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Client Settings

GGPO Client Settings

Input Lag
In the upper right corner of the GGPO client, click the "Options" button. Either 0 or 1 is recommended. If you need a higher input delay than that, I suggest not playing against that opponent.
  • Options > Smoothing (Frames: X) > 0 or 1

FightCade Client Settings

Locate ROMs Folder
  • Settings > Locate ROMs Folder
Input Lag
  • Settings > Smoothing / Input lag > 0 or 1
Client Theme
  • Settings > Theme > Whatever you want
  • Settings > Notify Player State Change > Check
  • Settings > Show Timestamp in Chat > Check

Final Burn Alpha Configurations

Input Map
You must set your controls for every game.
  • Game > Map game inputs...
FightCade seems to have some issues saving your inputs after you've set them, so you should save them manually by selecting the "Save input mapping now" option. GGPO does not have this issue.
  • Misc > Save input mapping now
Display & Video Settings
  • Video > Select blitter > Enhanced (Direct3D 7)
  • Video > Blitter options > Disable all effects
  • Video > Monitor properties > probably 16:9 or 16:10
  • Video > Auto Frameskip > Uncheck