Twinkle Star Sprites/Controls

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TSS Controls.png

The default control layout in Twinkle Star Sprites is:

7    8    9
4   (5)   6        A B
1    2    3

Additionally, ensure that a button is set to P1 Coin and P1 Start (usually Select and Start, respectively). You must "insert" a coin and hit Start to begin playing.
The emulator in Fightcade2 allows each button to be freely remapped, but does not support macros for any button combination.


Direction: Your joystick moves the player. Every different Direction on the joystick moves the character in a different way. Pressing Left on the Joystick makes your character move left, while on the other hand Pressing Right on the Joystick makes your character move right.

Buttons: A is the Shoot or Attack button. Pressing the button once will grant a shot from the Character's weapon, pressing it twice makes the character shoot twice. Holding it rather stops it but charges it. The Attack-Stopper Gauge gets stronger when you destroy Enemy Golems. if you use a strong Attack-Stopper, your Attack-Stopper Gauge's life span becomes shorter.

The Bomb: Your Bomb/B Button is the MOST IMPORTANT part of your Arsenal! the bomb is very good to use and is pretty strong for each character, Every character also has a EX Attack. Depending on the character the EX Attack acts differently.