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YOMI Hustle uses a lot of general fighting game terminology, but also has a number of unique mechanics and community terms you may hear commonly.

YOMI Hustle Specific Terms


Short for "Bunker Leap", this term originally referred to a specific wizard technique which allowed wizard to use grounded attacks while airborne. It is now used as an umbrella term to refer to any technique which allows you to use grounded attacks while airborne.

Generally, bleaps happen when a move which gives upward momentum is cancelled by using a Free Cancel right as the character leaves the ground.

Burst Cancel

An attack which lets you spend your burst meter to continue a combo. On hit, sets the proration of the combo to 0, and refreshes the user's air options.


A mechanic intended to prevent stalling play by punishing players for running away for too long.

Depression builds up gradually over time, and builds up faster when moving backwards. It is only reduced by moving forwards, and hitting/being hit by melee attacks. Depression starts at 0, but can go to a negative value, often going to its minimum value after a combo. The specific amount of depression a player has is not displayed.

When a player has positive depression, all of their super meter gain will be slightly reduced. Once depression reaches 66%, a warning will pop up that says SAD!. If the player reaches 100% depression, an additional warning will pop up that says SADNESS!, at which point they will receive several debuffs:

  • Instantly lose all meter
  • Unable to gain meter
  • Unable to use defensive options
  • Air options are not regained when taking a hit
  • Take 1.5x damage from all attacks
  • Take a small amount of damage over time

These effects last for 120 frames.

Free Cancel

Often shortened to "FC".

A mechanic that allows you to act out of an attack as soon as your opponent becomes actionable. This makes attacks safe against evasive movement, but you can still get hit by an attack that beats yours.

When acting out of free cancel, you can choose to cancel into any other move, or you can HOLD to continue your attack, which makes it good at setting up 50/50 scenarios. However, Free Cancelling a move also allows it to be parried at any time, even on reaction.

Free Cancels are generally only available on melee attacks (although they are sometimes enabled/disabled on specific attacks for balance reasons), and can be activated by toggling the "Free" option when selecting an attack.

Players start with 2 Free Cancels each, which are refreshed any time either player gets hit by a melee attack.


A mechanic which gives additional benefits to some attacks when your opponent is not already committed to an action. The most common benefit of Initiative is giving invulnerability to moves like Ninja's uppercut when used to predict an attack, although some moves have reduced startup when used with Initiative.

To see what specific moves have Initiative benefits, check your character's frame data page.

Whiff Cancel

Often shortened to "WC".

A mechanic which allows you to cancel out of a committed action when your opponent is actionable and you are not. Whiff cancelling a move only allows you to use melee attacks, no movement options or defensive options. Whiff Cancelling a move costs 75% of your burst meter, so you should avoid using it whenever possible.

General Fighting Game Terms Used in Yomi Hustle

Many of these definitions are borrowed or modified from glossary.infil.net, which is a massive glossary of common fighting game terms.

Bread and Butter

A common, practical combo that you will use often in matches. It's almost always shortened to "BnB".


A defensive "attack" which can be used while in hitstun. It does 0 damage and resets both players to neutral on hit.

Chip Damage

Damage that occurs when you block, but not parry attacks. Only deals a portion of the damage that would normally be dealt.

Command Grab

A special move that acts as a throw. The most obvious example being Robot's COMMAND: GRAB.


An attack which hits an attacking opponent. Adds more hitstun to the attack, making it easier to combo.

Directional Influence

Commonly abbreviated to "DI".

A mechanic which allows you to influence your knockback velocity when hit. Unlike games like Super Smash Brothers, DI in YOMI Hustle can be applied in any direction, allowing you to change not only the direction but also the amount of knockback you take from attacks. Note that DI must be applied before being hit by an attack, changing your DI after you've been hit does nothing.

Dragon Punch

Commonly abbreviated to "DP".

A powerful rising uppercut attack that is great as an anti-air and is usually invincible, making it great for reversal attacks. Ninja's Uppercut is a textbook example of a Dragon Punch.


A complicated, often nebulous term that refers to the battle for controlling the space in front of you, often by using good pokes. In essence, you are trying to get to a range you like, while trying to deny your opponent getting to a range that they like.

Frame Advantage

Describes who becomes active first when a move hits or whiffs. If you have positive frame advantage, you act first, if you have negative frame advantage, you act second. This value also tells you how soon you get to act. For example, if you are "+24", that means you get to act 24 frames before your opponent.


A term commonly used in Super Smash Bros. to indicate when an attack's recovery can be interrupted with another action before it's complete. Stands for "interruptible as soon as". It's also commonly called FAF, which stands for "first actionable frame".

Essentially, this is the total duration of a move.


The state a character enters when they touch the ground after a move. In Soft Knockdown, characters have getup options, while in Hard Knockdown, the character is forced to lie down for the full duration of the knockdown.

Low Profile

A move that shifts your hurtbox very low to the ground... so low, in fact, that you can use it to dodge many moves that try to target the middle of a character's body.


Generally refers to an attack that hits an opponent on the very first frame possible after they rise from a knockdown. This forces the opponent to block, unless they have an attack which is always invulnerable (such as Robot's Kill Process). When used with a Free Cancel, can make the opponent guess on a 50/50.

This can also refer to an attack that makes contact with the opponent not on its first active frame like normal, but on a later active frame instead. This will generate the same hitstun, but you'll recover sooner and have more frame advantage, if the move is not hit cancellable.


Often shortened to "Oki"

From Japanese "起き攻め." Attacking an opponent about to recover from a knockdown in order to hit them with a meaty or mix up.


Short for "Off the Ground", refers to hitting an opponent while they are knocked down. Only a few moves in the game can hit OTG.


A property of certain attacks which causes combos to do more or less damage when that attack is used to start a combo. For more detailed information on Proration in YOMI Hustle, see Proration.


A situation where there is a "cycle" of options which beat each other, similar to Rock Paper Scissors.

A common example of this is Attack/Jump/Grab up close. Attacking beats Jump, Jump beats Grab, and Grab beats Attack. This situation is generally a neutral RPS, since both players picking the same option will result in a neutral outcome (unless one player uses a faster attack).

In some cases, characters can set up "weighted RPS". In these situations, one or more of the attacker's options will beat 2 of the defender's options. This makes the odds of guessing favorably much higher for the attacker, so players will often try to set these situations up.


A mixup that has two possible primary options for the attacker, with each option requiring a different defensive action.


A state where a character can absorb a hit without entering hit stun, which lets them continue to attack or move. Notable on Wizard and Robot.


Bringing your opponent from an airborne state down to a grounded state, usually during a combo. This usually causes the opponent to be actionable sooner.

