Pocket Bravery/To-do

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Revision as of 09:59, 5 June 2024 by Arcstei (talk | contribs) (Added a to-do page for myself and anyone else who wants to know what needs attention.)
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Specific To-do list of everything that needs done.

Front page: Sparse, needs more filling out. "The Basics" and "System Mechanics" areas are kind of out of place.

Systems: Completely unorganized, needs formatted.

Changelog: Needs set up in a way to hold patch notes from each version.


All characters' Combos, Matchups, Strategy, and Resources tabs are empty. Almost all characters have no general information about them (playstyle, gameplan, etc). Nuno has a placeholder "Strengths/Weaknesses" table, which imo all characters should have.

Nuno: Missing images for Elemental 4, Both supers, and his final attack. (He is currently the only character with any images at all. Missing frame data for most attacks. Most attacks also do not have useful descriptions. No information that I've added has been translated to Portuguese.

Mingmei: No images for any attack. Missing frame data for roughly half of her attacks. Many attacks do not have a useful description.

Every other character: Has most of the relevant information for their throw, and absolutely nothing else. Templates are incorrect as it was copied from Nuno's before it was filled with information.

Suggested priority for additions:

Fixing templates for characters

Giving characters a basic description of what makes them strong, what their gameplan is, what their weaknesses are, etc.

Adding damage/stun/on hit/on block for attacks (as this can be done with just training mode)

Organizing the Systems page

Gathering frame data

Anything else