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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Script-MBTL/doc

local p = {}

--custom script for the IS wiki, feel free to make a copy of it or take any part of the code for other wikis. ohoho I DID!!!!! 

--split multiple properties passed as a single param to a template call and return the converted property text

--local functions used by p.gameInput()

local function getColor(btn)

	--recognized buttons
	switch = {
		["A"] = "#E53995",
		["B"] = "#FF831E",
		["C"] = "#5BCD91",
		["D"] = "#44A9E3",
		["Shield"] = "#44A9E3",
		["X"] = "#E8E6E3",
	btn = btn:gsub('+','')
	return switch[btn]

local function colorFormat(button, text)
	if text == '' then return '' end
	local clr = getColor(button)
	if clr == nil then return text end
	local start = "<span style=\"color:"
	local mid = ";\">"
	local endstr = "</span>"
	local ctext = start .. clr .. mid .. text .. endstr
	return ctext

--actual method functions
function p.multiprop(frame)
	local str = frame.args[1]
	local sep = ","
	local t={}
	--split properties
	for str in string.gmatch(str, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
			table.insert(t, str)
	--get the string done
	for index, prop in ipairs(t) do
		if prop:sub(1,1) == "%s" then
			prop = prop:sub(2,-1)
		expanded = frame:expandTemplate{ title="Property-MBTL", args={prop,"IGNOREPROPERTYERROR"}}
		t[index] = expanded
	ret = table.concat(t,", ")
	return ret

--color code and format game inputs.
--supports entire combos as arguments.
function p.gameInput(frame)
	local str = frame.args[1]
	local inputs = {}
	--split the sequence into separate moves
	for link, command, separator, leftbracket, button, rightbracket, s1, suffix, s2 in string.gmatch(str, "([^%w]*)([t]?[k]?[Jj]?%.?[%d]*)([^%w%[%{ ]*)([%[%{]*)([%a%+]*)([%}%]]*)(%(?)(%w*)(%)?)") do
		-- link: Everything in between moves. All whitespace and move linking syntax ends up here.
		-- command: Directional numbers with an optional J for air moves.
		-- separator: Any symbols between the command and button.
		-- leftbracket: [ or { around the button
		-- button: The button. Can be a single letter or a full word.
		-- rightbracket: ] or } around the button
		-- suffix: Extra alphanumeric characters directly after the move. s1 and s2 match surrounding parenthesis.
		table.insert(inputs, link)
		buttons = {}
		--get elements separated by +
    	for b in string.gmatch(button, "([^+]+)") do
    	--for each element split the single letters (for followups)
    	for i,p in ipairs(buttons) do
			singlebuttons = {}
    		for b2 in string.gmatch(p, "([%u])") do
    			table.insert(singlebuttons, colorFormat(b2, b2))
			buttons[i] = table.concat(singlebuttons)
    	--combine everything into one string
    	button = table.concat(buttons, "+")
		if separator ~= '' then
			-- If the command and button input are separate, do not color the command input.
			table.insert(inputs, command .. separator)
			table.insert(inputs, colorFormat(buttons[1], leftbracket))
			table.insert(inputs, button)
			table.insert(inputs, colorFormat(buttons[1], rightbracket))
			table.insert(inputs, colorFormat(buttons[1], command .. leftbracket))
			table.insert(inputs, button)
			table.insert(inputs, colorFormat(buttons[1], rightbracket))
		if suffix ~= '' then
			-- If there is a suffix, color it the same as the button.
			table.insert(inputs, colorFormat(button, s1 .. suffix .. s2))
			table.insert(inputs, s1 .. suffix .. s2)
	local ret = "<span>" .. table.concat(inputs, "") .. "</span>"
	return ret

return p