Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Vatista: Difference between revisions

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<div style="overflow:auto">
<div style="float:right">[[File:profile_UNIST_Vatista.png|200x500px|thumb|<center><font size="3">'''Vatista'''</font></center>]]</div>
[[File:profile-vatista.png|x500px|thumb|right|<center><font size="3">'''Vatista'''</font></center>]]
<!--Introduction text from round start-->
<span style="float:left">{{TOClimit|2}}</span>
{{QuotationBox | margin = left | fontsize=0.8 |
{{QuotationBox | margin = center |
She serves. A pawn that sleeps eternally. A puppet with no will to call her own. Her master,<br>
She serves. A pawn that sleeps eternally. A puppet with no will to call her own. Her master,<br/>
nowhere to be seen. There is but one directive that resonates to this day -- the end of<br>
nowhere to be seen. There is but one directive that resonates to this day -- the end of<br/>
peace is the beginning of war. To destroy the Voids once and for all.
peace is the beginning of war. To destroy the Voids once and for all.  
<div style="overflow:auto"><span style="float:left; padding-top:5px; padding-right:8px; padding-bottom:5px">{{TOClimit|2}}</span>
<!--A short 1-4 paragraph summary of the character's story. Don't go into too much detail! Let fandom wiki handle the deep lore.-->
~Coming soon~</div>
<div style="clear:both">
<!--A short 1-2 paragraph summary of the character's gameplay style catered for new players. For more detailed information, use Strategy subpage-->
~Coming soon~</div>
<!--Do not edit the following 4 lines, as they're universal between all UNI pages-->
Hyde and Linne find Vatista naked in the middle of the street and decide to hang out with her. At some point they find out that she's actually a robot created to defend the hollow night. Because she's a robot she can't use EXS and instead uses FLS which is extremely important and means nothing.
==Character Stats==
==Character Stats==
<!--Follow template and add hidden level 5 headers to each move to allow for easy section editing.
'''Instant Overhead [8]2B'''
MoveData/AttackData Parameters Explanation:
:Despite being a charge move, [8]2B can function as an instant overhead if the charge is hidden in another jump/other moves. With j.C, she can perform a high-low-high mixup between '''j.C > [8]2B''', '''j.C > 2C''', and '''j.C > land > [8]2B'''. You can also set this up by using j.A to explode a nearby Fragmentum and then mixing up between '''j.C > 2C''' and '''j.C > land > [8]2B''' (assuming the explosion is blocked). Note that at low altitudes, most characters can hit Vatista out of [8]2B on reaction with a simple 5A, so don't get predictable with this.
  name  Name of the move in English. Leave blank if no move actual move name.
  input Input of move. Make sure this is
==Move List==
  subtitle Name of the move in Japanese.
  image Image file name. For additional images use image2, image3... image10.
  caption Caption that shows below each image. Like images, use caption2, caption3... caption10.
  data  AttackData branch templates.
  header Set to no for for additional sections so it hides the headers.
  version Version of the move. Should be the "input" when possible.
  subtitle Version subtitle. Should be a short 1-2 work description.
  damage Damage of the move. If it's multi-hit, use "," to denote multihits and then a value in parethesises to show total damage with amount of hits. Do not bother with moves that multihit, but are very unlikely to not hit all hits.
  mindamage Optional. Minimum damage of the move. Useful for EX/IW moves used as enders.
  startup Startup of the move including the first active frame.
  active Active frame durations, and then subsequent gaps in parenthesises and then additional active frames.
  recovery The amount of frames after the active frames.
  landing Used for only air moves. The amount of landing recovery if the move is used in the air.
  overall The total amount of frames where the character cannot move. Do not include projectile frames.
  frameAdv Frame advantage when blocked. Display worst value first.
  cancel Moves that this can cancel into.
  guard Way this move has to be guarded.
  attribute Attributes of the attack.
  invul Invicibility frames of the attack or any other special frame information like projectile nullification, parries, counters, or super armor.
  description Description of the move.
See tooltips for additional information.-->
==Normal Moves==
==Normal Moves==
===Standing Normals===
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5A</font>=====
|description=A high wing punch. Useful for Reverse Beating and converting into air combos. Can work against Assaults and other leap-style moves.
  |description=A quick wing swipe. Has very good range and startup for a 5A. Useful for rebeats and converting into air combos.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5B</font>=====
|description=Vatista uses her wings as a spinning wheel. Hits twice, has a (useless?) followup when hitting B again. You don't want this to whiff.
  |description=Vatista spins two of wings in a circle. Hits twice. Mostly a combo tool.
  |description=Follow-up after 5B, even on whiff. Vatista continues to spin her wings and releases a tiny shockwave. Will hit twice. The shockwave can be used to activate gems right out of 5B range, especially standing gems. Can be used as a risky, back-up anti-air if [2]8X charge isn't available.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5C</font>=====
|damage=220,220(415 2-hit)
|description=A follow-up to 5B that hits twice again and launches the opponent. Can be jump cancelled into a combo... or you could just do 5B > 2C > 5C for more damage. Notably less safe on block than 5B alone.
  |description=Long reach stab with all of Vatista's wings. Very versatile since it can be used used for neutral, combos, pressure, and just activating gems. Can be used as a risky, back-up anti-air if [2]8X charge isn't available.
===Crouching Normals===
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">2A</font>=====
|description=A giant poke using Vatista's wings. Has long reach and can be jump-cancelled into air combos, so it works as an anti-air (even at a distance!) if you can get past its slow startup.
  |description=Crouching wing swipe similar to 5A. Is not able to activate gems. Useful for rebeats. Cannot be used to detonate gems.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">2B</font>=====
|description=A crouching wing punch. Isn't a low, but has long reach to make up for it. Also good for Reverse Beating into.
  |description=Crouching version of 5B. Can be used as a risky, back-up anti-air if [2]8X charge isn't available.
|damage=210*2(399 2-hit)
|description=Similar to 5B, except now Vatista crouches, making it a marginally better anti-air. You really don't want this to whiff. Doesn't hit low.
  |description=Crouching version of 5BB. This version will cause a wallbounce if close enough to a wall. Unlike 5BB, it does not have the range to active standing gems.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">2C</font>=====
|damage=265*2(418 2-hit)
|description=Follow-up to 2B.
  |description=Vatista slides 4 wings in a wheel far along the ground sweeping the opponent. Very good way to start combos, especially when followed by 5C. One of Vatista's few lows. Vatista is not affect by hitstop during this move.
===Air Normals===
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.A</font>=====
|description=Vatista slides a wheel along the ground. Reaches far, but you have to wait for the wheel to get there (as such, its startup and safety on block vary based on spacing). Main combo starter, and with 5C can convert damage from surprisingly long distances. Easily jumped/Assaulted over, so you REALLY don't want this to whiff. Vatista's only low.
  |description=A jumping kick. Mostly used as a combo tool or air-to-air.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.B</font>=====
|description=A jumping kick. Its speed makes it a good combo tool and a usable air-to-air. Hits overhead.
  |description=Vatista slashes her wings forward. Has a large hitbox and hits overhead, making it a good air-to-ground tool.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.C</font>=====
  |damage=170x3(478 3-hit)
|description=Vatista slashes her wings forward. Has a large hitbox and hits overhead, making it a good jump-in/Assault.
  |description=Vatista spins with her wings extended around her. Very large horizontal hitbox that can even hit behind her. Can be blocked in either direction, so it does not work as a cross-up. Useful as a jump-in to hide the charge for B Drill, but is prone to being shielded. Cannot be used to detonate gems.
===Command Normals===
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Leviosa</font>=====
|damage=170x3(478 3-hit)
|description=A spinning attack using Vatista's wings. Doesn't hit overhead. Has a large rear hitbox, but doesn't cross up due to crossup protection. A useful jump-in for hiding the charge for her B Drill overhead.
==Command Normals==
|cancel=Sp,Ex,CS,J<br>Jump Normals
|description=Vatista hops and then stands still in the air for a period of time. Can be cancelled with Assaults, jump attacks, and special moves, giving her some tricky movement options as well as the ability to hold a charge in the air without moving.
  |description=Vatista hops backward and floats in the air briefly. Gives her some tricky movement options, as well as the ability to hold a charge in the air without moving.
===Dash Moves===
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">66B</font>=====
==Dash Normals==
|description=A spinning kick with deceptively few active frames. Has a solid vertical hitbox, making it a usable, combo-able anti-air. Knocks down on counter-hit, allowing for a follow-up combo.
  |description=A spinning kick with deceptively few active frames. Has a solid vertical hitbox, so it can be used as a risky, back-up anti-air if [2]8X charge isn't available. On grounded counter hit, the opponent goes into a tumble state.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">66C</font>=====
|damage=190,148x5 (930 6-hit)
  |damage=190,148x5 (930 6-hit)
|description=Vatista charges forward while spinning her wings. Goes far, hits quickly, but is unsafe on block - it usually leaves Vatista at point blank range, meaning most characters can punish with a throw. It can be cancelled into 4FF on block to make it safe or into FF/[4]6A on crossup for a combo.
  |description=Vatista charges forward while spinning her wings and can pass through the opponent. Will only hit all 6 hits if spaced correctly. It can be cancelled into FF~4 on block to make it safe or FF/[4]6A on crossup for a combo.
==Universal Mechanics==
==Universal Mechanics==
===Force Function===
|subtitle=アルマ ベルム
|name=Force Function<br>Armabellum<br>「アルマベルム」
  |subtitle=Float 10-Hits
  |subtitle=Crouching 2-Hits
  |subtitle=Air 4-Hits
|description=Vatista fires short energy beams from her fingertips. Can be cancelled into from any normal. Hold B+C to get more hits. During the standing and air versions, she can move in any direction and can cancel out projectiles. While in the air on hit, it drags the opponent with her on. Crouching version hits low. Babababa~
  |invul=Destroys 1 Projectile per hitbox during Standing and Air active frames
  |subtitle=Air 11-Hits
  |invul=Destroys 1 Projectile per hitbox during Standing and Air active frames
  |description=Vatista fires short energy beams from her fingertips.
*Can be cancelled into from any normal.
*During the standing and air versions, she can move in any direction and can cancel out projectiles.
*Standing increase version can start floating if up is held.
*While in the air on hit, it drags the opponent with her on.
*Crouching version hits low.
|description=Launches the opponent to the other end of the screen. Impossible to combo from.
  |description=Launches the opponent to the wall.
===Guard Thrust===
|name=Guard Thrust
|name=Guard Thrust
  {{AttackData-UNI/Guard Thrust}}
  {{AttackData-UNI/Guard Thrust
===Veil Off===
|name=Veil Off
|name=Veil Off
  {{AttackData-UNI/Veil Off}}
  {{AttackData-UNI/Veil Off
==Special Moves==
==Special Moves==
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Stella Lumen</font>=====
|name=Stella Lumen<br>「ルーメンステラ」
|name=Stella Lumen
|caption=A Version
|caption2=B Version
|caption3=EX C Version
|description=Fires a slow moving projectile. It's slow enough to be followed into battle, making it effective as a pseudo-shield if you want to get in. Disappears if Vatista is hit. 53F charge.
  |description=Fires a slow moving projectile. It's slow enough to be followed into battle, making it an effective approach tool. Disappears if Vatista is hit.
*53 frame charge
  |description=Fires a much faster moving projectile that pushes Vatista back on the ground. Not as effective as [6]4A laser, but it's nice to have the option when you have a [4] charge. Disappears if Vatista is hit. Vatista's hitbox isn't actually crouching during startup.
*53 frame charge
  |subtitle=EX Multi-hit
  |damage=1258<br>(1236 on CS)
  |description=A very large and very slow, multi-hitting projectile takes time to release. Travels slowly forward up and down. Can reverse a neutral situation if you get it out safely and follow it into battle, but it disappears if Vatista is hit. Has no hitbox until released. Can be released earlier by cancelling the startup with chainshift, but loses some damage and instead bounces along the ground.
*53 frame charge
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Stella Lumen (Air)</font>=====
|description=Fires a much faster moving projectile that pushes Vatista back on the ground or in the air. Not as effective as your laser, but it's nice to have options when you have a [4] charge. Disappears if Vatista is hit. Vatista's hitbox isn't actually crouching during startup. 53F charge.
|damage=1258(1236 on CS)
|description=A very large and very slow fireball that takes a very long time to start up - if you do this at any distance the opponent has a chance of touching, they can react and knock you out of startup. Can reverse a neutral situation if you get it out safely and follow it into battle, but it disappears if Vatista is hit. The fireball has no hitbox until it's released. 53F charge.<br>If CS is used before full charge, then trajectory is changed and total damage is lowered.
|name=Stella Lumen (Air)<br>「ルーメンステラ」
|name=Stella Lumen (Air)
|caption=A Version
|caption2=B Version
|caption3=EX C Version
|description=53F charge.
  |description=Similar to the grounded version projectile, but Vatista floats backward after use. The projectile travels diagonally towards the ground then travels horizontally.
*53 frame charge
  |description=Similar to the A version, but much faster.
*53 frame charge
  |subtitle=EX Multi-hit
  |damage=1258<br>(1236 on CS)
  |description=The same as the grounded version, but in the air.
*53 frame charge
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Luvel Angelus</font>=====
|description=53F charge.
|damage=1258(1236 on CS)
|description=53F charge.<br>If CS is used before full charge, then trajectory is changed and total damage is lowered.
|name=Luvel Angelus<br>「ルベルアンゲルス」
|name=Luvel Angelus
|caption=A/B Version
|caption2=EX C Version
|damage=620,182x5(1530 all-hits)
  |damage=620,182x5<br>(1530 all-hits)
|description=Vatista throws zoning to the wind and flash kicks. A fast and effective invincible reversal when you have charge. Smaller than her B kick. Neither kick will hit straight above Vatista. 53F charge. Samaso~
|invul=Completely invincible frames 1~4
|invul2=Strike invincible frames 5~17
  |invul=Completely invincible frames 1~4
  |invul2=Strike invincible frames 5~17
  |description=A rising attack with all of Vatista's wings. Effective reversal when you have [2] charge. Will whiff opponents directly above Vatista.
|damage=620,182x5,281(1811 all-hits)
*53 frame charge
  |damage=620,182x5,281<br>(1811 all-hits)
|description=Vatista flash kicks even harder and spikes for a soft knockdown. Has huge vertical reach and can be CS cancelled on hit for even more damage. On hit, Vatista recovers and regains her air action on the way down. 53F charge.
|invul=Completely invincible frames 1~4
|invul2=Strike invincible frames 5~17
|damage=195,107x18<br>(2014 18-hit, 2121 19-hit)
  |invul=Completely invincible frames 1~4
  |invul2=Strike invincible frames 5~17
  |description=Similar to the A version, but covers more area diagonal distance. On hit, will end by spiking the opponent to the ground and Vatista can perform aerial actions afterward.
*53 frame charge
|description=Vatista flash kicks, dive kicks, and then flash kicks again. A strong reversal and combo ender. Has the largest hitbox of the three. 53F charge.
  |subtitle=EX Multi-part
|invul=Completely invincible frames 1~46
  |damage=195,107x18<br>(2014 18-hit, 2121 19-hit)
|invul2=Strike invincible frames 47~53
|invul3=Completely invincible frames 54~109
  |invul=Completely invincible frames 1~46
  |invul2=Strike invincible frames 47~53
  |invul3=Completely invincible frames 54~109
  |description=Starts like the other versions, but then performs her drilling attack, and then another rising attack. Covers an even larger intial area.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Mikoruseo</font>=====
|caption3=EX C Version
|description=A fast, horizontal laser that instantly reaching full screen. It can be good to use while walking forward behind a Lumen Stella. Inputting [3] also works to keep you stationary and mask your charge. Stops Vatista's movement when used in the air and even allows her an air action after its use. 53F charge.
  |description=A fast, horizontal laser that instantly reaches full screen. It can be good to use while walking forward behind a Lumen Stella. Stops Vatista's movement when used in the air and even allows her an air action after its use.
*53F charge
|description=Similar to the A version, but this hits at an upward 30° angle. Air version hits at a downward 30° angle. 53F charge.
|damage=200,148x9(1532 all-hits)
|invul=Throw invincible frames 1~3
  |description=Similar to the A version, but this hits at an upward 30° angle for the grounded version. Air version hits at a downward 30° angle.
*53F charge
  |subtitle=EX Multi-hit
  |damage=200,148x9(1532 all-hits)
|description=Not much more damaging than a regular beam, but pretty advantageous on block if you want to spend the meter for it. Otherwise mostly used for VO combos or punishing projectiles fullscreen. 53F charge.
  |invul=Throw invincible frames 1~3
  |description=A slightly stronger horizontal laser. Plus on block, so it has some use to make specials safe. Mostly used for VO combos or punishing projectiles fullscreen. While in Vorpal, the A and B versions can be cancelled into this version without charging. After the aerial version, Vatista can perform additional air actions afterward.
*53F charge
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Transvoranse</font>=====
|caption2=B/C Version Kick
|damage=300,246x4<br>(1284 low usage)
  |damage=300,246x4<br>(1284 5 hits)
|active=Until land+3
  |active=until land+3
|description=Vatista's drill kick. The A drill is mostly a combo tool, but it can be used for sudden, unexpected dives if you have the charge, even though it doesn't hit overhead. 43F charge, which is coincidentally just about the amount of time it takes Vatista to complete a jump.
  |description=A diving drill attack. Thiis version is mostly a combo tool, but it can be used for sudden, unexpected dives if you have the charge.
*43F charge
  |damage=350,287x4<br>(1498 5-hits)
  |active=until land+3(20)6
  |description=Has much slower startup, but it hits overhead. If you're able to hide the charge in another jump or move, you can use it as an instant overhead. You can do a high-low mixup between j.C > [8]2B and j.C > 2C. Ends in a kick that launches the enemy toward the wall and can then combo afterwards.
*43F charge
  |subtitle=EX Multi-part
  |damage=245,193x11<br>(2368 12-hits)
  |invul=Completely invincible frames 1~3
  |invul2=Strike invincible frames 4~until land
  |description=A super drill that does more hits the higher Vatista is on the screen - it works well with her force function. Ends in same way as the B version, but Vatista kicks twice.
*43F charge
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Deus Fragmentum</font>=====
|damage=350,287x4<br>(1498 low usage)
|active=Until land+3(20)6
|description=A much slower drill kick, but it hits overhead to make up for it. If you're able to hide the charge in another jump, you can use it as an instant overhead. You can do a high-low mixup between j.C > [8]2B and j.C > 2C. Ends in a small kick that launches the enemy toward the wall, which Vatista can combo off of. 43F charge.
|damage=245,193x11<br>(1596 low usage)
|description=A super drill kick that does more hits the higher Vatista is on the screen - it works well with her FF. Has invulnerability until hitting the ground. Ends in a wall slam that Vatista can usually combo from, but the enemy may be able to tech out before that final hit in longer combos. Some characters might skip a few hits in certain situations, but Hilda and Eltnam will drop out of the move entirely. 43F charge.
|invul=Completely invincible frames 1~3
|invul2=Strike invincible frames 4~until land
|name=Deus Fragmentum<br>「シデウスフラグメンツム」
|name=Deus Fragmentum
|caption=Stand Set
|caption2=Crouch Set
|caption3=Air Set
|version=Ground Set
  |subtitle=Ground Set
|version=Air Set
  |subtitle=Air Set
|damage=150,112x4,499(1484 all-hits)
  |description=Same as the grounded version, but Vatista sets the gem around waist level slightly closer to her.
|description=Vatista sets a bit on the field by holding any button and then releasing it. The bit will explode on contact with any of her moves, even including Veil Off. Very threatening in neutral and easily leads to 3-4k combos off of errant explosions. An absolutely essential tool for both her pressure and high damage combos as well, difficult as they may seem to perform.<br>Vatista sets the bits at different angles based on whether she's standing, crouching, or airborne. The bits function exactly the same no matter what button is released to set them, but releasing a button of an already released bit will replace the old one (as such, she can only have three out at once). All bits disappear if Vatista is hit/grabbed (even if she techs).<br>Any normal can be cancelled into a set on release, but it's very unsafe to do so if you space improperly/get predictable with your blockstrings. 61F charge.
  |version=Attack Fragment
  |damage=1484 6-hits
  |description=Vatista sets a gem in front of her.
*When any of Vatista's hitboxes connect with a gem, they will detonate.
*Each version sets the gem at a different angle.
*Only 1 gem can be set per button for a max of 3 on screen. Using the same button again will replace the gem that was placed with that button.
*All gems disappear if Vatista is hit or grabbed (even if she techs).
*An absolutely essential tool for both her pressure and high damage combos as well.
*Any normal can be cancelled into a gem set on release, but it will leave Vatista at frame disadvantage.
*61F charge.
=====<font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Satelus Trianglum</font>=====
|name=Satelus Trianglum<br>「サーテレス トリアングルム」
|name=Satelus Trianglum
|input=]X[ after using 3 gems in a combo
|subtitle=サーテレス トリアングルム
|description=Can only be used after already using 3 gems previous in the same combo, Vatista creates a small explosion around her.
  |description=Vatista creates a small explosion around her.
*Can only be used after detonating 3 gems previously in the same combo.
==Super Moves==
==Infinite Worth==
===Infinite Worth===
|name=Lateus Orbis
|name=Lateus Orbis<br>「ラクテウスオルビス」
|damage=234,92x27,224(3066 all-hits)
  |damage=234,92x27,224<br>(3066 all-hits)
|description=A giant beam. Since it's not a charge move, you can use it at any time to punish any whiff from anywhere on the screen if you want to spend 200%. Has plenty of invincibility, too.
  |invul=Completely invincible frames 1~147
  |invul=Completely invincible frames 1~147
  |description=Vatista fires a long-lasting, giant beam.
*Since it's not a charge move, you can use it at any time to punish any whiff from anywhere on the screen if you want to spend 200%.
===Infinite Worth EXS===
==Infinite Worth EXS==
  |description=Vatista makes whole pillars of lasers.
|description=Vatista makes whole pillars of lasers. Will usually do less damage than her normal Infinite Worth at the end of a lengthy combo, so use that instead.
  |invul=Completely invincible frames 1~26
Vatista has relatively few optimal combo routes, but many ways to reach them - you don't need to take screen position into account so much as you do starters/hitstun proration.
Vatista's combos will generally follow a Starter > Aerial > Landing > Ender pattern. Familiarize yourself with her various routes so you can switch mid-combo when necessary.
===Combo Starters===
These starters all take the place of 2C > 5C in the above 2C combo.
'''5A/2A > 2C > 5C'''
*Hey, it's what we know and love. Just make sure you don't use 5/2B in between 5/2A and 2C.
'''5B/2B > 2C > 5C'''
*If you're careful that these don't whiff, they work great. 5[B] also works as a blockstring starter - 5[B] > 2C > 5C gives you time to confirm if you want to jC 5C on hit or release a Fragmentum on block. Alternatively, Reverse Beat to 5A, 5B (assuming you started 2B), 5AA (if you're close), etc.
'''j.B/j.C > 2C > 5C'''
*Jump-ins. What else can you say? If you use these off of an Assault, you'll need to use the '''j.B > (j.A >) [8]2A''' aerial route to get a Fragmentum combo.
'''66C > [4]6A > 2C > 5C'''
*If you hold 6 during all of 66C, it'll become a 4 on crossup and give you a [4]6A. Unprepared opponents may also block the 66C and not expect the crossed up [4]6A, still granting you the combo. If you don't cross up, you can burn Vorpal with '''66C > FF > CS > 5C'''.
'''5C > FF > CS > 5C'''
*Useful if Vatista is too far away for 2C to punish in time, you want to CS for some meter, or you just weren't expecting to start with 5C. '''5C > 2C > 5B''' can work for the latter as well if you don't have CS. '''5C > 2C > FF > CS''' > Aerial will do slightly more damage, but works at shorter distances.
'''66B (ch) > 2C > 5C'''
*66B knocks the opponent down on counterhit, meaning you can follow up with this.
===Aerial Routes===
These all come after 5C in the standard Fragmentum combo and are more or less replaceable.
'''j.[B] > j.C > [8]2A'''
*Basic air combo. Works.
'''j.[B] > j.C > land > j.A > [8]2A'''
*The land > jA is important here in increasing the range at which Vatista can hit with [8]2A, thereby increasing the range at which she can combo from. Allows you to get more hits out of j.C and [8]2A, so it arguably does the most damage, too.
'''j.[B] > [8]2A'''
*Useful if you're worried about your hitstun proration - it lets you land full Fragment combos off of Assault j.B or j.C and is essential for reaching the double laser landing route explained further down. Fairly hard to pull off though, since the j.[B] must be done as late as possible on top of requiring you to charge [8] during the startup of 5C. You can use '''j.[B] > j.A > [8]2A''' or '''j.A > j.[B] > [8]2A''' for a bit more leniency on the timing with little apparent change to the hitstun proration.
'''j.A > j.B > j.C > land > j.A > j.B > [8]2A'''
*Yeah, she can still do this. You won't be able to get a Fragment combo off of this, though. You'll usually go for this off of 5A anti-air, like in the [8]2B > 66C > 5A combo.
'''j.C > land > j.A > j.[B] > [8]2A'''
*Only usable when j.C is done on the falling portion of Vatista's jump, and as such isn't usable off of your standard starters. It is usable for routes involving aerial CS ([2]8B > CS, FF > CS) as well as random j.C hits against airborne opponents. In the latter case, you may be better off using '''j.C > 5C > j.A > j.B > [8]2A''' to ensure it hits against opponents low to the ground for similar damage.
===Landing Routes===
The all are assumed to come after an aerial [8]2A. Any combo with 2]B[ assumes that you were already holding B before entering this route.
'''2A / 2C > 2B'''
*Basic landing route that can't lead into anything other than [2]8X. Based on your combo's proration, 2C may drop, requiring you to use 2A instead.
'''2[C] > 2]B[ > 2A > 2B > 2]C[ > [6]4B'''
*The standard Fragmentum landing route. Get familiar with this, as this route is essential to reaching Vatista's optimal damage output.
'''2[C] > 2]B[ > 2A > 2B > 2]C['''
*Same as the above, but time the 2]C[ release such that the second Fragmentum is popped by the first's explosion. Used primarily when you open with a Fragmentum, but also useful when one of your combos happens to run through a Fragmentum you previously set up.
'''2[C] > 2]B[ > 2A > [6]4A > 2]C[ > [6]4A/B'''
*The double laser route - it does slightly more damage, but it's a bit more difficult to pull off both in terms of execution and proration - there's a larger gap between 2A > [6]4A than 2A > 2B, so hitstun proration makes this combo impossible sooner than the single laser variant. To reach this route, you'll need to use a good starter and either the '''j.B > (j.A >) [8]2A''' or '''j.C > land > j.A > j.B''' aerial routes.
===Combo Finishers===
'''[2]8B / [2]8C'''
*[2]8B midscreen downs the opponent far away, but allows you enough time to set up a projectile, Fragmentum or Assault to gain GRD. [2]8 midscreen leaves the opponent about 1.5 character lengths away with much less time to set up anything. [2]8B in the corner puts Vatista at a perfect distance to start the repeated Fragmentum string, or just general Fragmentum oki. [2]8C in the corner puts you almost point blank to the opponent with little time to set up.
'''j.C > FF > [8]2C'''
*Usable in combos after an opponent has been hit by the second (or more) Fragmentum. Holding [8] during FF drags the opponent upward, letting you get more hits out of [8]2C. It (usually) does more damage than a [2]8C ender, but keep in mind that if this is ending a full combo, the wall slam will almost always be impossible to combo from - that is, if they don't tech out before [8]2C's final hit (you're safe either way).
'''j.C > [8]2A'''
*Any aerial sequence (jC jB jA, jB jC, etc.) into A drill after a second Fragmentum more or less works. A meterless ender that does similar/slightly more damage than [2]8B and ends with better oki positioning midscreen. Generally a 2]B[ or 2]C[ crystal is released after the A drill, but keep in mind that like all Frag setups midscreen, backtech avoids everything.
===Basic Combos===
:5A > 5B > 2C > 5C > j.B > j.C > [8]2A > 2C > 2B > [2]8B (2537)
:* Basic ground combo that gets you used to [8]2A and 2C OTG. Still a useful route to go to later on if you feel your starter has prorated your combo too much (Assault, especially).
:5A > 5B > 2C > 5C > j.[B] > j.C > [8]2A > 2C > 2]B[ > [2]8B (2693)
:* Slightly stronger and more complicated ground combo. Uses a single Fragment to get you used to comboing with them.
:5A (anti-air) > j.A > j.B > j.C > land > j.A > j.B > j.C > [8]2A > 2C > 2B > [2]8B (2215)
:* Basic anti-air combo that gets you used to j.C > land > j.A. Can connect off of many other moves, such as anti-air 66B/66C. You may need to replace 2C > 2B with 2A if used in a longer combo due to proration.
===Midscreen Combos===
Damage values indicate base damage. "+" values indicate bonus damage from Vorpal (CS combos only). Note that slight changes in timing can change the amount of hits your moves do, so expect values to vary in practice.
:(2A/ 5B/ j.B/ j.C >) 2C > 5C > j.[B] > j.C > land > j.A > [8]2A > 2[C] > 2]B[ > 2A > 2B > 2]C[ > [6]4B > ([2]8B (3240) / [2]8C (4059) / j.C > [8]2A (3308) / j.C > FF > [8]2C (4075))
:*The standard Fragment combo. The button holding required to use Fragments mid-combo may seem difficult, but they're no big deal once you get the motions into your muscle memory. The 2C and 2A OTGs are a little strict, however - hitstun proration can ruin this combo easily if you're not careful with your starter or don't get a counter-hit (though the '''j.[B] > [8]2A''' aerial route will make up for the former). Still, there are a LOT of starters not listed that can get to this route. The damage for [2]8B/C assumes you do it after [6]4B - it's difficult, but you can swap it for 2B instead for less damage.
:(5B >) 2C > 5C > 5FF(whiff) > 9FF > CS > j.C > land >  j.A > j.[B] > [8]2A > 2[C] > 2]B[ > 2A > [6]4A > 2]C[ > [6]4A > ([2]8B (3973+162) / [2]8C (4923+162) / j.C > [8]2A (4040+162) / j.C > FF > [8]2C (4796+162))
:*A CS version. The trick is to whiff the grounded 5FF, but hold 9 to make the second (airborne) portion hit. This uses the double laser landing route for additional damage.
:Explosion > 5C > j.[B] > j.C > land > j.A > [8]2A > 2[C] > 2]B[ > 2A > 2B > 2]C[ > ([2]8B (3171) / [2]8C (4127) / j.C > [8]2A (3262))
:*Standard Fragment combo that takes into account the fact that the opponent will tech after the first mid-combo Fragment by releasing the second mid-combo Fragment before they're knocked out of the first one's explosion. For the jC > [8]2A ender, you need to time the second Fragment's so it explodes from the first one's explosion - for either [2]8 ender, you can get away with being a little late since the Flash Kick will pop it.
All damage values assume the drill portion of [8]2B hits only once before the kick, as an instant overhead should.
:[8]2B > 66C > 5A > j.A > j.B > j.C > land > j.A > j.B > [8]2A > 2C > 2B > [2]8B (2629) / [2]8C (3240)
:*Standard meterless combo from 66C. Hitstun proration makes 2C > 2B a bit difficult to connect from [8]2A, so you can use 2A instead.
:[8]2B > 66C > FF > CS > j.C > land > j.A > j.B > [8]2A > 2C > 2B > [2]8B (2895+174) / [2]8C (3506+174)
:*A CS conversion for 0/100% bar.
:[2]8B > CS > 66 (delay) j.C > land > j.A > j.[B] > [8]2A > 2[C] > 2]B[ > 2A > [6]4A > 2]C[ > [6]4A > ([2]8B (3644+152) / [2]8C (4416+152) / j.C > [8]2A (3629+152) / j.C > FF > [8]2C (4385+152))
:*Yes, Vatista can combo off of Flash Kick with CS. You'll need to delay the j.C after the CS > 66 to let j.A hit.
===Corner Combos===
:[8]2[B] > 2[C] > 2]B[ > 2A > 2B > 2]C[ > [6]4B > j.C ([8]2A (2780) / FF > [8]2C (3388))
:*Her standard Fragmentum route, but now in the corner. Just be sure to hold [B] from the beginning. 2C will whiff on Akatsuki, Byakuya, and Chaos.
<!--Check file prefix and add the color name in the text parameter.-->
|Character= Vatista
{{ColorGallery | filePrefix=Vatista-| colors=
|Color1= Mars Black
{{ColorGallery/Color|1| text=Mars Black}}
|Color2= Lion Falls
{{ColorGallery/Color|2| text=Lion Falls}}
|Color3= Murder Dolls
{{ColorGallery/Color|3| text=Murder Dolls}}
|Color4= Aurora Blue
{{ColorGallery/Color|4| text=Aurora Blue}}
|Color5= Aureolin
{{ColorGallery/Color|5| text=Aureolin}}
|Color6= Classic White
{{ColorGallery/Color|6| text=Classic White}}
|Color7= Luminous Pink
{{ColorGallery/Color|7| text=Luminous Pink}}
|Color8= Fallen Leaves
{{ColorGallery/Color|8| text=Fallen Leaves}}
|Color9= Chromium Green
{{ColorGallery/Color|9| text=Chromium Green}}
|Color10= Crimson Lake
{{ColorGallery/Color|10| text=Crimson Lake}}
|Color11= Lila Colina
{{ColorGallery/Color|11| text=Lila Colina}}
|Color12= Azul Agua
{{ColorGallery/Color|12| text=Azul Agua}}
|Color13= Regalo Tierra
{{ColorGallery/Color|13| text=Regalo Tierra}}
|Color14= Freddo Aria
{{ColorGallery/Color|14| text=Freddo Aria}}
|Color15= Grass Fairy
{{ColorGallery/Color|15| text=Grass Fairy}}
|Color16= Donner Geist
{{ColorGallery/Color|16| text=Donner Geist}}
|Color17= Black Magic
{{ColorGallery/Color|17| text=Black Magic}}
|Color18= Knospe Gardenie
{{ColorGallery/Color|18| text=Knospe Gardenie}}
|Color19= Rain Stream
{{ColorGallery/Color|19| text=Rain Stream}}
|Color20= Flor Ciruela
{{ColorGallery/Color|20| text=Flor Ciruela}}
|Color21= Cassata Al Forno
{{ColorGallery/Color|21| text=Cassata Al Forno}}
|Color22= Moonshine Blue
{{ColorGallery/Color|22| text=Moonshine Blue}}
|Color23= Vento Aureo
{{ColorGallery/Color|23| text=Vento Aureo}}
|Color24= Angelic Gospel
{{ColorGallery/Color|24| text=Angelic Gospel}}
|Color25= Cyber Fairy
{{ColorGallery/Color|25| text=Cyber Fairy}}
|Color26= Blitzschlag
{{ColorGallery/Color|26| text=Blitzschlag}}
|Color27= Mystic Doll
{{ColorGallery/Color|27| text=Mystic Doll}}
|Color28= Antique Luxury
{{ColorGallery/Color|28| text=Antique Luxury}}
|Color29= Modern Gloom
{{ColorGallery/Color|29| text=Modern Gloom}}
|Color30= Fairy Tale
{{ColorGallery/Color|30| text=Fairy Tale}}
==External Links==
<!--List any information documents, like primers or FAQs here in bullet form-->
*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dU8NiAJQ0dGA2VYCFcnToRhnJFYH636Lq2Sxx5B1yvs/edit #vatista Discord pins] by Various Contributors
[[Category:Under Night In-Birth Exe:Latest]]
[[Category:Under Night In-Birth Exe:Latest]]

Revision as of 21:14, 2 January 2020

She serves. A pawn that sleeps eternally. A puppet with no will to call her own. Her master,
nowhere to be seen. There is but one directive that resonates to this day -- the end of
peace is the beginning of war. To destroy the Voids once and for all.


~Coming soon~


~Coming soon~

Character Stats

Template:CharacterData-Infobox-UNIST Template:AttackDataHeader-UNI/Tooltips/Infobox

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
160 H,L N,SP,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 3 12 20 -3 -

A quick wing swipe. Has very good range and startup for a 5A. Useful for rebeats and converting into air combos.

5B Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
422 H,L N,SP,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 9 18 38 -2 -

Vatista spins two of wings in a circle. Hits twice. Mostly a combo tool.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
415 H,L (N),SP,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
3 6 25 33 -8 -

Follow-up after 5B, even on whiff. Vatista continues to spin her wings and releases a tiny shockwave. Will hit twice. The shockwave can be used to activate gems right out of 5B range, especially standing gems. Can be used as a risky, back-up anti-air if [2]8X charge isn't available.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
690 H,L N,SP,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 5 22 38 -11 -

Long reach stab with all of Vatista's wings. Very versatile since it can be used used for neutral, combos, pressure, and just activating gems. Can be used as a risky, back-up anti-air if [2]8X charge isn't available.

Crouching Normals

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
140 H,L N,SP,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 3 12 20 -3 -

Crouching wing swipe similar to 5A. Is not able to activate gems. Useful for rebeats. Cannot be used to detonate gems.

2B Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
399 H,L N,SP,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 9 29 47 -13 -

Crouching version of 5B. Can be used as a risky, back-up anti-air if [2]8X charge isn't available.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
418 H,L SP,EX,CS,? - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
3 6 25 33 -8 -

Crouching version of 5BB. This version will cause a wallbounce if close enough to a wall. Unlike 5BB, it does not have the range to active standing gems.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
621 L N,SP,EX,CS - - Foot
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 13 24 46 -16~-6 -

Vatista slides 4 wings in a wheel far along the ground sweeping the opponent. Very good way to start combos, especially when followed by 5C. One of Vatista's few lows. Vatista is not affect by hitstop during this move.

Air Normals

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
140 H,AS N,SP,EX,CS - - Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 3 21
[2 on landing]
29 Varies -

A jumping kick. Mostly used as a combo tool or air-to-air.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
410 H,AS N,SP,EX,CS - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 6 18
[3 on landing]
34 Varies -

Vatista slashes her wings forward. Has a large hitbox and hits overhead, making it a good air-to-ground tool.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
170x3(478 3-hit) H,L,AS N,SP,EX,CS - - Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 10 8
[4 on landing]
29 Varies -

Vatista spins with her wings extended around her. Very large horizontal hitbox that can even hit behind her. Can be blocked in either direction, so it does not work as a cross-up. Useful as a jump-in to hide the charge for B Drill, but is prone to being shielded. Cannot be used to detonate gems.

Command Normals

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - N,SP,EX,CS - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - - 32 - -

Vatista hops backward and floats in the air briefly. Gives her some tricky movement options, as well as the ability to hold a charge in the air without moving.

Dash Moves

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
650 H,L SP,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 2 12 23 -2 -

A spinning kick with deceptively few active frames. Has a solid vertical hitbox, so it can be used as a risky, back-up anti-air if [2]8X charge isn't available. On grounded counter hit, the opponent goes into a tumble state.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
190,148x5 (930 6-hit) H,L SP,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 18 20 49 -5 -

Vatista charges forward while spinning her wings and can pass through the opponent. Will only hit all 6 hits if spaced correctly. It can be cancelled into FF~4 on block to make it safe or FF/[4]6A on crossup for a combo.

Universal Mechanics

Force Function

アルマ ベルム
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
845 H,L SP,{EX},{CS} - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 3(3)2(5)6 14 42 -4 -
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1365 H,L {EX},{CS} - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 5(13)16 17 60 -6 -
Float 10-Hits
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1545 H,L {EX},{CS} - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 5(10)14(2)4 [14 on landing] 68 -x~-24 -
Crouching 2-Hits
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
787 L {EX},{CS} - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 17 18 46 -3 -
Air 4-Hits
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
499 H,L {EX},{CS} - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 6(2)4 18
[9 on landing]
51 -x~-12 -
Air 11-Hits
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1290 H,L {EX},{CS} - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 16(5)14(2)4 18
[14 on landing]
97 ~x~-24 Destroys 1 Projectile per hitbox during Standing and Air active frames

Vatista fires short energy beams from her fingertips.

  • Can be cancelled into from any normal.
  • During the standing and air versions, she can move in any direction and can cancel out projectiles.
  • Standing increase version can start floating if up is held.
  • While in the air on hit, it drags the opponent with her on.
  • Crouching version hits low.


Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1580 UNB - - - Throw
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 1 22 26 +37(hit) -

Launches the opponent to the wall.

Guard Thrust

Guard Thrust
Guard Thrust
[[File:{{{image}}} | 175x250px | center|class=lazyimg]]
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid - Launch 100 EXS, GRD Break Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 5 26 45 -12 1~15 Full,
16~45 Full on hit
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid - Launch Vorpal Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 5 26 42 -12 1~15 Full,
16~45 Full on hit

Blows the opponent away on hit.

  • Usable only during blockstun.
  • Generally better to use while in Vorpal as it's faster and costs less resources.

Veil Off

Veil Off
Veil Off
[[File:{{{image}}} | 175x250px | center|class=lazyimg]]
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid, Air - Launch, Wall Bounce, GRD Break 100+ EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 2 [7 (3 on hit) on landing] 58 (54 on hit) -13 1~30 Full
Full Charge
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid, Air - Launch, Wall Bounce, GRD Break 100+ EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
68 2 [7 (2 on hit) on landing] 108 (103 on hit) -14 1~91 Full

Universal reversal that blows the opponent back on hit.

  • Airborne: 1~52, Standing: 53~59.
    • For Full Charge version: Airborne: 1~101, Standing: 102~108.
  • Requires at least 100 meter and puts you in Veil Off state which grants 20% more damage, but drains your meter at a slow rate.
  • Meter drains much slower when health is below 30% (orange health).
  • You can hold down A+B+C to delay activation and gain a few extra benefits, but doing so is highly unrecommended unless trying to run the clock as this move already has a long start up as is.
Cross Cast
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid, Air - Launch 100+ EXS, Vorpal Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
2 4 20 25 +3 1~19 Full

Cancels an action and launches the opponent high into the air on hit.

  • Airborne: 1~25.
  • CVO cancel is treated the same as EX cancel, you can only CVO when you can EX and the opponent is in hit/blockstun.
    • Including in the air.
  • Requires at least 100 meter and consumes vorpal state and drains meter at a fast rate.
  • Has a lot of hitstun, making it easy to combo from.
  • Grants an additional bounce if both have been used in the combo so far.
    • If the opponent does end up hitting the ground during the combo, damage is prorated.
  • Pressing A+B+C can be used for a shortcut for Infinite Worth.
  • Used mostly as a way to tack on extra damage, or to reliably close out the round.

Special Moves

Stella Lumen
Stella Lumen
A Version
A Version
B Version
B Version
EX C Version
EX C Version
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
819 H,L,A {EX},{CS} - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
21 128(max) - 39 +8~+x -

Fires a slow moving projectile. It's slow enough to be followed into battle, making it an effective approach tool. Disappears if Vatista is hit.

  • 53 frame charge
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
819 H,L,A {EX},{CS} - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
19 26(max) - 51 -6~+x -

Fires a much faster moving projectile that pushes Vatista back on the ground. Not as effective as [6]4A laser, but it's nice to have the option when you have a [4] charge. Disappears if Vatista is hit. Vatista's hitbox isn't actually crouching during startup.

  • 53 frame charge
EX Multi-hit
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
(1236 on CS)
H,L,A {CS} - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
38 44 - 67 +68~+x -

A very large and very slow, multi-hitting projectile takes time to release. Travels slowly forward up and down. Can reverse a neutral situation if you get it out safely and follow it into battle, but it disappears if Vatista is hit. Has no hitbox until released. Can be released earlier by cancelling the startup with chainshift, but loses some damage and instead bounces along the ground.

  • 53 frame charge
Stella Lumen (Air)
Stella Lumen (Air)
A Version
A Version
B Version
B Version
EX C Version
EX C Version
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
819 H,L,A {EX},{CS} - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 128(max) 29
[0 on landing]
42 -3 -

Similar to the grounded version projectile, but Vatista floats backward after use. The projectile travels diagonally towards the ground then travels horizontally.

  • 53 frame charge
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
819 H,L,A {EX},{CS} - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 37(max) 29
[0 on landing]
42 -3 -

Similar to the A version, but much faster.

  • 53 frame charge
EX Multi-hit
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
(1236 on CS)
H,L,A {CS} - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
36 - 23 59 +75~+x -

The same as the grounded version, but in the air.

  • 53 frame charge
Luvel Angelus
Luvel Angelus
A/B Version
A/B Version
EX C Version
EX C Version
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
(1530 all-hits)
H,L (CS) - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 3(3)8 33 50 -16 Completely invincible frames 1~4,
Strike invincible frames 5~17

A rising attack with all of Vatista's wings. Effective reversal when you have [2] charge. Will whiff opponents directly above Vatista.

  • 53 frame charge
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
(1811 all-hits)
H,L (CS) - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 3(3)8 44 61 -26 Completely invincible frames 1~4,
Strike invincible frames 5~17

Similar to the A version, but covers more area diagonal distance. On hit, will end by spiking the opponent to the ground and Vatista can perform aerial actions afterward.

  • 53 frame charge
EX Multi-part
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
(2014 18-hit, 2121 19-hit)
H,L/H,L,A/H,L (CS) - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 3(3)8(16)13(7)3(3)10 54 123 -46 Completely invincible frames 1~46,
Strike invincible frames 47~53,
Completely invincible frames 54~109

Starts like the other versions, but then performs her drilling attack, and then another rising attack. Covers an even larger intial area.

EX C Version
EX C Version
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1250 H,L,A {EX},{CS} - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 5 25 43 -3 -
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1250 H,L,A {EX},{CS} - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 5 27
[0 on landing]
45 -x~-5 -

A fast, horizontal laser that instantly reaches full screen. It can be good to use while walking forward behind a Lumen Stella. Stops Vatista's movement when used in the air and even allows her an air action after its use.

  • 53F charge
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1250 H,L,A {EX},{CS} - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 5 22 41 ±0 -
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1250 H,L,A {EX},{CS} - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
17 5 42
[0 on landing]
63 -x~-20 -

Similar to the A version, but this hits at an upward 30° angle for the grounded version. Air version hits at a downward 30° angle.

  • 53F charge
EX Multi-hit
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
200,148x9(1532 all-hits) H,L,A (CS) - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 25 29 61 +7 Throw invincible frames 1~3
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1450 H,L,A (CS) - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 25 27
[0 on landing]
59 -x~+11 -

A slightly stronger horizontal laser. Plus on block, so it has some use to make specials safe. Mostly used for VO combos or punishing projectiles fullscreen. While in Vorpal, the A and B versions can be cancelled into this version without charging. After the aerial version, Vatista can perform additional air actions afterward.

  • 53F charge
B/C Version Kick
B/C Version Kick
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
(1284 5 hits)
H,L,A (CS) - - Dive
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 until land+3 18 22 +2 -

A diving drill attack. Thiis version is mostly a combo tool, but it can be used for sudden, unexpected dives if you have the charge.

  • 43F charge
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
(1498 5-hits)
H/H,L {EX},{CS} - - Dive
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 until land+3(20)6 22 51 -7 -

Has much slower startup, but it hits overhead. If you're able to hide the charge in another jump or move, you can use it as an instant overhead. You can do a high-low mixup between j.C > [8]2B and j.C > 2C. Ends in a kick that launches the enemy toward the wall and can then combo afterwards.

  • 43F charge
EX Multi-part
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
(2368 12-hits)
H,L,A (CS) - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 19(12)5(28)7 18 Varies -1 Completely invincible frames 1~3,
Strike invincible frames 4~until land

A super drill that does more hits the higher Vatista is on the screen - it works well with her force function. Ends in same way as the B version, but Vatista kicks twice.

  • 43F charge
Deus Fragmentum
Deus Fragmentum
Stand Set
Stand Set
Crouch Set
Crouch Set
Air Set
Air Set
Ground Set
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - - 26 - -
Air Set
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - [0 on landing] 32 - -

Same as the grounded version, but Vatista sets the gem around waist level slightly closer to her.

Attack Fragment
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1484 6-hits H,L,A - - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 4,4,4,4,(3),3,3 - - - -

Vatista sets a gem in front of her.

  • When any of Vatista's hitboxes connect with a gem, they will detonate.
  • Each version sets the gem at a different angle.
  • Only 1 gem can be set per button for a max of 3 on screen. Using the same button again will replace the gem that was placed with that button.
  • All gems disappear if Vatista is hit or grabbed (even if she techs).
  • An absolutely essential tool for both her pressure and high damage combos as well.
  • Any normal can be cancelled into a gem set on release, but it will leave Vatista at frame disadvantage.
  • 61F charge.
Satelus Trianglum
Satelus Trianglum
サーテレス トリアングルム
]X[ after using 3 gems in a combo
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
920 H,L,A {EX},{CS} - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 10 [9 on landing] 70 - -

Vatista creates a small explosion around her.

  • Can only be used after detonating 3 gems previously in the same combo.

Super Moves

Infinite Worth

Lateus Orbis
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
(3066 all-hits)
H,L,A - - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 141 66 218 -33 Completely invincible frames 1~147

Vatista fires a long-lasting, giant beam.

  • Since it's not a charge move, you can use it at any time to punish any whiff from anywhere on the screen if you want to spend 200%.

Infinite Worth EXS

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
3775 Mid, Air - Knockdown 200 EXS, Vorpal or GRD Break Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+15 6 46 67 -25 1~26 Full

Vatista becomes surrounded by a pillar of light which goes into a cinematic on hit.

  • Must have less than 30% health (orange health) to use.
  • After the cinematic, characters will be moved to the middle of the stage, regardless of where they were positioned before.
  • Due to the cost, it is usually not recommended to use this move unless it will kill the opponent.


Mars Black
Lion Falls
Murder Dolls
Aurora Blue
Classic White
Luminous Pink
Fallen Leaves
Chromium Green
Crimson Lake
Lila Colina
Azul Agua
Regalo Tierra
Freddo Aria
Grass Fairy
Donner Geist
Black Magic
Knospe Gardenie
Rain Stream
Flor Ciruela
Cassata Al Forno
Moonshine Blue
Vento Aureo
Angelic Gospel
Cyber Fairy
Mystic Doll
Antique Luxury
Modern Gloom
Fairy Tale

External Links
