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Burst is the semi get-out-of-jail-free card for defense. Assuming you're able to hit the other person, bursting will knock them back and effectivly set both players to neutral. While it has no offensive capabilities on its own, it can knock the opponent into hazards or increase the frame advantage to 4 if the other person bounces against the wall. However, burst can be punished, so it's not always wise to burst immediatly. Using burst uses an entire bar of meter.

Wiff cancel

Wiff cancel is available when you're at a frame disadvantage but not getting comboed. It makes you actionable, takes up 3/4ths of your burst meter and limits you to only using abilities that have a hitbox (orb portal may be an exception). If you have no other options and the opponent is in a prime position to land a blow, it may be tempting to use it to escape the situation since it's cheaper than bursting out. This is often ill-advised, since most characters can't escape four or five frame attacks especially not if their momentum is hurtling them towards the opponent. However, there are sometimes options to consider.


Slide kick - The ultimate escape, slide kick typically provides a healthy amount of distance between the escapist and the aggressor. Also has very few lag frames which means you often won't even need a free cancel. However, it's momentum dependant and it simply doesn't provide the boost of speed needed to outrun a hit in many situations

Skullshaker - A potent option as the movement it provides completly overrides any prior momentum. Usually more reliable than slide kick, but the end lag means you'll always need a free cancel to use it without immediatly getting hit again.

Quick slash - Escapes several meaties cleanly. Can prevent others by quick slashing upwards and DIing down, using the land cancel to negate the hitstun.

Drop kick - Highly situational, but outright punishes anything it can high-profile or any grabs. Otherwise, you're better off using something else.


Backwards stinger - Provides a nice boost of momentum, not swift enough to escape more secure threats.

Back slash - Also provides a solid amount of momentum and often clashes with any aerial threats.


Confusing touch - Beats out any moves 5 frames or slower, which survives against the fastest robot and wizard have to offer on the ground while being less commital than grab.


Armor - Not a move, but robot's armor gives makes it threatening even when on the backfoot. Can still be baited, but allows the robot to remain legitamitly threatening. If you don't have armor, don't wiff cancel.


