Rainbowcore Hypernova/System

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< Rainbowcore Hypernova
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Characters can move left or right, crouch, and jump. You can control the height of your jump to an extent. Most characters have a double jump, allowing you to mix up your air options.

Dashing can be done with a dash macro, or tapping left/right twice. Some characters have one or more airdashes, giving them more air mobility.


All characters start with 100% HP, and it is not confirmed whether characters have varying amounts of health.

RCHN has no guts system, characters take the same amount of damage throughout the game regardless of how many health points they have. However, the character's knockback multiplier increases as their health goes down, making many combos unstable.


Attacks can be done with the A and B buttons. Attacks can be done while jumping, and can be cancelled into from airdashes. Some characters have attacks built into their dash as well.

All characters have 6A, 6B, j.2A, and j.2B command normals.

RCHN supports motion inputs. Most special attacks are input using such motions eg. 236A or 623A.

Every character has a super with a few frames of startup invincibility. This can be input using 632146B.


Combos are strings of attacks. RCHN is a game with high hitstun (similar to Smash 64), so combos are lenient and simple to perform. Some attacks can cancel into specials, making them ideal for combos.

There are no stable, reliable combos in RCHN, due to the presence of DI (Directional Influence). This makes reaction and improvisation key to most combos. Moves can get stale during a combo, making them do lesser damage as the combo gets longer.

Rainbow Dash

Inputted using A+B+dash. A Rainbow dash can be inputted after a successful attack on block or whiff. It is useful as a combo extender, crossup tool, and general pressure tool as it can be cancelled into other attacks or a walk, leaving the player with plus frames.


Holding back (4) defends against high and mid attacks. Holding down back (1) defends against low and mid attacks.

Instant Block (IB)

An Instant Block is a block done within a small window before a move hits your character. It has the effect of pushing the opponent away on hit, and builds a considerable amount of meter.

Rainbow Defense (RD)

Rainbow defense (known in guilty gear games as Faultless Defense) is a special option for defense that can be activated by holding 4+A+B. Rainbow defense pushes the opponent very far away on hit, and allows characters to block in the air. RD however drains meter at a constant rate when held.

Every character has a backdash, which provides a few frames of invulnerability.

Directional Influence (DI)

A universal mechanic for escaping combos. DI can be done by holding a specific direction right after the moment an attack hits your character, altering their momentum to go in that direction. Many moves have an ideal DI direction, and DI can be mixed up to escape combos early.

DI direction is not analog, and hence can be any angle from 0 to 360 degrees.

Rainbow DI

Can be performed with A+B+direction. A variant of DI that costs meter and doubles the angular momentum of an ordinary DI.


Meter is gained by attacking and defending. Every character has 7 bars of meter, and meter build speed is very high.

Landing a successful attack or Instant Blocking generates the most meter.

Hypernova Mode

A universal 'install' that takes 7 bars of meter. Has startup invincibility, and provides infinite meter for a limited amount of time.