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  • This page serves as a collection of my EFZ related tools.
  • All of them are PowerShell scripts, meaning they can only be used for Windows 7 and above users.
  • PowerShell scripts can be opened and adjusted with any text editor.
  • Most of them were originally intended for private use and may have not have any sanity checks, so make sure the scripts are located in the right folder.

How to run the scripts

  • place the .ps1 file in the games main directory
  • right click the file and choose the option "run with PowerShell"
  • a console window will be opened
  • sometimes the console may ask you if you are sure you want to run this script, in that case press the letter Y on your keyboard
  • follow the intructions in the console

Palette Randomizer (current Version: 22.04.2022)

  • This script generates 6 (hopefully good looking) palettes for a character of your choice.


  • The script overwrites any palettes your character currently has by default, so make sure you back them up first!
    • This can be disabled by opening the script and changing the variable $OVERWRITE to 0.
  • The script also mods the character portraits. This makes irreversible changes to game files!
    • This can be disabled by opening the script and changing the variable $MOD_PORTRAITS to 0.

  • You can also choose to randomize all characters palettes at once
  • There are plenty of variables at the top of the screen to adjust the palette results to your tastes, for example:
    • Make the results darker: decrease the value of $MAX_LIGHTNESS
    • Make palettes only grayscale: set $MIN_SATURATION to 0 and $MAX_SATURATION to 1
    • Make only blue palettes: set $MIN_HUE to 180 and $MAX_HUE to 270, also set $MIN_HUESHIFT to 0 and $MAX_HUESHIFT to 1
  • The modded portrait of Mayu has an unfixable off-color in her eyes
  • The character portraits hue shifts divert sometimes from the in-games sprites. This should be fixed now

Palette Copier (current Version: 30.10.2021)

  • Some characters have more assigned colors than others, the script will only copy colors that match the targets

BGM Swapper (current Version: 30.10.2021)

  • You must first open the script with a text editor and provide the BGM folder paths
  • You can also choose between various modes, like randomly changing each track, or all tracks at once, or swap them with the other versions etc.
  • The script will finally launch efzrevival, to disable this behavior simply delete the last line of the script

Config Byte Changer (current Version: 30.10.2021)

IP copy with host check (current Version: 30.10.2021)

  • It will then check if you are on a wired connection
  • It will then check if you are running EFZ Revival
  • It will check if you are actually hosting
  • The variable $port is set to 10800 by default, open the script with a text editor to change this
  • Michiru2


Run a script directly

  • For security reasons windows will not run .ps1 files when double clicking them
  • It is possible to bypass this rule by doing the following:
    • create a shortcut to the .ps1 file
    • right click the file and go to properties
    • change the target to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "<PATH TO THE .PS1 FILE>"
  • This allows you to run the script over the shortcut like any other executable file

TESTING STUFF (wiki stuff)