Lethal League Blaze/Resources

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Cast Overview by Just Gas

Need help picking a character or want an overview of the cast? This video by Just_Gas showcases the game's rooster, as well as technical difficulty, strengths, and more.

In this video by Desselie, he shows you the little things that the tutorial does not teach you!

Finding out how characters, inputs and specials work, can be a burden. This guide, created by Daioutzu, will help you understand the fundamental tool set of each character, including their specials.

Finding out how characters, inputs and specials work, can be a burden. This guide, created by Daioutzu, will help you understand the fundamental tool set of each character, including their specials.


In this video by Just_Gas, he empowers you with tips and advice on how you can improve past the basics, touching on topics such as coverage, ball control, and even decision-making.

LLB Playbook by hyhy

Need help identifying situations to apply your theory? The Lethal League playbook contains community sourced tech to level up your gameplay

Angle Tool by Klinac

Klianc's angle tool, an improvement on the original angle tool by methaphist, allows you to visualize angles and test out in game scenarios with as much detail as you'd like. All in your browser too!

Yet another video by Just_Gas. This is a short and sweet guide on the why, when and how to use one of the game's most important defensive techniques.


Beyond Improvement by CookingTiger

This document, created by CookingTiger, aims to assist you in finding a renewable and consistent way to understand the game, as well as to become better at adapting to your opponent in real-time. If you enjoy metagame analysis, this one's for you.

In this guide, Bitnix and other top players explain mechanics and characters in a much more detailed way than anywhere else!

LLB Data Sheet by Daiotzu

Looking for frame data? Well, look no further!