opponent about to recover from a knockdown in order to hit them with a meaty or mix up.

Option Select (OS) - see here.

Off the Ground Abbreviated OTG. The act of hitting an opponent, re-standing them, and thereby taking them off the ground.

Read - To predict an opponent's option, and usually to then punish it.

Pressure - To use moves to reduce the opportunity for counterattacks and usually to keep yourself approaching your opponent

Redash - Dashing back in after your opponent uses a risky, or laggy move. Usually done to continue offense.

Rekka - Short for "Rekkaken" (Fei-Long's move in SF2), this term refers to a special move that only becomes available once you've hit a prerequisite move in that combo.

Reset - Ending a combo early on purpose in order to achieve more damage through various means (usually either an oki setup, mix-up, etc.)

RPS - From "Rock Paper Scissors." Both players being in a state where they must select some option that beats several of their opponent's options.

Super - An attack that burns some amount of meter.

Touch of Death Sometimes also called a TOD. A combo that takes a player from 100% health to zero.

Whiff - Using a move, only for it to not hit.

Zoning - Using ranged moves in order to deal damage while keeping your opponent as far away as possible.

Yomi Hustle Specific Terms