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Shows a notation icon for Idol Showdown. Will default to 25px for buttons and 30px for motions horizontally unless size is specified.

Argument Table

Argument Result
{{NotationIcon-IS|l}} IS L.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|M}} IS M.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|H}} IS H.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|T}} IS T.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|S}} IS S.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|O}} IS O.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|4}} IS 4.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|5}} IS 5.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|6}} IS 6.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|8}} IS 8.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|2}} IS 2.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|3}} IS 3.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|1}} IS 1.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|9}} IS 9.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|7}} IS 7.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|214}} IS 214.png
{{NotationIcon-IS|236}} IS 236.png