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kirbo page hi im here on the wiki

silly. mbtl vnoel and so i write for her page. subscribe to my you-tube.

ThatKirbo#7380 im in psa too btw

FAQ (im really popular i know)

can you edit something other than the vnoel combo page silly goofy guy

I did. It was the VNoel main page hahahaha

can i add you on steam

no because if you do youll see me hopping on sfv and thats kind of embarassing it makes me blush

youre cute can i go on a date with you

haha thanks for asking but i cant say yes because i am in the computer so ummm

wake up

erm... no...

are you real


ok fr plans for contributions

vnoel page

  • rewrite the combo page entirely for convenience sake (a starter, b starter instead of what it is now)<\del>
  • finish the getting started section
  • make and link videos for at least the basic combos
  • port key combos from my combo doc to the page
  • update move information
  • write gap table

satsuki page

  • satsucope

other stuff

  • not much tbh
  • im a vnoel player idk what you expect
  • go to sleep probably

im like hey whats up hello

idk why i still have this around when im committed to the tabber at this point. oh well.

MBTL da noel 236A.png 236X

MBTL da noel j236B.pngMBTL da noel j214B.png Double TK

MBTL da noel 623A.png 623X

MBTL da noel 22A.png 22X

MBTL da noel 214A.png 214X

MBTL da noel 3C.png Launchers

MBTL da noel 6C.png Corner

actively working on

Combo Theory Basics

Structure Overview

Your combos will typically be structured something along the lines of

  Starter > Launcher > Specials > Air Normals/Specials > Ground Normals > 236X~X > 214C
  • Starter: You can start with with anything, really
    • Will sometimes be the same move as your launcher/specials as you can hit your opponent with all her moves
  • Launcher: A move that picks your opponent up off the ground so you can continue the combo
    • Will sometimes be the same move as your specials as all her specials have launch properties
    • Usually something like 2C > 5[C] but can also be specials or even cinematic launchers like Shield A counter or 3C
  • Specials: A special move that you can jump cancel into aerial moves to continue the combo
    • 236X, 623A, and 22X are the main combo specials you will be using on the ground
    • Completely grounded combos exist, but their damage is middling
    • Moves like 236X~X also need to be linked into a normal/22A afterwards to continue the combo
  • Air Normals/Specials: An aerial move or a sequence of aerial moves that will put your opponent at a good height to finish your combo
    • At midscreen it will usually be the ground bounce from j.[C] or tk.214X
    • In the corner it can also be the wall bounce from j.236B
  • Ground Normals: Land and use normals to keep your opponent in the air and finish your combo
    • The optimal string of normals depends entirely on what normals were used in the combo prior
    • Rapid Beat 1 is present in most enders for one reason of another (advancing, damage, consistency)
  • 236X~X > 214C: Your oki setup. Very powerful stuff!

Common Combo Pieces

Combos don't come out of nowhere with no real rhythm to them. If you scroll through the combos in this page, you'll notice several recurring patterns and sequences within the various combos. This is no mistake, nor is it lazy, it's just the nature of optimization. While you can create truly wild combos using Dead Apostle Noel's various tools and the system mechanics, when it comes to being efficient, tried and true patterns will end up emerging and becoming commonplace among any character's combos. This is especially noticeable with Dead Apostle Noel, even to someone who doesn't play the character, due to her gameplan revolving around with a very specific setup thus requiring specific enders and routing to accommodate.

This section is a brief overview of basic Combo Pieces, ordered from highest proration to lowest, for those who want a plug-and-play understanding of Dead Apostle Noel's combos. If you want a better understanding of how and/or why they may work, refer to the Combo Tools section.

Combo Location

Basic grounded combo piece. Very simple, very versatile.

  • Compatible with all starters.
  • You can construct a very basic combo with two passes of 236X~X and ending with 214C
  • On grounded lower proration starters, this piece can act as a basic grounded extension and works with other pieces.


  • 5A is 5 frames and can combo decently on the ground depending on the starter. Linking into air pieces works better with 5B or 22A
  • 5B is 8 frames and mainly works better than 5A for linking into air pieces.
  • 22A is 9 frames, 1 frame slower than 5B. Works on lower proration starters for combo extensions.

Double TK, the lifeblood of Dead Apostle Noel's combos.

  • Compatible with all starters, as well as being flexible enough that you can use it with other pieces.
  • High value in terms of damage, meter gain, and consistency as far as Dead Apostle Noel goes.
  • tk.236B~X > tk.214B will generally get you by for most basic combos, but this will be subject to change once you delve into more complex combos with higher scaling.
  • Specifics regarding the different variations are found in the Double TK section of the Combo Tools section.

DP combo piece.

  • Compatible with B and C normal starters and all specials.
  • After j.[C], you can link into a normal upon landing, or you can do an air move (usually j.214X).


  • 623A is generally what you'll use. It's not like there's much else to choose from.
  • 3B+C is 3-4 frames faster, but that usually doesn't matter. Builds more meter but has a smaller hitbox.

1.4.0 swag piece. A beautiful blend of actual match practicality and pure freaking epicness.

  • Compatible with B and C normal starters, 236X, and 214X/4B+C
  • j.236B~X should be delayed to be pretty close to the ground, you won't land in time to do 214A if you're too high.
  • Only "optimal" with a handful of starters, but off niche stray hits the 22A hitstun can be a godsend.
  • 22B and 22[B] can work, but either it's they're slow or SMP gets in the way of being optimal.


  • 22A is 9 frames. If not for below criteria, you'll be using this version of the move for the extension.
  • 22[A] only really works if your opponent is decently high off the ground. Usually seen after 2C > 5C.

214A > 2C link.

  • In optimals, meter positive. Combos outside positivity are close.
  • Only a very few specific starters put you at the height and hitstun needed to use this piece.

In The Corner

As far as oki goes, Dead Apostle Noel doesn't gain all that much when she has the opponent in the corner. In fact, she stands to lose out on potential mixups if the opponent is put into knockdown with their back against the corner. However, this doesn't mean that the corner, as a whole, is useless to her. As to be expected, the corner is a realm where her combo routes have the potential to change quite a bit. Different routes can mean higher damage, better meter gain, and arguably easier execution, though that is entirely dependent on the player. Your midscreen routes and BNBs will work when you start right in the corner, but if you push the opponent to the corner from midscreen, it's important to know what changes you may need to make to keep your combo afloat.

Stealing The Corner

To steal the corner means to combo your cornered opponent in a manner that results in you being in the corner at the end of it. Stealing the corner in any given combo is very important for Dead Apostle Noel as she stands to lose out on the full range of 214C oki options if the opponent remains in the corner, most notably the signature cross-up break. Dead Apostle Noel is actually somewhat unique in that she has a move that allows her to easily steal the corner at pretty much any point in her combo without any super special routing: 5[C]. It goes without saying much else that the vacuum properties of 5[C], a move already prevalent in Dead Apostle Noel's combos, allow easy corner steal when used in conjuction with the cross-up of (j.)236X~X.

When you steal the corner is ultimately up to you and your own needs. There are reasons to steal the corner in the starter and in the ender. Even with a late corner steal into 214C oki setup, you still end up losing the option to run out to call out certain options, such as Saber's Avalon or reaction punishing shield. So while the damage and meter gain may be preferable, there still is legitimate reason to steal the corner early on beyond being just unfamiliar with corner routing.

Note that neither of these combos are optimal, just basic example combos with similar routing for as close of a comparison as possible.

Combo Damage Meter Gain

Early corner steal.
2C > 5[C] > tk.236B~X is all executed immediately to allow for the crossup.
Uses 5B > 6C, which is a unique ender string when your back is to the corner.

Late corner steal.
tk.236B~X is delayed to allow for the opponent to fly back and not cross up once the tk.236B~X follow-up hits.
Uses 2C > 5[C] which, while it invokes SMP, allows for the corner to be stolen.

Using The Wall

Let's say you chose to stick to the wall rather than steal the corner early on-- Welcome to Cornerroutingville, population: you.

One of the big components of Melty Blood: Type Lumina's combo systems is how it interacts with the wall. Corner combos in this game have a higher potential for damage output and meter gain due to the function of one mechanic: wallsplat. Moves that wallsplat your opponent can apply the effect up to 3 times before the combo automatically drops and will do more damage if they do. This is why even simpler corner combos have damage that decently compares to midscreen routes, while the more complex corner routes absolutely dominating in terms of damage and meter build.

Combo Damage Meter Gain

Basic midscreen 2B combo. Impossible in the corner.

Basic corner 2B combo. Impossible midscreen.
Uses tk.236B, its function explained below.

Dead Apostle Noel has 3 moves that take advantage of the wallsplat function: 6[C], 236B, and 6B+C.

6B+C and 6[C] are two moves in Dead Apostle Noel's kit that uniquely benefit from the corner due to the fact that they fling too far midscreen without a means to meterlessly pick up off them. While due to its nature as a slow recovery Moon Skill, 6B+C doesn't have as much practicality outside of Moon Drive combos, 6[C] is a move you'll see frequently employed in corner combos due to its relative speed, ability to be special cancelled as a command normal, good damage output, and non-egregious impact on hitstun scaling. It can work in tandem with 5[C] for stable, higher-damage combos, but will be favored in the most optimal corner combos.

236B, on the other hand, is already a vital component of her combos with the follow-up, but it gains extra value in the corner due its wallsplat property. After a launcher, you are able to use (j.)236B freely without the follow-up and recover fast enough to pick up with a corner steal ender, and for some combos it's basically all you can do as wallsplat's slight increase in hitstun scaling makes certain midscreen Double TK routes impossible if you don't steal the corner early on.

Put it all together, and you get a combo like this:

Combo Damage Meter Gain

Corner 2B combo with every element mentioned.
Uses 2 wallsplats (6[C] and j.236B), the maximum amount possible before the combo automatically drops.
Older combo. Does not take advantage of any changes made in Version 1.4.0 and beyond.

Cinematic Launchers


At the end of the day, Dead Apostle Noel is a character that heavily revolves around a specific setup, so her standard 1 bar enders are all going to be a slightly different means to a similar end. The primary purpose of the ender is to keep your opponent suspended in the air, in hitstun, and close to you so you can use 236X~X to cross up and set up your 214C oki. Your optimal ender will depend on a lot of factors, but primarily the normals you used in the combo prior due to Same Move Proration. In many of the combos on this page, the enders are mostly interchangeable at the cost of damage, though some may be incompatible with your route due to primarily range. Having Rapid Beat on in any capacity is highly recommended for Dead Apostle Noel, as her unique Rapid Beat normal is crucial in many enders due to its advancing properties and stability.

236X~X needs the followup to be delayed so that the opponent gets caught under the closest 214C bell to Dead Apostle Noel, the timing is usually ~17 frames. If done correctly, you should be able to under to run under the opponent as they bounce from the 214C, where you would then detonate with 22B from around the center bell and run your mixups. Doing it too slow won’t cross over the opponent and will get 236C from the 214C input. Doing it too fast will have the opponent closer to the center bell and you will be unable to run under, severely nerfing your oki’s potential.

The following is a table of a few, not all, common 214C ender strings:

Combo Location
  • The most common and consistent ender.
  • Seen in 2B BnBs to avoid same move proration.
  • Used to end combos that did not already use 2C > 5[C].
  • 2C's far reach makes this ender a potential option to salvage combos if you landed too far from the opponent to pick up with the optimal ender.
  • Steals the corner to allow for proper 214C oki.
  • Extra damage If you performed an early corner steal.

Alternate Enders

Let's say you have extra bar... or you don't. If you want to do more damage to ensure a kill that 214C by itself may not allow, there are a few alternatives depending on how much meter you have available. Know that if it doesn’t kill, you will forfeit your oki and be in a lesser (but still plus) position than if you were to do the normal 214C ender. Additionally, zero bar alternatives exist when you can't run your oki.

Combo Cost
  • Forfeits about 400 damage on average...
    • ...but you're only gonna use this if you have no choice anyways.
  • Keeping your air movement can let you airdash or superjump for potential post-airthrow mix.
  • Does ~200 more damage than 214C as an ender.
  • Your kill ender with 2 Magic Circuit.
  • 236X~X brings both you and the opponent into the middle of the bells so that your 22C can do the max amount of damage.
    • In addition, it can also help build the second Magic Circuit needed for 22C.
  • If you do not do 236X~X, the damage increase is comparable to just doing 623C.
  • Arc Drive ender. Unsurprisingly, it does a lot of damage.
  • Average damage increase over 214C of about 1000.
  • Alternative Arc Drive ender using 6B+C over 236X~X
  • 6B+C can potentially build the tiny bit of extra meter needed to Arc Drive in exchange for the 3 Moon Icons.
    • To be precise, 6B+C can build up to 10% more Magic Circuit in the ender at the cost of, like, 40 damage.
  • Awakening meterburn. For when you want the opponent dead dead.
  • Average damage increase over 214C of about 1500.
  • Alternative 4 bar ender taken from Moon Drive combos that works with non-MD combos.
    • Provides a damage increase of about 30 damage on average.
  • 236B+C should come out as soon as you land from j.236C
  • 3B+C can potentially build the tiny bit of extra meter needed to Arc Drive afterwards.
    • The added cost of 3 Moon Icons should be irrelevant as you will probably only use this to kill.
    • If you do not want to use 3B+C, you can substitute with 623A for no damage change.

Combo Tools (WIP)


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Your best friend even in the most basic of combos. From being the only special in a combo, a starter, in your ender, to an extender, 236X(~X) is a solid combo tool all around due to its versatility.

236X has two parts to the move: the initial projectile and its follow-up.


  • Simple, reliable, fed my family. This is the one.
  • Its completely straight path makes it incredibly easy to work with in combos.
  • Wallbounces, giving the projectile without a follow-up a solid application if you use it near/in the corner.


  • Scales damage slightly worse than 236B as well as being less damage overall. Used primarily in enders to avoid SMP.
  • Does also have use in very specific combos where (j.)236B drops.
  • Its angle can be a bit awkward to time the follow-up.

236X~X is a dash forward with a hitbox and can cross-up. Outside of the corner, you will near always want to use the follow-up since it is the only way you can consistently and meterlessly extend combos off projectile midscreen. The version of the projectile you used does not change or affect the follow-up directly, but the angle of the 236A can make the follow-up whiff at certain heights and timings.

  • Extensions with grounded 236X~X will have you link into a normal such as 5B or 5A in order to maintain the combo.
    • As of 1.4.0, you can also extend with 22A for extra damage.
  • Aerial 236X~X can be jump cancelled. TKing this motion is one half of Dead Apostle Noel's most important combo element: Double TK

236X~4X is almost never used in combos and never used in optimal combos. Its weird angle and the fact it sends you high up into the air makes it impractical to use. The move shares an animation with j.214X, a move with far more practical combo applications.

Double TK

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

The lifeblood of many of Dead Apostle Noel's combos, Double TK: tk.236XX > tk.214X.

This is the most bang-for-your-buck combo element that she has. An incredibly reliable sequence in terms of consistency, damage, and meter build, all while still positioning you and your opponent in the right range to set up her okizeme once you land. While certain optimals and situational combos will deviate from the piece just a bit, this is an essential element to learn because most basic combos from any starter will have it present, and even advanced combos will have this piece intertwined with more complex combo elements.

Midscreen, your intention with Double TK always is to box your opponent in by crossing up with the follow-up of tk.236X~X. This allows you to jump cancel the follow up into tk.214X once it hits which ground bounces your opponent. You can still apply Double TK in the corner. Using 5[C] to vacuum your opponent out of the corner will allow you to swiftly execute the follow-up of tk.236X~X to steal the corner early on in your combo, while delaying the follow-up will keep your opponent against the wall and tk.214X will hit regardless.

tk.236B~X > tk.214B:

  • The most basic variaton of Double TK, present in the simplest BNB.
  • When applicable, has the best damage (+scaling) and angle for ender.
  • The lower angle of tk.214B lets you land and pick up with an ender such as 2C > 5[C] > 2B > RB1.
  • Using just this will let you freestyle off most starters.

tk.236B~X > tk.214A:

  • The safe variation for the more scaled, but still generally stable combos.
  • The exact science is that tk.214A comes out 2 frames faster than tk.214B (16 vs 18).
  • Will still work with Double B Double TKs, but loses out on certain enders due to the steeper angle of tk.214A

tk.236A~X > tk.214A:

  • On this page, present in exactly one (1) combo. For the highest of scaled combos.
  • Utilizes the slightly reduced hitstun scaling (and damage) from tk.236A and the faster startup of tk.214A.
  • Pretty much only used when necessary, using tk.236A over tk.236B when the choice is present is leaving free damage on the table.

tk.236A~X > tk.214B:

  • Sandbox Double TK, not really practical or necessary.
  • Only on the page as a "just in case you ask."
  • If you can use tk.214B, you can probably use tk.236B as well.


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

623A is jump cancellable, allowing for effective use in high-damage combos. In addition to being a fantastic starter in terms of proration, in optimal combos where it is applied, 623A is often used in tandem with Double TK to effectively rack up damage and meter build. Though the routes where 623A is the #1 best option for a combo extension are niche, still knowing how and when to combo with this move will reward you handsomely.

  • Usually followed up into IAD > j.[C], where you can either land and link with a normal like 5B or do something like tk.214B, however, with proper delay timings and the right routes you can use a button like j.B instead of j.[C].
  • You can superjump or normal jump cancel rather than IAD, but in most cases your options afterwards are going to be limited.
  • When used in combination with 5[C], the full vacuum effect can allow for 623A to fully connect from very far ranges.
    • Not getting all 4 hits of 623A will usually result in losing enough value that it becomes redundant over a different combo extension.
  • In the corner, it can generally have more value over simply using Double TK with the right routing.


  • The alternative DP if you want to burn 3 Moon Icons and extra meter. Particularly present in Moon Drive combos.
    • Most combos on the page that use 623A can hit or well exceed meter positive status if substituted with 3B+C
  • The 3B+C hitbox is a fair bit shorter, so max range 623A pickups can drop.
  • Damage and effect on scaling is the exact same as 623A, otherwise.


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

22X was given jump cancel properties in the 1.4.0 patch of the game. With this change, it is now a very versatile and powerful addition to her toolkit as using the routing made available with the change has been massive in squeezing out extra damage and meter build while also just making her combos look way cooler. If you want to optimize and become more freeform with Dead Apostle Noel combos, learning how to use 22X is a big step. Aside from the optimals that use it, you can use it to convert from stray hits that would otherwise require either resources or superhuman situational awareness. With a good balance between practical value and pure swag, it’s hard to go wrong with 22X routes.

  • Two of the most common midscreen strings off 22X are a simple Double TK and j.[C] > (dl) j.236B~X > tk.214X.
    • Both are very stable strings with proper timings, but the latter is higher damage at the cost of being far less widely applicable than Double TK.


  • Almost always used in combos due to its faster startup (9 frames).
  • This fast startup allows for it to be used as a substitute for 5B in 236X~X links among other things (5B is 8 frames).
  • The charged version, 22[A], can usually be seen after 2C > 5[C] for extra damage and meter gain from the extra hits due to the charged state.
    • Works because 2C > 5[C] keeps the opponent suspended in hitstun and at a tall enough height for 22[A] to not drop.
    • Charging 22[A] can be convenient for height placement reasons, as normal 22A can be too high up for something like Double TK


  • Sees limited use due to its incredibly slow startup (15 frames).
  • Additionally, 22B is already used for okizeme, so using it in routes off successful oki will invoke SMP very early on.
  • The charged version, 22[B], can be used at very specific heights in very specific starters for the highest possible damage, but timings are tight.
  • Does have a very unique place in 623A starter due to having a noticeably faster recovery than 22A (18 frames vs 29 frames).


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

While incredibly rare, you are able to use 214X in combos. The scaling from all the extra moves can result in combos using 214X routing being less damaging, but it is not damage that these routes seek. The main draw of using 214X in combos is meter gain. The more developed 214X routes will result in you being meter positive due to all the multi-hitting special moves present in the routes, less developed routes will still have decent meter build. At the moment, 214X routes are heavily unexplored.


  • The main one.
  • The fast recovery of 214A makes linking into 2C for a non-MD route relatively lenient


  • The Bigfoot combo tool. Routes with 214B are incredibly rare and don't exist within practical means
  • Its distance from Noel and startup time make comboing into it difficult, but not impossible
    • You can partially charge 6C to make both bells multihit the flying opponent, giving you enough time to detonate with 22A
  • Not recommended to try in a real match

Air Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Universal routing off IAD.

j.A counter hit route. Nothing super fancy.

j.B counter hit route.

  • The only CH IAD combo able to use 22[A] > j.[C] without sacrificing damage.

j.C counter hit route.

  • Uses 22A > tk.236B to avoid SMP.

IAD counter hit double overhead combo. Wow!

hi gangy
Lua error: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Platform\SQLPlatform::makeList: empty input for field main_table.
Lua error: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Platform\SQLPlatform::makeList: empty input for field main_table.
Uncharged hitbox
Lua error: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Platform\SQLPlatform::makeList: empty input for field main_table.
Charged hitbox(es)
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
610 LH N, RB, SP, MS, EX, (J) - - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 4 22 36 -9 -

Dead Apostle Noel thrusts her bell forward. Primarily a blockstring tool.

  • Advances slightly, but on block pushes you back farther than you advanced.
  • Pushes the opponent back on midscreen hit, but in the corner, due to the conversation of energy, you get pushed back on hit. Perplexing...
  • Hitbox is incredibly low to the ground, so low it gets beaten by IADs.
  • Its high recovery makes you incredibly vulnerable on whiff.
  • Can be partially charged to frametrap and to call out jumps (this part is important).
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
610, 480 (1032) LH N, RB, SP, MS, EX, (J) V (Second Hit) - Strike
First Active Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
22 2 (10) 4 17 54 -4 Clash 16-21

Charged version of Standing 5C, gains clash frames as charged normals do. Valuable combo and pressure tool.

  • Has a
  • Fatals Low Shields, but can be High Shielded or just blocked.
  • Deceptively large horizontal range, can hit from incredibly far.
  • Being only -4 on block, you can potentially layer
  • Can be jumped out of pressure entirely, so predictable use can end up getting either punished or escaped for free.

personal md kill combo compendium

basically redundant md combos that i want to keep formatted outside my doc

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

2A Kill Combo.

  • Builds enough bar for Arc Drive with 2.5 bar starting.
  • Requires 100% Moon Gauge before confirming into Moon Drive to fully execute the combo.
    • With anything below 100% Moon Gauge, you can omit 5B > RB1 and go directly into 3B+C once you land.
    • Below 100% Moon Gauge, you will need an extra ~10% initial meter to build enough for Arc Drive

2B Kill Combo.

  • Functionally and structurally similar to the 2A kill combo, just lower proration starter.
  • Builds enough bar for Arc Drive with 2.5 bar starting.
  • Requires 100% Moon Gauge before confirming into Moon Drive to fully execute the combo.
    • With anything below 100% Moon Gauge, you can omit RB1 and do into 5B > 3B+C.

5[C] Kill Combo.

  • Starter is very much different, but the rest of the structure is similar to the rest of the basic Moon Drive kill combos.
  • Builds enough bar for Arc Drive with 2.5 bar starting.
  • Requires 100% Moon Gauge before confirming into Moon Drive to fully execute the combo.
    • With anything below 100% Moon Gauge, you can omit 5B > RB1 and go directly into 3B+C once you land.
    • Below 100% Moon Gauge, you will need an extra ~5% initial meter to build enough for Arc Drive
  • 236B can be used in the starter for ~90 more damage, however, it will whiff on crouching opponents.

22B Okizeme Kill Combo.

  • Builds enough bar for Arc Drive with 2.5 bar starting.
  • Requires the minimum 50% Moon Gauge before Moon Drive to fully execute the combo.
    • At 100% Moon Gauge, change the ender to 2B > RB1 > 3B+C > j.236C , 236B+C for 16 more damage and 3% more meter.

Anti-air 2B+C Kill Combo.

  • Builds enough bar for Arc Drive with 2.4 bar starting.
  • Requires at least 80% Moon Gauge to fully execute the combo due to having a Moon Skill starter.
  • For a mighty 4 damage increase but 5% meter loss, change the ender to 5B > RB1 > 623A > j.236C , 236B+C
  • For an even mightier 28 damage increase, swap the 2C and 5[C].
    • This only works at close to maximum height and with the proper link timing.