Virtua Fighter 3tb/Jacky Bryant

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Country U.S.A
Birthday 1970.08.28
Blood Type A
Fighting Style Jeet Kune Do
Height 182cm
Weight 75kg
Occupation Indy Car Racer
Hobby Training


In 1990, Jacky was involved in a car crash. His sister, Sarah, was kidnapped while investigating the accident. When he recovered, Jacky went off to search for Sarah and discovered that she would be in the First World Fighting Tournament. Jacky entered it to get revenge against the Organization and to rescue Sarah, but he failed. More determined than ever, Jacky trained for one year to improve his skills and became a Jeet Kune Do instructor.

In the Second Tournament, Jacky finally managed to save Sarah. But unable to remmeber anything, Sarah decided to go an dlive in New York alone. One day, Sarah suddenly phoned him and asked to take part in the Third Tournament. In order to protect Sarah from the Organization and hopefully help her to regain her memory, Jacky decided to take part once more.


Very high striking damage, great strings, and great lows; he is a pressure monster. Though his basic's are generally more unsafe than others due to them usually leading to strings, he can still get big rewards off of them like his 6pk which is an elbow knockdown string that guarantees a down attack in most scenarios. he's an easy character to pick up and play. His movement is about average, though you can't play very safe with him due to not having many moves -4 or lower. His conventional PK(6_pk) is his most important move since it's the only noncommittal tool he really has in lower advantage situations. His throw damage is below average though he still has 4 throw directions. He's a pretty simple character, though at high level play you'll really have to limit your options and rely on hit-checking unless you want to take big risks.

Movelist + Frame Data

Akira Yuki
Aoi Umenokouji
Jacky Bryant
Jeffry McWild
Kage Maru
Lau Chan
Lion Rafale
Pai Chan
Sarah Bryant
Shun Di
Taka Arashi
Wolf Hawkfield