Sky Cross Duel/K-9

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SXD K-9 Portrait.png
Archetype: Shoto/Rushdown
Health: 800
Walk Speed: 2.6/-1.6
Dash Frames: 5 Invulnerable, 3 Recovery
Fastest Attack: 2N, 1 frame


K-9 is a rushdown 'shoto' in huge quotes. He does everything in SXD well; having many tools for many situations, that despite their uses, can be exceeded by other characters.

K-9 specializes in having tools for every situation, and running into the opponent to absolutely demolish their health bar.

Pick if you like Avoid if you dislike
  • Strong Offense: K-9 has fast frame data on his buttons, ways to mix the opponent up, especially with crossups, a throw that gives a combo, and terrifying reward on hit, which brings us to...
  • Murderer: K-9 outright kills people off of any clean hit. Many of his combos deal insane damage, and grant him enough meter to use super; letting him TOD people meterlessly off of a confirmed hit.
  • Ground Bounces: 3 of K-9's attacks ground bounce and all of them are able to be used in the air, and one of them is K-9's DP.
  • Comeback Mechanic: K-9's Bloodlust mechanic allows him to regain HP and deal Extra Damage per hit, which also changes which combos are most effective. In addition to being able to come back from low HP, K-9 is also given the option to put a lot of meter into killing the opponent quickly, and then using K-9's automatic below 30% activation energy will allow him to get more out of a round than otherwise possible if you play your cards right.
  • Speed: K-9 can maneuver around the stage especially well, with normals such as 2N and a2N, or with flux synergy, where the character can zoom around the screen, or just outright walking.
  • Yu Narukami: He simply has no TRUE weakness; and can do everything surprisingly well.
  • Close-Range: K-9 needs to be up in the opponent's face to get going. He has one projectile, 2S, that is pretty good, but cannot attempt to fight in a fireball war with it, and most of his tools can't really help him once he's far out.
  • Surpassed: While solid in his own right, other characters can surpass what he can do, as K-9 is designed to be a all-rounder for the cast.
Unique Mechanics


Upon hitting 30% HP(?), or landing 22NS, K-9 will enter Bloodlust, a install. K-9 is greatly enhanced in two major ways during this install-

1. Every hit does a extra unscaled 15 damage

2. Every hit gives K-9 Teal HP

While small at first, these two factors can make or break a game; letting K-9 Gold Burst to suddenly get a second chance at life during a round. Make use of Bloodlust to rob opponents of their victories!


Normal Moves

SXD K9 5N.png
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? 5 ? ? ? ?
  • Ignores Gravity scaling.
  • Hits 5 times.

K-9 holds his arm forwards and turns it into a pin drill. A multi-hitting and guard eating move. While easily whiff-punished, you can use this to eat up guard health or just add extra damage; although it will add significantly more gravity scaling to the combo, which can be good or bad depending on the route you're going for. Either way, it might just be K-9's least used normal; maybe even move, but it still being usable should give you something to expect for this character; all his tools being strong in some way.

SXD K9 8N.png
I think he has a cold...
I think he has a cold...
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • Launcher.
  • Has some low profile to beat air attacks.

K-9 sneezes, causing him to lose control of his fire manipulation and thus shoot out a bit of fire into the air. One of three primary pokes on the ground and a strong anti-air; letting you swat (sneeze?) people out of the sky with ease, leading into a confirm that leads into, as usual, huge damage.

SXD K9 2N.png
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • Comical low profile.

K-9 slides upon the ground, kicking whoever is in range out of his way. The second of the three primary grounded pokes. The combo of low profile, high speed, and Flux Cancel utility makes this move common to see from most K-9 players. And of course, it leads into confirms that go into high damage.

SXD K9 a5N.png
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • Ignores Gravity scaling.
  • Hits 5 times.

Literally 5N but mid-air, sharing it's strengths and weaknesses. It's more useful, as you can cancel it by landing, thus omitting some of the risk, but it's still stubby and whiff-punishable. A lesser used normal.

SXD K9 a8N.png
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • Ground bounces.
  • Cannot be blocked whilst crouching.
  • Slows your fall if you're falling.

K-9 turns his arm into a pin drill, and slashes down. THE K-9 normal. Huge, low recovery if land canceled, and disjointed. An absolute UNIT of a move with many, many uses. It lets you assert dominance in neutral, or use it in combos to bring the opponent down, or use it in pressure for plus frames, or Flux Cancel it to suddenly approach in front of the opponent, or something else you might've figured out on your own. One of K-9's strongest normals for sure.

SXD K9 a2N.png
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? [Until Landing] ? ? ? ?
  • Diveki- i mean footdive i guess it's what he says
  • On contact, you can wait until landing to cancel into grounded normals

K-9 floats up and kicks down until he hits the floor. A tool good for mixing up approaches when mid air, or during pressure, where you can scare people with the threat of a jump cancel a8N, a landing NS, any other strike, or even a 2S canceled into 26N.

Special Moves

Paper Crane (5S)
SXD K9 5S.png
No charge
No charge
SXD K9 5S(1).png
Version Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
5S ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • Chargable.

K-9 pulls out his arm canon and blasts the opponent with it. A slow yet disjointed move. The third of the three grounded pokes.

Version Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
5[S] ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • bleh
Pale Grip (8S)
SXD K9 8S.png
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • 50% damage scaling during combos

Pushes the opponent pretty far away

Ivory Blade (2S)
SXD K9 2S.png
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • Solo knife. Doesn't last very long when used on the ground, starts up slower than the rest of them, but hey like every other one at least it's absurdly plus so you never know when you'll use this
Hand of White (NS)
SXD K9 NS.png
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • this might become a ex special later idk

Ronin reaches a huge paper hand out and makes a mad, FULLSCREEN, dash to his opponent. A command grab that gives you the choice between a knockdown and a combo.

EX Special Moves

SXD K9 24S.png
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • Invincible on startup.
  • On hit, gives Ronin a level.

Ronin begins to implode, and then explodes using his ability, shooting opponents up. The closest thing Ronin has to a DP, and it's not too shabby, as you can combo off of it.

SXD K9 8S.png
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • Command grab.
  • The first hit, on a blocking opponent, will get blocked. The rest of the grab animation plays, but you lose out on a extra 100 damage.

Ronin points at the opponent and a long paper string appears. If he touches the opponent, he quickly reels them. Long range command grab, if 26N wasn't enough to make the other player scared of Ronin's neutral potential. Also, it has surprisingly high damage, at 200, so you might want to incorporate this in your combos if you need to wear down the opponent.

SXD K9 2S.png
THE blender
THE blender
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? uh ? ? ? ?
  • The buzzsaw has an infinite number of hits; but it will eventually move offscreen.
  • If you do this point blank, on block, you are guaranteed to guard break the opponent.

Ronin clamps his hands together, and opens them as if he were a magician, conjuring a paper buzzsaw that falls and then speeds across the floor. THE Oki projectile. If you ever get a long enough knockdown, you can use this to blend the opponent like hell.

SXD K9 NS.png
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • to be changed

Zenith Finisher

SXD K9 26N.png
wait how does it even make smoke in the first place
wait how does it even make smoke in the first place
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • Instant after super flash. This quite literally makes it unblockable if the opponent wasn't blocking beforehand.
  • Horizontally fullscreen. Better not press anything in neutral, I guess \_(ツ)_/

Ronin pulls out a paper gun, points it at the opponent, pulls the trigger, and blows the smoke coming from it. A incredibly strong move at the mere cost of 50% meter, with its many properties that combine to turn it into a terrifying move that can easily condition opponents trying to do ANYTHING in the neutral game.

Universal Mechanics

Gold Burst
Damage Launch Height Startup Active Frames Recovery Advantage on Block Block Damage Chip Damage
- - - - - - - -

Ronin levitates and releases a yellow surge of energy. On hit, sends away, and gives you 2 Paper Levels. On counterhit, wallsticks.


Easy Combo

  • combo

Damage: dmg


Hard Combo

  • combo

Damage: dmg


Combo Theory

Ronin's combo game, at the start of the match, will mainly involve you trying your damnedest to get levels before anything. On a good hit, you can get 3 levels or more. Deeper in the game, however, you should include 8S in combos for it's rather comical damage, as it lets you just...fold any opponent into pieces on a hit.

8S Loops

The reason why you play this character.

K-9 can loop 8S into itself in the corner, netting huge damage; and the occasional TOD.


give us a moment

page isn't done yet

notation here


24S and 28S can be used as starters. For both, you should walk in after the respective attacks to make sure the combo ends up being consistent enough to land.

Patch Notes
Jonas Johnson
Ronin Bell
Arthur Brando