Big Bang Beat Revolve/Senna: Difference between revisions

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  |description=Senna performs a jumping crescent slash similar to 623A, but creates a larger horizontal hitbox and moves herself backwards in the process. If the move connects, a followup hit will occur that wallbounces the opponent, allowing for a short combo if you're near the corner. This version is an invincible DP like 623A, but it can be blocked in the air, so if used as an anti-air it's much riskier. The combo you can get off of this makes it a valuable alternative to 623A, but its inferior anti-air abilities mean it isn't an outright replacement. Even more unsafe on whiff or block.
  |description=Senna performs a jumping crescent slash similar to 623A, but creates a larger horizontal hitbox and moves herself backwards in the process. If the move connects, the first hit will groundbounce the opponent, and a followup hit will occur that wallbounces them. You can combo off of this wallbounce near the corner, but the preceding groundbounce means that your options are limited. This version is an invincible DP like 623A, but it can be blocked in the air, so if used as an anti-air it's much riskier. The combo you can get off of this makes it a valuable alternative to 623A, but its inferior anti-air abilities mean it isn't an outright replacement. Even more unsafe on whiff or block.
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  |description=An alternate version of Senna's DP that costs 1 bar of meter. After performing the same upwards crescent slash as 623A, she then swings her blade diagonally downwards two more times. If the first hit connects, the next two always will, regardless of distance. Invincibility on startup and solid damage means this can be used as a high-reward way to escape pressure, although since she has two other invincible DPs you might be better off saving the meter for something else. The main way you'll see this move is when the air version is used as a combo ender. The third hit is technically an overhead, but it's extremely telegraphed if the first hit is blocked and will whiff on most crouchers, so this doesn't matter.
  |description=An alternate version of Senna's DP that costs 1 bar of meter. After performing the same upwards crescent slash as 623A, she then swings her blade diagonally downwards two more times. If the first hit connects, the next two always will, regardless of distance. Invincibility on startup and solid damage means this can be used as a high-reward way to escape pressure, although since she has two other invincible DPs you might be better off saving the meter for something else. The main way you'll see this move is when the air version is used as a combo ender. The third hit is technically an overhead, but it's extremely telegraphed if the first hit is blocked and will whiff on most crouchers, so this doesn't matter.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j623X</font> ======
|description=Air version of Senna's 623X series. Unlike the ground version, j623A and j623b are functionally the same, and neither are invincible. Main use is to combo into j623D in order to end a combo.
|damage=500*2 (910)
|description=Air version of 623C, retaining the same hitbox, movement, and combo properties. Unlike j623A, j623C still has its ground version's invincibility. Can be used as a strong air-to-air as a result, but only if you're sure that the opponent won't dodge or block it.
|version=D (EX)<br><small>Ouka Hishousen<small>
|damage=1200*3 (2106)
|guard=All, High/Air
|description=Air version of 623D. Keeps the ground version's invincibility, but more importantly functions as a high damage combo ender.

Revision as of 02:42, 29 May 2024


Estimated Health (After Scaling): 11091
Guts Rating: 3


Senna is a neutral based rushdown who relies on her strong pokes to keep the opponent in check and land a punish, leading to oppressive pressure once she knocks them down. Her normals are some of the best in the game, allowing her to outplay almost any character in neutral. Once she lands a knockdown she gets strong pressure that starts with an oki mix, which if guessed on correctly at worst sets her back to neutral.

Senna Kyoudou is one of the two main heroines in Big Bang Age, and a playable character in Big Bang Beat and Big Bang Beat Revolve. Senna met Rouga Zanma on a late night when she attacked him in a brainwashed haze; when she recovered, she had no memories of who she was or what she'd done and joined up with his group. Overall, Senna's personality is innocent and polite, with refined behavior and elegant manners. However, on the battlefield, she's extremely serious and uses powerful Iaido and sword techniques that are capable of matching Rouga in a head-on fight.

General Strategy

Senna has a few mixup tools and some good moves to apply pressure with, but her biggest strengths are in her neutral. Her pokes (namely 5B and j.B) are fast and have plenty of reach. With these, she can play neutral better than a majority of the cast. While it's hard to get match experience in this game due to the small community, it's likely that with the tools she has, your strategy playing Senna in a match would ideally go:

  • At neutral, space with 5B and j.B. Punish whiffed pokes with 5B into the universal BnB combo.
  • On knockdown from the universal BnB or some other cause, follow up with forward super jump okizeme. If your opponent guesses right and blocks your oki, then the worst-case scenario is that you're back at neutral again.
  • On offense, enforce respect with 214A fakeouts and whiffs going to keep your opponent on their toes. Use 214A~B sparingly, wait for when they least expect it since it's such a slow overhead.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
- Mid - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

Standard jab. It's quick, has a decent hitbox, and is air unblockable. Will combo into 5B, 2B, or 2C if cancelled as soon as possible.

BBBR Senna 5B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
550 All - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

Fast sword slash. Allows Senna to cover a very solid amount of space in front of her very quickly, with low recovery if whiffed. A character-defining great poke.

BBBR Senna 5C.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
5C 800 All - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

Powerful downwards slash. Startup and recovery are notably worse than 5B's, meaning this should only be used within combos or as a guaranteed punish. It looks like it'd be a good anti-air, but it's air blockable and has poor untech time even on counter hit against airborne opponents.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
5[C] 800*2(1046) Mid - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

Charged version of 5C. Hits twice and does a bit more damage. This version is air unblockable, but its slow speed means you'll have a hard time using it as an anti-air (or anywhere else).

Crouching Normals

BBBR Senna 2A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
110 Low - - - - - N, Sp, Su

A quick low kick. Horizontal range is a bit better than 5A's, and it can start combos the same way. A good button for high-low mixups or mashing out of pressure.

BBBR Senna 2B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
450 All - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

Senna slides forward and slams the end of her sheathe into the opponent's knees. Despite how it looks, it hits mid, and can be blocked in the air too. Could potentially be used to get closer to throw range during a blockstring in order to do strike-throw mix with delay cancel 2C, but its forward movement isn't good enough to make that a go-to option, and it might whiff if used after 5B. You should probably just press 5B instead.

BBBR Senna 2C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
700 Low/Air - - - - - N, Sp, Su

A long-range, low sword sweep. Goes even farther than 5B, can't be blocked standing, and is still pretty fast, making it another great poke. However, it has significant recovery on whiff and a short vertical hitbox, so it must be used carefully. An integral part of Senna's combos.

Air Normals

BBBR Senna jA.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
150 High - - - - - N, Sp, Su

Quick, downwards kick from the air. Hitbox is pretty large. Covers a pretty good angle even when done out of an instant air dash, so it's useful for high-low mixups.

BBBR Senna jB.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400 High - - - - - N, Sp, Su

Fast horizontal slash in the air. A suitable airborne counterpart to 5B that's great at controlling the space in front of Senna. It recovers so fast that if you whiff it early enough, you actually have enough time to do a second one before you hit the ground. Can be cancelled into jA, not just jC. Vertical hitbox leaves something to be desired, but it's still a great part of Senna's kit.

BBBR Senna jC 1.png
1st hit
1st hit
BBBR Senna jC 2.png
2nd hit
2nd hit
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
300*2 (445) High - - - - - N, Sp, Su

Senna swings her sword upwards and then downwards quickly. Hits twice, covering a good amount of space close to and below her. It's a great jump-in because of the angle it covers, and it has a large amount of active frames due to consisting of two separate slashes. Can be cancelled into jA or jB, which is unusual for a C normal.

Command Normals

BBBR Senna 6A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
700 Mid - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

A quick horizontal stab. Similar range to 5B and air unblockable, but it's slightly slower and has worse recovery on whiff. Hitbox is higher, making it a better anti-air, but it can whiff on crouchers. Causes a knockdown on air opponents. All of Senna's ground normals can cancel into this, and it can cancel into 5B, 5C, or 2C, allowing for pseudo-rebeats. High base damage makes it useful near the start of combos, although it doesn't combo directly from 5A/2A so its pushback can make it hard to use.

BBBR Senna 6B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
300 Mid - - - - - N, Sp, Su

Senna does a small hop forward and then kicks upwards. Can be cancelled into from 5A, 2A, 5B, and 2C, but it's too slow to combo from any of them. Has low crush properties. The forward movement and hitbox are both better than 2B's, so it'd be a better choice for the same delay-cancel 2C strike-throw mix, but that still isn't the most reliable strategy. Situationally useful.

Universal Mechanics

BBBR Senna 5D.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
N/A N/A - - - - - NC

Senna takes a stance and starts recovering health. Restores 120 HP if used for the shortest amount of time possible, but it can be held to continue restoring health. Takes about 3 seconds to restore 1000 health, and about 24 seconds to go from 1 HP to 10000. Can only be used on the ground, and all of Senna's ground normals and specials, excluding 214A (but not excluding 214AC) can be cancelled into this on hit or block. Due to how long it takes to heal any significant amount of health, it's a better idea to use this occasionally to encourage your opponents to approach you rather than to max it the crux of your gameplan. You can also squeeze in some micro-heals after knockdowns if you want, but whether you use the move at all or not is up to you.

BBBR Senna ThrowWhiff.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
1000 Unblockable - - - - - NC

Senna grabs the opponent, kicks off of them, and then performs her 214A~A slash. This creates a considerable distance from the opponent, so midscreen all you can really do for oki is dash/airdash and go for a meaty normal, but in the corner she can set up 41236C if you so choose.

Special Moves

BBBR Senna 236A.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
A 200*5 (972) Mid - - - - - J, Su

Senna swings her jacket upwards in a slow, wide arc. Hits 5 times, with the 5th hit launching the opponent, and can be jump cancelled for a small combo. It's air unblockable and has a solid hitbox so it can be used as an anti-air, but since it's slow it isn't that useful in general.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
D (EX)
Nagekaze Ran
120*18 (1563) Mid - - - - - NC

A second version of 236A that costs 1 bar of meter. Senna spins while swinging her jacket 4 times instead of just once, hitting the enemy several times. Not invincible and does notably less damage than 623D, making it a dubious choice to spend your meter on. You can link off of this with 5A for a small combo, although doing this is extremely hard and will still result in less damage than if you had just used 623D. It's air unblockable and pretty fast so you could use it as an anti-air, but you're probably better off using 623A or 623C depending on the situation. Not safe on block.

BBBR Senna 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
A 900 Mid Invincible - - - - NC

Senna quickly jumps up while swinging her sword in a crescent moon arc around her. A standard DP with startup invincibility, making it a very valuable option for escaping pressure. It's also air unblockable and possesses a large hitbox, causing it to be an excellent anti-air. However, if it whiffs or a grounded opponent blocks it, you'll be extremely minus and in great danger.

B 900 Mid - - - - - Su

Senna crouches down, and then after a notable period of startup, jumps high into the air and swings her sword the same way she does in 623A. Likely intended to be a better anti-air due to its higher vertical hitbox, but the startup is just too long for its pitiful reward on hit, so it isn't usually useful. Does not retain 623A's startup invincibility. Less unsafe on whiff or block, but not enough to prevent you from receiving a full punish if used incorrectly. Can be cancelled into j623D for higher damage if it hits.

C 500*2 (910) All Invincible - - - - NC

Senna performs a jumping crescent slash similar to 623A, but creates a larger horizontal hitbox and moves herself backwards in the process. If the move connects, the first hit will groundbounce the opponent, and a followup hit will occur that wallbounces them. You can combo off of this wallbounce near the corner, but the preceding groundbounce means that your options are limited. This version is an invincible DP like 623A, but it can be blocked in the air, so if used as an anti-air it's much riskier. The combo you can get off of this makes it a valuable alternative to 623A, but its inferior anti-air abilities mean it isn't an outright replacement. Even more unsafe on whiff or block.

D (EX)
Ouka Hishousen
1200*3 (2106) All, High/Air Invincible - - - - NC

An alternate version of Senna's DP that costs 1 bar of meter. After performing the same upwards crescent slash as 623A, she then swings her blade diagonally downwards two more times. If the first hit connects, the next two always will, regardless of distance. Invincibility on startup and solid damage means this can be used as a high-reward way to escape pressure, although since she has two other invincible DPs you might be better off saving the meter for something else. The main way you'll see this move is when the air version is used as a combo ender. The third hit is technically an overhead, but it's extremely telegraphed if the first hit is blocked and will whiff on most crouchers, so this doesn't matter.

BBBR Senna 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
A/B 900 All - - - - - Su

Air version of Senna's 623X series. Unlike the ground version, j623A and j623b are functionally the same, and neither are invincible. Main use is to combo into j623D in order to end a combo.

C 500*2 (910) All Invincible - - - - NC

Air version of 623C, retaining the same hitbox, movement, and combo properties. Unlike j623A, j623C still has its ground version's invincibility. Can be used as a strong air-to-air as a result, but only if you're sure that the opponent won't dodge or block it.

D (EX)
Ouka Hishousen
1200*3 (2106) All, High/Air Invincible - - - - NC

Air version of 623D. Keeps the ground version's invincibility, but more importantly functions as a high damage combo ender.

Senna 214A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
450 Low/Air - - - - - U

Senna hops a small distance backwards and then slides along the ground with a foot extended. Travels around half screen and hits low, and can be cancelled into a followup soon after the start of the move. Does not need to hit opponent to be cancelled.

Senna 214AA.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
800 All - - - - - Sp, Su

Senna does an aerial slash, one of her follow-ups out of Shunpuu. Combos from 214A as long as it's slightly delayed after 214A hits. Can be cancelled into 623X, and will combo if done while close enough to the opponent. Causes a knockdown on hit, so it's a great combo ender.

BBBR Senna 214AB.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
950 High, Air - - - - - Su

Senna does a slow overhead slash, which ground bounces the opponent on the ground or slides the opponent in the air. Startup makes it a situational mixup tool, but it can catch the opponent unawares. It only combos from 214A if the opponent is airborne, and can cancel into j.623D.

BBBR Senna 214AC.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
800 Low - - - - - Su

Senna cancels into her 2C. This follow-up hits low and combos from 214A. Can also combo into 236D and 623D when timed properly. Can't be cancelled into other special moves, but can be cancelled into 5D.

BBBR Senna 214C.png
2 hits
2 hits
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400*2 (728) Mid - - - - - Su

A quick slash upwards, followed by a quick slash downwards. 2nd hit will groundbounce an airborne opponent, making it an integral combo extender. Air unblockable, and theoretically your highest reward anti-air, but getting both hits to connect requires finicky spacing, and you're probably better off using 623A anyway. Neutral on block, allowing safe pressure resets. Both hits can be cancelled into 5D in addition to EX moves.

BBBR Senna 41236C 1.png
BBBR Senna 41236C 2.png
Max travel distance
Max travel distance
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
700 All - - - - - Su

Senna cuts towards the ground, forming a dust cloud at her feet that moves forward slowly. It has significant startup and travels a very short distance, so you won't be throwing this out in neutral as a projectile. The cloud's hitbox that will launch the opponent into the air on hit, giving a somewhat tight window to perform a combo. Very plus on block if there's any gap between the time Senna's animation ends and the time it reaches the opponent, so it can be very useful if used immediately after getting a knockdown. Recovery can be cancelled into 5D or EX moves.

BBBR Navigation

M. Heita