Lethal League/Latch

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This is Latch, he is a high close ranged mobility, high ball control character who specializes in fast hard to react to direct attacks but has no single strong move to fall back on. He is arguably the worst character in the game with the...

  • Largest hurtbox
  • Lowest top speed
  • Arguably the worst special
  • Unthreatening angles on most stages

He makes up for it with...

  • Highest acceleration
  • Smallest crouch hurtbox
  • Good control angles
  • Fun :)

Frame Data


Latch's swing hitbox is 130x136px with 27 active frames and 11 recovery frames


It's worth noting that some of Latch's half crouch hurtbox is in the ground so actual hurtbox is smaller than advertised


Latch's Bunt hitbox is 130x160px with a bunt duration has 17 active frames and 11 recovery frames for a total of 25 frames. This is the same as every other character, however latch is the widest character so it leaves him slightly more vulnerable with more hurtbox sticking out the back.

Strategy and Tactics

Latch has the highest acceleration in the game and over short distance will always win a race to the ball given an equal start position.