Exceed Fighting System/Controls

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On your turn, choose and perform any one action. If you did not Strike (for any reason), end your turn by drawing a card and checking hand limit (7 cards maximum).

TODO: [Image - List of actions]

Prepare: Draw a card.
Move: Select an unoccupied space to move to, then pay Force to move there. Pay 1 Force per unoccupied space to move. Pay 2 Force to move over the opponent.
Change Cards: Spend any amount of Force to draw that many cards. Spend all the Force before drawing any cards
Exceed: Pay a character’s Exceed Cost to flip them to their Exceed Mode, gaining their Exceed ability.
Manual Reshuffle: Shuffle a player’s discard pile into their deck. If a player’s deck is empty, and they would need to draw or Wild Swing, they automatically reshuffle (this is not considered a Manual Reshuffle). Then play proceeds as normal (they continue with the draw or Wild Swing). If they would reshuffle a second time either of these ways (automatically or manually in any combination), they lose the game instead.
Boost: Pay a card’s Boost Cost to use its Boost effect.
Strike: Set a card face-down. The player who declares the Strike is the attacker. After the attacker sets their attack, the opponent (the defender) sets their own attack face-down. Then, reveal and resolve both attacks. 

Note that some effects will give you new actions. These begin with the phrase: "ACTION:" or "As an action,". Some of these have an additional cost. The cost will be indicated by an icon to its left.